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    毕业论文题 目 Study on the Strategies of Lenovo overseas expansion专 业 国际经济与贸易 班 级 04级1班 学 生 指导教师 重庆交通大学2008年PREFACEThe size and number of transnational corporations is reveal a country's economic strength and international competitiveness, the 15th National Party Congress report, "opening is a long-term basic national policy", should implement the "going global" strategy. After China's entry into the WTO, China will participate in international economic cooperation and division of labor on a larger scale and in greater depth, Chinese enterprises also felt greater pressure of competition. There are not only the enterprises bearing the rise or decline, but also shoulder the heavy responsibility of national industrial rehabilitation. To be big and stronger, at home alone is not enough. In order to improve their international competitiveness, we must follow the path of overseas expansion. After 20 years of searching, Chinese enterprises have also launched into international trial. From Haier in the South Carolina plant, to TCL acquisition of Schneider Electric and the French Thomson, and then to today the Lenovo acquisition of IBM's personal computer division, on the road to international, Chinese enterprises had the joy of victory, also paid a heavy price. What kind of road we take to? Is our choice correct? How much the cost of the overseas expansion the Chinese enterprises need to pay? How far we still have to go? These are all worthy of our thought. This article is in this background, Analysis of international strategic thinking of the Lenovo, to draw on the Enlightenment of the strategic choice of Lenovo overseas expansion, and to think the next step in the overseas expansion, and put forward own point of view. Through books, newspapers, magazines and networks, and other channels to collect a great deal of relevant material, combined in light of the relevant international management theory, the appropriate use of strategic management analysis tools and methods for Lenovo's international business strategies have been studied, this paper made a number of Personal view and ideas that the Chinese enterprises can be beneficial to international operations. CONTENTSABSTRACTICHAPTER 1 THE BACKGROUND OF ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION11.1 The meaning of economic globalization11.2 IT industry and economic globalization2CHAPTER 2 LENOVO'S OVERSEAS EXPANSION PRACTICE42.1 Liu Chuanzhi Period (1984-2001)42.2 Yang Yuanqing Period62.3 Before the acquisition IBM82.4 Acquisition of IBM10CHAPTER 3 LENOVO OVERSEAS EXPANSION STRATEGIES ANALYSIS123.1 The definition of multinational corporations123.2 TNC development mode133.3 Strategies before the acquisition analysis143.4 Acquisition analysis24CHAPTER 4 THINKING OF LENOVO OVERSEAS EXPANSION STRATEGY334.1 SWOT analysis334.2 The proposed of the new Lenovo's international operations354.3 Concluding remarks37REFERENCES38THANKS40ABSTRACTAfter the entrance into WTO, China has more actively participated in the international division of labor. And the enterprises in China face more pressure of competition now than ever before. Nowadays the competition has extended across the national boundaries and come to the global competition, which is not limited in a special market region. Under such conditions, Chinese enterprises must grasp the nettle bravely and study then grow in the battle. Now, most enterprises in China have woken up to this, and begin to explore an advisable way to overseas expansion.Currently, being represented by the Lenovo Group, many influential enterprises in China have realized the dream of overseas expansion by way of merge and acquisition. This thesis introduces the rapid growth of the Lenovo Group and analyzes its overseas expansion strategy, then studies the overseas expansion way in China, and puts forward some advices.The author hopes cordially that this study will be beneficial to the enterprises in China as a whole, and particularly to those on the verge of adopting a merger and acquisition strategy.This thesis is mainly consists of four parts. First, the author points out that for a IT company to maximize the value of products or services and enterprises, it have to optimize the allocation of resources globally and realize global production and global management, which is based upon the macro analysis of the relationship between the IT industry and the economic globalization and especially the international characteristics of PC industry.Second, the author divides Lenovos twenty-year-long internationalization course into two parts: the Liu Chuanzhi Period and the Yang Yuanqing Period, according to the difference of international strategies between two generations of leadership, and after reviews their international strategies respectively under general strategy frames, then specifically studies the relativity between the strategies and practices. Thirdly, after a theoretical description of the internationalization mode of worldwide, the author divides the analysis of Lenovos international strategies into two parts: strategies before the acquisition and strategy of the Acquisition itself, using different analytical tools such as internal and external environmental analysis, Twiss Model and Strategy Management for the analysis of the first part, and then deeply analyzes Lenovos motive , plan , risks and challenges of the Acquisition, which is a strategic action .Lastly, using theoretical tools such as SWOT analysis, the author makes suggestions for the New Lenovo strategic positioning at present and strategic transformation in the future, which also includes important points about the strategic management and tactics for the global success of New Lenovo.Keywords: Lenovo, Overseas expansion, StrategyChapter 1 The background of economic globalization 1.1 The meaning of economic globalizationFor the definition of globalization, domestic and foreign academics have not unanimously approved limit. According to The World Economic Outlook, which the International Monetary Fund published in 1997, the definition of economic globalization was: “Globalization refers to cross-border transactions in goods and services and international capital flows and the size of the increase, and the rapid spread of technology to the wide world of interdependence of national economies strengthen.”If U.S. economist Theodore Levitte said in 1983 of The Globalization of Markets, the first article of "globalization" concept, people thought that was a new thing, then to the 1990s, globalization has become the prevalence of the facts, and entered the 21st century, the "globalization of thinking, globalization action" has become a strong into the trend of the times. For this irreversible and far-reaching effects, any person, any entrepreneurs, any enterprise, any country did not shy away from the room, only their exposure to the world scene, Insight into the meaning of globalization and its past, present and future, on the basis of this, will it be possible to find the right way. This article has no intention of special study on globalization theory , but would like to stress that: For have set foot on or to be set foot on the road to internationalization of China's most enterprises, the only body into the wave of globalization, with a more positive attitude challenges ahead, will it be possible to everlasting.1.2 IT industry and economic globalizationThe definition of the information industry, or information technology industry (IT industry) is not very clear, at present, each national information industry statistical is not exactly the same caliber. According to the definition of the U.S. Department of Commerce, IT industries include computers and accessories, communication equipment (including radio, television), computer software, audio media services.Since the 1990s, with information technology-driven modern science and technology, globalization and economic globalization formed a new interactive relation, and promoting the economic and technological integration of the global wave of rolling forward.The global integration of information industry is that the information products and services cross-border production, transactions, information cross-border capital flows and their organizations worldwide distribution, and the number and diversity of advancing with the times. With the knowledge of information technology more quickly and widely disseminated, Thereby increasing between countries in the information industry on the mutually dependent. It may simplify specifically, in the information product's globalization production operation and the information product (service) the value realizes in globalize these two aspects. On the one hand is information product globalized production and management. Present information processing technology and communication network technology mutual seepage, not only causes the technology becomes through the innovation and the economical union more and more close, moreover causes this kind of union more and more stride to go out the country and the local scope, has the global integration characteristic, thus acceleration information industries' globalized advancement. On the other hand is the information product (service) the value realizes globalization. The information product value realizes the globalization is information product manufacturing globalization extending with requests inevitably, an information industry globalization's key character is only then can realize the information product greatest value through the international market competition. Zheng Yinglong: “Information technology Industry Whole world Integration And to Enterprise Transnational operations' Influence Research”, Finance and economics Discusses Clump, in September, 2003Chapter 2 Lenovo's overseas expansion practice2.1 Liu Chuanzhi Period (1984-2001)Arthur Bentley, who is U.S. political scientist, consider that, leadership is not the affairs of individual leaders, fundamentally that it is the Group's business. Similarly, the enterprise is also to a certain extent entrepreneur's enterprise. Behind the successful enterprises have a remarkable leadership, behind a successful industry have the keen judgment leadership surely to the marketing strategy. Liu Chuanzhi is the founder of Lenovo Lenovo: “Le” from legends first two letters, “novo” from the Latin, meaning to innovation., to be a spiritual godfather. Practice has proved that Liu Chuanzhi has created a Liu Chuanzhi Era in Lenovo. Although today's Lenovo has been entered Afte Liu Chuanzhi Era, but until now, Liu Chuanzhi also has a substantial impact. And Yang Yuanqing from the beginning of the general staff until the new Lenovo's leaders, similarly for Lenovo's development has played a profound influence, after becoming the new head of Lenovo, Yang Yuanqing had the enough space and the time develops belongs to his era. This paper will divided Lenovo's overseas expansion into two stages for the leaders, is based on the above considerations.In the era of Liu Chuanzhi, Lenovo is a positioning in the domestic market of the local community-based development company, from the stage of the development of cross-border nature only remain in the export trade of the stage, their international experience and strategic thinking from the fuzzy to clear the changes.First, the early 1990s, Lenovo's early international strategy and achieved great success for Lenovo growth and take-off played a crucial role. Whether it is "bridgehead" strategy, or "ship by sea" and "to promote internationalization of the industry,” development strategy, are in line with basic business start-up period was unique to the external environment and within the department of capacity, particularly in 1994 listed in Hong Kong, in the overall production and international market before the capital markets to take the lead in the international ones. It should be said that this step is the wise of Liu. Both in financing and equity arrangements and enterprise management structure, and enterprise operational mechanism and establish a standardized management system, Lenovo is for Chinese enterprises, especially state-owned enterprises in multinational operations, to explore a path of success. This is, until today there is still an important reference.Second, since the mid 1990s, Lenovo will focus on strategies to the domestic market, thus becoming an out-and-out based on domestic development of local companies. As early as in early 1988, Lenovo on to overseas markets sounded the clarion call into the early 1990s, Lenovo set the international operations of the trilogy: First of all, the overseas companies to set up a trade, transnational computer company, finally, scale Economic, overseas stock listing. This is the so-called "international to boost industrialization," but the scale of the PC have been formed, until the long-term domestic PC boss occupy the excellent situation, and Lenovo has not attack by this trend, but in 1996 the five strategic lines of the second in no hurry to expand overseas, based on domestic market development strategy. According to the official association that is: we must be done overseas markets, only the Chinese market has become the focus of the international market, we must first do the Chinese market through a profound, return to overseas. The trailer is 10 years. Lenovo to expand the family business in the idea, put forward in 1999 into the world's top 500 slogans, and then Lenovo have occupied the domestic PC market share of nearly 30%, if not the support of the international market, domestic sales alone in , Similar to the Arabian Nights, then swept across the Internet boom, Lenovo embarked on the domestic IT market based on the diversified development of the bumpy road, its international strategy to become a stay in the minds of executives in a false idea. Although Lenovo's leaders did not become a transnational finally abandoned the dream of Computer Group, but only under the passive forced to choose only.2.2 Yang Yuanqing PeriodLenovo's long-term goals: international.Lenovo overseas expansion goal: Lenovo in 10 years to become the world's leading high-tech companies, access to the global top 500, Lenovo realized the dream of entrepreneurs. After 10 years, the companys 20 percent to 30 percent of the revenue from the international market, the company's top management to meet international standards, forming a vision of international development and corresponding talent and culture.2001 Lenovo Group developed the strategic line: Yang Yuanqing: the "future of Lenovo", 20011, Based on the domestic market, preparing for overseas; 2, Customer-focused business developme


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