人教版高中英语Book6 Unit 5 The Lake of Heaven reading 说课稿、教学设计及教后反思.doc
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人教版高中英语Book6 Unit 5 The Lake of Heaven reading 说课稿、教学设计及教后反思.doc
人教版高英语Book6 Unit 5 The Lake of Heaven reading 说课稿定安县城南学 王秀英一、教材分析(一)教材概述: 本单元以“The poer of nature(自然界的威力)”为心话题,旨在通过本单元的学习,了解火山、飓风、地震和洪水,听说读写等语言知识和语言技能主要围绕“自然灾害”及如何预防和利用自然灾害这一主题设计的。本单元引导学生讨论这些问题,目的在于让他们了解自然界的威力,认识到人类只有保护自然,才能有效地预防自然灾害并改造和利用自然。 本课时为泛读课。教学材料Using Language 的Reading -The Lake of Heaven, 描写长白山的天池这个景点。针对课文一个自然段一个自然带段的分析,层层深入,逐步展开针对学生Fast reading 和Careful reading等阅读技能的训练。同时是阅读材料为景色介绍,引导学生在阅读的基础上,发现描写景点的有用的短语和句型,知道描写景色的结构。课文脉络清晰,学生易于学习,从而掌握阅读技巧。(二)教学目标:(1) 学习长白山的天池-地理位置、自然环境和景观。(2)知道如何描述一个地方。(3)发展学生的阅读能力(三)教学重点和难点:(1) 学习长白山的天池-地理位置、自然环境和景观。(2) 发展学生的阅读能力二、 学生情况分析: 整体学生的基础比较差,基于学生的基础知识和基本技能的掌握情况,为了培养学生学习英语的兴趣,设计方面要结合学生特点,简单易懂。三、教学方法与教材处理1教学方法通过分析自然段落,讲练结合,让学生学会思考,逐步让他们学会阅读技巧。 2教材处理本课时将充分利用教材所提供的练习,借助多媒体完成教学任务。四、 教学程序Teaching aims:1 Kno the basic information such as locations, sights of Tianchi and Changbaishan2 Use some useful structures to describe a place3 Develop students reading abilitiesTeaching key points: Master the basic information such as locations, sights of Tianchi and Changbaishan4 Teaching difficulties: Use some useful structures to describe a placeTeaching procedures:Step 1 : Lead in1 Have you enjoyed any natural onders? Share your experience and feelings2 Look at some pictures and guess hat they are3 Today e are going to learn Reading-The Lake of Heaven Take to page 39Step 2 : Fast reading1 Ask a question: Ho many paragraphs are there in the text?2 Find out a key ord(关键词) for each Para Pay more attention first and last sentence in each paragraphStep 3 :Careful reading1 Read the Para1 carefully and complete the chart Pay more attention the key ords2 Read the Para2 carefully and complete the chart Pay more attention the key ords3 Read the Para3 carefully and fill in the blanks ith some persons or animals to complete the chart 4 Read the Para4 carefully and fill in the blanks ith a proper ord from the textStep 4: Post reading1Do exercises on page 39 2Check the ansers Step 5 : ConsolidationJudge the folloing sentences true or falseStep 6: Homeork1 Surf the Internet to find more information about the Lake of Heaven2 Previe Exercise 2 on page 40Book6 Unit 5 The Lake of Heaven教学设计定安县城南学 王秀英Teaching aims:1 Kno the basic information such as locations, sights of Tianchi and Changbaishan2 Use some useful structures to describe a place3 Develop students reading abilitiesTeaching key points:1. 1 Master the basic information such as locations, sights of Tianchi and Changbaishan2. 2 Use some useful structures to describe a placeTeaching difficulties: Develop students reading abilitiesTeaching procedures:Step 1 : Lead in1 Have you enjoyed any natural onders? Share your experience and feelings2 Look at some pictures and guess hat they areMount Hua Shan, Mount Tai Shan, Jiu Zhai Gou, Mount Changbaishan, Tianchi,The Lake of Heaven3 Today e are going to learn Reading-The Lake of Heaven Take to page 39Step 2 : Fast reading1 Ask a question: Ho many paragraphs are there in the text?2 Find out a key ord(关键词) for each Para Pay more attention first and last sentence in each paragraphPara1 :ChangbaishanPara2 :TianchiPara3 :storiesPara4 :coinStep 3 :Careful reading1 Read the Para1 carefully and complete the chart Pay more attention the key ordslocation position height rare animals the aims of visitors the most attraction 2 Read the Para2 carefully and complete the chart Pay more attention the key ordsintroduction height depth sights 3 Read the Para3 carefully and fill in the blanks ith some persons or animals to complete the chart (omitted)4 Read the Para4 carefully and fill in the blanks ith a proper ord from the textYou and your _ one drop a _ into the clear blue ater to _ your love ill be as _ and _ as the lakeStep 4: Post reading1Do exercises on page 39 1) In hat province is Changbaishan?2) What is a nature reserve? Why is Changbaishan a famous nature reserve?3)What is the most popular tourist attraction in the reserve? 4) What does Tianchi mean? Ho is Tianchi formed? 5)What is the connection beteen the Manchu people and Tianchi?2Check the ansers Step 5 : ConsolidationJudge the folloing sentences true or false1 Changbaishan is the second largest nature reserve in China2 The peak of Changbaishan can reach as high as 2,000 meters3 You can see a lot of black bears, leopards or cranes in Changbaishan4 Tianchi is a lake in the crater of an extinct volcano5 The ancestors of the Manchu people ere believed to be good at language and persuasion Step 6: Homeork1 Surf the Internet to find more information about the Lake of Heaven2 Previe Exercise 2 on page 40Book6 Unit 5 The Lake of Heaven教学反思定安县城南学 王秀英为了实施有效教学,打造适合学生发展的优质课堂,学校又举行了每年一次的公开课,通过这节课,我又有新的收获。通过这节课的点评之后,自己在本课的教学设计和组织上,存在以下几个方面的不足。一是,预设性不够精确。以为学生能够顺利的解决前面的问题,谁知前面的问题难住学生,堂课的氛围缺少积极主动性。二是,设计上部分内容重复出现,时间上把握得不够。三是,应该少一点讲解,留多一点时间让他们思考。做到少讲精讲,让他们自己学会自主解决问题。四是,内容上可以适当的删减一些,避免引起前松后紧。结合学生的实际情况,训练方式可以多样,有全班活动,师生互动,小组活动,双人活动,个人活动等。在活动突破难点,在活动发展能力。五是,培养他们爱开口的习惯。语言课当然把说读当做重之重,学生在这个过程要做到开口讲好英语,表达出自己的想法。在平时的课堂,就应该鼓励学生自己用简单的英语表达自己的想法,让他们把说当做一种习惯,才会更加有兴趣。一节没有开口的英语课是很失败的一节课,一节缺少交流的课堂,算不上合理的教学设计。以后自己要多于学生互动,结合实际情况设计教学内容,体现他们的主动性。不断的学习和总结,在以后的教学道路上做学生的真正导师。2023年3月最新资料下载可搜索博学网,50000份资料免费下载,欢迎上传你用过的资料