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    M1U1 School life in the UK GRAMMAR AND USAGE教学设计.docx

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    M1U1 School life in the UK GRAMMAR AND USAGE教学设计.docx

    M1U1 School life in the UK GRAMMAR AND USAGE教学设计M1U1 School Life in UK GRAMMAR AND USAGE attributive clauses教学设计 一、 教学课型:语法课 二、 教材分析: 本节课是译林版高中英语模块一Unit1 School Life in UK的第一课时。课型是语法课,内容是介绍定语从句的基本知识。本节课,我改变以前传统的英语语法教学,采用我的学校生活这一主题进行情景法教学。通过这节课的学习,学生掌握基本的定语从句知识,如关系代词、关系副词的基本用法。在此基础上,学生能够用简单的定语从句描绘人物、事件、地点和时间。 三、 学情分析: 刚步入高一的学生对英语学习充满了浓厚的兴趣,但他们的兴趣往往是一腔热情,需要正确地引导。因此,我在设计本堂语法课时,从学生感兴趣的熟悉的学校生活入手,让学生在做中学且快乐地学。 四、 教学目标: 1) Describe things,people, places and time using simple attributive clauses. 2) Properly use relative pronouns and relative adverbs in attributive clauses. 3) Show more love in the school. 五、教学重难点: 1、Get students to have a basic knowledge of attributive clauses. 2、Describe things,people,places and time using simple attributive clauses. 六、教学过程: Step 1 Lead in 1. show the following riddles and ask students to guess what they are. 1) Its a tool which/that teachers used to write with. 2) Its a bag which/that is always filled with books, pens and so on. 3) He is the person who/that is in charge of our school. 4) He is the person who/that takes care of the plants and flowers. 2. Test studentsmemory through presenting the four sentences above without the relative words and lead in the topic people attributive clauses School events School things places 以猜谜语的活动导入,活跃了课堂气氛又恰当的引入了本节课的主题我的学校生活背景下的定语从句。 Step2 The attributive clauses 1. Describing people Show pictures of the famous people from our school: Deng Xiuxin ;Wang Yougui;Zhang Chaojin; and guide students to describe them using attributive clauses. The suggested answers: Deng Xiuxin is the first doctor who/that works on the pomology(果树学). Wang Yougui is a great composer who/that composed the song“春天的故事”. Zhang Chaojin is a major genearalwho/that comes from Tiantang Village. 选取学生耳熟能详的学校名人,如邓秀新、张超金,引导学生选取关键词用定语从句来描述。 2.Describing places 1) Match the places with their introductions. The library a place where/in which we have P.E class. The dining room a place where/ in which a lot of books are stored. The playground a place where/in which we sit to have dinner together. 2) Complete the following introductions about places. Teachersoffices are the places _they work. No.4 middle school is a place _we study. The library is a place_store a lot of books for readers. The computer room is a place _we learn the knowledge about computer. 先让学生感知定语从句描述的学校各个地方,接着让学生观察并模仿。 3. Introducing school events(time) 1) Show two pictures about school events and let students guess them. Its a day when/on which we start new semester.-September 1st Its a day when/on which we give blessings to all teachers.-Teachersday 2) Ask students to describe the big days shown by pictures. Childrens Day April Fools Day New Years Day Arbor Day 教师节,九月一号,儿童节都是学生非常熟悉的重要日期,让学生通过猜谜语的形式接触描述时间的定语从句,接着让学生仿照描述愚人节,元旦节,植树节等。 Step3 Summarize 1. Ask students to fill in the following chart Noun A thing A person A place A day A day A place Structure of the attributive clause Which/that Who/that/whom Where/in which When/on which Which/that Which/that 让学生自己总结描述学校生活所用到的六种定语从句的结构及它们的差异性。 2. Tell idiom stories in groups. 1) Tell the story with the help of the pictures 2) Use 2 or 3 attributive clauses in proper places. 3) When one group tell the story, other groups are expected to guess the idiom and count attributive clauses. 让学生以小组为单位,运用表格所示的定语从句的结构,描述励志型的成语故事。这一活动旨在巩固所学的知识,让学生happy to learn 且do to learn。学习知识之余,也有励志的效果。 Step4 Homework Write down two of the idiom stories in the exercises books. 让学生把成语故事写出来既提高了学生的书写能力,同时进一步巩固定语从句的知识。 教学设计反思: 1. 本节语法课改变了传统的语法教学,采用主题情景教学法。以我们的学校为主题展开定语从句的教学这一方法极大地提高了学生的兴趣,让学生最大地发挥主观能动性,愿意去描述,愿意去学。 2. 本节课导入部分十分轻松,让学生猜与学校事物有关的谜语,接着再让学生观察用定语从句描述的谜语,过渡自然、合理,激发了学生的兴趣。 3. 兴趣是最好的老师。帮助学生设立一个有趣的情景,在活动中进行学习,让学生轻松容易地学习语法,摆脱语法课的两难局面。 4.经授课基本达到了预期目标。


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