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    电影对白英译汉翻译策略归化、异化A Preliminary Study of EC Translation Skills on Movie Dialogues.doc

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    电影对白英译汉翻译策略归化、异化A Preliminary Study of EC Translation Skills on Movie Dialogues.doc

    电影对白英译汉翻译策略 - 归化、异化A Preliminary Study of E-C Translation Skills on Movie Dialogues摘要 电影艺术是现代生活中一项重要的大众传播艺术。随着中国加入WTO以及全球经济一体化发展,中国与世界的文化交流日益密切,西方影视进入寻常百姓家,丰富了我们的业余生活,也让我们更多地了解了世界。在影视传播的过程中,影视翻译有着不可忽视的重大作用。总体来说,影视翻译还属于新兴翻译领域,目前在翻译学界还未引起足够的重视和关注,也未有任何成型的影视翻译理论和规则可供译者借鉴。和影视作品对社会带来的重大、积极影响比,影视翻译研究略显不足。影视翻译属于文学翻译范畴,本文首先介绍了电影对白翻译的特点,然后介绍了归化和异化翻译理论,并提出在实际的翻译中,关于归化和异化理论的使用,没有绝对的纯粹。但是观看国外影视就是为了欣赏异国作品特有的韵味和语言风格。翻译要求我们忠实地再现原文作者的思想和风格以及浓厚的异国情调,读者对不同文化的差异是有一定的心理准备的,因此采用异化法是必然,是主流;同时考虑到读者的理解及原文的流畅,因此适当采用归化法也是必然,但是辅助。无论采取哪一种翻译策略,都要遵循一条原则:不能偏离作品太远。否则西方影视也就失去了西方文化的味道;就好比西餐意大利面条不能经过中国厨师的烹饪后,就不再是意大利面的味道了,而是中国本土炸酱面的味道了。若如此,影视翻译就不再是翻译,而是影视改编。因此本文提出在不同的文化背景下,应采用适当的翻译策略,准确传递电影对白的语用意义和语言风格。关键词:影视 电影对白翻译 归化 异化 翻译策略AbstractMovie is an important popular dissemination art in modern life. With China joining WTO and the development of economic globalization, China communicates closer with the world in culture. Western films and videos enter into peoples family, which enrich our spare time life and also make us know the world further. In the process of movie spreading, movie translation plays a significant role.In general, movie translation belongs to new translation field, and hasnt been valued and cared in translation circles, thus translators had no fashioned movie translation theories and rules to guide. Compare with the active influence taken from movie, movie translation research shows deficiency. Movie translation is part of literature translation. Firstly, this text introduces the character of movie dialogue translation, secondly, the naturalization and dissimilation theory, and then clarifies that it is no absolute standard on the application of the naturalization and dissimilation in practical translation. However, watching foreign movies is to enjoy the foreign lingering charm and language style. And translation demands us reproduce the original thoughts, style and thick emotional appeal. The readers also might be psychologically prepared to face the different cultures. Therefore, it is certain that to adopt dissimilation, which is main choice. Simultaneously, considering the readers comprehension and the flow of the original works, it is necessity to adopt naturalization, but, which is the secondary. Whatever is chosen, we should obey a rule that do not be far away from the original works. Or the western movies will lose their western culture, just like the Italian noodle, after the Chinese cookers operation, will not be Italian, but noodles with soybean paste. If so, movie translation is not translation, but movie adaptation.For this reason, this text proposes that, under different culture background, we should use appropriate translation strategy to transfer accurate pragmatic meaning and language style of movie dialogue.Key words: film and video; movie dialogue translation; naturalization; dissimilation; translation strategyTable of ContentsPages1. Introduction - 1.1 Research Background -1.2 Research Objective - 1.3 Paper Organization -2. Rationale - 2.1 Definition of Movie Dialogues -2.2 Characteristics of Movie Dialogues -2.3 Principles in E-C Translation of Movie Dialogue-2.4 Main Skills in E-C Translation of Advertising Slogans -2.4.1 Literal translation -2.4.2 Free translation -3. Data Description -4. Data Analysis - 4.1 Analysis of Literal Translation - 4.2 Analysis of Free Translation -5. Results and Suggestions - 5.1 Results - 5.2 Suggestions -6. Conclusion - 6.1 Review of the Research - 6.2 Limitations - 6.3 Recommendations for Further Study -BibliographyAppendixA Preliminary Study of E-C Translation Skills on Movie Dialogues1. Introduction 1.1 Research BackgroundWith expanding of world economy, culture communication between countries became closer than before; in which English films and videos play an important role. However, compare with other industry translation, it is not difficult to find that movie translation is no standard and rules to obey. Some movie dialogues from western countries were translated perfectly, but some from Hong Kong were translated unskilled. We cant help sighing what a magical job movie translation is. As a result, movie translation has been paid much attention.1.2 Research Objective This research aims to explore the skills on E-C translation of movie dialogue. Movie translation belongs to literature translation, in which such skills as literal translation, free translation are used. No matter which skills are employed, it is necessary to make translation close to the original text. This research is hoped to help Chinese audience enjoy different cultures completely and contribute to E-C translation on movie dialogues.1.3 Paper OrganizationThe paper consists of six chapters. Following this introductory chapter, in Chapter Two, relevant history and theories on movie dialogues and dialogues translation will be introduced. In Chapter Three, the paper describes the collected data, such as the source, the size and the types of it. In Chapter Four, the author attempts to analyze adequate data of English movie dialogues and their translations, then present analysis results and suggestions for movie dialogue translation in Chapter Five. Finally, the whole research is summarized in the last chapter.2. Rationale2.1 Definition of Movie dialogueDictionary of Film Art claims Movie is a technology that, according Retentivity of Vision principle, reserves external objects image and sounds on films by means of taking photos and recording, and presents certain contents via slide showing and acoustical reproduction. Dictionary of Film Art also points out movie art is an art that recreates and reflects life by movie technology and that brings about images in motorial time and space on films via pictures and sounds.(Nanming Xu, Lan Fu, Junyan Cui, 2005; Translated by the author).The early films were mostly silent movies. With the development of technology and the requirements of audience, sound films were born companied by screen caption, actors speaking and flowing pictures.Movie dialogue is the language spoken by the character and the main technique of expression in film, which is used to show the nature of the characters, release the characters feeling and emotion activities under specific situations, explain the relationship between the characters, promote the plot and appeal the theme. Hence, movie dialogue needs to be condensed, vivid, complied with the reality in life to get a brief art effect for debate. As a media on human thoughts communication, movie language not only has ideographic function, but also can create sense of beauty in art. 2.2 Characteristics of Movie Dialogues 待添加的隐藏文字内容12.2.1 The characters on Translation of Movie DialoguesMovie should belong to literature category, but movie dialogue is different from other types of literature. In view of movie character that integrates sounds and pictures, the comprehension on movie dialogue is especially important. Movie characters decided that movie dialogue has instantaneous, colloquial and popular features. So translators must master the originators intention in movie dialogue translation, understand the original social historical backgrounds and distinguish the relationship between the characters, and, according to the original culture backgrounds, choose appropriate translation skill to transfer the original context to the receptors well and truly. Translation language is also important, which must enable the receptors understand the original context easily and absorb some original culture factors. In a word, in movie dialogue translation, it is necessary to reserve the original culture effects, reproduce and send the meaning to the audience via popularity and orally language. 2.2.2 The problems on Translation of Movie DialogueCompared with external movie translation, so far no fashioned rules and theories can be for translators reference in China.2.3 Principles in E-C Translation of Movie Dialogue This research agrees functional equivalence (Nida, EugeneA. Language, culture and translating M. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1993.) is the instruction principle on translation of movie dialogue. And Nida proposed “Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style” (Nida and Taber 1969:12). Functional equivalence theory can lead translators to choose right translation strategies and get to an end of culture communication.2.4 Main Strategies in E-C Translation of Movie Dialogue.BibliographyNida, E.A. & C. Taber (1969). The Theory and Practice of Translation. Leiden: E.J.Brill.Nida, Eugene A. (1993). Languages, Culture and Translation. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Press.陈胜1994-2010从电影台词的演变看美式英语的发展及文化融合长江大学外国语学院 学术期刊网王君  柯淑萍 (2008) 从语用学的角度探讨英语电影对白翻译技巧 浙江旅游职业学院学报>,3,61-68北外网院学士论文评分标准(适用于翻译方向论文终稿) Beiwai Onlines BA Degree Paper Marking Criteria: Translation 评分项目Marking Items 评分标准说明 Explanation of Criteria 满分 Max. Points 得分 Given Points 1. 封面、目录、整体格式Cover Page, Table of Contents, Overall Format封面、目录格式符合模版要求。论文整体格式整齐规范。The Cover Page and the Table of Contents conform to the Templates. The paper is neatly and professionally formatted.102. 中、英文摘要Chinese Abstract, English Abstract概述研究背景、目标、语料类型、语料分析方法、结论和意义。格式符合模版要求。Each Abstract concisely describes the objective(s), data type(s), data analysis method(s), result(s) and significance of the research, and conforms to the Template.103. 导言Introduction介绍研究背景、目标、方法和论文结构。The Introduction includes the background, objective(s) and method(s) of the research, and the organization of the paper. 104. 文献综述Rationale描述与研究目标相关的概念或理论。Related concepts or theories are referred to as the theoretical back-up of the research.105. 语料描述和标注Data Description and Marking明确语料来源、类型和容量。在“附录”中提供正确标注的全体语料。The source(s), type(s) and size of the data are specified. The data are properly marked and presented in the Appendices.106. 语料分析Data Analysis分析充分详细,与研究目标相关,并以“文献综述”中引用的概念或理论为支持。The analysis is made adequately and in detail, related to the objective(s) of research and supported by the concepts or theories quoted in the Rationale.107. 结果、建议和结论 Result(s), Suggestion(s) and Conclusion归纳研究结果,建议翻译策略,总结研究过程,说明研究意义、局限性和/或未来研究方向。The result(s) of the research is(are) concluded, suggestion(s) made on translation strategies, the procedures of the research summed up, and the significance, limitation(s) and/or future direction(s) of theresearch explained.108. 正文引用文献、参考文献 Cited References, Bibliography 格式符合规范。“文献综述”中所引用的参考文献不少于5本书籍或文章。 The references and Bibliography are properly formatted. No less than 5 references are cited in the Rationale.109. 语言Language 符合英语专业学士学位论文标准。The writing of the paper reflects sufficient mastery of the English language for a BA Degree.1010. 逻辑Logic 行文连贯,符合逻辑,各部分围绕研究目标,相互关联。The paper is logically organized, whose ideas are developed coherently and consistent with the objective(s) of the research.10总分Total100学生成绩Score导师意见Tutor Comments 及格注: 10 8.5 分表示此评分项目为优秀; 8 7.5分表示此评分项目为良好; 7 6分表示此评分项目为及格;6分以下为表示此评分项目为不及格。10个评分项目的累计得分为总分。总分转换成对应级别为学生成绩:100 85 分为优秀;84.5 75 分为良好; 74.5 60 分为及格;60分以下为不及格。第6个评分项目“语料分析”(Data Analysis)为关键评分项目。如果该项分数低于6,学生成绩为“不及格”。Note: The total score (maximum 100 points) will fall into one of the following categories: 100 85 (Excellent), 84.5 75 (Good), 74.5 60 (Pass) and Below 60 (Fail). Individual items are to be ranked in a similar way, on a scale of 10: 10 8.5 (Excellent), 8 7.5 (Good), 7 6 (Pass) and Below 6 (Fail). If a learner fails Item 6, the critical item, then the entire paper will receive a failing grade.


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