牛津高中英语(译林版)高中The Curse of the Mummy教学设计.doc
牛津高中英语(译林版)高中The Curse of the Mummy教学设计 一、教案背景1、面向学生:中学2、学科:英语(译林出版社)3、版块:模块二 高一上学期4、课题:Reading: The Curse of the Mummy5、课型及课时:阅读课 第1课时 二、教材分析教学内容:牛津高中英语(译林版)模块二高一上学期第三单元“Amazing People”第一课时Reading: The Curse of the Mummy教材分析:本课为模块二第三单元Reading教学的第一课时,第三单元主要讲述神秘的古代文明,而本课主要讲述埃及金字塔以及有关木乃伊的诅咒。埃及金字塔及木乃伊是世人不断研究及探索的领域,也是我们学生非常感兴趣的领域。本课主要帮助学生通过阅读这篇文章掌握阅读此类文章的阅读策略和阅读技巧,提高学生的阅读能力和综合运用语言的能力。同时,通过本课教学,培养学生科学探究的精神。教学目标:知识目标:1、了解一些有用的关于金字塔,埃及,探险的单词,词组表达:curse, explorer, secretary, curious, coincidence等.能力目标:1、通过对阅读策略的学习,掌握预测课文内容和获取学习的能力;2、培养学生的说、读、写能力、竞争意识和自主、合作、探究的意识。情感目标:1、使学生了解木乃伊的神秘世界,激发他们的求知欲;2、努力学习,学会用科学的方法来破解这一未解之谜学习策略:1、利用图片或者特定语境来学习新的单词和短语;2、采用激励性评价体制,激发学生的积极性和主动性;3、小组活动,通过小组成员合作学习,培养学生自主运用语言的能力。教学重难点:通过对阅读策略的学习,掌握预测课文内容和获取学习的能力;教学准备:多媒体课件教学方法:任务教学法、小组讨论法等Step1 Leading-in Watch a video about mummyT: Have you seen this film? It is about mummy. Do you know what is mummy? It is preserved dead body. And it is famous in Egypt. Okay, now let s enjoy this video. While watching, please pay attention to what message did the mummy leave?Have you found out the message?S:Death is only a beginning.T: Good! And do you know what is this message? It is a curse.What is curse? Curse are the words believed to have magical powers that can harm people. In Chinese, we call “诅咒”. This is the title of the passage, so can we predict what the passage will tell us?S: The curse. Maybe there is something terrible.T: Do you want to know about the curse? Or are you curious?S: Yes!T: Okay, now begin reading the passage, let s learn some new words. Read after me loudly. 【设计说明】通过观看电影木乃伊的一小段视频,激发学生的兴趣,激发学生表达的欲望,增加课堂的生动性及趣味性。Step 2 New wordstomb n. 古墓 mummy n. 木乃伊explorer n. 探险家 discovery n. 发现amazing adj. 令人惊奇的 curious adj. 好奇心fortune n. 财富 entrance n. 入口swallow v. 吞;咽 secretary n. 秘书coincidence n. 巧合 connection n. 联系scientific adj. 科学的 explanation n. 解释virus n. 病毒 riddle n. 谜【设计说明】扫清词汇障碍,帮助理解课文T: Now please read the passage quickly and complete the following tasks in the Fast reading part. Step3 Fast reading for general ideas Task 1 What is the main idea of this passage?( )A. Howard Carter' s discovery and the sufferings of his team members.B. Howard Carter' s lifeC. Different reasons for the deaths of the peopleTask2 Match the main idea of each partPart1(para1-3) A. Some people died after the tomb was openedPart2(para4-5) B. An introduction to Howard Carter. Part3(para6-8) C. Different explanations about the deaths, but remains a riddle.Task3 Answer the following questions.1.Who is Howard Carter?2.When did Howard Carter make his most amazing discovery?3.How many people died after the tomb was opened? 【设计说明】本设计的目的是让学生通过快速阅读,寻找上下文中的有用信息并理清文章脉络,培养学生快速阅读的能力。T: Firstly, Let s see what the main idea is.S: A T: This passage can be divided into three parts. And what is the main idea of part 1? How about part 2, part 3. We gain a clear idea of each part. Who is Howard Carter?S: He was a famous explorer the world has ever known.T: Yes, we can learn from the first sentence at the beginning. And when did Howard Carter make his amazing discovery?S: In 1922. .T: Exactly right. There are so many people died after the tomb opened. Is it frightening? Before finding out how they died and why they died, let s learn something about the famous explorer, Howard Carter. Please read paragraph1 to paragraph3 and finish task1.Step 4 Careful reading for important information Task 1 Part1(Para1-3) Howard CarterBorn(year):_ Job :_ Personality(个性):_Interests:_Education:_Year of the discovery:_The most important tomb: _T: Who would like to tell us Howard Carter, to be brave and put up your hands.When was he born? S: 1874. Because he was 17 in 1891.T: What was his job?S: Explorer.T: How about his personality?S: He was brave.T: Now we know Howard Carter was a famous explorer and he led the team to explore King Tutankhamun s tomb. But his teammates died. Now please read paragragh4 to paragraph5 and find out how did they die?Task2 Part 2(Para4-5)The death of Carter s teammates CharacterConnection(联系) with Carter and the tomb How did he die? Pet bird Being left in Cairoswallowed by a 1._ Lord CarnarvonMoney provider, was present when the tomb was opened fell ill with a 2._ George GouldCarnarvon s 3._ visited the tomb caught a high fever Richard BethellCarter s 4._, entered the tomb died of 5. _ Arthur MaceTeam memberNot mentionedTask 3 (Detailed information in Para6-8)Different explanations about the deaths1.Just _2.The mummy s _3. A scientific explanation-_Conclusion: The mystery has remained a _.【设计说明】这一环节目的让学生学会提取细节信息,以小组为单位,让学生以小组抢答的形式,按小组进行评比,每组每次回答一个要点,最后评选出优胜组,用激励性的评价体制,增强学生的竞争意识。T: According to their deaths, there are different explanations. Some believe that they died by chance. It s coincidence. Some believe that it is the curse of the mummy. But others believe that viruses are the main cause. What do you think of it? Now please have a discussion with your group members and share your opinions. Step 5 Discussion What do you think of it, a curse, a coincidence(巧合) or having a scientific explanation-viruses(病毒)?(You can refer to para6-8)You can use the following expressions.1. There is possibility that., Because.2. The deaths can be explained like this.3. I think their deaths are due to., Because.4. In my opinion, all this happened Because.My opinion: I think the power of a curse is in the mind of the person who believes in it. Howard Carter, who actually opened the tomb, never believed in the curse and lived on until the age of 65. The people died shortly after the discovery maybe because they were too worried about the curses and thus got sick and even died.【设计说明】让学生通过小组讨论,找出答案,有助于培养他们的合作探究意识。Homework Write a summary about Howard Carter. The Curse of Mummy 学案 Learning aims:(学习目标)1.Knowledge and skills (知识与技能)1. To learn some key words and useful expressions.2. To learn to apply reading skills.2.Process and method (过程与方法)Skimming, scanning, careful reading, discussion 3.Feeling, Attitude and Value (情感,态度与价值观)Develop students interest in mummies and exploration.Learning focus and difficult points(学习重难点)Train the students reading ability.Learning procedures: 学习过程Step1 Leading-in Watch a video about mummyStep 2 New wordstomb n. 古墓 mummy n. 木乃伊explorer n. 探险家 discovery n. 发现amazing adj. 令人惊奇的 curious adj. 好奇的fortune n. 财富 entrance n. 入口swallow v. 吞;咽 secretary n. 秘书coincidence n. 巧合 connection n. 联系scientific adj. 科学的 explanation n. 解释virus n. 病毒 riddle n. 谜Step3 Fast reading for general ideas Task 1 What is the main idea of this passage?( )A. Howard Carter' s discovery and the sufferings of his team members.B. Howard Carter' s lifeC. Different reasons for the deaths of the peopleTask2 Match the main idea of each partPart1(para1-3) A. Some people died after the tomb was openedPart2(para4-5) B. An introduction to Howard Carter. Part3(para6-8) C. Different explanations about the deaths, but remains a riddleTask3 Answer the following questions.1. Who is Howard Carter?_2. When did Howard Carter make his most amazing discovery?_3. How many people died after the tomb was opened? _ Step 4:Careful reading for important information Task 1 Part1(Para1-3) Howard CarterBorn(year):_ Job :_ Personality(个性):_Interests:_Education:_Year of the discovery:_The most important tomb: _Task2 Part 2(Para4-5) The death of Carter s teammates CharacterConnection(联系) with Carter and the tomb How did he die? Pet bird Being left in Cairoswallowed by a 1._ Lord CarnarvonMoney provider, was present when the tomb was opened fell ill with a 2._ George GouldCarnarvon s 3._ visited the tomb caught a high fever Richard BethellCarter s 4._ entered the tomb died of 5. _ Arthur MaceTeam memberNot mentionedTask 3 (Detailed information in Para6-8)Different explanations about the deaths1.Just _2.The mummy s _3. A scientific explanation-_Conclusion: The mystery has remained a _.Step 5 Discussion What do you think of it, a curse, a coincidence(巧合)or having a scientific explanation-viruses(病毒)? And why?(You can refer to para6-8.)You can use the following expressions.1. There is possibility that .,Because.2. The deaths can be explained like this .3. I think their deaths are due to. Because.4. In my opinion, all this happened. Because.Homework Write a summary about Howard Carter. 教学反思 本人于2013年11月7日在高一(3)班上了一节英语阅读课,通过这节课,对新课程理念下的高中英语教学有了新的认识。下面想谈谈本次课在得、失、效,改四个方面一些反思。一 思得:在课堂教学过程中,能够运用新课程标准中的理念,以以发展学生能力为重点,在教学设计中强调了情感、态度、价值观的教育。这节课课堂节奏快,信息量较大,通过对英语文章a curse of the mummy的阅读, 重点培养学生快速查找文章大意和具体信息的能力。本节课用mummy引出话题,用video导入主题,调动全体学生的情绪;ppt设计规范,授课过程中注意调动学生积极。整节课能使学生听课愉悦快乐,课堂气氛宽松,又有激励性,是一次合作的师生共同进步的过程。二 思失对学生参与活动的度注意不够,individual活动太多,应多加些pair work, group work,使更多的学生,能够有更多的机会参与活动; 对于较困难问题, 应组织学生参加讨论。这说明对于学生的合作学习贯彻不够,挖掘学生能力,潜力,激励学生的能力还有待改进。在discussion中,部分学生能够根据自己的观点给出正确答案,但大多是照读课文的内容的,这样易束缚学生们的思维。熟练,精确的课堂用语本身就是优化课堂教师课堂行为一个重要方面。由于平时课堂用语过于随意,另外在授课中还是由于紧张忘记了很多,不能干脆、利落,明了。这说明精、简课堂用语是一项长期的任务,教师要时时练习,才能熟练,应用自如;部分活动课堂活动台阶搭得不够,应一步步引导学生,逐渐地、有梯度地提升学生能力。三 思效 一节好的阅读课的所有活动都应该围绕文章topic进行,应注意中下层学生对课文的理解和掌握。阅读课中discussion应该是更深层次的讨论,加深讨论就是评论,应check the result of the discussion。讨论中,要让学生多用所学的知识讨论本篇阅读的主题。在这方面以前还认识不足,同时在课堂上的部分活动与教学目标达成关系不大,部分学生对文章主题的理解还不深刻,对学生解惑答疑等手段运用还欠生疏,还没有能从中获取反馈信息。 四 思改 采用有力的措施改进教学。例如学生基础和技能方面的欠缺,应帮助纠正、弥补;运用知识解决问题能力不足,应通过训练来提高;少数人的问题,个别辅导;大多数学生的问题,需要在课堂上统一解决,甚至调整教学进度等等。叫学生回答问题,应到处开花,覆盖面应达到80%以上。在以后的教学中应继续加强贯彻学生合作学习的新课程理念,实践证明学生对合作学习是积极欢迎的,在合作学习中学生能畅所欲言,充分表达自己的思想感情,发挥自身的潜力。还要加强对教材的整合力度,教学中要紧紧围绕主题开展活动,搭够教学步骤的台阶,让学生从不懂到懂,从朦胧到清晰,带领全体学生而不是部分学生共同进步。