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    海绵宝宝历险记:海绵出水 噢,原来你在这儿啊!我的小心肝儿!Oh, there you are, my lovely. 嗯,你说什么?Hmm! What's that? 把书拿走?Take the book? 我不会太客气的I don't mind if I do. 总算是 到手了At last, it is mine. 最终,你还是成了我的Finally, you are mine. 好吧,开打吧!只管放马过来!All right. Let's do this. Bare knuckles. 来吧小骷髅,你吓不到我的Bring it on, skinny. You don't scare me. 你们有没有 7 ?You got any sevens? 去屎吧注:牌桌上称很弱的玩家为 FishGo fish. 就这么点儿本事?Is that all you got? 啊吼Ooh. 自动驾驶 嗯Hmm. 伙计,超期未还哦Man, this is way overdue. “曾几何时,在大海的深处”"Once upon a time, under the sea, “有一个小镇,被称为:比奇堡”"there was a little town called Bikini Bottom. “这个小镇里,有一个餐厅”"In this town, there was a place “叫做:蟹堡王餐厅”"called The Krusty Krab, “那里的居民都会去吃一种汉堡”"where folks would come to eat a thing “叫做:蟹黄堡”"called the Krabby Patty. “那么说到这里就不得不提一提”"Every greasy spoon has a fry cook, “在这里工作的这个厨师了”"and the one who worked here “那就是穿方裤子的:海绵宝宝”"was named SpongeBob SquarePants."海绵宝宝主题曲是谁住在水下的菠萝屋里? Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?海绵宝宝!SpongeBob SquarePants!都闭嘴,别唱了 黄颜色的他吸收又吐气!Just hold it. Hold it. Absorbent and yellow and porous is he海绵宝宝!SpongeBob SquarePants!如果你想要打发航海的无趣!If nautical nonsense be something you wish海绵宝宝!SpongeBob SquarePants!就趴在甲板上扑打像鱼!Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish海绵宝宝!SpongeBob SquarePants! 住嘴!Stop! 哈?Huh? 那唯一不爽的事There's only one thing worse 就是那些会说话的鸟than talking birds, and that would be. 太聒噪了!Singing birds! 好吧,我保证不太 噪Okay, I promise not to si-i-i-ng. 看看我们Take it from us. 他真的是很讨厌会唱歌的鸟He really does hate singing birds. 请继续讲吧,海盗先森Just keep weading. Pwease, Mr. Piwate, sir. 过来靠近点,我继续给你们讲故事Come closer while I tell you the tale. -OK,开始吧-别那么近!Okay, start reading. No. Not that close! 嘢,嗯哼Yeah. Hmm. 好吧,开始了All right, here we go. 那么,海绵宝宝很喜欢Now, SpongeBob loved his job 他的厨师工作as a fry cook. 爱的胜过任何事.more than anything. 那真的是真爱And that is saying a lot 因为他什么都喜欢because he loved everything! 他喜欢他的宠物蜗牛,小蜗He loved his pet snail, Gary. 他喜欢他的朋友,派大星He loved his best friend, Patrick. 他喜欢吹泡泡He loved blowing bubbles 以及水母and jellyfishing. Whee! 他喜欢做蟹黄堡He loved making Krabby Patties 给比奇堡的居民吃for the folks of Bikini Bottom 就如同他们爱吃蟹黄堡一样just as much as they loved eating them. 为什么?你可能会问Why, you may ask, 为什么他们这么爱这个油油的小三明治?do they love this greasy little sandwich so much? 为什么他们早上吃Why did they eat them for breakfast. 中午吃.lunch, 晚上还吃and dinner, 甚至无视医生的警告despite their doctor's warnings? 他只剩一周的寿命了He'll be gone in a week. 噢,哈罗德!Oh, Harold! 喔,这是个秘密Oh. It was a secret. 没有人知道No one was sure what was 为什么这个汉堡如此好吃in these patties that made them so delicious. 甚至没人在意这一点And, frankly, no one cared, 除了痞老板except for Plankton. Meh. 痞老板在蟹堡王的街对面Plankton owned a restaurant right across the street 也有一家餐厅from The Krusty Krab, 但是没人去吃where no one ate 因为那里做的东西实在是烂because the food was really bad. 有必要这么说吗?Now, is that really necessary? 痞老板穷尽了他的一生Plankton had made it his life's work 都想要偷取配方to steal the recipe. 海绵宝宝,别这样,我们谈谈吧SpongeBob, please, let's talk about this! 而海绵宝宝永远都会守护这个配方And SpongeBob was always there to protect it. 但是今天,事情But today, things 就完全不同了would be different. 早上好,海绵宝宝Good morning, SpongeBob! 好啊,派大星Morning, Patrick! 你的餐前蟹黄堡吃过了吗?You here for your pre-lunch Krabby Patty? 我今天吃了两个I'm getting two today. 你个我吃,一个给了我朋友One for me and one for my friend. 噢,我见过你的朋友吗?Oh. Have I met this friend? “当然认识了,海绵宝宝”"You know me, SpongeBob." 用餐愉快,派肚皮Enjoy, Patrick's tummy. 13Thirteen, 14、15fourteen, fifteen. 嘿,蟹老板,我觉得那是我们Hey, Mr. Krabs, I thought we got 周四的调味酱our tartar sauce delivery on Thursday. 调味Tartar. 酱?Sauce? 正中靶心!哈哈哈Bull's-eye! 痞老板!Plankton! 所以,他想来个食物大战吗,啊?So it's a food fight he wants, eh? 欢迎乘坐痞老板航空Welcome to Air Plankton. 请调回你的座椅并收起小桌板Please put your seat backs and tray tables up 我们就要接近目的地了as we're now approaching our final destination. 好了,派大星,装填土豆炮弹Okay, Patrick, load the potatoes! 土豆泥还是土豆片,长官?Mashed or scalloped, sir? 不是,派大星,土豆弹No, Patrick. Raw. 是,遵命,长官!Sir, yes, sir! 锁定并装填完毕!Locked and loaded! 不要担心,小配方,你在这是安全的Don't worry, little formuler, you'll be safe in this, 恩,安全uh, safe. 开火!Fire! 土豆?Potatoes? 敌军正在接近!He's closing in! 我觉得离他到达这里还需要几分钟I think we have a few minutes before he gets here. 他就在我们上方!He's right on top of us! 嘿,下薯条了!Hey, it's raining fries! 想把我的小心肝打下来你还需要再多点土豆呢It's gonna take a lot more than potatoes to bring this baby down. 或者,也许不需要Or maybe not. 喔!Whoo! 等一下,派大星,看他又弄了辆坦克!Wait a minute, Patrick, look! He's got a tank! 好吧,蟹堡王,送你们根腌黄瓜尝尝吧Well, Krabs, you're certainly in a pickle now! 嘿,下腌黄瓜了Hey, it's raining pickles! 现在又下Now it's raining. 坦克了Tanks. 不用谢了!You're welcome! 惨了Finland. 请下命令,长官!Your orders, sir! 我要两个蟹黄堡I'll have two Krabby Patties-extra ketchup, 番茄酱加量、芥末酱加量、超多蛋黄酱extra mustard, and hold the mayo. 打错了!Wrong channel! 请下命令,长官!Your orders, sir! 番茄酱加量、芥末酱加量、超多蛋黄酱!Extra ketchup! Extra mustard! Hold the mayo! 遵命,长官!Yes, sir! 番茄酱加量、芥末酱加量Extra ketchup! Extra mustard! 超多蛋黄酱Hold the mayo! 准备释放美味啦!Unleash the condiments! 加量不加价With relish. 不好意思Excuse me. 哈喽?Hello? 哈喽?Hello? -我猜你们不想要钱了-收钱?Guess y'all don't want my money. Money? 谢谢,欢迎光临!Thank you! Come again! 我拿不住蛋黄酱了I can't hold the mayo any longer! 蛋黄酱?好吧,再多的蛋黄酱也不能Mayo? Well, it's going to take a lot more than mayo to stop. 还有什么啊?Now what? 噢!Oh! 刚想起来,我不是蟹老板的员工I just remembered, I don't work for Mr. Krabs! 机器人!机器人!Robot! Robot! 机器人!进击的巨人!Robot! Giant robot! 机器人!机器人!Robot! Robot! 蟹老板,痞老板来了,而且还开着个超大机器人Mr. Krabs, Plankton's here and he's got a giant robot! 快点,伙计,堵住门!Quick, boy, bar the door! 搞定!Got it! 那我就把秘方I'll take one secret formula. 带走了.to go. 噢,我勒个去,没油了?Oh, barnacles. I'm out of gas? 我还没完呢I'm not through yet. 我还有能让你乖乖交出秘方的东西呢I've got something that will make you hand over that formula. 一些你完全不能拒绝的东西Something you can't resist. 现金!Money! 没错,哈?Yes! Huh? 这是这是不可能的!That's. That's. That's impossible! 上周钱还是满的呢啊Well, it was full of money just last week. 我买了架飞机,又买了辆坦克And then I bought that airplane and built that tank. 听起来好像Sounds to me like 某个人要破个小产咯!someone's just a wee bit broke! 好吧,蟹老板,好像你赢了Well, Krabs, I guess you've won. 为了把你从这生意里搞走I've spent every penny I've ever made 我花掉了所有积蓄trying to put you out of business. 除了我这最后的一枚硬币Except this one. My last penny. 我能拿这可怜的一枚硬币干什么呢?Besides, what can I do with one measly cent anyway? 给你个建议,你可以交给我You could give it to me. Just a suggestion. 给,拿去吧Here, take it. 你已经夺走了一切,多一枚又何妨You've taken everything else. Why not? 那么,痞老板,像回锅蟹黄堡一样Well, Plankton, like a reheated Krabby Patty, 你又一次失败了you've been foiled again. 我想这意味着那秘方I guess this means the secret formula 永远安全了,对吗,蟹老板?is safe forever, right, Mr. Krabs? 当然了,孩子!It sure does, boy. 还不赶快夹着尾巴滚?Why don't you scurry along? 感谢惠顾!生活愉快!Thanks for coming! Have a nice day! 他在外面哭了有20分钟了He's been out there crying for 20 minutes. 悲哀Pathetic. 我要过去幸灾乐祸一下I'm just going to go out there and gloat a little. 独眼龙呼叫笔记本!听到请回答,笔记本!Cyclops to Laptop. Come in, Laptop. “笔记本”?你要明白这昵称实在太烂了"Laptop." You do realize that nickname is demeaning? 我可比笔记本多一块电源呢!I have twice the processing power of a laptop. 算了,保持信道畅通吧Never mind. Maintain radio silence. 终于!Finally! 啊?Huh? 压力感应器吗?蟹老板?A pressure plate, eh, Krabs? 小菜一碟Amateur hour. 嗯Hmm. 完美啊!Perfect! 看起来还不错Not a bad likeness. 对付那蠢货蟹老板足够了!Good enough to fool that idiot Krabs. 慢点,慢点Easy, easy. 痞老板破产咯,噢吼Plankton's broke! Ooh-ooh. 看蟹老板那样子Look at Mr. Krabs go. 从来没见过他这么刻薄I've never seen him gloat this hard before. 嘿,好吧,痞老板Hey, well, Plankton, 我觉得是时候停止幸灾乐祸了me bunions are telling me it's time to stop gloating. 嗯?你看起来好像开线了噢Huh? Looks like you're falling apart at the seams. -啊?-我真可怜Huh? Poor me. -呜咽,呜咽-机器人?Sob, sob. A robot? 痞老板?Plankton? 啊噢Uh-oh. 这下遭了That ain't good. 启动锁定程序Initiating lockdown sequence. 我的秘方!Me formuler! 啊?噢!Huh? Ow! No, no, no! No!No, no, no! No! 章鱼哥,开门!Squidward! Open up! 哈-哈-胜利之舞-Boo-yaHa-ha, victory dance. Boo-ya. 拿过来!Give me that! 摆脱,海绵宝宝,跟我干吧!Come on, SpongeBob, join me! 我们会非常有钱有势的And we'll be rich and powerful, 在我背叛你之前until I eventually betray you. -呃,加入吧!-不,不可能!Uh, join me! No! Never! 我跟定蟹老板了!I'm on Team Krabs for life! 痞老板!Plankton! 啊?秘方哪去了?What? Where'd it go? 等一下,分子解构?Wait a minute. Molecular deconstruction? 这个不可能的科学现象我证明过 7 次啊!I proved that to be a scientific impossibility seven times! 等一下Wait a minute. 我今天好像忘了给小蜗清垃圾了I think I forgot to empty Gary's litter box today. 我的秘方呢?痞老板!Where's me formuler, Plankton? 我我不知道,它消失了!I. I don't know! It just disappeared! 我为什么会相信你啊,你这个诈骗犯?!Why should I believe you, you lying liar? 正常情况下,我举双手赞成你说的,蟹老板Normally, I'd agree with you, Mr. Krabs, 但是这次他说的是真的,秘方突然消失了!but this time he's telling the truth. It just vanished! 是真的!It's true! 蟹老板,我跟你说,他是无辜的Mr. Krabs, I'm telling you he's innocent! 你要干什么啊,蟹老板What are you going to do, Krabs? 要在我身上倒热油吗?Pour hot oil on me? 还是要在我的指甲上插竹签?Or put bamboo shoots under my nails? 不,敲敲门No. Knock, knock. 玩敲门游戏?我能跟你玩一整天,老蟹Knock-knock jokes? I can do this all day, Krabs. 咚咚,敲门啦Knock, knock. 噢,天哪,是谁啊?Oh, boy. Who's there? 吉米Jimmy. 吉米什么?Jimmy who? 吉米秘方!痞老板!还我秘方!痞老板!注:Jimmy 谐音 Gave meJimmy back my formuler, Plankton! 好吧,蠢死了,但是这就是你的大刑伺候?Well, that's stupid, but how is it torture? 你会明白的You'll see. “吉米秘方”?"Jimmy back my formula"? 嗯Hmm. 喔!Oh! 我明白了!I get it! 快让他停下,蟹老板,快停下!Oh, make it stop, Krabs! Make it stop! 蟹老板?闭嘴!海绵宝宝Mr. Krabs? SpongeBob, zip it! 谢谢你,章鱼哥Thank you, Squidward. 客户都被你们搞毛了!The customers are getting restless! 他们纷纷要求They're asking for 退款refunds. 退款Refunds. 退款?Refunds? 退款!退款!Refund! Refund! 听着,臭小子,快点进去Listen up, boy. Get in there 快给他们做些蟹黄堡!and make me customers some Krabby Patties! 好了,痞老板啊?All right, Plankton. Huh? 海绵宝宝,怎么啦,孩子?SpongeBob! What's wrong, boy? 我们没有蟹黄堡了?We're out of Krabby Patties? 我们没了秘方怎么做蟹黄堡啊?How can we make more Krabby Patties without the secret formula? 那现在只能靠你的记忆做了!You've got to have that formuler memorized by now! 话虽如此,先生But as you are aware, sir, 但是员工规章上明文规定了以下内容:the employee handbook clearly states, and I quote, “任何员工不得以任何形式”"No employee may, in part or in whole, “私自使用蟹黄堡制作秘方”"commit the Krabby Patty secret formula “包括但不限于书面形式”"to any recorded written or visual form, “以及记忆中、梦境中等类似情况下”"including memories, dreams, and/or needlepoint." 我勒个草,TMD 什么条款啊!Curse you, fine print! 退款!退款!退款!Refund! Refund! Refund! 停一下!Stop! 我也是受害者!I'm not your enemy! 痞老板才是你们的敌人!Plankton is your enemy! 那么敌人是个海葵或者海虫?So is he an anemone or a plankton? 总之,是要有人负责的Well, someone had to do it. 但是,蟹老板But Mr. Krabs. 他窃取了你们的这个!He took this from you! -蟹黄堡-我差点就吃到了Krabby Patty. I can almost taste it. 呃,蟹老板,痞老板没拿秘方Uh, Mr. Krabs, Plankton didn't take the secret formula. 现在别说这个,海绵宝宝Not now, SpongeBob! 嘿,我还叫了双份蟹黄堡呢Hey! I ordered a double Krabby Patty! 那么跟我一起找回秘方吧!So join me! Help get the formuler back, 然后我会给你们每人一份免费的蟹黄堡!and I'll give each and every one of you a free Krabby Patty! 噢,不,等等!Oh, no! Wait! 还是给优惠券吧!Even better, a slight discount! 打倒海之霸!To The Chum Bucket! 但是他没有拿But he didn't do it. 我明明用我贪婪的小手抓到了I had it right in my greedy little mitts, 然后嘭的一声and then. Poof! 不见了,一去不复返了!And now it's gone. Gone forever. 噢,我几乎就得到了人们的尊重/恐惧Oh, I was so close to gaining the people's respect-slash-fear. 呃,痞老板?Um, Plankton? 噢,那将是我结束沮丧/耻辱的一刻啊Oh, when will my frustration-slash-humiliation end? 痞老板?别插嘴啊!Plankton? Not now, hon! 我正在咆哮/呓语I'm ranting-slash-raving. 好吧,到底怎么了?All right, what is it? 那么,我刚才想告诉你有一群愤怒的暴民在外面Well, I was trying to tell you there's an angry mob outside. 但是现在已经进来了But now they're inside. 噢Oh. -哼-我只是个上班的Hmm? I just work here. 我们有几句话找你聊聊!We'd like to have a word with you! 你们应该都饿了吧You all look very hungry. 有没有人来过海霸堡尝尝?Can I get anybody a Chum Burger? 我们对你太客气了,痞老板!Enough with the niceties, Plankton! 我再问你最后一次!This is the last time I'm going to ask you. 我的秘方哪去了?!Where is me formuler? 我说过了,蟹老板,我没拿I told you, Krabs, I don't have it. 回答错误!Wrong answer. 住手!Stop! 好了,蟹老板,这个让我来吧!All right, Mr. Krabs, let me get in on this. 到底是要怎么着啊?What's going on around here? 你可能要往后退一点,蟹老板You may want to step back a little, Mr. Krabs. 可能会乱七八糟的This could get messy. 我倒希望这样Let's hope so. 怎么你还不老实交代吗,痞老板?So you won't talk, eh, Plankton? 这么做其实我是拒绝的I didn't want to have to do this. 痞老板,承受痛苦吧Plankton, here comes the pain. 肥皂水弄他眼睛里吗?够毒辣!Soap in the eye, eh? Diabolical! 不!不要!别介!No! Stop! Don't! 等等,好像不是很痛苦的样子Wait. That didn't look painful. 蟹老板,你可能不明白我今天为什么要这么做Mr. Krabs, you may not understand what I'm about to do today, 但是总有一天,我们会和好如初的but someday we'll look back and have a good laugh. 等一下Wait a minute. 嘿,他们要跑了!Hey, they're getting away! 对不起了,蟹老板!Sorry, Mr. Krabs! 这么说你是一直都在骗我咯,啊?So, you've been running a long con on me, eh? 这些年你一直在当痞老板的卧底?!All these years you've been working for Plankton! 他们是一伙的!They're in cahoots! 没错,简单来说是那样的Yeah, I guess that's a short way of saying it. 打掉那个泡泡!Stop that bubble! 拜托请告诉我下面是软的Please tell me there's something soft below me. 嗯不是Mmm, nope. 海绵宝宝!SpongeBob! 哦,虽然工资不高但我一直对你视如己出Oh. You were like an underpaid son to me. 我一直觉得章鱼哥会在我背后捅刀子I would've expected Squidward to stab me in the back. 啊?什么?啊?Huh? What? Huh? 但海绵宝宝?我最信任的员工?But SpongeBob? 竟然是敌人的卧底?Me most trusted employee? Working with me sworn enemy? 你知道这意味着什么吗?章鱼哥You know what this means, Mr. Squidward. 我们要放一天假?We get the rest of the day off? 不!No! 这就是我最担心的预兆啊This be but a harbinger of what I fear lies ahead. 对你来说,也对我来说For you. For me. 对所有比奇堡的居民来说For all of Bikini Bottom! 蟹黄堡就是我们之间的纽带The Krabby Patty is what ties us all together! 没有它,我们的社会秩序将彻底破裂Without it, there will be a complete breakdown of social order. 战争即将降临A war of all against all! 黑暗时代正在揭幕Dark times are ahead. 动荡即将到来!Dark times indeed! 真的吗?Seriously? 你是不是反应过度了?Aren't you overreacting a bit? 哈?Huh? 欢迎来到创世纪,章鱼哥Welcome to the apocalypse, Mr. Squidward. 希望你喜欢这身皮革I hope you like leather. 我喜欢麂皮I prefer suede. 然后,比奇堡开始变成了And so Bikini Bottom became 世界末日的化粪池,永永远远an apocalyptic cesspool forevermore. 剧终The end. 等一等,这结局太可怕了Wait a minute. That's a terrible ending. -噢,这太不好了,太不好了-什么?什么?Oh, this is bad. Really bad. What? What? 海绵宝宝麻烦大了,然后就结束了?SpongeBob's in trouble and the story's over? 啊噢!啊噢!啊噢!Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. 嘿,给我找个医生!Hey, call a therapist! 我要抑郁了!I have anxiety! 这不可能是故事的结局!There is no way that that's the end of this story. 当然是了!不信等下给你看Of course it is. I'll show you. 转过身去Just turn around. 噢,就是这样!Oh, all right. 嘿!Hey! 我靠这个飞呢,你个傻逼!I need that to fly, you jerk. “剧"The 终!”"End"! 这才不是剧终呢!That's not the end! 当然是了!Of course it is! 放开这本书,赶快松嘴!Unhand that book! You let go of that! 快松开,你这蠢货!Let go, you numbskull! 你最好读下去,海盗先生You better keep reading, Mr. Pirate, 要不然or else! 我知道我不该乱丢垃圾,但是这结局实在是太烂了I know I shouldn't be littering, but that ending was rubbish! 哈


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