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等待戈多语言的诗化与荒诞 AbstractLanguage is an important element of literature, especially of drama. Compared with the traditional playwrights, Samuel Beckett, the founder of the school of the theatre of the absurd, opens up a new prospect for dramatic language. Waiting for Godot is Becketts masterpiece whose language pattern has a strong poetic quality. When dealing with the dialogue, Beckett uses rhyme and alliteration which are common to be seen in poetry. The brief, parallel and symmetric sentence structure in the play endows the play with several features of poetry. Whats more important, lyricism of the language has taken the place of its logicality. Therefore, the characters in the play are enable to express their feeling more timely and freely.As an absurd play, Waiting for Godot prevails with illogicality and absurdity which perfectly conveys the impossibility of peoples communication. The repetition of the same words, phrases and paragraphs make the language long-winded and meaningless; the excessive use of “pause” and “silence” make the language irrelevant and broken. Thanks to the wordy and meaningless language, Beckett can portrays realistically mans mental condition disorder and emptiness.As a result, the contrast between the beauty of its language form and the absurdity of its language content brings about a sharp sarcasm, implying that in an irrational society, man has lost his essence as a man and language is no longer a communication tool. Key Words: Godot; Beckett; poetic quality; absurdity摘 要文学的第1要素是语言。对于视觉和听觉密切结合的戏剧艺术而言, 语言更是最主要、最直接的表现手段。与传统的戏剧作家相比,爱尔兰剧作家、荒诞派戏剧艺术的主要奠基人贝克特为戏剧语言开辟了1方新的天地。特别是在其代表作等待戈多中,贝克特对语言的独创性运用使该作品别具魅力。 在语言形式上,等待戈多具有明显的诗歌化倾向。贝克特在处理剧中对白时,采用了尾韵、头韵、以及半谐音等诗歌中常见的修辞手法以增强语言的诗歌化倾向而获得1种音乐感。另外等待戈多对白中,句子结构简短对称,声音的对仗和意义的排偶使对白颇具几分诗的形式。 更为重要的是,贝克特经常让剧中的人物以诗化的语言抒情,以语言的抒情性代替语言的逻辑性。同时,在其抒情性的语言中,构筑出形象而生动的意象,蕴含着无限的诗意。在语言内容上,等待戈多的对白消除了相应的逻辑性,从而也就消解了人与人相互交流的可能性。而经常重复的相同或相近的词、句或段落,使人物语言罗嗦不堪,直喻出作品的主题。剧中停顿、沉默的频繁使用使剧作节奏拖沓,人物语言支离破碎,然而人物吞吞吐吐,犹豫迟疑的语言正淋漓尽致的表现了他们混乱的思想状态和空洞的思想内涵。这样,语言形式上的美感与语言内容上的荒诞,形成了强烈的反讽意味, 暗寓了在1个非理性化的社会里,人失去作为人的本质,语言也失去了其原有效用,人类社会外在形式上的进步、发展与社会实质上的堕落形成了强烈的对比。关键词:戈多;贝克特;诗化;荒诞.