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    Eg.1.My mother and father went for a walk.2.She is rich and kind.,并列连词:用来连接并列的词、词组或句子。,3.I sat down at a table and ordered a meal.4.He finished lunch and went into the garden.,5.He drank beer a lot,and it made him fat.6.Ill visit a friend and well go to museum together.,and,but,so,or,however,yet,for,otherwise,therefore,as well as,eitheror,neithernor,bothand,not onlybut(also),and but or so however yet for otherwisetherefore as well as eitheror neithernor bothand not onlybut(also),My wife and I love each other.We not only work together,but also do the housework together.On weekends,we either go to movies or go to concerts.But we have quarrels(争吵)sometimes,for we have different ideas.Therefore,we have to make compromises(让步).So our love grows with time.Both my friends and hers envy(羡慕)us.,Circle coordinating conjunctions in the passage.,Q:Do they love each other?,3.选择关系,1.联合关系,4.因果关系,Mr.And,2.转折关系,Mr.But,Mr.Or,Mr.So,andas well as neithernorbothandnot onlybut(also),buthowever yet,orotherwise eitheror,sofortherefore,Divide coordinating conjunctions into groups.,Learn for fun.,Mr.And,Mr.Or,Mr.But,Mr.So,(neithernor),(not onlybut also),1.The girl is pretty.The girl is healthy.2.Get up early.Youll arrive there on time.3.He went on holiday.I went on holiday.4.He doesnt speak English.He doesnt speak French.,and as well as neithernorbothand not onlybut(also),Get up early,and youll arrive there on time.,The girl is pretty and healthy.,Not only he but(also)I went on holiday.,He speaks neither English nor French.,(and),The girl is pretty as well as healthy.,Both he and I went on holiday.,Rearrange the words and write sentences correctly.,1.not only/very tired/but/we got/very hungry too_2.the weather changes/in China/as well as/fromseason to season/in Canada_,The weather changes from season to season in China as well as in Canada.,We got not only very tired but very hungry too.,4 points,Mr.And,however,but however yet,However,but,It is strange,_it is true.It is strange _ it is true.It is strange _ it is true.,.,It is strange,yet it is true.,however,However,Eg.,1.Lucy and Lily are twins.Lucy likes playing basketball,_ Lily doesnt.2.It is dangerous,_,I will try.3.We all tried our best._,we lost the game.,however,However,Complete the sentences.,but/yet,Mr.But,3 points,Put on your overcoat,or you will catch a cold.,or otherwise eitheror,I dont like chicken or fish.,I go to school by bus or by bike.,Put on your overcoat,otherwise you will catch a cold.,Either you or I must tell him.,Rewrite the sentences.,1.Shell go to the airport.Ill go to the airport.(one of us will go.)_2.Study hard,otherwise you will fail in the exam._3.There is no air on the moon.There is no water on the moon._,Either she or I will go to the airport.,Mr.Or,There is no air or water on the moon.,Study hard,or you will fail in the exam.,5 points,Eg.It was getting dark,_they hurried on.,so for therefore,so,It was getting dark,therefore they hurried on.,so,Tom is ill,therefore he is absent today.Tom is ill,_ he is absent today.,for,for,He must be out,_ the door is locked.The day must be breaking,_the birds have begun singing.,1.I didnt carry glasses with me,_ I couldnt see well.2.He must have passed this way,_here are footprints.,so/therefore,for,Complete the sentences.,Mr.So,4 points,Team VS Team,3 points,4 points,5 points,6 points,8 points,Read and match.,1.It is very good,yet it can be better.2.It was getting dark,therefore they hurried on.3.Youd better go now,otherwise youll miss the train.,联合 转折 选择 因果,3 points,1.-In many big cities,the traffic condition is very bad.-Yeah.In Hangzhou,traffic jams happen _ during holidays _ ordinary days.A.either;or B.not only;but also C.only;and D.neither;nor,Choose the right one.,2.-I dont like chicken _ fish.What about you?-I dont like chicken,_ I like fish very much.A.and;and B.and;but C.or;but D.or;and,4 points,either or,1.Please _ come in _go out,dont stand here.2.He is clever,_,he often makes mistakes.3.It must have rained last night,_the ground is wet.,Complete the sentences.,however,for,5 points,1.my mother/and/his mother/both/the same health club/belong to_2.nor/write it/neither/read French/she can_,Both my mother and his mother belong to the same health club.,Rearrange the words and write sentences correctly.,She can neither read French nor write it.,6 points,()1.Be careful,and you will fall off the tree.()2.Dont give up,or you will make it.()3.He can speak French as well as English.()4.The last bus had left,so I had to walk home.,1.Be careful or you will fall off the tree.,2.Dont give up,and you will make it.,Are the statements right?,8 points,Make sentences.,I arrived in London at last.The railway station was big,black _ dark.I did not know the way to my hotel,_ I asked a porter.I _ _ spoke English very carefully,_ very clearly as well.The porter,_,could not understand me.I repeated my question several times _ at last he understood.He answered me,_ he spoke _ slowly _ clearly.I am a foreigner,I said.Then he spoke slowly,_I could not understand him.My teacher never spoke English like that!The porter _I looked at each other _ smiled.Then he said something _I understood it.Youll soon learn English!he said.I wonder.In England,each person speaks a different language.The English understand each other,_ I dont understand them!Do they speak English?,Complete the passage.,and,so,not,only,but,however,and,but,neither,nor,but,and,and,and,but,Do the English speak English?,Q:Why does the writer not understand the porter?,Q:Why does the writer not understand the porter?,1.能记忆常用的并列连词。2.能掌握常用并列连词的基本用法。3.能正确判断并列结构之间的关系。,


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