毕业论文:network vogue expressions translation from the perspective.doc
毕业论文:Network Vogue Expressions Translation from the Perspective毕业论文:Network Vogue Expressions Translation from the Perspective毕业论文:Network Vogue Expressions Translation from the Perspective:2013-7-18 20:35:07Network Vogue Expressions Translation from the Perspective ofEquivalence TheoryAbstractTranslation enhances communication and exchanges among different cultures with the course of cultural globalization W ith the rapid development of the Internet,overwhelming network vogue expressions,due mainly to its abundant social cultural background,have great impact on our daily lifeNowadays there is an rising fever about the translation of network vogue expressions,however,few probes into this issue existConsequently,this paper focuses on the pragmatic equivalence in translation so as to standardize and optimize the translation of network vogue expressionsEspecially, from the perspective of Nidas theory of functional equivalence,it can be practical to explore translation of network vogue expressions. In process of the network vogue word translation, word for word translation plus explanation, transliteration, calque and back translation will be used.Key Words: network vogue expressions translation functional equivalence 摘 要在全球化的背景下,翻译推动了各文化间的交流与理解。随着互联网的迅速发展,依托在丰富的文化背景下,大量的网络新词逐渐地充斥在我们的生活其中。如今,网络上出现网络流行用语的各种翻译版本。但由于译者的水平和出发点不同,这些翻译版本良莠不齐。本论文从翻译的等值理论,尤其是奈达的功能翻译理论出发,通过探讨网络流行语的特点,在保留其原有的中国特色的基础上,力图得出一些翻译网络流行用语过程中的注意点与技巧。运用的翻译方式方法有:直译法、意译法、转借法、回译法。关键词:网络流行用语;翻译;功能对等Acknowledgements First, I would like to avail myself of the opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to Associate Professor Liu Zhenqing, my mentor, who provided enthusiastic support, expert advice, important insights and valuable reference materials during my preparing, writing and revising process. I would also like to acknowledge my indebtedness to Prof. Zhang Weihuang, Prof. Wang Bing, Prof. Zeng Zhuxuan, Prof. Xü Chunling and all the other teachehave different opinions, either positive or negative, on the feasibility of this theory in real translation. Still Nidas translation theories, especially his “Dynamic Equivalence Theory” , are highly praised and adopted in Chinese translation circle.As early as 18th century, English scholar Tyder proposed the equivalence principle in his Essay on the Principles of TranslationIn 1950s, Rien,a translation theorist in the Soviet Union, put forward the similar or equivalent response or effect principleThen, Theodore Savory pushed his opinion “equivalence in difference” in terms of the relationship between languagesIn 1965JCCatford proposed the concept of a textual translation equivalentBut the literature is dominated by Nida. In his book Toward a Science of Translating, he put forward a new concept “dynamic equivalence”, and pointed out translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the SL message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. However, in 1986, Nida replaced his early theory “dynamic equivalence” with “functional equivalence”, and began his communicative study on equivalence concept. Functional equivalence theory promoted the translation study aiming at readers instead of the text.2.1.2 Equivalence Studies in ChinaAt the end of the 19th century, Yan Fu put forth the three principle of translationfaithfulness, expressiveness and elegance. Faithfulness means equivalence, mainly concerning the content. Expressiveness refers to the relationship between the message and the receptors. Elegance relates to style. In a word, Yan Fu made great contributions to the development of translation of China. Afterwards, there is a great number of translators and translation theorist such as Lu Xun, Qu Qiubai and Ji Xianlin, etc. They also put forward a lot of translation theories similar to equivalence theory in the western countries. All of them have contributed to the development of equivalence theory.2.1.3 Nidas Functional EquivalenceIn 1969 the famous American translation theorist Eugene A. Nida put forward functional equivalence theory. Unlike the traditional translation theories that mainly stress the correspondence between the source language and target language, Nidas functional equivalence theories emphasize readers response. Nida points out that in order to reach the ideal translation, it is necessary to find the closet natural equivalence. Nidas functional equivalence theory opens up a new perspective to translation studies.In Nidas view, translation is not only the equivalence of words meaning, but also includes semantics, and style, the message translation of both the surface lexical information, but also deep cultural information. Nidas focus on receptors response in his new concept of translating is actually the theory of dynamic equivalence,which is directed primarily toward equivalence of response rather than equivalence of formIn Nidas opinion, a dynamic equivalent translation must fit the receptor language and culture in order to make the translated message intelligible and natural to the target language receptors“A translation of dynamic equivalence aims at complete naturalness of expression,and tries to relate the receptor to modes of behavior relevant within the context of his own culture;it does not insist that he understands the cultural patterns of the source language context in order to comprehend the message.”In 1969, in Nidas work From One Language to Another, he started to use the term “functional equivalence” to replace “dynamic equivalent”. However, there is not much difference between them. Nida described “functional equivalence” like this: “Basically, dynamic equivalence has been described in terms of functional equivalenceThe translation has been defined on the basis that the receptors of a translation should comprehend the translated text to such all extent that they all understand how the original receptors must have understood the original text.”Nida further perfected his theory in the 1990s. In his book Language, Culture and Translating, he divided functional equivalence into different degrees of adequacy from minimal to maximal effectiveness on the basis of both cognitive and experiential factors. The Minimal definition of functional equivalence is “The readers of a translated text should be able to comprehend it to the point that they all conceive of how the original readers of the text must have understood and appreciated it.” The Maximal definition of functional equivalence could be stated as The readers of a translated text should be able to understand and appreciate it in essentially the same manner as the original readers did. 2.2 The Network Vogue Words2.2.1 The Introduction of New Network Vogue WordsIt is said that the Twenty-first Century is an age of information. All kinds of information overspreads via internet, rapidly and quietly has changed our word, study and entertainment. Internet has become the most important part of life whats more, there appears its own language known as Internet Language, Internet English as the representative and Internet Chinese as our national language.In English, we have words like L8 (late), L8R (later), M8 (mate), NE1 ( anyone), PLS ( please), PS (parents),QT (cutie) and BRB ( Ill be right back),.BTW(by the way ), CUL (see you later), CWOT (complete waste of time), FTF (face to face ), FYI (for your information ), GMTA (great minds think alike) HAND( have a nice day)HRU ( how are you)ICBW ( it could be worse)IDTS( I dont think so) IMHO ( in my humble opinion) IYKWIM ( if you know what I mean) JK (just kidding) KOTC (kiss on the cheek ) LOL (laughing out loud) LSKOL (long slow kiss on the lips) LTNS (long time no see)Luvs U (I love you.) Luv U2 (I love you too). MON (the middle of nowhere) MTE (my thoughts exactly) MU (I miss you.) MUSM (I miss you so much.) NP (no problem) OIC (oh, I see) PC&QT (peace and quiet) PCM (please call me) ROTFL (rolling on the floor laughing) RUOK (are you ok?) THNQ (thank