毕业设计(论文)说明书 题目:立轴传动风力发电机总体设计 系 名 机械工程系 专 业 机械设计制造及其自动化 学 号 姓 名 指导教师 2013年 6月 9 日摘 要风力发电是应用前景十分广阔的一种洁净可再生能源,而目前大型风力发电机的关键部件都放置于机舱内。目前风力发电机都需要定期进行维护,而大型风力发电机高度都达到30米以上,所以在定期维护是就需要耗费大量的人力和财力。本人运用所学的基础知识和专业知识,从设备可靠性、强度出发进行了设备的机构和结构的全新设计,为了提高风力发电机的经济性,根据课题组提供的参数,采用CAD优化设计,排定最佳传动方案,选择稳定可靠的构件和具有良好力学特性以及在环境极端温差下仍然保持稳定的结构。根据原始数据:传动轴输出端的额定转速为100r/min左右,额定承载功率为600kW,切入风速为5级清风,风速为10m/s,原始输入端转速为50r/min,风轮叶片数为3,叶片直径为50m,轮毂高度为30m。为了使维护成本降低将主要传动设备转移至地面,通过立轴传动将动能从风机输入转移至地面设备输入端,从而完成设计目的,并完成相关动力学和运动学计算。关键字:风力发电机;齿轮传动;立轴传动ABSTRACT Wind power is a very broad application prospects of a clean renewable energy, and the key components of large wind turbines are placed in the cabin. Wind turbine require regular maintenance, large wind turbines have reached more than 30 meters height, so regular maintenance requires a lot of human and financial resources. I apply the basic knowledge and expertise, starting from equipment reliability, strength of the institutions and structures of the new design, in order to improve the economics of wind turbines, based on the parameters provided by the Task Force, the optimal design using CAD, scheduled the optimum transmission program, choose a stable and reliable components and has good mechanical properties and ambient extreme temperature remains stable structure.Based on the original data: the rated speed of the drive shaft output of about 100r/min rated load power of 600kW,Cut-in speed of 5 breeze, wind speed of 10m / s, speed 50r/min primary inputs,Wind turbine blades is 3, a rotor diameter of 50m, 30m hub height. The main transmission equipment to the ground, through the vertical shaft drive fan input kinetic energy transferred to ground equipment input terminal so as to complete the design purposes and to complete the relevant dynamics and kinematics calculation in order to reduce maintenance costs.Keywords Wind turbines ;Vertical shaft drive目 录 第一章 轴(一)的强度校核··························1 1.1 初步估算轴径········································1 1.2 轴上受力分析········································1 1.3 求支反力·········································1 1.4 作弯矩和转矩图···································2 1.5 轴的强度校核·····································3 第二章 花键的校核··································4 2.1 初始数据············································4 2.2 接触应力计算········································4 2.3 齿根抗弯强度计算····································4 2.4 齿根抗剪强度计算····································4 2.5 齿面耐磨损能力计算··································5 第三章 斜齿圆柱齿轮设计计算························6 3.1 选材料确定试验齿轮的疲劳极限应力····················6 3.2 按接触强度初步确定中心距并初选主要参数··············6 3.3 校核齿面接触疲劳强度································6 3.4 校核齿根弯曲疲劳强度································8 3.5 主要几何参数········································9 第四章 直齿锥齿轮设计计算·························10 4.1 初步设计···········································10 4.2 几何计算············································10 4.3 齿面接触疲劳强度校核································11 4.4 齿根抗弯疲劳强度校核································12 第五章 轴(二)的强度校核·························14 5.1 初步估算轴径·······································14 5.2 轴上受力分析········································14 5.3 求支反力·········································14 5.4 作弯矩和转矩图···································15 5.5 最大合成弯矩·······································15 5.6 作转矩图············································15 5.7 轴的强度校核········································16 第六章 轴(三)的强度校核·························18 6.1 初步估算轴径·······································18 6.2 轴上受力分析········································18 6.3 求支反力·········································18 6.4 作弯矩和转矩图···································19 6.5 最大合成弯矩·······································19 6.6 作转矩图············································19 6.7 轴的强度校核········································19 参考文献···········································21 外文翻译···········································22 中文译文···········································34 致谢···············································43第一章 轴(一)的强度校核1.1 初步估算轴径 选择轴的材料为40Cr。调质处理,由表19.1.1查得材料力学性能数据位: 根据表19.3-1公式初步计算轴径,由于材料为40Cr 1.2 轴上受力分析1.2.1 齿轮的圆周力 1.3 求支反力1.3.1 在水平面内的支反力1.3.2 在垂直面内的支反力 1.4 作弯矩和转矩图1.4.1 齿轮作用在水平平面的弯矩图 1.4.2 齿轮作用在垂直平面的弯矩图 1.4.3 作转矩图 T=57294N.m 图1-11.5 轴的强度校核1.5.1 确定危险截面 根据图1.1由于C处合成弯矩最大 所以选择C面为危险截面。1.5.2 安全系数校核计算 式中W为抗弯断面系数,由表19.3-1查得 根据式(19.3-2) 切应力幅为 根据式(19.3-3) 第二章 花键的校核2.1 初始数据 花键规格14x176f7x200a11x25d10 P=600KW n=100r/min 表面硬度5864HRC 2.2 接触应力计算 2.3 齿根抗弯强度计算 2.3.1 齿根弯曲应力 2.3.2 齿根许用弯曲应力 2.4 齿根抗剪强度计算2.4.1 齿根最大剪切应力 2.4.2 许用切应力 2.5 齿面耐磨损能力计算2.5.1 花键副在循环数下工作时耐磨损能力计算 2.5.2 花键副在长期工作无磨损是耐磨损能力计算 2.5.3 外花键的抗扭与抗弯强度计算 第三章 斜齿圆柱齿轮设计计算3.1 选材料 确定试验齿轮的疲劳极限应力 40Cr 调质处理 硬度217255HBS 由表16.2-59,60,65查得 3.2 按接触强度初步确定中心距并初选主要参数 3.3 校核齿面接触疲劳强度 根据齿轮的圆周速度参考表16.2-73选择齿轮的精度等级为8级精度 首先计算当量齿数3.4 校核齿根弯曲疲劳强度 3.5 主要几何参数 第四章 直齿锥齿轮设计计算4.1 初步设计 4.2 几何计算 4.3 齿面接触疲劳强度校核 4.4 齿根抗弯疲劳强度校核 第五章 轴(二)的强度校核5.1 初步估算轴径选择轴的材料为45号钢调制处理,由表19.1.1查得材料力学性能数据为 根据表19.3-1公式初步估算轴径,由于材料为45号钢由表19.3-2选取=405.2 轴上受力分析(如图5-1) 5.3 求支反力5.3.1 在水平面内的支反力 5.3.2 在垂直平面内的支反力 5.4 作弯矩图和转矩图5.4.1 水平面弯矩 5.4.2 垂直平面弯矩 5. 5 最大合成弯矩5.5.1 A处最大合成弯矩5.5.2 B处最大合成弯矩 5.6 作扭矩图 T=57294N/m图5-15.7 轴的强度校核5.7.1 确定危险截面 根据图5-1得A处受弯矩最大,并且轴径最小,所以选择截面A处为危险截面。5.7.2 安全系数校核计算 式中W为抗弯断面系数,由表19.3-15查得 由于是对称循环应力,故平均应力=0 根据式(19.3-2) 根据式(19.3-3)得 第六章 轴(三)的强度校核6.1 初步估算轴径 选择轴的材料为40Cr。调质处理,由表19.1.1查得材料力学性能数据位: 根据表19.3-1公式初步计算轴径,由于材料为40Cr 6.2 轴上受力分析(如图6-1)6.2.1 齿轮的圆周力 6.3 求支反力6.3.1 在水平面内的支反力 6.3.2 在垂直面内的支反力 6.4 作弯矩和转矩图6.4.1 齿轮作用在水平面的弯矩图 6.4.2 齿轮作用在垂直平面的弯矩图 6.5 作最大合成弯矩图 6.6 作转矩图T=57294N/m图6-16.7 轴的强度校核6.7.1 确定危险截面由于C截面处合成弯矩最大,所以选择截面C处为危险截面。6.7.2 安全系数校核计算 由于是对称循环弯曲应力,故平均应力根据式(19.3-2) 根据式(19.3-3) 参考文献1 包耳.风力发电技术发展现状J.可再生能源杂志,2004,(2):1215.2 GWEC.Global wind 2005 report,2006.3 Sawin,Janet,Langhlin.Wind power in the United StatesD. 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The primary purpose of the measurement over the 1/3 scaled prototype vertical axis wind turbine for the wind velocity is to predict the performance of full scaled H-type vertical axis wind turbine. The electrical power produced by the wind turbine is influenced by its two major part, wind power and belt power transmission system. The blade and the drag area system are used to determine the powers of the wind that can be converted into electric power as well as the belt power transmission system. In this study both wind power and belt power transmission system has been considered. A set of blade and drag devices have been designed for the 1/3 scaled wind turbine at the Thermal Laboratory of Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Industri Selangor (UNISEL). Test has been carried out on the wind turbine with the different wind velocities of 5.89 m/s, 6.08 m/s and 7.02 m/s. From the experiment, the wind power has been calculated as 132.19 W, 145.40 W and 223.80W.The maximum wind power is considered in the present study.Keywords: Belt power transmission system; Reynolds number; wind power; wind turbine INTRODUCTION Wind energy is the kinetic energy associated with the movement of atmospheric air. It has been used for hundreds of years for sailing, grinding grain, and for irrigation. Wind energy systems convert this kinetic energy to more useful forms of power. Wind energy systems for irrigation and milling have been in use since ancient times and since the beginning of the 20th century, it is being used to generate electric power. Windmills for water pumping have been installed in many countries particularly in the rural areas.Wind turbine is a machine that converts the wind's kinetic energy into rotary mechanical energy, which is then used to do work. In more advanced models, the rotational energy is converted into electricity, the most versatile form of energy, by using a generator (Fitzwater et al., 1996). For thousands of years people have used windmills to pump water or grind grain. Even into the twentieth century tall, slender, multi-vaned wind turbines made entirely of metal were used in American homes and ranches to pump water into the house's plumbing system or into the cattle's watering trough. After World War I, work was begun to develop wind turbines that could produce electricity. Marcellus Jacobs invented a prototype in 1927 that could provide power for a radio and a few lamps but little else. When demand for electricity increased later, Jacobs's small inadequate wind turbines fell out of use. The first large-scale wind turbine built in the United States was conceived by Palmer Cosslett Putnam in 1934; he completed it in 1941. The machine was huge. The tower was 36.6 yards (33.5 meters) high, and its two stainless steel blades had diameters of 58 yards (53 meters). Putnam's wind turbine could produce 1,250 kilowatts of electricity, or enough to meet the needs of a small town (Monett et al., 1994). It was, however, abandoned in 1945 because of mechanical failure. With the 1970s oil embargo, the United States began once more to consider the feasibility of producing cheap electricity from wind turbines. In 1975 the prototype Mod-O was in operation. This was a 100 kilowatt turbine with two 21-yard (19-meter) blades. More prototypes followed (Mod-OA, Mod-1, Mod-2, etc.), each larger and more powerful than the one before.Currently, the United States Department of Energy is aiming to go beyond 3,200 kilowatts per machine. Many different models of wind turbines exist, the most striking being the vertical-axis Darrieus, which is shaped like an egg beater (Fitzwater et al., 1996). The model most supported by commercial manufacturers, however, is a horizontal-axis turbine, with a capacity of around 100 kilowatts and three blades not more than 33 yards (30 meters) in length. Wind turbines with three blades spin more smoothly and are easier to balance than those with two blades. Also,while larger wind turbines produce more energy, the smaller models are less likely to undergo major mechanical failure, and thus are more economical to maintain. Wind farms have sprung up all over the United States, most notably in California. Wind farms are huge arrays of wind turbines set in areas of favorable wind production. A great number of interconnected wind turbines are necessary in order to produce enough electricity to meet the needs of a sizable population. Currently, 17,000 wind turbines on wind farms owned by several wind energy companies produce 3.7 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity annually, enough to meet the energy needs of 500,000 homes. A wind turbine consists of three basic parts: the tower, the nacelle, and the rotor blades. The tower is either a steel lattice tower similar to electrical towers or a steel tubular tower with an inside ladder to the nacelle. The first step in constructing a wind turbine is erecting the tower. Although the tower's steel parts are manufactured off site in a factory, they are usually assembled on site. The parts are bolted together before erection, and the tower is kept horizontal until placement. A crane lifts the tower into position, all bolts are tightened, and stability is tested upon completion. Next, the fiberglass nacelle is installed. Its inner workings main drive shaft, gearbox, and blade pitch and yaw controls are assembled mounted onto a base frame at a factory (Hammons, 2004). The nacelle is then bolted around the equipment. At the site, the nacelle is lifted onto the completed tower and bolted into place. In addition, the aerodynamics of a wind turbine at the rotor surface is very much important in aerodynamic fields. The rotor axis is brought to a vertical orientation with a wind vane mounted on a control shaft to orientate the blades with changing wind direction. Using pitch regulation the rotor blades turn around their axis so that the aerodynamic characteristics of the blade and rotor are controlled. The rotor is yaw out of the wind which turns the rotor plane to follow the changing wind direction. The hub is connected to the rotor with rigid bolt connection and the rotational speed of the rotor is