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    ,unit3定语从句与节日写作,Watch an MTVWhat is it about?,HappyMid-AutumnFestival,The LanternFestival,Childrens Day,The Dragon Boat Festival,National Day,What do you know about it?,Halloween,aswesternthat/whichfall on,As we all know,Halloween,which falls on the thirty-first of October,is a western festival.,whose,mean,“holy evening”annualcelebration,Halloween,Halloween,whose name means“holy evening”,is an annual celebration.,who/thatsearch forliving bodies,The ghosts who want to search living bodies to possess will come back.,the neighbors from Whomgiftplay tricks on,The neighbors,from whom the children cant get will be played tricks on.,Halloween,occasion,when,dress uphave fun,pumpkin bread,pumpkin pies,Halloween is a special occasion when people dress up,eat pumpkin bread and have fun together.,Pumpkin lanterns,have parties;where,People usually have parties in the places where there are many pumpkin lanterns.,whycelebratehonorthe dead,Halloween,The reason why people celebrate Halloween is that they want to honor thedead and ghosts.,Compare and discover,1.Halloween is a special occasion which/that is popular with children.Halloween is a special occasion when people dress up,eat pumpkin bread and have fun together,2.People usually have parties in the places which/that are decorated with many pumpkin lanterns.People usually have parties in the places where there are many pumpkin lanterns.,3.The reason why people celebrate Halloween is that they want to honor the dead and ghosts.The reason which/that our ancestors explained was that they wanted to honor the dead and ghosts.,Compare and discover,This is the house _we visited last year.This is the house _we grew up.,She wont forget the days _she spent in England.She wont forget the days _they stayed together.,I like the time _we lived together.I like the time _we had together.,that/which,where,that/which,when,when,that/which,Lets Practice!,1._ is well known to us all,Mid-autumn Festival,2._falls on August 15th of the lunar calendar,is a traditional festival observed by us Chinese.Like harvest time in other countries,the Mid-autumn Festival actually began as a thanksgiving celebration,3 _is in honor of the Soil God and the Crop God.This is also a time 4._ those 5_ work far away from home go back for family reunions.It is a special time 6_ everyone cherishes.The special foods for the festival are moon cakes 7_ have different flavors and sizes.The moon cake is a symbol of fullness and family togetherness.On that day,no matter how far away or how busy we are,we will try to come home for the celebration.After all,home is the best place 8_true love and pure happiness exist.The moon that night looks the brightest in the whole lunar month.What we love most is the moment 9_ we enjoy the full moon together.With the beautiful moon up in the sky,we sit together and eat moon cakes and fruit,sharing our stories.In addition to these traditional activities,we have a wider range of choices such as travelling and visiting our relatives or friends.Mid-autumn Festival is such an important festival 10._ everyone likes.Above are the reasons 11_ everyone looks forward to it every year.,语篇填空:,which/that,which,which,when,Which/that,who,where,when,as,As,why,How to introduce a festival?,When,the date,What,What,typical food,typical activities,the meaning,Why,Summarise some expressions about(at least 5 words or phrases),.,food,falls on,.,remind,meaning,date,activities,some expressions about,Lets create a festival!,Create a festivalabout,your school life,love and share,nature and animals,great people,wonderful things,Evaluation Checklist(评价表),The introduction 4 aspects(方面)?The speaker loudly,fluently and confidently?The festival interesting and meaningful?The handwriting neat and beautiful?,Group Discussion,Show Time,Introduce your festival!,The introduction 4 aspects(方面)?The speaker loudly,fluently and confidently?The festival interesting and meaningful?The handwriting neat and beautiful?,Vote(投票)for your favorite festival!,A festival is a time of joy and peace,and time to pass on traditions.Enjoy festivals!Enjoy every day!,Homework,1.Write about the festival you create,including:2.Write down at least 7 sentences about Halloween using attributive clauses.(that,which,as,who,whom,whose,when,where,why)Optional:Search the Internet and read about an interesting festival.,Date,Meaning,Activities,Food,Classic blessings,1 Without you,the moon is round though my heart is empty.没有你在我身边,天上月圆圆,我心却空落落。2 East or west,home is best.金窝,银窝不如自己的狗窝。3 The moon cake is eaten away,but the sweetness remains.月饼已吃,甜蜜犹存 4 Where we love is home,home that our feet may leave,but not our hearts.家是我们情之所系的地方,虽只身在外,但心系家园。,6 My dear,can you hear my heart beating in the soft moonlight?I miss you so.在月色廖人的夜里,我是如此的想念你,亲爱的你听到我的心跳了吗?7 To have a moonlight walk with you tonight is my best dream.今晚和你在月光中散步是我最大的梦想。8 Would you like to go and admire the beauty of the moon with me tonight?今晚能邀你一同赏月吗?,


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