凯捷—平衡计分卡—CBA Balanced Scorecard Prototype Documentation.doc
RBS Balanced Scorecard Prototype DocumentationWednesday 4th of September, 2002Table of ContentsRBS Balanced Scorecard Background3The Balanced Scorecard3RBS Balanced Scorecard User Documentation5Scorecard Navigation Main Menu5B - Main Menu Lists of Values6D Main Menu Help7Scorecard Navigation Scorecard Views7Balanced Scorecard Perspective8Balanced Scorecard All Perspectives9Balanced Scorecard Commentary11Balanced Scorecard Measures12RBS Balanced Scorecard Support Documentation13Monthly Scorecard Update Process13Scorecard Maintenance17View Tabs17List of Values18Path19Period Variance Indicators19Conditional Cell Formatting20Data Sheet to Display Linkage21RBS Balanced Scorecard BackgroundThe Balanced ScorecardAn approach developed in the early 1990's by Robert Kaplan and David Norton to bring a wholistic management system to the workplace. They named this system the 'balanced scorecard'. Recognising some of the weaknesses and vagueness of previous management approaches, the balanced scorecard approach provides a clear prescription as to what companies should measure in order to 'balance' the financial perspective.The balanced scorecard is a management system (not only a measurement system) that enables organisations to clarify their vision and strategy and translate them into action. It provides feedback around both the internal business processes and external outcomes in order to continuously improve strategic performance and results. When fully deployed, the balanced scorecard transforms strategic planning from an academic exercise into the nerve centre of an enterprise.Kaplan and Norton describe the innovation of the balanced scorecard as follows:"The balanced scorecard retains traditional financial measures. But financial measures tell the story of past events, an adequate story for industrial age companies for which investments in long-term capabilities and customer relationships were not critical for success. These financial measures are inadequate, however, for guiding and evaluating the journey that information age companies must make to create future value through investment in customers, suppliers, employees, processes, technology, and innovation."The balanced scorecard suggests that we view the organisation from four perspectives covering: Finance & Risk; Internal Productivity; People & Learning, and Customer reaction/perception.RBS Balanced Scorecard User DocumentationScorecard Navigation Main MenuUser navigation is conducted through RBS Balanced Scorecard Menu Excel workbook as follows:The red capitals A, B, C, D and E represent the available navigation choices on the Main Menu as documented below.· A a link to this documentation· B the Main Menu Lists of Values as below· C the user initiation button once the appropriate Lists of Values have been selected· D the Help option as below· E Exit option to close the Main MenuB - Main Menu Lists of ValuesNavigation is conducted through the appropriate selection of the drop down menus as follows:· Group/Division· Scorecard Perspective· Period Ending· ViewGroup / DivisionThis option provides access to the appropriate level scorecard, i.e. Level V, VI, Retail Customer Services or the Strategic Management Report.Scorecard PerspectiveThis option provides navigation to the appropriate scorecard perspective based on the selected Group/Division, all perspectives or the Corporate Goals of the Strategic Management Report. The scorecard perspectives are defined in the RBS Balanced Scorecard Background above.Period EndingThis option provides navigation to the appropriate reporting period for the above scorecard perspective for the selected Group/Division. Periods are either monthly based or represent the quarterly aspect of the Strategic Management Report reporting cycle.ViewThis option controls the view of the above 3 selected options and covers the actual scorecard, measures (definitions, calculations etc) or the associated scorecard commentary.D Main Menu HelpSelection of the Help option is performed through user selection of the Help icon as highlighted by the red capital letter D on the above screenshot. A help file is provided for each of the Main Menu List of Values giving detail of the content and usage of each.The Help example above is that of the Group/Division List of Values. Return to the Main Menu is achieved through the selection of the Main Menu grey button (top left).Scorecard Navigation Scorecard ViewsPerspective navigation is controlled from the appropriate selections within the Main Menu screen. 4 principle RBS Balanced Scorecard views are available:· Balanced Scorecard Perspective· Balanced Scorecard All Perspectives· Balanced Scorecard Commentary· Balanced Scorecard MeasuresThese will be discussed in more detail below.Balanced Scorecard PerspectiveAs discussed in the background section above, the RBS Balanced Scorecard captures the Financial/Risk, Internal/Productivity, People/Learning and customer perspectives. Each perspective has different measures, targets and actuals although the physical structure of the user display remains the same between each of the perspectives.The displayed Business Development (BD) People and Learning perspective provides the foundation for the All Perspectives sheet displayed next. After reviewing the relevant detail, user navigation is provided to return to the Main Menu via the Main Menu button (grey button, top left).Balanced Scorecard All PerspectivesThe All Perspectives scorecard is a dynamic display of the underlying single perspectives discussed above.An important point to note is that the addition or deletion of measures to each of the underlying perspectives will not affect the sizing of the views within the All Perspectives worksheet, as this is preset to ensure perspective visibility when printing. Return to the Main Menu is achieved through the selection of the Main Menu button (grey button, top left).The scorecard displays data in a columnar format with the following columns representing:DescriptionRefThe identifier allocated to each measure. This represents the level V or VI functional units e.g. RBSF5 translates as a level VI (RBS) measure and is the fifth measure within the Finance perspective (F).Month and YTDMonthly and Year to Date variance indicators.The indicators use a combination of colour and symbol to display the measure variance as follows:· Green Positive variance beyond defined limit· Amber - Minimal or no variance and on track· Red Negative variance beyond defined limit (currently 10%) · - Positive variance· - - Minimal or no variance· X Negative varianceMeasure NameBrief measure description or nameBudget / Target Total YearThe budgeted figure for the year for the measureActual MonthThe actual result for this measure per month/periodBudget MonthThe target or budget for this measure per month/periodVariance MonthThe variance/difference between the Actual and Budget aboveActual YTDThe actual result for this measure for the year to dateBudget YTDThe target or budget for this measure for the year to dateVariance YTD The variance/difference between the Actual and Budget above for the year to dateBalanced Scorecard CommentaryCommentary is provided the scorecard co-ordinators in conjunction with the scorecard data providers. Commentary is intended to provide meaning and clarification of the results displayed for each scorecard.Commentary is provided on a monthly basis, as measure data is collected and entered by the scorecard coordinators and Finance Services. Return to the Main Menu is achieved through the selection of the Main Menu button (grey button, top left).Balanced Scorecard MeasuresThe underlying measures are defined within this view, with measure reference, definition, calculation method and related comments displayed. This view is provided merely for display and information purposes only.Return to the Main Menu is achieved through the selection of the Main Menu button (grey button, top left).RBS Balanced Scorecard Support DocumentationMonthly Scorecard Update ProcessThe key steps within the RBS Balanced Scorecard monthly information gathering cycle are detailed below. The intention of these steps is to ensure 3 primary activities: data capture, communication, and review. The Day column reflects the working day after month end, with the Action representing the activity undertaken by the Shared Services and the scorecard coordinators. To accelerate the reporting process, it is important to note that scorecard data is updated by Shared Services on a daily basis as it is received, a daily email of updates will be sent to scorecard coordinators.DayActivityScreenshot10General Ledger (GL) data becomes available. Shared Services populate scorecard measures database with system (GL, data-warehouse, cubes) and non-system-sourced data. The completed file is then uploaded to the Intranet.Data is populated in the RBS Measures Excel worksheet.11 15Shared Services send e-mail notification (including link to scorecards) to scorecard co-ordinators advising that scorecards are available for review. The email will also contain a commentary template that can be updated by the scorecard co-ordinators independent of the scorecard itself (given that the scorecard data may still be in the process of being finalised for the next few days). Using the commentary template provided with the email, scorecard co-ordinators in each of the businesses are able to begin preparing commentary for the measures where data is available. In most instances, where data isnt available through the initial release, the business in question will actually be providing the data (e.g. RCS and segment-based data) and will be in a position to form views on commentary required whilst data is being finalised for provision to Shared Services.11-12Where data isnt available for the first release of the scorecards, Shared Services will continue to source non-systems data from nominated data providers and update the database as the data is provided. Updates to the database can then be viewed through the refreshed scorecard on the intranet. 16Scorecard co-ordinators send email confirmation to Shared Services that scorecards have been approved by relevant EGM. At the same time, the finalised commentary file is returned to Shared Services for inclusion in central scorecard file. The commentary should also be copied to the RBS Finance Services team (Peter Moloney / Patrick Walton) for use (where relevant) in the Board report.17Shared services send email notification to scorecard co-ordinators indicating that all scorecards have been finalised and are available through the intranet. This allows viewing / downloading for:· JFM (in preparation for monthly 1on1s with EGMs)· JKE (in preparation for hosting RBS Finance forums)· EGMs (in preparation for monthly 1on1s with JFM and for hosting allocated business forums)· RBS Finance Services (to consolidate commentary from scorecards where relevant for use in Board report)19RBS Finance Services team (Peter Moloney / Patrick Walton) update Board report with commentary from scorecards (where required) and forward through to GroupScorecard MaintenanceView TabsThe RBS Balanced Scorecard workbook serves as the user interface to the RBS Balanced Scorecard prototype, providing access to the underlying data sources, commentaries and scorecards. The navigation and the user help function are provided from with the RBS Balanced Scorecard workbook, with each function covered by a worksheet within the above workbook. To provide a seamless user front-end, the worksheet tabs have been hidden and can be unhidden via the following:· Open the RBS Balanced Scorecard Menu workbook· From drop down menu select Tools then Options· An options form will open. In the Window options (bottom right) tick the Sheet tabs box · Click OK (bottom selection buttons)· The worksheet tabs will become visible at the bottom of the workbook.List of ValuesThe Main Menu sheet has a number of drop down lists such as Group/Division or Scorecard Perspective etc. The values for each of these lists is stored within the ListBox Values worksheet within the RBS Balanced Scorecard Menu workbook. · To provide visibility of the ListBox Values worksheet, follow the view tabs procedure above· Select the ListBox Values tab · Column A contains the title and contents of each list of values as follows: Group/Divisions; Scorecard Perspective; Period and View. Headings that should not be changed are in Bold type.· The values found beneath each of the list groupings can be altered to have a corresponding change in the visible list of values on the Main Menu page of the workbook.PathTo minimise maintenance effort, all navigation within the RBS Balanced Scorecard prototype is conducted using a predefined URL type path that allows a single change to this path to alter the navigation route from within each scorecard and Main Menu option. The path variable is stored in a hidden worksheet within the RBS Balanced Scorecard Menu workbook.· To provide visibility of the Path worksheet, follow the view tabs procedure above· In cell A2 type the full folder path where the RBS Balanced scorecard Menu and its related data and display sheets will reside.Period Variance IndicatorsWithin each of the scorecard perspectives, variance indicators are used to highlight differences between the monthly actuals in comparison to budget. Additional indication is provided by the inclusion of colour indicators as follows:The above indicator is produced from 2 separate Excel functions, an IF statement and Conditional cell referencing. These can be maintained as follows:IF Statement· The tick, cross or neutral is a simple formula - =IF(J7>=K7,"",IF(J7<=K7*0.9,"X","-") that compares actual with budget and displays the relevant sign depending on outcome.· The K7 * 0.9 calculation inserts a 10% variance factor i.e. if the monthly actuals remain within 90% of the budget/target, no change is noted, and if the variance between actual and budget/target is outside of this percentage, the appropriate colour and symbol are displayed.Conditional Cell FormattingThe colour indicators are generated through the use of Excels conditional formatting function. This is activated as follows:· Select Format then Conditional Formatting· Complete the detail as per the illustration below· Adjust the variance according to policy (currently set at 10%)Data Sheet to Displ