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    《魔弦传说 Kubo and the Two Strings () 》英中字幕.doc

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    《魔弦传说 Kubo and the Two Strings () 》英中字幕.doc

    一种美国有名的猜谜游戏"I spy with my little eye"If you must blink, do it now.要眨眼 就快眨吧Pay careful attention to everything you see and hear.集中注意 你所看与所听的一切.No matter how unusual it may seem.无论它看起来多么不寻常And please be warned: If you fidget,请当心 如果你心神不宁if you look away,如果你飘忽不定if you forget any part of what I tell you,如果你忘记了我告诉你的一些话even for an instant.哪怕只是片刻.Then our hero will surely perish.我们的英雄必然会灭亡His name is Kubo.他的名字叫久保His grandfather stole something from him.他的祖父从他那偷了什么东西And that really is the least of it.那东西真的很渺小Well, hello, Kubo!你好 久保- How is it today? - Wasn't a bad crowd.- 今天如何 - 还不错I got two pennies and a lint ball.我收到了两个硬币和一个棉线球This is pretty good lint.这可是上好的棉线啊And what have you got planned for today?今天你打算演什么呢Aw, you know. The usual.和平常一样- Monsters? - Of course.- 怪物吗 - 当然了You think you can work in a fire-breathing chicken?你觉得能加上喷火小鸡的情节吗The chicken again?又是小鸡吗The chicken is funny.小鸡很有趣的A touch of comedy to balance the whole thing out.加一点喜剧元素来平衡一下They're gonna be throwing money at you. I just know it.他们肯定会扔钱给你的 我知道Or they'll throw something at you. I don't know.或者扔点其他的东西 我不确定Okay. I'll see what I can do.好吧 我会看看能做什么的And do you plan on finishing the story this time, young man?小家伙 这次打算完成这个故事吗If you must blink, do it now.要眨眼 就快眨吧Pay careful attention to everything you see and hear,集中注意 你所看与所听的一切.no matter how unusual it may seem.无论它看起来多么不寻常And please be warned:请当心If you fidget, if you look away,如果你坐立不安 如果你飘忽不定if you forget any part of what I tell you,如果你忘记了我告诉你的一些话even for an instant,哪怕只是片刻then our hero will surely perish.我们的英雄必然会灭亡Hanzo was a mighty samurai.半藏曾是名强大的武士But he was alone.但他很孤单His family taken from him,骨肉离散his kingdom in ruins,国破城催and his army destroyed by the dreaded Moon King.他的军队被恐怖的月亮王所剿灭You may recall, Hanzo was roaming the distant Far Lands你们也许回想起来了 半藏曾在边境之地徘徊in search of a magical suit of armor.想要寻找一套有魔力的装甲.the only weapon in the whole world这是世界上唯一能保护他that could protect him from the power of the Moon King.不受月亮王力量影响的装备This armor was made up of three pieces.这件盔甲由三件东西组成- The first. - Ooh! I know, I know!- 第一件 - 我知道 我知道The sword unbreakable!坚不可摧的剑The second?第二件The breastplate impenaput.刀抢不路的胸甲- Impenetrable. - Impen-a-truh-bubble!- 刀枪不入 - 刀抢不撸And finally, the third weapon,最后一件 第三件- the final piece of the armor. - I know this one.- 装甲的最后一件 - 我知道Pick me. The helmet invulnerable!选我 无懈可击的头盔Before Hanzo could claim the armor在半藏得到这件装甲and unite the pieces to reveal their true power,将配件组合起来 发挥它真正的力量之前he was attacked by the Moon King's beasts.就被月亮王的野兽攻击了Oh, yes!棒Kill the chicken! Rip it to pieces!杀了那只小鸡 把它撕成碎片Oh, my!天哪Hanzo was filled with rage,半藏十分愤怒his soul tormented by the grief of a family stolen from him.他的灵魂被骨肉离散之痛而折磨At last, our hero was face-to-face最终 我们的英雄with his Nemesis, the Moon King!面对了他的仇人 月亮王So be sure to come back tomorrow!所以记得明天要再来哦What?什么Oh, come on! People like an ending.拜托 人们喜欢结局Where are you going?你们要去哪No, you. you can't. you can't leave!不 你不能. 不能离开Kubo. Kubo.久保. 久保.Yes, mother. I'm here.是的 妈妈 我在这Hungry?饿了吗And even though he could barely see虽然他几乎都看不清his own hand in front of his face,自己眼前的双手了Hanzo and his army of loyal samurai半藏和他忠诚的军队pressed on through the blizzard.还是在暴风雪中前进And suddenly, as quickly as it had started,突然间 风暴以迅雷不及掩耳之势the storm cleared before him.在他眼前消失无影踪Hanzo breathed a sigh of relief, for he was home.半藏如释重负 因为他到家了His fortress? The beetle clan castle!他的堡垒吗 虫族的城堡Yes. At the very edge of the Far Lands,没错 在遥远的边境之地hidden from the Moon King by powerful magic.连月亮王的魔法都找不到And then what happened? When he got to the castle?然后发生了什么 他什么时候抵达城堡的When who got to the castle?他什么时候抵达城堡的Hanzo, my father.半藏 我的爸爸Hanzo. Hanzo was at the castle?半藏曾在城堡吗He.他.Just give me a second. I am.等一等 我.No, no, no.不 不 不It's gone. I can't.我忘了 我无法.Um. I'm sorry, Kubo.抱歉 久保Perhaps I. I could recall a different story.也许我. 能想起一个不同的故事Mother, what was father like?妈妈 爸爸长什么样呢Oh, this one is easy.这个问题很简单Hanzo was a mighty warrior, skilled with sword and bow.半藏曾是个强大的战士 刀法箭术都登峰造极No. What was he really like?不 他真正的样子When he wasn't fighting. When he was with us.当他不战斗时 当他和我们在一起时He was just like you.他就和你一样- Like me? - Yes.- 和我一样 - 没错Strong and clever and funny and, oh, so handsome.强壮 聪明 有趣 而且很帅Ugh! Mother!妈妈Come on!真的啊Never forget how much he loved you, Kubo.别忘记他有多爱你 久保He died protecting us.他是为了保护我们而死- Did the Moon King. - Uh. your grandfather.- 那月亮王. - 你的祖父Did grandfather and your sisters really kill my father?祖父和你的姐姐们真得杀了我的爸爸吗It can't be true, can it? They're family.这是假的吧 对吗 他们是一家人No, they are monsters!不 他们是怪物Grandfather and my sisters stole your eye, Kubo.祖父和我的姐姐们偷走了你的眼睛 久保They must never find you again. Never!他们再也找不到你了 再也找不到You must always stay hidden from the night sky,你每天夜里都得躲起来or they will find you, and they'll take you away from me.否则他们就会找到你 将你从我身边带走Promise me you will never let this happen.答应我 你不会让这事发生的Promise me, Kubo.答应我 久保Don't be sad, Kubo.别伤心 久保Kubo, remember what you must do, Kubo.久保 记住你要做的事 久保Remember?记得了吗Keep you with me at all times, Mr. Monkey.要随身带着你 猴子先生- And? - And.- 还有呢 - 还有.Keep father's robe on my back at all times.要一直都披着爸爸的长袍Yes, Kubo.没错 久保And there's one more thing.还有一件事Never, ever永远不要stay out after dark.天黑之后还待在外面Huh? Re. mem. ber.记 住 了 吗Yes, Mr. Monkey.好的 猴子先生Good boy.好孩子Bedtime.该睡觉了Mother, wake up. You're dreaming.妈妈 醒醒 你在做梦No. Kubo.不 久保.Kubo, is that you?久保 是你吗Yes, mother. I'm here.是的 妈妈 我在这Kubo, what happened to your eye?久保 你的眼睛怎么了Paper boy! Here! Here!纸片男孩 这里 这里Come on. Come on.过来 过来Come sit next to me. I got us a good spot here.来坐我旁边 我占了个好位置What do you think?你觉得怎样I got myself all spruced up for the big day.为了这个大日子 我把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮I do so love the festival.我很喜欢这个节日A time to celebrate.庆祝的日子You know, it's a shame you never stay past sundown.日落之后你从不留下来 真是太可惜了There's fireworks and singing and dancing到处都是烟火 歌舞and feasting, of course.当然还有大餐But the best part of all.但最棒的是.do you see those lamps and altars?你看见那些灯和祭坛了吗We use those to speak to the loved ones that left us behind.我们用那些东西 和我们故去的心爱之人交流We listen to their tales and guide their safe return我们倾听他们的故事 引导他们to the blissful pure land.安全地回那片幸福的极乐净土Really? Did you speak to someone?真的吗 你和谁说过话吗Yes, I did. My husband.真的 我和我丈夫说过His voice was as clear and loud他的声音明亮清晰as the one you use for your stories.就像你说故事时候的声音In 72 years, he never had a thing to say.七十二年了 他从没讲过什么事Now he's gone, I can't shut him up.现在他走了 我都管不住他的嘴了- You have someone you want to talk to, huh? - Very much.- 你有想对话的人吗 - 非常想Well, what's stopping you?那你还在等什么Don't I need a lamp?难道我不需要一盏灯吗Well, I'll bet you could make a really nice one你肯定能用你那些折纸with that paper-folding thing you do.折出一个很漂亮的东西You see? Not just a pretty face, huh?你看 不是什么漂亮的脸 对吧Now hurry along.快去吧Go! There's still time before dark.快 天黑之前还有时间Go! Get out of here.快去 离开这Place the lamp at the altar.把灯放在祭坛上Very good.很好What do we do next, daddy?接下来做什么 爸爸Now we pray.我们祈祷We ask her spirit to honor us with its light.我们请求他们的灵魂用光芒沐浴我们- Grandma, will you please honor. - Shh!- 祖母 你能用. - 嘘Softly. Softly.轻点 轻点Hello, father. I hope you're well.你好 爸爸 希望你安好I mean, I know you're dead,我知道你死了but I hope everything is. okay.但我希望一切. 安好Look. It's your robe.听着 这是你的长袍Mother says I'll grow into it.妈妈说 我长大了就合身了She says you were a great leader who died protecting me,她说你是一个优秀的将领 为了保护我们而死saving one of my eyes.救了我的一只眼睛Two would have been ideal, but thanks anyway.要是两只就更好了 但还是谢谢你Father, I'm worried about mother.爸爸 我很担心妈妈With every day that goes by, she drifts further away.日复一日 她的意识越来越模糊She talks a lot about you, but.她说了很多关于你的事 但.but I just don't know.但我还是不知道I don't think she remembers what's real anymore.我认为她的记忆都是假的I don't know what's real anymore.我都不知道什么才是真实的I just wish you were here,我希望你能在这里so I could. I could talk to you,这样我就能. 就能和你说话see you, find out what I should do.看看你 知道我该做什么Daddy! Daddy, she's here! Grandma is here!爸爸 爸爸 她在这里 祖母在这Now it's time for the final part.是时候进入最后一步了We have to help her get back to the spirit world.我们得帮助她回到灵魂世界But she just got here.但她才到这Come on.来吧Father? Hello?爸爸 你好Anytime.随时招呼我一声Fine!好了I don't need you anyway.我不再需要你了Kubo!久保I'm sorry.对不起Kubo.久保.Kubo.久保Little boy, what happened to your eye?小宝贝 你的眼睛怎么了Who are you? How. how do you know my name?你是谁 你怎么知道我的名字We're your family, Kubo.我们是你的家人 久保Your mother's sisters.你母亲的姐姐们And we've been looking for you for so long.我们已经找你好久了It's so lovely to meet you, Kubo,很高兴见到你 久保face-to-face.当面见到你Come, Kubo.过来 久保Come to your aunties.来你姨这里No reason to be afraid, Kubo.不用害怕 久保We just need your other eye.我们只是需要你的另一只眼睛Your grandfather admires it so.你的祖父很想要Help! Help!救命 救命Somebody help! Help!来人救我 救我Look out! Run!小心 快跑We're here, Kubo.我们在这里 久保Your family has come for you.你的家人来找你了Kubo!久保Mother!妈妈Kubo, you must find the armor.久保 你必须找到装甲It's your only chance.这是你唯一的机会Remember this!记住了Mother!妈妈Aah! Mother!妈妈No!不Mother!妈妈Kubo.久保Kubo!久保Can you hear me, Kubo?你能听到我说话吗 久保I said your mother is gone.我说你妈妈死了Your village is destroyed, burned to the ground.你的村庄被夷为平地We landed here in the Far Lands.我们到了边境之地Your enemies aren't far behind.你的敌人就在身后不远处We must search for shelter before your grandfather comes.在你祖父来之前 我们得找到藏身之处We need to go now.我们现在得走了Come on. Get up. Let's go.快来 起来 我们走Once we're inside, you might be tempted一旦我们进去了to complain about the odor.你可能会抱怨里面的气味Keep in mind my sense of smell记住 我的嗅觉is ten times stronger than yours.是你嗅觉的十倍You have questions, I can tell.你有问题 我可以回答- Who. - You get three.- 谁. - 你有三次机会I think I have more.我应该有更多问题Three. But first you're gonna eat.三个 但首先 你得吃东西Why only three?为什么只回答三个 Okay, that was your first question.好的 这是第一个问题What? I don't understand what's happening. Who are you?什么 我不知道发生什么了 你是谁You don't recognize me.你不认识我All these years, you had to keep me in your pack.这么多年来 你都把我放在包里Well, now you know why.现在你知道原因了But you were a wooden charm.但你就是个木质的护身符啊You were this big.你就这么大I called that charm Mr. Monkey.我把那个叫做护身符 猴子先生And if I were alive at that point,如果我在那时候就活过来I might've found that insulting.我就知道那是在骂我了Look, your mother used the last of her magic to save you听着 你母亲用了她最后的魔法救了你and bring me to life.并且让我复活Here. Drink.给 喝了Smells.真臭Everything in here smells. Drink it.这里一切都很臭 喝了它- I don't want it. - I said, "Drink it."- 我不想喝 - 我说"喝了它"You're a mean monkey, aren't you?你真是只卑鄙的猴子 对吧Yes. Yes, I am. And that's three.是的 没错 那是第三个问题You're out of questions now, so just listen.你现在不能问了 所以听着I'm here to protect you, Kubo,我是来保护你的 久保and that means you have to do as I say.那意味着 你得听我的话So, if you don't eat, you'll be weak.所以 如果你不吃饭 会很虚弱If you're weak, you'll be slow.如果你很虚弱 就会迟钝If you're slow, you'll die.如果你迟钝了 就会死It's too hot!太烫了Drink.喝了Oh, excuse me.抱歉Okay, you better start taking this seriously, Kubo.好了 你最好严肃一点 久保This is real. This is not a story.这是真的 这不是故事Those things,那些事情your aunts. they never get hungry.你那些姨妈们. 她们不会饥饿They never sleep. They will find you.她们不会睡觉 她们会找到你And if we're not prepared, they'll kill me,如果我们不准备好 她们会杀了我们and take your other eye.拿走你的另一只眼睛What are we gonna do?我们要怎么做We're going to find the armor.我们要去找到装甲It's the only thing that can protect you.那是唯一能保护你的东西So it's real. Really real.这都是真的 不能再真了Don't worry. I'm not going to keep it.别担心 我就拿过来看看I pulled that from her head. I didn't mean to.我从她头上扯下来的 不是故意的Your mother was very powerful.你的母亲曾十分强大She blessed your robes so that when the need was most,她祝福了你的长袍 所以当最需要的时候they would fly you away.就会带你飞走She used the last of that power to bring me to life.她用最后的魔法 让我复活This bracelet, her hair. it's a memory.这个用她头发做的手链 就是一段记忆And memories are powerful things, Kubo.记忆是最强大的东西 久保Never lose it.别丢了One more question?再问一个问题Last one.最后一个Do you know where it is? The armor?你知道装甲在哪吗No. No, I don't.不 我不知道Now go to sleep.睡觉去吧Good night, Monkey.晚安 猴子Kubo.久保Kubo, you were talking in your sleep.久保 你在说梦话You were dreaming, calling out to your father.你做梦了 一直在喊你的爸爸And. and then the paper flew out of your bag然后那些纸就从包里飞了出来and folded itself into him.折成了一个他的样子He's been standing there for hours,他站在那几小时了quietly judging us.安静地打量我们I'm not even convinced this counts as origami.我不确信这是不是折纸I could swear scissors were involved.我敢肯定用到了剪刀Back home in the cave, my mother's dreams did this,以前在山洞里 我妈妈的梦就经常这样and the paper always unfolded itself by morning.到了早上 这些纸就自动复原了What's that about?到底怎么了What are you doing?你在干嘛I guess this is how my father answered me.我想这就是父亲在回答我Hmm. I'm tempted to say that entrusting our fate我想说 把我们的命运to the guidance of a small paper man交给一个小纸人seems like a bad idea.似乎是个馊主意But it's the best bad idea we have.但这也是我们最好的馊主意了You're growing stronger.你变强了You might not want to look quite so pleased about that.听到下面的话 你大概就不会这么高兴了We grow stronger,我们变强了the world grows more dangerous.世界也变得更危险了Life has a funny way of keeping things balanced.人生用一种有趣的方式 让一切保持平衡Monkey, do you ever say anything encouraging?猴子 你说过什么鼓励的话吗I encourage you not to die.我鼓励你不要死"I encourage you not to die.""我鼓励你不要死"Mosquitoes. Annoying.蚊子 真烦人Wasn't me, I swear.不是我干的 我发誓Paper runs out, as does Patience.纸用光了 就像我的耐心一样I didn't ask them to do that.我没让他们这么做The second time.第二次I didn't!我没有At least not exactly. I mean, I felt it, but.至少不准确 我感觉 但.Magic is not meant to be easy.魔法注定没有这么简单You need to learn control.你需要学会控制Concentrate on what you're doing.对所做的事集中注意力And always remember:永远记得Don't mess with the monkey.别和猴子开玩笑Tread carefully, Kubo. This isn't one of your stories.小心路面 久保 这可不是你的故事How do you know? Maybe it is.你怎么知道 也许就是呢And I'm the valiant hero, and you're the mean monkey.我是英勇的英雄 你是卑鄙的猴子Heroes come and go. Any moment,英雄来来往往 任何时刻something terrible could come out of nowhere, and.糟糕的事情都会突然出现 而且.Monkey!猴子Kubo!久保Monkey, wait!猴子 等等He wasn't trying to hurt me.他不是想伤害我He just wanted Hanzo.他只是想要半藏Hanzo?半藏Hanzo.半藏I still think I'm gonna stab him.我还是觉得刺死他得了Why must you always assume the worst?


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