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    英语电影赏析课程论文An Analysis to Some Movies Linked With Disaster.doc

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    英语电影赏析课程论文An Analysis to Some Movies Linked With Disaster.doc

    An Analysis to Some Movies Linked With Disaster英语0805班 帅凌 08050523Disaster films based on the human catastrophe caused by the natural disasters. General rendering thrilling disaster, to stimulate the audience's fear, and some performance out of the way to disaster and defeat or avoid the disaster of wisdom, or to promote rescue and other non-rational religion.Their typical features are large casts and multiple plotlines, and focus on the characters' attempts to avert, escape, or cope with the aftermath of the disaster. One major character, several minor characters, and scores of extras typically die before the story is resolved.The disaster film genre revived, briefly, in the mid-1990sperhaps because new special effects techniques made more spectacular disasters possible. The first film in this new trend was the 1996 Michael Crichton-penned film Twister, followed in the same year by Independence Day merged a science fiction alien invasion plot from the 1950s with disaster film conventions (most notably, from Earthquake). Also in 1997 the epic James Cameron film Titanic was released, which combined the disaster genre in the sinking of the ship and the romance genre with the relationship between the main characters. Disaster films have reappeared periodically in the 21st century. In 2003, The Core featured a disaster resulting from the "stalling" of Earth's core, while in 2004, The Day After Tomorrow built upon fear of global warming and climate change with an unlikely assortment of disasters, perhaps setting a record for the most disasters in a single film. The Perfect StormSo when it comes to the Disaster Movies,which films will you think of?Someone will say Titanic without doubt.But in my opinion,Titanic is a romantic film more than a disaster movie.So How about The Perfect Storm?It is so much like the Titanic in some plots and It is a 2000 dramatic disaster film directed by Wolfgang Petersen,and an adaptation of the non-fiction book of the same title by Sebastian Junger about a fishing ship met a scarely storm in the northern Pacific Ocean,and the crew leaded by the Captain Billy Tyne tenaciously fight with the storm. The thing that really irks me is that I had read that it was a disaster film (and it's made pretty much clear in the title), but the actual disaster didn't get started for a whole forty minutes, which almost brought me to the point of thinking that "Perfect Storm" was some kind of metaphor. Different from other disaster films, The Perfect Storm didnt leave any single survivor in the end. May be its the real situation at that time, but I tend to believe that the director planned such a tragic ending elaborately, with an intention to tell people a cruel truth- the power of the nature is so great that we humankind cannot always be the winner. Not everybody can become a hero; even the brilliant skip in the film is powerless in the face of such a perfect storm. A strong sense of pride has grown and developed in our mind through the fertilizer of many heroic stories and those Hollywood movies, repeatedly convincing us that man can conquer nature. But in fact, human is just like a drop in the bucket when facing the nature. This is the truth, while few people are willing to accept it. However, here comes another question, whats the hell of the meaning of this film? Does it exist just because it wants to reveal the cruelty of the life and let people feel unacceptable? The answer is absolutely no. Though the film told us a catastrophe, the spirit and quality which the characters showed in the process of fighting with the catastrophe is so magnificent that it even outshined the storm itself, leaving more shock in the audiences hearts than the storm. For one thing I should mention the crew of the ship. Theyve already heard about the fact that the Flemish Cap has a lot of weather, but because there also has a lot of fish, and because they were courageous enough to meet some difficulties, they made the decision to go there and have a tough fight. During that fight I am deeply impressed by a scene-when Murphy dropped the water carelessly, the first one to jump off is, surprisingly, Sully, the man who has a lot of offense with him. Such kind of personal loyalty and magnanimity really knocked me over, and I can see something shining on those average people. And when the 6 guys were eventually dying in the attack of the storm, they did not complain about each other, instead, they comforted each other. It well illustrated the beauty of the humanity, showing us the virtue of composure and consideration. For another thing I would like to say is about those rescuers. So far I still remember the saying” We dont lose anybody” which was said by them when they come up from the water. It was such a simple sentence, and such a big strike on me. Their group consciousness, their sense of responsibility and their never-give-up will is so valuable. Although their physical bodies were gone, their mental spirits remain. And I think this can also be read in the last two piece of the film, which is about the recall of the Bobby and Billy by Christina and Linda. When we human are in front of the catastrophe, our body may be fall down, while our soul will never die. Yes, we cannot always be the winner, but we never become the loser, because our minds are always the stronger! The Day After TomorrowSpeaking of disaster films,I must mention The Day After Tomorrow. It is a 2004 American science-fiction disaster film that depicts the catastrophic effects of global warming in a series of extreme weather events that usher in global cooling which leads to a new ice age.The Day After Tomorrow will also name:“What the weekend catastrophe” describes is decreases temperature suddenly take the US as within representative's Earth one day, enters the drift epoch the science fiction story. When the lens return to the US once more, these return alive by luck the Americans flee to Mexico, requested that enters there refugee camp. In the Movie,billions of people may have died, but at least the major characters have survived. Los Angeles was wiped out by flying saucers in Emmerich's Independence Day, New York was assaulted in his Godzilla, and now, in The Day After Tomorrow, Emmerich outdoes himself: Los Angeles is leveled by multiple tornados, New York is buried under ice and snow, the United Kingdom is flash-frozen, and lots of the Northern Hemisphere is wiped out for good measure. Thank god that Jack, Sam, Laura, Jason and Dr. Lucy Hall survive, along with Dr. Hall's little cancer patient. So, yes, the movie is profoundly silly. What surprised me is that it's also very scary. The special effects are on such an awesome scale that the movie works despite its cornball plotting. When tornados rip apart Los Angeles, when a wall of water roars into New York, when a Russian tanker floats down a Manhattan street, when snow buries skyscrapers, when the crew of a space station can see nothing but violent storm systems - well, you pay attention. No doubt some readers are already angry with me for revealing that Jack, Sam, Laura, Jason, Dr. Lucy Hall and the little cancer patient survive. Have I given away the plot? This plot gives itself away. When cataclysmic events shred uncounted lives but the movie zeroes in on only a few people, of course they survive, although some supporting characters may have to be sacrificed. What's amusing in movies like "The Day After Tomorrow" is the way the screenplay veers from the annihilation of subcontinents to whether Sam should tell Laura he loves her. The movie stars Dennis Quaid as the paleoclimatologist Jack Hall, whose computer models predict that global warming will lead to a new ice age. He issues a warning at a New Delhi conference, but is sarcastically dismissed by the American vice president (Kenneth Welsh), who the movie doesn't even try to pretend doesn't look just like Dick Cheney. "Our economy is every bit as fragile as the environment," the vice president says, dismissing Jack's "sensational claims." Before long, however, it is snowing in India, and hailstones the side of softballs are ripping into Tokyo. Birds, which are always wise in matters of global disaster, fly south double-time. Turbulence tears airplanes from the sky. The president (Perry King) learns the FAA wants to ground all flights and asks the vice president, "What do you think we should do?" Meanwhile, young Sam Hall (Jake Gyllenhaal) goes to New York with an academic decathlon team, which includes Laura (Emmy Rossum of "Mystic River") and Brian (Arjay Smith). They're stranded there. Ominous portents abound and Jack finally gets his message through to the administration ("This time," says a friend within the White House, "it will be different. You've got to brief the president directly.") Jack draws a slash across a map of the United States, and writes off everybody north of it. He issues a warning that super-cooled air will kill anybody exposed to it, advises those in its path to stay inside, and then . well, then he sets off to walk from Washington to New York to get to his son. Two of his buddies, also veterans of Arctic treks, come along. As nearly as I can calculate, this movie believes it can be done in two nights and most of three days. Oh, I forgot; they drive part of the way, on highways that are gridlocked and buried in snow, except for where they're driving. How they get gas is not discussed in any detail. As for the answer to (a), anyone familiar with the formula will know it is because he Feels Guilty About Neglecting His Son by spending all that time being a paleoclimatologist. It took him a lot of that time just to spell it. So, OK, the human subplots are nonsense - all except for the quiet scenes anchored by Ian Holm, as a sad, wise Scottish meteorologist. Just like Peter O'Toole in "Troy," Holm proves that a gifted British-trained actor can walk into almost any scene and make it seem like it means something. Quaid and Gyllenhaal and the small band of New York survivors do what can be done with impossible dialogue in an unlikely situation. And Dr. Lucy Hall (Sela Ward), Jack's wife and Sam's mother, struggles nobly in her subplot, which involves the little cancer patient named Peter. She stays by his side after the hospital is evacuated, calling for an ambulance, which we think is a tad optimistic, since Manhattan has been flooded up to about the eighth floor, the water has frozen, and it's snowing. But does the ambulance arrive? Here's another one for you: Remember those wolves that escaped from the zoo? Think we'll see them again? Of the science in this movie I have no opinion. I am sure global warming is real, and I regret that the Bush administration rejected the Kyoto Treaty, but I doubt that the cataclysm, if it comes, will come like this. It makes for a fun movie, though. Especially the parts where Americans become illegal immigrants in Mexico, and the vice president addresses the world via the Weather Channel. "The Day After Tomorrow" is ridiculous, yes, but sublimely ridiculous -and the special effects are stupendous. End of the movie place American president can not but sigh the acknowledgment saying that he carries out the climate policy is a huge faulty stroke in handwriting. this was once writes down 400,000,000 box offices by "ID4 Interspace End matter" the names to lead Lolan. Amory wonderful brand-new does greatly. The entire piece will have the massive apex special effect, presents throws the day lid place the nature threat, and between the close interweaving fathers and sons and the men and women remember with eternal gratitude the moving emotion, great writer's utilization will leave behind the intense stimulation to the audience.what is worth mentioning was this piece has attacked the environmental protection policy which intensely The US government and President Bush carried out. 2012It is a disaster movie about the global destruction, it tells us the end of the world is coming. All the things happened are proved that the Maya peoples prediction is right. When the disaster is coming how should we do? And what is your attitude to face up them? We must be union together and brave.2012 is one of the most excellent movie describing the disaster. As usual, America saves the world once again. More precisely, America saves the human being again in the movie. It originate from an ancient legend of Mayan Civilization that is the year of 2012 will be the end of the World. Using the legend as the background, it begins to tell the story. On 2012, the climate of everywhere all over the world suddenly appears extremely unusual, the monstrous flood buries the whole earth and the world drops into the endless darkness. The disaster and the panic quickly spread around the world. At the same time, America performs a plan named Noahs Ark to keep Human civilization. Jackson Curist, a writer, finds something unusual when he travels with his kids. Then together with his Ex-wifes family, Jackson starts a thrilling journey to escape from dead. The movie is rather spectacular, but, what is more meaningful is the think of human nature. Jackson, as an ordinary people, struggles for the survival of his family and himself, being worthy of our respect. When the doctor Adrian find that the riches are admitted to get into the Ark if only they can afford to pay 1 billion Euros, he realizes that so called fairness and justice is just meaningless in the face of disaster, officials abandon the moral standards once they advocated. Ironically, after the blood, they will find any kind of money is worthless. This exposes the unbalanced development of the world and the resulting unfair. In the moment of life and death, every one struggle to survive. However someone gives up the chances of being alive and someone selfish makes a show of themselves. When thousands of lives arrival at the Ark through various of methods, the limited capacity of the Ark causes the unprecedented panic. Ultimately, the survival people through the storm with mutual love and respect. I think,it will be, for its audiences, one of the most satisfactory films of the year and it really can be called the "mother of all disaster movies". These movies are part of the disaster films.They all have the same theme,when we are facing with the natural disaster,we should work together to overcome it.On one hand,they tell us that it is high time to protect the earth and protect our environment, protect our homes.Do not wait until the end of the world really come that we learned to treasure all the things on earth.On the other hand,they teach us a lesson that only disaster strikes, will we find what is the most precious thing- wealth, family or love.I convinced that all of you may have your answer.


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