《罗密欧与朱丽叶》和《泰坦尼克号》人生观对比The Outlook on Life Romeo & Juliet vs. Titanic.doc
毕业论文罗密欧与朱丽叶和泰坦尼克号人生观对比The Outlook on Life: Romeo & Juliet vs. Titanic 学生姓名 学 号 院 系 专 业 英语(国际商务方向)指导教师 The Outlook on Life: Romeo & Juliet vs. TitanicIn partial fulfillment of the requirementFor the B. A. degreeDepartment of Foreign LanguagesBinjiang CollegeNanjing University of Information Science & TechnologyMay, 2012AcknowledgementMy deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Mr. Liu Jiehai, for his painstaking reading of this thesis, valuable suggestions, and unwavering patients to help me accomplish this final draft.I would like to express my gratitude to all those who gave me the possibility to complete this thesis. Sincere thanks are due to Professor Wang Hui, for her helpful suggestions in the improvement of this thesis. I want to extent warm thanks to my classmates. Their diligence and perseverance have always been an uphill push to me.Finally, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all the teachers and professors in the English departments for their help during my four years college life.ContentsABSTRACT:- 1 -摘要:- 1 -1.INTRODUCTION22.SOCIAL STATUS: FETTER AND FREEDOM32.1ROMEO AND JULIET32.1.1THE FAMILY LIFE42.2TITANIC42.2.1ROSES PURSUE FOR FREEDOM53.EDUCATIONAL DISPARITY:RELIGION V.S. HUMANITY63.1JULIETS BELIEF IN GOD63.1.1ROLE OF BELIEF73.2ROSES EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND83.2.1VALUE OF COURAGE84.EVALUATIONS: FROM SAMUEL JOHNSON AND JOHN RUSKIN94.1EVALUATION TO WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE94.2OUTLOOK ON LIFE105.REFERENCES12 The Outlook on Life: Romeo & Juliet vs. TitanicAbstract: Young people are dreaming of possessing the love as Romeo and Juliet and Titanic which are both stories about two young people falling in love at first sight. However, the point of view towards life is different. The article carries a comparative analysis in the social status and educational disparity of the heroines in different ages so as to reveal their points of view towards life. We believe that the heroines tragedies of love are very experiences helping them to be mature. In these days, the love helping young people become mature does not only depend on how they choose life when they are faced with the challenge of death. Personal habits in daily life, choices of future life, and some other actual factors become the new challenges towards young people in love. Taking the failure in love as a chance help people learn to endure every kind of trial in unknown future. Key words: Titanic, Romeo and Juliet, outlook on life, comparative analysis摘要:青年人对罗密欧与朱丽叶和泰坦尼克号中描绘的爱情充满着向往,同为一见钟情的爱情故事,但蕴含的人生观却大不相同。本文尝试对不同女主角所处时代背景,教育背景等因素进行对比分析,以揭示不同的人生观。本文认为女主角的爱情悲剧实为帮助他们成长的经历。时代变迁,能够让人成长的爱情方式,也不再单一局限于在生死一线时候恋爱中男女对于生命选择。日常生活之俗事,以及对于未来生活的选择同样在考验着恋爱中的男男女女。通过爱情带来的挫折作为个例,在未来人生中还充满着各种让人痛苦去承受的磨难和不幸。关键词:泰坦尼克号;罗密欧与朱丽叶;人生观;对比分析 1. IntroductionNow the deadline of graduation is approaching with an amazing speed. In the past three years, young people meet with many splendid things in this beautiful place. One of these wonderful things can make young men and women can feel happy at the first sight when meeting each other that is called as love. However, there is always something unexpected at the end of love. Not all love is as beautiful as it happened to young men and women at first sight. The love is always scared by various conditioned factors. Time is the most merciless killer of all those cruel factors. In specific speaking, the really murder is the unknown future. At the moment that we have to leave the person we love deeply, some of us choose to be faced with the sadness firmly, while a few people of us are always too weak to handle everything happened to them. As a result, they are becoming to give up their own future. For a long time, it is a tough debate on how to handle the bad mood because of being disappointed in a love affair. The fact is that they love each other actually, and they enjoy the happiness that the love gives. If they must part due to the graduation, should they give up everything except love to follow the happiness? Romeo and Juliet and Titanic are both describing the stories of two young people falling love at first sight. Characters love of the two works was affected by external factors, and the ending is similar. The two female leading roles were faced with the death of their sweethearts. Or in fact, we can think that the two female leading roles make different choices when they are faced with the lost of their perfect love in their minds. The development of their future fates depends on their different choices. As the women living in a new age, we should choose to live a better life firmly when being disappointed in a love affair, and never give ourselves up as hopeless. That is because love is beautiful thing. It happens to us, which intends to give us a present to make our life become more interesting and happier. If we give up our life, the love will lose its meaning of existing. And we should remember that love is one of all things that are beautiful and we must cherish. If we give up the chance of living which is as valuable as love when we have to be faced with the love past us away, can we experience and cherish wonderful things in future as the same as we never be injured when we are always afraid of the possibilities of losing more beautiful things?In modern society, that waiting for us in the future is a more complex society. People can get completely different understandings towards the same event because of their angles to bear various misfortunes. Thus, the view affects what they do. People often have to receive the sadness at the end of losing everything because of their ignorant actions. Extreme ideas or irresponsible actions must be prevented from the beginning. Otherwise, that bad effect will follow us in our whole life. In our life, emotion hurts only takes up limited proportions of life. In the soon future, we have to stand the pressure caused by work and family. We will be worried about the disparity of our salary and prices of commodities. We have to fight for providing our parents with comfortable living conditions. That must be too weak. We need to become brave. To works, however, of which the excellence is not absolute and definite, but gradual and comparative; to works not raised upon principles demonstrative and scientific, but appealing wholly to observation and experience, no other test can be applied than length of duration and continuance of esteem. What mankind have long possessed they have often examined and compared, and if they persist to value the possession, it is because frequent comparisons have confirmed opinion in its favorThe two works experience several times from each other. The disparity can help us set a proper view point of life towards future through their comparative analysis. 2. Social status: Fetter and Freedom2.1 Romeo and JulietThe story of Romeo and Juliet happened in Greek, in 5th century. Romeo and Juliet were born in different two feudal families that family feud existing. They fell in love at first sight in an accidental dance party. Unfortunately, they could not be allowed to be married actually. They asked Friar Laurence for help. Friar Laurence sympathized with them in their misfortune and understood their love. He wished that someday the two family feuds could be eliminated by their love. Laurence helped Romeo and Juliet hold their wedding secretly. Soon later, Romeo killed Tybalt, the nephew of Lady Capulet, in a fight, and Romeo was expelled from the country. And then now, feudal father, Capulet, was determined to betroth his daughter to Paris. Capulet forced Juliet to finish the wedding with Paris as soon as possible. Juliet again asked Friar Laurence for help. Friar Laurence gave Juliet the hypnotic. Juliet successfully pretended to die and all people were cheated. Juliet was freed from the wedding. Friar Laurence wrote a letter to Romeo. Accidentally, the postman could not send the letter to Romeo in time. Romeo knew the information that Juliet was dead and believed it completely. He was filled with deep sorrow. He came back to Verona stealthily with the plan committing suicide for love. He found Juliet and committed suicide at Juliets side. After Juliet waked up from torpor, she chose to die for love for Romeo was dead2.1.1 The family lifeJuliet was a fourteen-year old noble girl living in Greek, in 5th century. In the feudal nobles, Juliet was always fettered by the feudal traditions. Just like what Lady Capulet said in third scene:“Speak briefly, can you like of Paris love? Juliet: Ill look to like, if looking liking move: but no more deep will I endart mine eye than your consent gives strength to make it fly. We can know that Juliet was an innocent girl controlled by various customs at first. And her parents were the ruler of her life. That she had no right to decide her own happiness. At the dance party, she met Romeo. They fell in love with each other at the first sight. She experienced the beauty and joy of love. Love made her become braver, stronger, and wiser. Love made her try to break through the fetter from the feudal nobles. She never be willing to think about the family feuds. She tried her best to ignore the sadness of her cousins death. She bore the pain of the coming long-term separation with her husband Romeo after their wedding. After she failed to refuse her fathers arrangement to marry Paris, she drank the hypnotic at the risk of life to resist the terrible fate. She was brave enough to suffer from the pain of breaking through the fetter. Her courage was supported by the love from Romeo, so she believed that everything painful is worth bearing. However, Romeo was dead suddenly. The power of fighting, love, is disappearing together with Romeos death. She felt that everything was completely breakdown at the moment of her loves death. She like a bird ever kept in a cabin for a long time. Romeos love opened a window for her that gives her sunshine and air. Sometimes she could fly to the vast sky. Unfortunately, the window was sealed by Romeos death. She was again back to the dark world. However, she had loved and been used to the outside sky. She could not breathe freely again. The only choice she could select was to stop breathe completely. Juliet did not want to adapt herself to the world without Romeo. She gave up waiting new possibilities with ending of death.2.2 TitanicThe story of TITANIC was a movie directed by James in 1997. In order to find Titanic sank in 1912 and treasure in boat. One of all the treasure is priceless blue diamondthe heart of ocean. The explorer,Brock, salvaged the sunken ship, Titanic. What they got out of it was a rust coffer. What surprised everyone was that there was only one intact drawing. There was one young lady wearing the diamond necklace. The news drew one hundred-year old ladys attention. She was so excited that she made a call to Brock. She said that she was young lady in the picture. She came to Brocks boat. Her name was Rose Dawson. She told people her moving love and the truth of sunken Titanic. Rose was a noble lady that is different from other common noble ladies. She did not want to marry her fiancé Caledon. She was too depressed to breathe freely. She was to commit suicide. But she was rescued by Jack. She gave up doing stupid thing. With the introduction of Jack, she took part in the third-class passengers dance party and felt the true life that was a happy and comfortable life. Jack taught her throw the fetter of common view, and he drew the amazing sketch for her. They fell in love with each other. At that time, the titanic bumped against the ice mountain. The ship was ever defined as a ship that never sinks. But now, it was faced with the tragedy to sink down in the near future. Their love experienced the test of life and death. When the board could only support one persons weight, Jack chose to leave the possibility of surviving to Rose. He asked Rose to make a promise to him. He said,You must promise me that you will survive. That you wont give up. No matter what happens. No matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose. And never let go of that promise. Everything was the same as what Jack wish, you are going to get out of here. You are going to go on and you are going to make lots of babies and you are going to watch them grow and you are going to die an old, an old lady warm in her bed. Not here. Not this night. Not like this. Rose chose to go on living a happy life after she lost Jack. Although Jack was dead, he still haunted in Roses memory. The love in Roses heart will go on. She knew she was not alone. In her dream, she and Jack were still young the same as they met at the ship. Jack was waiting for her at the stairs in the Titanic. They handed in hand, he smiling at her. 2.2.1 Roses pursue for freedomRose lived in the west Europe, in the early 20th century. In specific speaking, Rose was a seventeen-year old noble lady in 1912. At that time, west Europe was in an age when the new alternates with the old. The social reform was a chance. That was because it gave people from different classes the same spiritthe pursue towards new life. Rose was an up-class girl that was satisfied with the material wealth in a max degree. However, because of the same reason, she did not need to be worried about material life like other down-class ladies, so she was thirst for mental satisfaction. That is freedom. In that age of pursing freedom, she thought the world was free to her for granted. She should not be fettered by the hypocritical outward appearance of being a well brought up girl. When the common ladies enjoyed their life and laughed freely, she had to follow her mothers arrangement, as a noble lady. And her fiancé, Caledon, even more hateful, he asked his man to place her under surveillance all the time. Caledon could never understand her minds. She was contradictious in her heart. She could not get peace from the surroundings. The surroundings, people, and inertia of life plunging ahead, she can powerless stop it. She wanted to cry out her voice. But no one realized her opinions. Jack made her believe the outside world was free. They could get freedom as long as they left the ship. The outside sky was ready for her. The tragedy happened, and Jack was the only one accompanying her all along. As what Jack wished, she survived and she turned back to her fiancé when Caledon tried to look for her. She just wanted to tell the world that she said goodbye forever to the past life and she was determined to enjoy the free and happy life. Finally, she made it. She ever went to the dock, drank cheap wheat wine, and rode a horse like a cowboy. All of these places were the app