长、高与校徽比例一致。本科学年论文中美送礼习俗的比较3号宋体加粗,字数以不超过20个字为宜,一行排不下可排两行。必须与所学专业相符。系别外语系专 业英语(商务英语方向)届 别2015届班 级2011英语三班学生姓名吴 娟学 号2011060320指导教师魏 瑾职 称汉字:小3号宋体加粗;字母及数字:小3号Times New Roman粗体.教 授3号宋体 二O一四年六月学年论文评分标准及评审表系 别外语系专业英语(商务英语方向)班 级2011英语三班学生姓名学号指导老师论文题目评分内容分值评分标准得分中文摘要5%内容简明扼要,文字叙述流畅,符合规定格式要求。英文摘要5%翻译准确,文字流畅,符合规定格式。关键词5%提炼准确,书写规范。目录5%根据文章内容自动生成,字体符合规定格式要求。选题5%符合专业培养目标,体现综合训练基本要求,难度适中,能基于个人能力独立完成。调研论证20%能够根据选题要求提出调研实施方案或论点的论证体系,具有独立深入社会调查研究,阅读文献、收集信息、并分析整理各类信息,从中获取新知识的能力。综合分析30%能够综合运用有关的理论和专业知识对选题进行分析,论文观点鲜明、正确,合理使用各种信息,论据充分,逻辑性强。有自己的一定见解或较强的现实意义,观点有一定新意。论文结构10%整体结构合理,有逻辑性,文章中心突出,文题相符,内容充实,层次清楚,详略得当。论文表达10%具有较强的文字表达能力,语言表述准确简洁,文笔流畅,图表清楚。论文格式5%格式规范,达到规定篇幅要求,评分指导教师评语(需在论文的份量、内容、表达和书写是否符合要求,论文选题的理论水平和应用价值,学生应用基本知识和基本技能的情况,学生的工作能力及工作态度等方面给予评价): 指导教师签名: 年 月 日 A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS ON CHINESE AND AMERICAN GIFT-GIVING CUSTOMS byWu Juan Class 3, Grade 2011(No.2011060320)Supervisor: Wei JinJune 2014Foreign Languages DepartmentHunan University of Finance and Economics ContentsAbstracti摘 要iiIntroduction1Chapter 1 An Overview of Gift-giving Custom21.1 Origination of Gift-giving21.2 Function of Gift-giving21.3.1 Meeting Peoples Emotional Needs21.3.2 Establishing the Social Network3Chapter2 Chinese Gift-giving Customs42.1 Gift-giving Situation and Specific Gifts42.1.1 Birthday Gifts42.1.2 Housewarming and Opening Ceremonies52.1.3 Festival Celebration62.1.4 Congratulations on Weddings and Newborns72.1.5 Funeral Gifts72.2 Gift-giving Taboos8Chapter3 America Gift-giving Customs93.1 Gift-giving Situation and Specific Gift93.1.1 Birthday Gifts93.1.2 Festival Celebration93.1.3 Congratulation on Weddings and Newborns103.1.5 Funeral Gifts103.2 Gift-giving Taboos11Chapter 4 Comparison on Gift-giving Customs Between China and America124.1 Gift-giving Situations and Specific Gifts124.2 Gift-giving Taboos13Conclusion14Notes15Bibliography16Abstract Gift-giving, a microcosmic reflection of the overall consumption behavior, is a long-history social phenomenon, which is necessary for social interaction. It can meet peoples emotional needs, and create the social network. There are so many circumstances in China and America. People often send gifts on occasions such as birthday, festival, wedding, newborns, and funeral. Based on comparison, this paper points out that because of different cultural environment and customs, there are some differences in gift-giving customs in these two countries, but they still have something in common that is related to human feelings. To know these differences and similarities will help to promote the communication between these two countries. 【Key words】Gift-giving customs; Comparison; America; China摘 要送礼是整体消费行为的一个缩影,是一种社会历史现象,也是社会交流的必要。它可以满足人们的情感需求,并创建、维护、和增强社交网络。在中国和美国有很多送礼的场合。例如生日、节日、婚礼、婴儿出生、和葬礼等。本文通过对两国习俗的比较,认为这两个国家因为人文环境和风俗习惯的不同在送礼上也有很大的差异,但也有一些关于人类情感的共同点。通过对送礼文化的分析比较,可以增进两国之间的互相理解和交往。【关键词】送礼习俗 比较 美国 中国 IntroductionGift-giving has a long history, which originated from ancient fete. At present, gift-giving is more and more popular among people. So we should consider which situation we should send gifts and what gifts we should send. Based on the close comparison, we know the similarities and differences in gift-giving between Chinese and America. This paper will introduce gift-giving customs of two countries, such as birthday, festival, wedding and newborns. Especially, we need to avoid some gift-giving taboos, which is to make people know how to send gifts appropriately in right situation. To know these differences and similarities, we can promote the interaction between China and America.Chapter 1 An Overview of Gift-giving Custom1.1 Origination of Gift-givingGiving gifts to each other is an indispensable communication content in human social life. We know that the ritual worship originated in ancient times. In the ritual, people will give their most valuable items to show respect to God. Maybe since then, gift has its material meaning. Gift, some said it originally comes from ancient war because of tribal mergers, which shows obedience to the conqueror and begging for the conquerors asylum.Others believe that gift is a kind of commercial goods of reciprocity, and the original “reciprocity”, essentially, is a reward to exchange products. With the development of the society, gift-giving gradually changes, you may send the education, health, and so on. New gifts show up unceasingly, and the diversity embodies the social needs fully. There are more and more forms of gifts.1.2 Function of Gift-givingThere are many functions of gift-giving. And the paper will introduce its two functions.1.3.1 Meeting Peoples Emotional Needs “Emotion is a feeling such as happiness, love, fear, anger, or hatred, which can be caused by the situation that you are in or the people you are with. There are many things that can embody the value of gift-giving in our daily life, and gifts often contain the emotion, thats why people like to give gifts to others.” (Zhu dongli,2010:37.)1 For example, when someone send a gift to you for your birthday, youll feel so happy. Because you think people remember you, and make you feel valued. Or you send gifts to others on occasions like festivals and newborns celebrations to express your congratulations and care. This shows gift-giving can meet emotional needs. 1.3.2 Establishing the Social NetworkAs Ge Yunxiang (2000) said “gift-giving is a reflection of the cultural structure of personal identity in china. Gift exchange not only happens to the throng who are admitted by society, but also creates a intermediary agent of dealing with ethic and social things.” “Some gifts are signs of expressing a strong feeling, while some gifts are just tools which are used as goods. Gift-giving is a social exchange, which creates a new relation.”(Lin Sheng-dong, 2006) According to Yu Shenggang (2008) gifts which is used to express stong feelings or used as tools can both maintain and enhance the interpersonal network and rules-power. We can take advantage of interpersonal resources and get benefits by using this network.Chapter2 Chinese Gift-giving Customs China is one of the cradles of human civilization and the world-famous ceremonies for thousands of years. Gift is an investment of feelings, which can shorten the distance between people and facilitate peoples communication. 2.1 Gift-giving Situation and Specific GiftsWe should send different gifts in different situation,because different situation has its own customs.And gifts need applying to customs.2.1.1 Birthday Gifts“In the past, private birthday celebration for adults was more simple. Only in a few rich families, in order to show respect for elders birthday, the elderschildren would make arrangements for birthday ceremony, they didnt invite too many relatives but families get together.” (Yuan dongmei, 2009: 35) In recent years, leaders will give you a birthday cake or plus some extra dishes to show congratulations and care for your birthday. Between lovers, birthday congratulations to each other often have been seen as a major event, which can not be ignored. They can write a congratulatory letter to each other, and also can give gifts that are generally souvenir with a symbol of love. However it does not mean to cost a lot but enhance mutual feelings. Celebrating the birthday of adult family members, there are some activities such as eat birthday noodles, which is a traditional Chinese folk customs. It means “longevity”. In southern China, if we want to celebrate birthday for elders, we should send a big bowl of noodles topped with pork chops to neighbors. And people should not reject to it, on the contrary, would like to congratulate the owner verbally. They prefer to prepare some sumptuous food and have dinner with the family on his birthday, and sometimes invite some friends and relatives to gather more intimate relationship Lately, many families will eat birthday cake in the event. Cake means “ long life” in China. Since ancient times, birthday rituals are divided into two parts. In the early, birthday etiquette is not so important. Just for the eldersbirthday, their children will tend to attach great importance to it, even if elders do not care about . According to traditional customs, no one is born to have qualification to celebrate birthday, the birthday ritual is an extremely important and prudent thing, so the first birthday party is even more solemn.2.1.2 Housewarming and Opening CeremoniesMove and openings, has always been regarded as an important event. On the beginning of celebrations, friends and people want to send a gift for owners to congratulate. “In general,the owner will hold the celebration banquet other people can also hold it to welcome. When you visit his home for the first time you should bring a gift for the host. The open-air banquet and cocktail party are not required to give gifts.” Making choice of housewarming gift should consider the following factors: moved into the big house or small house, new or old master suite, has just moved into a new area or not, is this the first home for host, etc. According to the different situation to select different kinds of gifts. When new neighbor move to your community, as the old tenants, you should send small gifts to express welcome, and make new friends feel harmonious with neighborhood . New opening not only is the beginning of establishing small and large businesses, but also is a new way to plan and develop life and business. sending the housewarming gifts can show your congratulations that everything is going smoothly, or wish for success in business. There is a long history of gift-giving for move and opening, which has its own specification. Therefore, when you want to send a gift to the host, you should pay attention to the customary. Its wise to send decorative gifts like congratulatory couplet, dressing mirror, curtain, bedding and so on. Also you can send some flowers and trees such as evergreen, sunflower, crape myrtle, etc.2.1.3 Festival Celebration “Human ancestors founded numerous festivals: commemorative festival, and sacrificial day of farming. In the Han Dynasty, China's major traditional festivals has been finalized (Gong Baoping, 2006 ). In Tang Dynasty, Festival liberated from Worship, taboos and mysterious atmosphere, then become a real festive that have goodwill. More festivals, more gifts, it imply that we should send gifts when we celebrate festivals. Festival is a very happy occasion where people always like communicating with each other so that they can strengthen their relationship and sending their best wishes. Therefore, the relationship between the festival and gifts are inseparable. In another words, we can say that the festival and gift are seamless. How to make your own gift more special, when you want to send gift to others is a quite important question. The relationship between festivals and gift is very close. Festival are brilliant because of gifts, in return, gifts enter into every house result from festival. The festival is solemn and heavy with no gifts, but gift has a strong effect on festivals atmosphere. And gifts in festival will have more symbolic meaning. The same festival will show different features, due to different countries and regions. The development of festivals gift provides a new renovation that gifts and festivals get harmony in society, consumption, culture, psychology, aesthetics. Many festivals are preserved after years of changes and it embodies the precipitation of history and tradition. So the traditional gifts are popular in festival. Most festivals have a festive color, so a gift should have a meaning of celebration . In a traditional festival, there are a lot of people or events to commemorate, which makes the festival has unusual commemorative significance. When sending gifts to others should take this point into account .In generally, you can send wines, cigarettes, teas, health care products, digital products, craft products, collection, fruits, flowers and so on.2.1.4 Congratulations on Weddings and Newborns The happiest thing in life is that lovers are married. when you participate in wedding, you should pick up the right gift to create romantic atmosphere. so the newlyweds may have affectionate memories. Each couple want to receive valuable wedding gift in wedding day. So we should think about how to send the right gift for the bride and groom. Sending a wedding gift to the couple, you need to consider the degree of familiarity with them, of course, also their economic situation should be considered. Gifts for the couple may be beautiful and practical. Use good gift wrapped in red paper and write the words “Wish a happy wedding”, etc. A new baby to be born, is a celebration of sacred thing, on getting good news from family and friends, they should bring gifts to visit babys mother and congratulate. But this time the newborn and maternal body are weak, it is best to call first to congratulate their families, then visit. Congratulations gift when a child is born, should be practical such as baby clothes, baby shoes. Raising children is a very hard job, so send something convenient and necessary will help the mother to reduce the trouble. Postpartum body is more frail, you might consider sending her tonic food. 2.1.5 Funeral Gifts Funeral, after all, is a thing should be solemn, and express nostalgia of deceased. Upon receipt of notice, people would mourn in various forms, such as attend the funeral. Meanwhile you should send gifts considering deceaseds wishes, the familys funeral specifications, the deceaseds familys economic conditions and so on. Gift for funeral is called “funeral offering”, which depends on relationship between the giver and the deceased. Some people will send a basket of flowers, wreath, send cash, or elegiac. Giving funeral gifts need to follow certain norms, funeral gifts are usually bestowed upon the process of handling the funeral.2.2 Gift-giving Taboos Chinese generally prefer dual. therefore, all large festival days people would like to receive gifts related to dual and avoid single. As for cantonese, 4 is a taboo becau