0外国专家证办理外国专家证所需材料 Applying for Foreign Expert Certificate 一、须提交材料 1. 登记照5张; 1. 5 passport size photos (3.5cm x 4.5cm with white background), jpg and hard copy; 2. 申请人护照及签证有效页扫描件、复印件(包括护照信息页、签证页及入境章页); 2. Scanning copy & hard copy of passport and visa; the pages with passport information, visa information and entry stamp; 3. 聘请单位关于为XX申请办理外国专家证的申请函; 3. Application letter, offered by the college; 4. 外国专家来华工作许可申请表; 4. Application form, offered by HZAU; 5. 外国专家来华工作许可证存根。 5.stub of Work Permit. 6 申请人最高学位或专业资格证书扫描件、复印件并翻译成中文和英文交使领馆认证; 6. Scanning copy & hard copy of the highest Degree Certificate; a Chinese translation version is needed, and authenticated by the Chinese embassy or consulate; 备注: 1请携带所有证件、证明材料原件来华,报到后学校和相关部门查验原件。 1. The original version of certificates were required after the arrival of applicants. 二、如有家属随行,需提供以下材料: 1. 照片5张; 1. 5 photos 2. 随行家属护照和签证有效页扫描件、复印件; 2. Scanning copy & hard copy of passport and visa; 3. 随行家属与申请人关系证明扫描件、复印件并翻译成中文和英文交使领馆认证; 3. Scanning copy & hard copy of Marriage Certificate or copy of Birth Certificates, a Chinese translation version is needed, and authenticated by the Chinese embassy in your country or consulate。 三、办理流程 1.外籍专家抵校后,每年的3月、9月由聘请单位工作助理将所需材料提交国际合作与交流处专家科,邮箱zhuanjia; 2.国际合作与交流处专家科向湖北省外专局提交材料,完成网申和审核工作; 3.两周后,到外专局领取专家证。 1.The materials should be submitted to zhuanjia and Hubei Provincial Foreign Expert Affairs Bureau in March or September by assistant in the college; 2.The visa application form will be available and be send to applicants in 2 weeks.