Warm-up大集锦:适合低级别的热身1、One two three fourone two three four ,clap your hands (1 2 3 4,拍拍手)two two three four, stamp your feet(2 2 3 4,跺跺脚)three two three four, nod your head,(3 2 3 4,点点头)four two three four, hands on knees.(4 2 3 4,小手放到膝盖上)2、Lets countOne two ,tie your shoe(伸出手指数数,作系鞋带状)Three four ,touch the floor(伸出手指,蹲下摸地面)Five six ,stir and mix(伸出另一只手数数,作搅拌状)Nine ten ,count again(双手反过来再数一遍)One two three four five six seven eight nine ten (一只手指,一只手指的再数一遍)3、Clap stamp snap bumpOne, clap clap clap(拍拍手)Two, stamp stamp stamp(跺跺脚)Three, snap snap snap(打响指)Four, bump bump bump (打击膝盖)One two three, four four four.4、Shake your body(1)shake your shoulders, shua shua shua (上下抖动肩膀)Shake your hands, clap clap clap(甩甩手,拍三下)Shake your hip, pia pia pia(扭扭屁股,打三下)Shake your feet ,dong dong dong(抖抖脚,跺三下)5.Shake your body(2)Shake shake up (胳膊和手全部向上摇摆)Shake shake down(胳膊和手全部向下摇摆)Shake shake shake shake(摇一摇,摇一摇)Lets turn around(转一圈)Shake shake up (胳膊和手全部向上摇摆)Shake shake down(胳膊和手全部向下摇摆)Shake shake shake shake(摇一摇,摇一摇)Lets sing a song(做出唱歌的样子)可续编动作6、Finger playone finger ,one finger ,turn turn turn; turn to a toothbrush , shua shua shua(两只手各出示一只手指,变成一个牙刷的样子,在嘴边上下刷动)Two fingers, two fingers, turn turn turn; turn to a rabbit ,jump jump jump(两只手各出示两只手指,转一下,变成一个兔子的样子,上下跳)Three fingers, three fingers, turn turn turn; turn to a fork, cha cha cha(两只手各出示三只手指,转一下,变成一个叉子的样子,上下叉动)Four fingers, four fingers, turn turn turn; turn to a cat, meow meow meow(两只手各出示四只手指,转一下,变成一个猫的样子,在嘴边划动)Five fingers, five fingers, turn turn turn; turn to a tiger, aw aw aw(两只手各出示五只手指,转一下,变成一个老虎的样子,两只手举起来假装扑向孩子)7、HelloHello ,hello ,how are you (左摆手,右摆手,双手头上打开)Fine ,fine, thank you(依次伸左右大拇指,拱手感谢)Hello ,hello ,how are you (左摆手,右摆手,双手头上打开)No no ,just so so(双手胸前摆手后体前交叉低头摇晃身体做不好意思状)8、Oh rabbitOh rabbit ,oh rabbit(双手做兔耳朵学兔跳两下)red red eyes(双手OK眼前晃三下)Oh shua ,oh shua ,oh shua shua shua (双手向前开合五次)Oh rabbit ,oh rabbit(同上)long long ears(双手兔耳朵往上伸三次)Oh wu ,oh wu ,oh wu wu wu(左右手交换做聆听状)Oh rabbit ,oh rabbit(同上)Short short tail(右手放臀后)Oh pia, oh pia, oh pia pia pia(轻拍屁股五下)9、WolfKnock konck knock(敲门三下)Who is it(手放耳边听)Its mummy(捏鼻子装妈妈的声音)Open the door(双手打开门)Come in please(招手)Oh ,no(双手胸前摆手)Big bad wolf(打狼)Go out(双手推狼出去)Big bad wolf (打狼)10、daddy mummy (曲调同对面的女生看过来)Daddy mummy ,look at me((左摆手,右摆手,双手OK眼前晃一下)Look at me ,good baby(双手OK眼前晃一下,依次伸左右手大拇指)Daddy mummy look at me(同上)Clap your hands, follow me(拍手,指自己)11、follow meFollow follow follow me (双手从左往右拍手四下)Hands up ,hands down(双手头上举晃腕,向下晃腕)Follow follow follow me (双手从左往右拍手四下)Stand up sit down(起立,坐下)Follow follow follow me (双手从左往右拍手四下)Lets turn around(转一圈)Follow follow follow me (双手从左往右拍手四下)Lets sing a song(手拿话筒做唱歌状)Oh lei ,oh lei ,oh lei(双手头上晃两下)Go go go(左手叉腰,右手握拳上举三次,同时跺脚三下)12、one two three four fivePoint up point down (双手食指上指,下指)Show me one(双手半握拳胸前绕动后出示1)Jump up jump down(学兔上下跳)Show me two(双手半握拳胸前绕动后出示2)Look up look down(双手OK在眼前上下看)Show me three(双手半握拳胸前绕动后出示3)Stand up sit down(起立坐下)Show me four(双手半握拳胸前绕动后出示4)Hands up hands down(双手上举放下)Show me five(双手半握拳胸前绕动后出示5)One two three four five(依次出手指表示1、2、3、4、5后砍头)13、up and downUp up touch your head(单手依次上举然后摸头)Down down touch your toes (单手依次向下摸脚)Up and down (双手齐上下)Touch your hips(摸屁股)Turn around(转一圈)Touch the ground(摸地)Yeah!(双手上举欢呼)14、come onCome on ,come on(单手依次招手)Join me join me(单手依次半握拳于胸前)Lets play a ball(左手拍球状)Lets play a ball(右手拍球状)Ok? ok?(双手OK晃)Yeah! yeah! yeah!(双手上举欢呼)15、Nod your headNod your head ,yes yes yes(点三下头)Shake your head , no no no(摇头)Raise your hand ,one two three(举右手伸手指示1、2、3)Put down your hand, one two three(放下右手伸手指示1、2、16.Look atLook at me ,look at him ,chua chua chua(双手OK指自己,指任一男小朋友,前伸手三下)Look at her ,chua chua chua(指任一女小朋友)Clap your hands pia pia pia(拍手三下)Very good ,ha ha ha(双手胸前绕圈,放嘴边大笑)Two big eyes chua chua chua(双手做望远镜状前伸手三下)Two big ears wu wu wu ,wu wu wu(双手放耳边倾听)One small nose ,eng eng eng (单手指鼻子,学小猪拱三下)One little mouth , bo bo bo (指嘴,啵三下)17. Up and Down Up up,pia pia.(手指向上2次,拍手2次)Down down, dong dong.(手指向下2次, 跺脚2次)Up pia. Down dong.(手指上一次,拍手,手指向下,跺脚)Up down, pia dong. (手指上下各一次,拍手跺脚)Left left pia pia.(手指向左边2次,拍手2次) Right right dong dong.(手指向右边2次,跺脚2次)Left pia. Right dong.(手指向左边一次,拍手一次,手指向右边一次,跺脚一次)Left right, pia dong.(手指指向左边右边各一次,拍手跺脚一次)18. Hammers Wendy(老师名字) has one hammer.(一只手出拳做一个锤子状)Ding ding dong dong ding ding dong.(从左至右在空中敲七下)Wendy has two hammers.(双手出拳做两个锤子状)Ding ding dong dong ding ding dong.(双手从左至右在空中敲七下)Wendy has three hammers.(双手出拳做两个锤子状,左脚伸出来)Ding ding dong dong ding ding dong.(双手从左至右在空中敲七下,左脚同时跺七下)Wendy has four hammers.(双手出拳做两个锤子状,双脚伸出来)Ding ding dong dong ding ding dong.(双手双脚同时跳起来七下)Wendy has five hammers.(双手出拳做两个锤子状,双脚伸出来,点头)Ding ding dong dong ding ding dong.(双手双脚同时跳起来加点头七下)19. Five Little Monkeys Five little monkeys sitting on the tree.(伸出一个手出来,做猴子动作,身体半蹲,把一条腿搭在另外一条腿上)Laughing at the alligator in the lake.(Laughing at两手张开放嘴边做喇叭状,the alligator 一只手指下,in the lake拍下手双手围个圈)Alligator alligator bite bite bite.(两手拍,做鳄鱼状,手申直夹三下)Four little monkeys sitting on the tree.(同上)Laughing at the alligator in the lake. Alligator alligator bite bite bite.20. I likeI like coffee, I like tea.(双手拍向自己,然后做端盘子状,左右一边一次) I like boys and boys like me. (双手拍向自己然后做男孩状,再反过来做一次)Yes/No, maybe so.(点头,摇手,耸肩)I like red, I like green.(双手拍向自己,然后做端盘子状,左右一边一次) I like girls and girls like me. (双手拍向自己然后做女孩状,再反过来做一次)Yes/No, maybe so.(点头,摇手,耸肩)21.Up and downup up touch your head.(两手指上,拍头)down down, touch your toes.(两手指下,拍脚)up up touch your nose. (两手指上,摸鼻子)down down touch your toes. (两手指下,拍脚)up and down,turn around,(指上指下,转圈)wiggle your body, please sit down.(摇摆身体,坐下)22.clap your hand clap your hands, shake your head. (拍手,摇手)raise your arms, wiggle your fingers.(抬手臂,闪手指)Twist your shoulders, bend your legs.(扭动肩膀,屈膝)Touch your feet, and sit down, please.(摸脚,坐下)23. Everything is movingEverything is moving now, (全身摇摆)let me show you how. (双手指向自己,拍手,两边打开)The head is shaking(shaking shaking shaking)(指头,摇头)The legs are moving(moving moving moving)(指腿,抖腿)The hips are swing(swing swing swing)(拍屁股,抖臀)24. eyes, eyes, shuar shuar shuar(指眼睛,双手往前做闪状)ears, ears ah.ah.ah(做倾听状,哈哈哈)nose,nose.no.no,no(指鼻子,双手交叉,三下)mouth,mouth,kiss,kiss,kiss(指嘴巴,飞吻)hands,hands,clap,clap,clap(拿出手,拍手)feet,feet,stamp,stamp.stamp(指腿,跺脚)angry,angry.hern,hern,hern(双手插腰,哼三下)cry,cry,wu wu wu(做哭状,呜呜呜)happy,happy ha ha ha(做笑脸状,哈哈哈)25. one finger one finger turn turn turn, turn to an ant crawl crawl crawl (一跟指头转转,两根手指在手臂上爬) Two fingers two fingers turn turn turn, turn to a rabbit jump jump jump(两根指头绕圈,举在头上做兔子状,跳一条) Three fingers three fingers turn turn turn, turn to a cat miao miao miao (三根指头绕圈,放在嘴边做猫胡子) Four fingers four fingers turn turn turn, turn to a dog wang wang wang(四根指头绕圈,放在头上做狗耳朵) Five fingers five fingers turn turn turn ,turn to a butterfly fly fly fly(五根指头绕圈,做翅膀状飞)26. cat, dog, bird, fishHello,hello.cat,cat,cat,meow, meow, meow,(打招呼,做猫状)Hello,hello. dog, dog, dog,woof, woof, woof,(打招呼,做小狗状)Hello,hello.bird, bird, bird,chirp, chirp, chirp,(打招呼,做小鸟状)Hello,hello. fish ,fish, fish,la,la,la,la,la,(打招呼,做小鱼状)26. animalsOne duck, two ducks ,quack, quack, quack,(出一,出二,手放身体两边,摇摇摆摆像鸭子走路)Three sheep, four sheep, baa ,baa, baa,(出三,出四,做绵羊状)Five pigs, six pigs, oink, oink, oink.(出五,出六,推鼻子做小猪状)Seven cows, eight cows, moo, moo, moo,(出七,出八,做牛状)Nine dogs, ten dogs, woof, woof, woof.(出九,出十,做小狗状)27. 边打招呼边打节奏:Hello! one two(clap your hands-one two) (拍手,两下)Hello! one two(beat the desks-one two)(拍桌子,两下)Hello! Hello! Hello! one two three(stamp your feet-one two three) (跺脚,三下)Good morning! one two(clap your hands-one two) (拍手,两下)Good morning! one two(beat the desks-one two) (拍桌子,两下) Good morning! Cherry, cherry!(加老师名字) one two three(stamp your feet-one two three) (跺脚,三下)28. I say “hop” , you do gestures. 3遍动作(单脚跳三下) I say “up” , you do gestures. 3遍动作(向上拍手三下) I say “down”, you do gestures. 3遍动作(向下拍手三下) I say “jump”, you do gestures. 3遍动作(跳三下) I say “touch”, you do gestures. 3遍动作(拍桌子三下) I say “catch”, you do gestures. 3遍动作(抱自己三下) I say “count”, you do gestures. 3遍动作(掰手指三下) I say “kick”, you do gestures. 3遍动作(踢三下脚) I say “stop”, you do gestures. 3遍动作 (停下不动) Games(适合剑桥高级别)1. potatoOne potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, four,Five potatoes, six potatoes, seven potatoes, more.(four,more的时候可以让学生做不同的动作,或说一个英语单词,可以灵活变化形式)2猜数字: 老师将数字事先写在本上,指定一个范围,学生说一个数字,老师缩小范围,直到最后猜出该数字。3.打衣王(复习上节课所学单词)老师先说一个题目,题目里面有要求,比如要说A开头的字母啦.然后参加的学生就要说出来,如果第一个人说出来了然后敲了一下.就表示是他下一个说,然后下一个说出来了敲了2下,那就是数的隔一个的那个人继续,依次类推,要是敲到的应该是这个人但是他没有回答或者是回答不出来,那就要受到惩罚,如果敲的是这个人但是是另外一个人回答了,那他也要受到惩罚啦. 4.萝卜蹲:活跃气氛,锻炼数字的敏感度;个人跳(人少的话) 也可分组跳5、同福客栈点菜记 食物类的单词的时候让他们来做这个游戏的老师在黑板上写上大大的:同福客栈!welcome!找一个演佟湘玉当老板!主要台词是“we have”向别人介绍自己店里的菜和饮料;一个演白展堂在门口当跑堂的主要台词是“may I help you .sir?This way, please”客官进门的时候这样给别人打招呼;一个演吕秀才专门记账,当客人问点过菜问多少钱的时候把钱给算出来并用英文说出钱的数目;然后就是一个郭芙蓉一个陆无双专门上菜的一个上饮料一个上菜,上菜的时候报出菜的名称和价钱用英文报;其他的同学可以当客官去点菜了,老师适当引导学生说一些句子,比如:I want some,how much is it?还应该鼓励他们自己说些其他的句子,由于是武林外传的改变,学生们玩的很开心,中间还喜欢加点经典台词,有的同学看菜太贵了还说“饿滴神啊!”、6、有黏性的胳膊目的:熟悉和区分I like.以及HeShe likes.及其相应的否定形式。方法:每轮游戏开始前,老师给同学指定一个关键句和一块安全区。游戏开始后,所有参加游戏的同学都抓住老师的胳膊,仔细听老师说的每一句话。如果老师说的是刚才说的关键句,大家就松开手尽快跑回安全区,并且躲避老师的追捕。假如老师说的不是关键句,而是另外类似的句子,这是松开手的同学就失去继续做游戏的资格。重复做游戏,看谁的反应最快,错误最少。注意:老师再说句子时,应将每轮的关键句在学生容易出错的部分作改动,让学生熟悉正确的搭配。例如:关键句为 He likes toy ship.则可将句子改为:He like toy ship.he doesn't like toy ship. He don't like toy ship.I like toy ship. I likes toy ship. I don't like toy ship.She like toy ship. She doesn't like toy ship. She don't like toy ship. 7.英语接龙开头说一个单词,后一个学生用前一个单词的尾字母做新单词的首字母,目的在于锻炼拼写能力,适用于二,三级8. 十个问题出题的人可以想出任何一样东西,例如一种动物、植物、一种交通工具,或一个人等,把它写在纸上,并将纸扣放在讲台上。猜的学生可以问10个问题,但只能问一般疑问句,如“Is it an animal?”“Does it have four legs?”等。出题的人只回答:“Yes.”或“No.”。如果问了10个问题还猜不出,就算输了。如果采取两组比赛的形式,由一组出题另一组答,则猜的组可以每人轮流问一个问题,出题的组每人轮流回答。