基础(Waystage)3Section 21.1A Dialogue.MARCO: What a fantastic meal! That really is a greatrestaurant.KRISTI: Yes, they say it's the best Chinese restaurant inWashdon. Well, what shall we do now? I feel like goingsomewhere: just the two of us.MARCO: Yes, that's a nice idea. We can go to my place, ifyou like.KRISTI: No thanks, Marco. I don't feel like meeting Maryagain, actually.MARCO: Look, Im not going out with Mary! Ive told youbefore, Kristi - its true!KRISTI: It's alright Marco, I believe you. But Imexpecting a message from someone in Germany back at thehotel. So we'll have to go back there, if thats OK by you.MARCO: Oh, alright. But what about that awful Americanwoman?KRISTI: Oh, the American couple have gone; they wentlast week.KRISTI: Let's get a bus there, shall we? The number 62stops right outside the hotel.KRISTI: Well, here we are!MARCO: I hope the old man doesn't hear me this time.KRISTI: You'll just have to be very, very quiet, that's all.See you outside the room; Ill go and get the key. Ready?KRISTI: Oh, hell!MARCO: What is it?KRISTI: He isn't asleep! I've never seen him awake before.I wonder what's happened?MARCO: What are we going to do?KRISTI: Let me see I know; I'll go in and ask him forsome information about something or other. Then, whenhe's looking away, you come in and go around to my room -very quietly, OK?MARCO: But what if he sees me?KRISTI: Look, if you don't feel like it, Marco, you canalways go back to your hostel.MARCO: It's alright; I'm ready, Kristi.KRISTI: Let's go, then!OLD MAN: “Dangerous criminal escapes from DartbridgePrison. Police believe that the man is now in Washdon. Heis tall with blue eyes and probably wearing a red T-shirt andblue jeans.”OLD MAN: Ah! Oh! Er help! Er oh, it's you, Miss er -Sc - er - Scm - er -KRISTI: Why, who did you think it was?OLD MAN: This man who's escaped from prison! It'sterrible! Haven't you read the papers?KRISTI: No, I get quite enough news at work, thanks.Look, I wonder if you can help me. I want to go to Oxbridgetomorrow; can you tell me what time the trains are, andwhich station I have to go from?OLD MAN: Oh, I see. Oxbridge, eh? I've been there. I wentthere when I was a boy. My father took me there, way backin nineteen thirty-KRISTI: Yes, that's very interesting. Have you got arailroad schedule, so that we can look up the train times?OLD MAN: A railroad schedule? To look up the traintimes, eh? Thats a good idea. Let me have a lookKRISTI: Thank you. Come on, please!OLD MAN: What did you say?KRISTI: Oh, nothing! I'm just in a bit of a hurry, that's all.OLD MAN: Very well, very well. Here's your schedule,Miss er - Sc - er - Scm - er -KRISTI: This schedule is out of date. Look, it says“Summer 1962”!OLD MAN: Oh, dear, what a shame! I'm afraid that that'sthe newest one we've got. All the others are even older -OLD MAN: What was that? It's that man who's just escapedfrom prison! Im sure he's here! He's going to steal all ourmoney, and kill us! I must call the police!KRISTI: Take it easy! Calm down! I didn't hear anything atall. I think there must be something wrong with yourhearing; why don't you go and see a doctor? Well, I'll havemy key now, please - Room 38.KRISTI: Goodnight!OLD MAN: I'm going to call the police anyway.KRISTI: Phew! Here we are, then.MARCO: What did the old man say?KRISTI: Oh, he's read something in the papers, you see,about some crazy guy whos escaped from prison. So hethinks you've come here to steal the guests' money and killthem in their beds, and he's called the police!MARCO: What! I'll have to go immediately!KRISTI: Take it easy, Marco; I'm only joking.KRISTI: How nervous you are! You aren't very used to thissort of thing, are you? You need a drink, and so do I.KRISTI/MARCO: Cheers!KRISTI: Have a seat; do you want to try my new bed?MARCO: This beds very hard! Did it come from a prisonor something?KRISTI: I like hard beds, actually. Here, you can sit on thispillow if you like. It's very soft.MARCO: Thanks, Kristi. Its alright, Ill sit on the floor.MARCO: I really like you a lot, you know, Kristi. You'rethe nicest girl I've ever been out with.KRISTI: Oh, you don't mean that!,MARCO: Yes, I do.MARCO: What was that?KRISTI: Don't worry about it, it'll go away.ROGER: Kristi!KRISTI: My God, its Roger!Section 21.1F Dialogue.NEWSREADER:Good evening. Here is the nine o'clock news.There has been an escape from Dartbridge high-securityprison. The prison warden said that the escape happenedafter dinner yesterday evening. One of the prisonerscomplained about the food and then attacked a prison guard.He then took the guard's keys and used them to open theprison gates.A main road passes a few hundred yards from the prison andpolice believe that the escaped prisoner then stopped a carand traveled to Washdon. The man's name is Roger Temple;he is very dangerous and quite possibly has a gun. He isabout 1 meter 92 tall, with blond hair and blue eyes, andspeaks with a Canadian accent. The police say that he iswearing a red T-shirt and blue jeans.Now here is the rest of the news: an Italian student wasarrested yesterday evening when he left a Washdon hotelwearing a coat belonging to one of the guests.Section 21.2A Dialogue.ROGER: Kristi!KRISTI: My God, its Roger!MARCO: Whos he?KRISTI: I thought you were in prison!ROGER: That's right, I was in prison. Listen Kristi, you'vegot to help me!MARCO: Well, see you soon, Kristi -ROGER: Where do you think you're going? You just stayhere!ROGER: Hey, I need some clothes. You're not the samesize as me, but I'll take your suit anyway.MARCO: What?ROGER: Come on, take it off. And the pants, too. Hurryup, I've got no time!ROGER: OK. And I need a towel and some soap. I musthave a wash.KRISTI: You can go to the bathroom.ROGER: Have you got a razor, Kristi? I need a shave, too.KRISTI: You'll find it in the bathroom.ROGER: OK, give me the suit, come on! You two just stayhere, OK? And don't touch that phone. Im going to thebathroom.MARCO: Is that man a friend of yours?KRISTI: Not exactly. Listen, Marco, he's very violent, andhe's probably got a gun, too. So we'll have to attack him atthe same time. When he comes out of the bathroom, you -ROGER: That's better! This suit's a bit too small for me,but I think I'll keep it.MARCO: You're welcome.ROGER: OK, now I'll tell you what you're going to do. Thepolice don't know I'm here yet, so that gives me -ROGER: Whats that? Did you call the police, you bitch?KRISTI: No, I didn't, Roger!ROGER: Or was it you, you little bastard?MARCO: No, really!ROGER: I'll pay you back for this some day!BEDGES: Stand back! We're coming in!HENSON: There he is! Get him!MARCO: Aaah!HENSON: We're only just in time! He's taken half hisclothes off already! You think you can come into a lady'sbedroom and -KRISTI: Look, there must be some mistake.HENSON: What?KRISTI: He's a friend of mine. I just invited him round fora drink.BEDGES: Oh, I see. Does he always take off his pantsbefore he has a drink?HENSON: Shut up, Bedges. I'm very sorry, madam. Wereceived a telephone call from the receptionist, saying that adangerous criminal -KRISTI: You've probably come to the wrong room. Whydon't you try next door?HENSON: Very well. Sorry about that, madam. Goodevening.BEDGES: Good evening, sir. I hope you find your pants.HENSON: That's enough! Come on!KRISTI: Are you alright, Marco? It hasn't been a veryromantic evening, has it?MARCO: Why didn't you tell them about Roger?KRISTI: I'd just like to see what he does next. I wonder ifhe'll go and see SusanMARCO: Who's Susan?KRISTI: Oh, never mind. This is all very interesting JOHN: Excuse me! I'd like my money, please.WELFARE OFFICE CLERK: What money?JOHN: My welfare money.WELFARE CLERK: Where's your PQ961X?JOHN: My what?WELFARE CLERK: Your PQ961X form!JOHN: Oh! Do you mean this?JOHN: Can I have my money now, please?WELFARE CLERK: You'll have to go to the Paymentoffice, get a P50, and come back here.JOHN: But I've just gone to the Payment office, and theytold me to come here! Please, this is the third time I've beenhere today!WELFARE CLERK: I can't help that!JOHN: Look, I've only just lost my job, and I'm lookinghard for another one, I really am! Please give me mymoney!WELFARE CLERK: Oh, alright! Sign your name here.WELFARE CLERK: Here's your check.JOHN: Oh. Can't you give me cash? I haven't got a bankaccount any more you see. When I was a top executive I hada bank account and three different credit cards, but now -WELFARE CLERK: You don't have to have a bankaccount. You can cash your check at the post office.JOHN: Where's the nearest post office, please?WELFARE CLERK: There's one over the road.POST OFFICE CLERK: Next please!JOHN: Can you cash this check, please?POST OFFICE CLERK: Have you got any identification?JOHN: What?POST OFFICE CLERK: I mean, how do I know thatcheck is yours? It could be your check, or it could besomeone else's check. I mean, how do I know whose it is?JOHN: But they've just given it to me at the welfare office.POST OFFICE CLERK: That's what you say. It could bethe truth, or it could be a lie. How do I know?BUSINESSMAN: I've had enough of this! I'm a very busyman. I work damned hard every day, just to keep thiscountry going, so people like you can just stand aroundtalking! Unemployed, indeed!JOHN: I'm sorry, sir, but I've spent all my money. If I can'tcash this check I won't have anything to eat tonight!JOHN: Look, I've got a drivers license. Will that do asidentification?POST OFFICE CLERK: Of course it will! Really, somepeople are so stupid! Here's your money!JOHN: Thanks!BUSINESSMAN: I expect he'll go and spend it all in ondrugs!JOHN: Gee, everybody hates me! I'm going home!JOHN: Gosh, it's so darned cold in here! I had to turn offthe heating last month, because I can't afford it any more.And last week I even had to give up the phone; I can't affordthat any more either! So now nobody can call me, even tosay hello! There's nothing left here except the TV!TV EXECUTIVE: Take a man like me. I travel all aroundthe world. I stay in the best hotels. I eat in the mostexpensive restaurants. I go out with the most beautifulwomen. Now there's a special kind of credit card for a manlike me - AMERICAN EXCESS!JOHN: Huh! It's alright for some!BIEDERMAIER: My name is Daniel Q. Biedermaier.Listen to me; this could be the most important moment inyour life. Do you have what you want?JOHN: No, I haven't!BIEDERMAIER: Are you a winner, or a loser?JOHN: I'm a loser!BIEDERMAIER: I could change your life for you. How?The same way as I changed mine. Let me tell you mystoryBIEDERMAIER: Ten years ago I was nobody: a gasstation attendant taking home 300 dollars a week.BIEDERMAIER: And today I'm the president of one ofAmerica's biggest companies. I have beautiful homes inNew York, Paris, London and Rome. I have a Ferrari, aMercedes and a Rolls-Royce, and, best of all, I have abeautiful wife who loves me very much, and three lovely,happy children.BIEDERMAIER: How did I do it? By DYNATHOUGHT!You can make DYNATHOUGHT work for you too. It startsas easily as this:A DYNATHINKER: I'm not a loser, I'm a winner! I'm nota loser, I'm a winner!BIEDERMAIER: Find out all about Dynathought! Cometo my seminar in Washdon next week!DYNATHINKER: So start being a winner now! Mail yourletter, together with a check for just $999, today!DYNATHOUGHT!JOHN: Gosh, that's wonderful! “I'm not a winner, I'm aloser. I'm not a winner, I'm a - “ No, hold on a minute, thatcan't be right. Oh, never mind! I must write immediately!But where am I going to find $999? I'll have to sell mywatch, my CD player, and my best suit. I must mail thatletter today !Section 21.3A Dialogue.CLARE: Today I've come shopping in Next fashion store inthe High Street and with me is Julie Wright, assistant storemanager.CLARE: Julie, tell me a bit about Next. What sort ofcustomers do you get here?JULIE: Umm.Well we get a variety of customers, bothmale and female and we also have a children's weardepartment as well. The age is roughly, I would say, fromabout 18 to 35.CLARE: Now we are here in the women's department. Dowomen spend more money on their clothes.JULIE: I think so. Yes. Yes. I think that a man won't, won'tcome out shopping unless he has too. Unless he has to buy asuit for that wedding that meeting, whatever.CLARE: So do you think women have more sense of stylegenerally?JULIE: I think in this country. Yes, definitely.CLARE: Well, will you help me. I need a smart dress forwork. Can you suggest something?JULIE: Yes certainly. What about something like this, anavy shift dress. It suits all figures, all sizes. Just a plain,simple, navy dress. Short sleeves, a zip back.CLARE: Do you have it in my size?JULIE: What size?CLARE: Fourteen.JULIE: Fourteen. We should have, yes. That's actually oneof our most popular sizes. Oh yes, here we are, yes. Here's asize fourteen. Would you like to try this on?CLARE: I'd love to. Let's see if it suits me. So what do youthink? And an honest opinion.JULIE: Right. Well I think it's very smart.CLARE: I like it very much. I'll take it.CLARE: Well I'm a satisfied customer and here browsingalong the rails is another customer. Excuse me, can I askwhat you're looking for?FIRST SHOPPER: Ah, yes. I'm looking for something fora wedding.CLARE: So do you have a set thing in mind?FIRST SHOPPER: Not exactly, but something simple, andplain, and maybe navy blue.CLARE: In another part of the shop amongst the casualwear I've found another customer. Excuse me, can you tellme what you're looking for?SECOND SHOPPER: I'm looking for something casual totake on holiday with me. To wear on a beach maybe.CLARE: What sort of colors do you look for?SECOND SHOPPER: I like to wear a lot of black and darkcolors maybe yellow and a bit of red.CLARE: Are you shopping on your own or have youbrought someone with you?SECOND SHOPPER: I usually shop on my own. If I bringsomeone with me it takes too long.CLARE: Shopping in this part of Next fashion store is ayoung couple. Excuse me, can I ask you do you know whatyou're looking for today?WIFE: No. I've just come in on the offchance that I'll findsomething I like, and hopefully something to go on holidaywith.CLARE: Now you have your husband with you. Is heimportant when you come to making a decision?WIFE: Only if he's got his check book with him.CLARE: Do you think you do know what is sui