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    ,Units16 Revision 第九周,期中复习,学习目标,1:学习单词。2:部分单词简单拓展运用。3:会运用祈使句。,3/10/2023,Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?,1.play the guitar弹吉它弹钢琴,拉小提琴,打鼓,打篮球,下棋2.用speak,say,tell,talk填空:(1).My father _ its useful.(2).Can you _ me about their eating habits?(3).I can _ Chinese well.(4).I can _ with my parents for two hours.,3.join,参加,加入,指参加某人的行列中或某个组织 join us,join the club译:加入游泳俱乐部 加入音乐俱乐部 加入艺术俱乐部 加入英语俱乐部 4,show sth to sb=show sb sth 把某物给/让某人看Eg:给我看看你的书.译:你能让老师看看你的笔记本吗?Can you show_?,5,be good at擅长于,在做的好,at是介词,后可跟名词或动名词,相当于do well in,译:擅长语文 在英语方面做的很好 擅长画画 擅长游泳6,a sports club,意思是“运动俱乐部”名词做定语时候,名词需要用单数形式,只有man,woman,sports,可以用复数形式,eg:许多女工人 五个男教师 运动明星,7,make,“制造”make friends译,make dinner译,make the bed译,还可用于:make sth for sb=make sb sth 给某人做某物 译:给我做风筝 make sb do sth 让/使某人做某事 让学生做作业 让他弹吉他 make me happy 使我开心 使他们开心 使我们轻松 8,teach,意思是“讲授,教”,teach+er=teacher 意思是teach sb sth,教某人某事,教我数学,教他们英语 teach sb to do sth教某人做某事 教我们打鼓 teach sb how to do教某人怎样做某事教她怎样下象棋,9.help 帮忙,帮助(1)help(to)do sth 帮助做某事(2)help sb(to)do sth 帮助某人做某事(3)help sb with sth 在某方面帮助某人(4)help yourself to 随便吃/喝些什么(5)with ones help 在的帮助下-With _(he)help,I can play the guitar well.练一练 1.Mr Zhang often helps us _ our math.2.Can you help kids with swimming?3.Lily often helps him _(learn)English.4 Jim,help _(you)to some apples.10,need 需要 need sth 如:I need money.need to do sth 如:I need_(learn)English every day.need sb/sth to do sth 如:I need_ _ _ a car.我需要钱去买车。,11,good(1)be good with 与相处的好 Are you _ _kids?你与孩子相处的好吗?(2)be good at 擅长 I am good_English=I do well in English.(3)be good for对有好处 Its good_you to learn English.学习英语对你有好处。,3/10/2023,Unit 2 What time do you go to school?,3/10/2023,1.如何询问时间:-Whats the time?=_?-Its six oclock.2.询问日期-Whats the _today?-Its December 9th,2008.3.询问星期几-What _ is it today?-Its Tuesday today.4.Its time _ breakfast.=Its time_ _ breakfast.该吃早饭了。5.I need_in the library.A.a work B.a job C.some job D.some work,3/10/2023,1,6:00 a.m.six oclock in the morning 7:30 p.m.3:15 am 1:58 p.m.4:45 a.m.1:22 p.m.9:45 a.m.5:33 p.m.2.到达学校 _ 到达公园_到达上海_3.到家_到达那里_ 到这儿_4.Peter is a good _and he is good at _.A.running;runner B.runner;runner C.running;running D.runner;running5.Who _ _the classroom?The floor is not _ _.A.cleans;clean B.cleans;cleans C.clean;clean D.clean;cleans,3/10/2023,6,按照事情发生频率排列always 总是.alwaysusually 通常often 经常 sometimes有时 never 从不对这些频率副词提问用 _.7,Exercise“锻炼”,是动词和不可数名词.Eg:1.The old man _every morning.这个老人每天早晨锻炼。2.We students should take much_every day.我们学生应该每天做很多锻炼。Exercise作为名词,意为“练习,练习题,体操”是可数名词。,3/10/2023,8,I can learn _ _ about Chinese history.我可以学到很多有关中国历史的知识。I like Chinese food _ _/_ _.我非常喜欢中国食物。I have _ _ _ story books.I like them_ _.我有很多故事书,我非常喜欢他们。9,sound 听起来 Smell 闻起来 feel 感觉起来 look 看起来1).The food _ _ good,I like it.食物尝起来真棒,我喜欢。2)Ice-cream _ _sweet but its not _ _ food.冰激凌尝起来很甜,但是它不是健康食物。3)That interesting那听起来很有趣4)They.他们看起来高兴。,注意:当home,here,there 作地点时,不加to。Linda takes the bus home.琳达乘公交车回家。,1.I take the train to school.=I get to school _.2.She takes the subway to school.(同义句)She _ to school _ _.,by train,gets,by subway,3/10/2023,Unit 3 How do you get to school?,3/10/2023,1,翻译下列动词、介词短语)1)乘坐火车 2)乘坐公共汽车 3)乘坐地铁 4)骑自行车 5)步行,走着 对这些短语提问用表达方式副词 2,1)Mary 乘坐公共汽车去学校。Mary.2)我骑自行车去学校。I go to school.3)他们走着到达学校。They get to school.4)Tom 走着到去学校。Tom walks to get to school=Tom.,3/10/2023,3.做作业花了Mary 30分钟。It Mary 30 minutes homework.4.It takes me 20 minutes to get to school.(提问)does it to get to school?It takes 25 minutes.How far is it from your home to school?1)Its about 10 kilometers away(2)Its about 25 minutes walk.“距离大约是25分钟步行的路程”(3)Its about 25-minute walk.5.leave意思“离开北京”leave for“前往”,“前往北京”,3/10/2023,6,It is easy to get to school.Its+形容词+to do sth.“做某事是”其中,it 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式。1)看电视是很令人放松的。Its _ TV.2)上床睡觉令人厌恶的。to go to bed.7,One 11-year-old boy中的11-year-old叫复合形容词,修饰名词,复合形容词中所含名词一律用(单/数)。翻译:我有一个八岁大的弟弟,明年他九岁了。I have brother,next year,he is old.8,Hes like a father to me.这里like 是介词 常构成短语be like“像”look like“看起来像”,反义词unlike“不像”。Like 做动词,反义词dislike.,Unit 4 Dont eat in class,祈使句:肯定:A.Be型(即系动词原型be+表语其他)。如:Be careful,please.“请小心”汉译英“请安静,please!B.Do型(即行为动词原形宾语其他)。如:Open your books,please.开灯 上车 穿上外套 C.Let型 lets do sth译英“让我们看电视吧!”Lets TV!“让我们别睡得太晚了!”Lets too late!否定:A:Dont+be+表语+其他。如:Dont be angry.“别生气”(尤其注意,不要丢掉be)B:Dont+do(行为动词原形)+其他。Please dont Open your books.C:No+v-ing/名词型(此种形式常用于公共场合的提示语中)意为“禁止做某事“如:No smoking!严禁吸烟!汉译英:禁止泊车 禁止拍照 D:Let型 lets+not+do sth,2.arrive in/at、get to、reach的用法.1)Can you Nanjing tomorrow?2)Tony often arrive at the station at 8:00.3)what time can we?4)All the students must before 6:00.3,sorry、excuse二者都有“抱歉”的意思sorry 用于_(事前/事后)对所犯错误或不能满足对方要求表示歉意excuse me 用于_(事前/事后)请人帮忙或打扰到别人的情况。Eg:-_.May I speak to Molly?_.She isnt in now.,arrive in,get to Shanghai,reach the classroom,5.bring/take/get/carry的用法(1)Bring me your dictionary tomorrow.明天把你的词典。bring把某物从别地带到说话的地方(2)Can you help me take the books to the classroom?take把某物从说话地带到别的地方(3)Will you please carry the box for me?carry随身携带(4)Li Dong,can you get a glass of water for me?get.from.从.得到.6,have to“不得不,必须”与 must 用法一样(1)相同点:have to与must 后都接动词(形式)。(2)不同点:have to 有人称,数,时态的区别,否定句,疑问句要借助助动词 do,does,did 等;而must 就不必借助助动词,否定形式;疑问句把must 提到句首;have to 的否定形式是_,相当于neednt(不必),另外have to带有不情愿的语气。,7,practice“练习,实践”,作及物动词时,后加名词,代词或动名词形。practise doing sth 8,1)look,指看的动作,表示有意识地集中精力去看,但并不一定能看见,多用来唤起别人的注意。其后接宾语时,一定要加介词_ 2)see,后接宾语,意为“看见”、“看到”,主要强调看的结果,但不一定是有意识地看。看电影,看医生 3)watch,意为“观看”、“注视”,指非常仔细地、有目的、全神贯注地“看”。“看电视”、“看比赛(实验以及各种表演等)”习惯上用这个词。4)read表达“看书”、“看报”、“看信”、“看杂志”时,通常用read。,9,too much“太多”用作形容词,后接_名词,也可作为代词;too many“太多”用作形容词,后接_名词;much too“太,十分”是副词,后接。much too当中的much是修饰too的,用来加强too的语气。too much=much;much too=too.跟踪小练(1)太多水(2)太多书(3)非常有趣(4)看电视太多10,remember,重点词组:remember_ _.记得做过事(已做过)remember_ _ _.记住去做事(还没做).跟踪小练 填空We shouldremember_our homework on time.(do)Didntyouremember_methestoryyesterday?(tell),Unit 5 Why do you like panda?,1,kind还可以做形容词,意思是“亲切的,友好的”。be kind to sb意为“对某人和气/友好”=be friendly to sb。,译:我们的老师对我们非常和气。Our teacher _ _ _ us.=Our teacher _ _ _ us.2,South Africa 译:南非 south常用于in the south of 表示在的南部。译:在澳大利亚南部 在中国南部,3,Lets do sth.肯定回答一般用 OK./All right./That sounds good.否定回答用 Sorry,I.Eg,Lets see koalas first.想去回答。不想去可以回答为:,4,what/how about doing sth/pron.What/how about _(play)baseball?I like apples.What about _(she)?5,because of 因为.1)She is sad _ the bad news.2)She is late for school _she gets up late.3)I like bananas_ they are nice.4)Jim likes China_ Chinese food.,3/10/2023,6,be from.来自.=come from Tom是哪的人?Where_Tom_?=Where_ Tom_ _?7,forget doing sth,forget to do sth forget doing sth.意为“忘记做过某事”。forget to do sth 意为“忘记将要做某事”例:我忘记昨天已经给你讲过这个故事了。1)I forget _ you the story yesterday.2)不要忘记去看熊猫。Dont forget _ the pandas.8.be in(great)danger 处于巨大的危险之中 脱离危险be out of danger Pandas are _(濒临灭绝).Lets help to save them.His life is _(脱离危险).Lets go and see him.,8.one of.之一 One of the students _(be)good at English.One of my _(朋友)is Tom.9,cut down 砍到.To save the elephants,we must not _(砍倒树).We must stop people to _(把他们砍倒).10.be made of.由.制造 This kite is made of paper(纸),Unit 6 I am watching TV?,小组合作,探究现在进行时,1.表示现在(说话瞬间)_的动作或存在的状态。,2.结构:be动词(am,is,are)+_,正在进行或发生,V-ing,动词-ing 变化规则:1)一般情况加 ing.如:play-playing watch-watching2)以不发音的e 结尾,去e 加ing.如:take-taking come-coming3)重读闭音节结尾的动词,末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写辅音字母再加ing.如:run-running swim-swimming,重读闭音节三要素:1.必须是重读音节;2.最后只有一个辅音字母;3.元音字母发短元音,1.定义:2.时间标志:look;listen;at 6:40;now(现在);at the moment(此刻);these days(这些天)3.构成:am/is/are+动词-ing 形式(即现在分词)1.Sleep 2.go 3.take 4.get 5.look 6.talk 7.bring 8.dance 9.Shop 10.work 11.pay 12.pass 13.eat 14.open 15.visit 16.start run-swim-get-begin put-stop-sit-shop-begin-,3/10/2023,用所给动词的适当形式填空.1.Look!The cat_(run)up the tree.2.Her parents_(have)breakfast now.3.-_he _(clean)the room?-No,he isnt.4.Tom_(play)the piano in the room.Please ask him to come here.5.Listen!They_(sing)in the classroom.,is running,are having,Is,cleaning,is playing,are singing,3/10/2023,1.电话用语有:(1)我可以找琳达通电话吗?(2)你是哪位?(3)我是玛丽.(4)她不在家.(或她出去了.)(5)Is that Mary speaking?/Is Mary there?/Mary?2.-Hello,this is Eric.Can I speak to Molly?-Yes.A.Molly is me.B.Molly please C.My name us Molly D.This is Molly speaking3.-May I speak to Ann,please?_(我就是。)4.-Who are they talking _?-Betty and Ann.A.at B.for C.with D.about5.-What are you doing?-_(没事)6.-Would you love to join us for dinner?-_ 我很乐意。,3/10/2023,用所给词的适当形式填空:,1.listen!I _(be)singing.2.We _(be)listening.3.Look!They are _(read).4.He _(be)painting now.5.She is _(see)a movie.6.He _(play)soccer now.7.I _(eat)lunch now.8.Its 8 oclock.We _(watch)TV.9.Tom _(write)a letter now.,am,are,reading,is,seeing,is playing,am eating,are watching,is writing,Do some exercises:,3/10/2023,单句改错1.Look!Her brother playing tennis.2.Everyone are having fun in the party.3.My sister and I are doing we homework.4.What do they reading now?5.Here your socks are.6.On the first photo,Im playing the piano.7.Thank for your postcard.8.Is Li Ming at home and in the school?9.Do you want shop with me?10.Some child are swimming.,3/10/2023,1.She has two sisters,One is a worker,_ _(另一个)is a teacher.2.He has two friends,One is Jim,_ is Tom.3.Some _ waching TV,_ are playing basketball.4.Therere 14 books here.Four are on the desk._ _ are under the desk.5.I wish _(watch)TV.6.He wishes us _ English well.(speak)7.I dont know _ of them.(任何)8,I _ my parents very much.9,The bus station is over there,dont _ it.,填空,3/10/2023,1.给下列的动词加上形式。write watch swim run have read sit put take clean shop begin 2.用括号里的词的恰当形式填空。It is seven oclock.I(do)my homework.My parents(watch)TV.My sister(sit)on the sofa and I(play)with the cat.3.按要求句型转换。(1)He is doing his homework now.(变为否定句)He doing his homework now.(2)They are watching TV.(对划线部分提问)are they?(3)She is reading.(变为一般疑问句,并否定回答,)reading?No,she.She(write).,writing,watching,swimming,running,having,reading,sitting,putting,taking,cleaning,shopping,beginning,am doing,are watching,is sitting,Is playing,is not,what,doing,Is,she,isnt,is writing,THE END,


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