ACT阅读长难句集锦ACT阅读长难句集锦 小编为各位考生整理ACT阅读长难句集锦如下,希望对大家的语法备考有所帮助! 1、In days gone by, when the onlyentertainment in town on a Wednesday night was to go to the county courthouseto listen to a prominent politician give a theatrical tirade against HerbertHoover, an eloquent speaker could pack the courthouse and have five thousandpeople lined up to the railroad tracks listening to the booming loudspeakers. 译文:在过去的岁月,对于这里的人们来说,唯一的乐趣就是在周三晚上去县*听某位著名的政客戏剧性地批判胡佛总统。在那样的日子里,一位口若悬河的演讲者所招来的听众可以使得县*水泄不通,同时使得另外5000人排列在铁路沿线上通过刚流行起来的扩音器收听演讲。 2、Try sometime to explain the intricaciesof a program budget, which basically involves solving a grand equation composedof numerous simultaneous differential functions, to a reporter whose journalismschool curriculum did not include advanced algebra, to say nothing of calculus. 译文:努力跟一个新闻系毕业的记者(其大学专业不包括高级代数,微积分)解释*预算项目的复杂度,这会涉及到由全微分函数构成的大公式。 3、Process and personalities, the waydecisions are made and by whom, the level of perquisites, extramarital sexualrelations, and in high offices, personal gossip dominate the public mind whileinterest in the substance of technical decisions is minimal. 译文:事件过程和人物品格,由谁作出的决定以及方式,特权的程度,婚外情,以及在*高层中的八卦这些都是公众关注的兴趣所在,然而却对*决策的技术本质不感兴趣。 4、When we recognize that in the federalgovernment, with its millions of employees, there are but five hundred andthirty-seven elected officials, put into office to carry out the"will" of a people who for the most part know little and care lessabout the technical functioning of their government, the absurdity of thenotion of rapid democratic responsiveness becomes clear. 译文:当我们意识到联邦*的情况:*雇员有上千万,却只有537位民选官员执行人民的“意愿”。但是,人民对于执行情况知之甚少,甚至并不关心他们*运作的技术层面。因此,认为人民能够做出快速的民主响应行为的理念实为荒谬。 5、I dont wish to deny that the flattened,minuscule head of large-bodied Stegosaurus houses little brain from our subjective,top-heavy perspective, but I do wish to assert that we should not expect moreof the beast. 译文:从我们主观和善变的视角来看,我并不否认剑龙扁平和微小的脑袋里的脑量很少,但是,我却是希望我们不要对这种恐龙期待太多。 6、They knew my mother's slick bargainingskills, and she, in turn, knew how to navigate with grace through their extravagant prices and rehearsed huffiness. 译文:商贩们清楚我妈妈老套的砍价能力,同时,她的确能够在商贩们价格虚高和那种讨价还价的“发怒”中游刃有余。 7、She preferred the improvisation ofhaggling to the conventional certainty of discount coupons, the primordialmessiness and fish mongers' stink of the open-air market to the aroma-freeorder of individually wrapped fillets. 译文:妈妈喜欢即兴的讨价还价的购物方式,而不喜欢商场定下来的打折券;也喜欢那种原生态的农贸市场的混乱和鱼腥味,而不喜欢没有异味的商场里包装好的里脊肉。 8、The most famous section of theDeclaration of Independence, which has become the most quoted statement ofhuman rights in recorded history as well as the most eloquent justification ofrevolution on behalf of them, went through the Continental Congress withoutcomment and with only one very minor change. 译文:这就是独立宣言中的精彩段落,这段文字成了人权历史上被引用次数最多的部分,也成为了所有打着人权的名义进行革命的最好证词,这段文字只被做了微小的改变就通过了大陆会议的审核。 9、All honor to Jeffersonto the man who,in the concrete pressure of a struggle for national independence by a singlepeople, had the coolness, forecaste, and capacity to introduce into a merelyrevolutionary document, an abstract truth, and so to embalm it there, thattoday and in all coming days, it shall be a rebuke and a stumbling block to thevery harbingers of reappearing tyranny and oppression." 译文:对杰佛逊致以最崇高的敬意:为国家的独立,是个人他顶住压力进行奋斗,他在奋斗中所展现的冷静,高贵和能力赋予了这份革命纲领以抽象的真理,并且以此彪炳史册,无论今日还是未来,这都是独裁和压迫者所难以僭越的阻碍。 10、This is an ingeniously double-edgedexplanation, for it simultaneously disavows any claims to originality and yetinsists that he depended upon no specific texts or sources. 译文:这个解释有双面性:一方面否认了其原创性,另一方面坚持其并未参考具体文本和来源。 11、Given the character of the naturalrights section of the Declaration, several generations of American interpretershave felt the irresistible impulse to bathe the scene in speckled light andcloudy mist, thereby implying that efforts to dispel the veil of mysteryrepresent some vague combination of sacrilege and treason. 译文:抛开独立宣言中“天赋人权”的特色部分,好几代阐述独立宣言的美国人感觉到难以克制的冲动要去拨云雾而见青天,由此努力才能去除掉导致亵渎和欺骗感觉的那层神秘面纱。 12、While it seems almost sacrilegious tosuggest that the creative process that produced the Declaration was a cut-and-pastejob, it strains credulity and common sense to the breaking point to believe thatJefferson did not have these items at his elbow and draw liberally from themwhen drafting the Declaration. 译文:如果认为杰佛逊在创作独立宣言的时候只是在黏贴复制的话,这就有些亵渎圣者之嫌,但是这种看法使得信任和共识到了妥协的边界:有人相信杰佛逊在创作独立宣言的时候身边并没有这些资料,所以他没有直接引用。 13、Although television news programshelped focus the country on the rifts that had begun to percolate on campuses,in city streets, and around dining room tables, as a rule entertainmentprogramming avoided conflict and controversy. 译文:虽然电视新闻节目把观众的视线聚焦在矛盾冲突上,这些矛盾冲突开始充斥着校园,街道和人们的茶余饭后,但是作为规则,娱乐节目却不关注冲突和争议。 14、Goethe's color theory, his Farbenlehre(which he regarded as the equal of his entire poetic opus), was, by and large,dismissed by all his contemporaries and has remained in a sort of limbo eversince, seen as the whimsy, the pseudoscience, of a very great poet. 译文:歌德的“色彩论”(他认为此理论可以与他整个诗歌创作成就相提并论),虽然多为世人诟病,而且后来被人遗忘,但是,总而言之也的确是个伟大的“诗作”。 15、Color constancy, for him, was a specialexample of the way in which we achieve perceptual constancy generally, make astable perceptual world from a chaotic sensory fluxa world that would not bepossible if our perceptions were merely passive reflections of theunpredictable and inconstant input that bathes our receptors. 译文:色彩一致性对于他来说看作是人类获取认知一致性的特殊例子,是从一个混乱的感官信息流中获取到一个稳定的认知世界。如果任由那种不确定的不稳定的信息流冲击我们被动的感官的话,那么我们的认知世界就不可能是稳定的。 16、Maxwell He formalized the notions ofprimary colors and color mixing by the invention of a color top (the colors ofwhich fused, when it was spun, to yield a sensation of grey), and a graphicrepresentation with three axes, a color triangle, which showed how any colorcould be created by different mixtures of the three primary colors. 译文:麦克斯威尔通过创造色彩陀螺(当其旋转时,各种颜色混合,产生出灰色感觉)使得“原色”和“混色”成为正式概念,以及创造了一个含有三个轴的图表,或者说叫做色彩三角,可以展示出由三原色混合成的任何色彩的形成过程。 17、These demonstrations, overwhelming intheir simplicity and impact, were color "illusions" in Goethe'ssense, but illusions that demonstrated a neurological truththat colors are not"out there" in the world, nor (as classical theory held) an automaticcorrelate of wavelength, but, rather, are constructed by the brain. 译文:这些极度简单和具有影响力的证明,在歌德的角度,是色彩错觉,但是这些所谓错觉却证明了神经学上的真理:这些色彩并不存在于真实世界,也并非(如传统理论所说)是光线波长的相互关系,却是由人脑构建而成。 18、So she stood listening, in the sameeven breath and heart beat she kept when she spotted the wild pheasants withtheir long, lush tails trailing the grape arbor, picking delicately andgreedily at the unpicked grapes in the early autumn light. 译文:妈妈站立在那里聆听着,屏住呼吸和心跳,就像发现了一只羽毛光鲜的野鸡在葡萄架里穿梭,在秋日的阳光下,贪婪地撷取剩余的葡萄。 19、As to how the Martian valleys we seetoday might have formed without a warm atmosphere, it is suggested that theplanet might have been covered by large expanses of ice and that the heat fromMars' interior could have thawed out hidden channels. 译文:至于说我们今日所见之火星山谷在没有温暖大气层的情况下是如何形成的,它表明这个星球曾经很有可能是被大量的冰所覆盖,而火星内部的热量通过融化作用使得这些山谷沟渠得以成形。 20、Breath held, Hattie watched himseparate himself from the hopefuls and approach the stand, taking his time,moving with what almost seemed a deliberate pause between each Step. 译文:屏住呼吸,海蒂看着他从观众席离开,走近讲台,不急不迫,从容淡定。 21、Everett Payne took his time paying hisrespects to the tune as written, and once that was done, he hunched closer tothe piano, angled his head sharply to the left completely closed the curtain ofhis gaze, and with his hands commanding the length and breadth of the keyboardhe unleashed a dazzling pyrotechnic of chords (you could almost see their colors),polyrhythms, seemingly unrelated harmonies, and ideasfresh, brash, outrageousideas. 译文:埃弗雷特佩恩向曲谱稍稍致敬后就走到钢琴的前面,把脸转向左边,人们看不到他的视线了,他的手就开始在琴键上移动起来,令人眼花缭乱的乐曲(你似乎可以看到音乐的色彩)就释放出来,这乐曲里变奏纷繁,似乎诉说着和谐,新鲜,傲慢,震惊。 22、There's a growing body of grim evidenceto support our belief that the destruction of traditional downtowns and olderneighborhoodsplaces that people care aboutis corroding the very sense ofcommunity that helps bind us together as a people and as a nation. 译文:有越来越多的确凿事实使得我们确信:传统市区和较老邻舍(人们关心的地方)的破坏正腐蚀着社区意识,而这恰恰是团结我们成为一个民族和国家的意识。 23、By prohibiting mixed uses and mandatinginordinate amounts of parking and unreasonable setback requirements, most currentzoning laws make it impossibleeven illegalto create the sort of compactwalkable environment that attracts us to older neighborhoods and historiccommunities all over the world. 译文:通过禁止混合使用和审核过份大的停车场以及不合理的建筑后移需求,大多数现存的区域规划法律明令禁止(或者干脆认为非法)在全球的较老邻舍和历史社区里面兴建步行街以用来吸引游客。 24、Through the decades, filmi have tossedtogether everything from electro to salsa to surf music to funk with vocalsthat hint at ancient Indian traditions; there's a daring shamelessness to theway they steal from and one-up their sources. 译文:几十年以来,电影和众多题材翻云覆雨,从电子音乐到莎莎舞,再到冲浪音乐,到充斥着古印第安音调的乡土爵士乐;用一种无畏的无耻来窃取比他们好的素材。 25、But the spectacle of this man settingout in mid-winter to ride alone over an untracked distance of three thousandmiles, the loyalty of this people, their peril from savages, as well as thecupidity of Great Britain, I count one of the finest on the page of pioneerhistory. 译文:我认为这些都是先辈披露蓝缕的历史上的精彩华章:此人顶着严寒穿越了3000多公里的不毛之地,这些人的忠诚,他们从英国人的粗暴中遭受的苦难。 26、Two wild and strong streams ofhumanity, one from Oregon and the other from California, had glowed inharmoniously,tumultuously, together on and there, down in the deep canon that cleft the wideand wintry valley through the middle, this stream of life stopped, as a riverthat is frozen. 译文:两条狂野汹涌的人文溪流,一条来自俄勒冈另外一条来自加州,在一起显得吵闹而不和谐,并且在两地中间宽阔寒冷地带,那条生命之溪停止了,就像冰封的河流。 27、A Gallup poll recently reported thatalthough most Americans feel compassion for homeless men and women theyencounter on the street, many are puzzled, not knowing how to react to thisgrowing problem that seemed to emerge out of nowhere. 译文:一项最近的盖洛普民意调查显示:尽管大多数美国人在街头遇到流浪汉时感觉到同情,可是,很多人都感觉到迷惑,人们不知道如何面对这个日益严重而原因不明的问题。 28、But many mentally ill homeless alsocome into contact with the criminal justice system as offenders, arrested asthey engage in such illegal activities as trespassing, petty theft,shoplifting, and prostitutionoften crimes of survival under the most desperateof conditions, and a direct result of their mental illness. 译文:很多精神不正常的无家可归人士也触犯了法律,他们被捕是因为犯了诸如入室行窃,小偷小摸,超市偷盗和卖淫的法律,而这些都是因为生活所迫以及他们精神状况的直接结果。 29、Lieutenant Santierra, little more thana boy at the time, and unused as yet to the sanguinary imbecilities of a stateof war, had lingered nearby, as if fascinated by the sight of these men whowere to be shot presently "for an example"as the Commandantehadsaid. 译文:沙迪罗上校那是还是个乳臭未干的小子,看起来还不适应战争的血腥和野蛮,驻足良久,似乎对那些即将被行刑的人很感兴趣,就像司令所说:“引以为戒”。 30、The prisoners crowded towards thewindow, begging their guards for a drop of water; but the soldiers remainedlying in indolent attitudes wherever there was a little shade under a wall, whilethe sentry sat with his back against the door smoking a cigarette, and raisinghis eyebrows philosophically from time to time. 译文:罪犯挤到窗口祈求卫兵给滴水喝;但是士兵们都在墙边慵懒地乘凉,同时,哨兵依靠着墙抽烟,并时不时抬起他“哲学家”的眼神四下里看看。 扫描二维码限时获取免费视频课程。 来源于:时代焦点