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    VIP会员优惠促销计划增加杂志销售量A VIPmember Preference Plan Designed to Increase the Sales Volume of “HIGH”.doc

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    VIP会员优惠促销计划增加杂志销售量A VIPmember Preference Plan Designed to Increase the Sales Volume of “HIGH”.doc

    VIP会员优惠促销计划增加杂志销售量A VIP-member Preference Plan Designed to Increase the Sales Volume of “HIGH” Magazine论文摘要HIGH杂志社是一家专业编写和出版时尚杂志(杂志名为HIGH)的杂志社,其内容以社会著名人物专访,热门话题,特色餐厅,酒吧,购物,电影,娱乐场所,会展等推荐介绍为主。自2005年底杂志首发以来,深受白领喜爱。但是,由于促销方式落后,内容缺乏鲜明特色,加之目前时尚杂志市场竞争日趋激烈,HIGH杂志的销售量自2007年初开始下滑。本论文设计旨在通过实施VIP会员优惠促销计划,从开始招募VIP会员人手,通过改善网站平台免费为会员提供多元化信息,以及定期针对会员进行促销活动等一系列优惠措施来吸引更多的读者。促销计划使杂志平均销售量在2个月内(2007年5月15日至7月15日)有至少10%的增长。本论文前期通过目标客户的小组调查、SWOT分析法等研究方法制定实施VIP会员优惠促销计划的方向。中期在计划的实施过程中,通过项目结构表,项目进度流程表,项目进度跟踪表检查评估形式来检查和保证计划内容得到及时调整和如期完成。后期计划评估部分,主要采取前后销售量、市场占有率、市场排名对比,读者对网站内容满意度调查来进行评估。笔者主要负责财务方面的工作。经过前期仔细的调查分析及切实可行的方案,中期认真紧凑的计划执行和后期客观评估,本论文设计的VIP会员优惠促销计划得以顺利开展,使销售量的增长达到了预期效果,并且在服务满意度上得到读者的认可。实践证明,在时尚杂志日趋增多的今天,只有不断创新促销方式,才能抓住读者日益变化的心态,从而与时俱进,切实提高杂志的竞争力并保持销售量的持续增长。关键词:HIGH杂志 销售量 VIP会员优惠促销计划Abstract The abstract should include the following information: Introduction (What is this project about? Why is this project interesting or important?); Hypothesis (What did you think you would find? Why?); Methods (Briefly explain your procedure.); Results (What did you find when you performed your project?); Discussion (Are your results consistent with your initial hypothesis? Why or why not?); Conclusion (What is your interpretation of what these results mean? Why should anyone become excited about or interested in your findings?).Suggest length: 200 words. This paper presents a detailed report of a VIP-member preference plan implemented to increase the sales volume of “HIGH” Magazine. “HIGH” Magazine is a monthly magazine about fashion in Shanghai, it was very welcomed by white-collars before. However, as an accountant of “HIGH” Magazine Agency, I found the sales volume of “HIGH” started to decrease since the beginning of 2007 owing to the backward way of sales promotion, ordinary content of the magazine and highly competitive magazine market.In this paper, it is hypothesized that if we can set up an eye-catching VIP-member preference plan, then we will be able to attract more readers and increase the average sales volume of “HIGH” magazine by at least 10%. A two-month project (May 15th, 2007-July 15th, 2007) was launched to design and perform the plan, including recruiting members, improving the website platform and providing more preference activities. Scientific research methods of customer survey, such as focus group, SWOT analysis were used in the identification and analysis of the problems. Project Framework, Activity Flow Chart with Time Scale and Project Progressive Checklist were also adopted in the design, implementation and evaluation of the project. With the efforts of all our project members, we have achieved our final goal successfully. The VIP-member preference plan has attracted enormous readers and it has increased our sales volume as we expected. The result of the project has demonstrated that innovating different ways of promotion is an effective approach for our magazine agent to increase the sales volume.Key words: “HIGH” Magazine sales volume VIP-member preference planTable of ContentsPages1. Introduction 12. Summary of the Preliminary Research2 2.1 Description of Project Problem .2 2.2 Problem Analysis2 2.2.1 Companys current situation.3 2.2.2 Needs and wants analysis4 2.2.3 SWOT analysis. 63. Project Objective and Hypothesis73.1 Project Objective73.2 Project Hypothesis.74. Project Rationale75. Project Design.95.1 Planning Activities95.1.1 Activities planned to take place95.1.2 A critical path analysis of activities.105.1.3 People involved and responsibilities 115.1.4 Time-scale of the activities 12 5.2 Cost Analysis 135.3 A Project Framework 145.4 Risks Analysis.145.4.1 Categories of risks 145.4.2 Measures to control and manage the risks156. Project Implementation156.1 General Introduction of Time, Place of Project Implementation.156.2 The Working Steps of Implementation166.3Monitoring and Evaluation of the Project.6.3.1 Monitoring176.3.2 Evaluation.17177.  Project Findings and Discussion187.1 Results.187.2 Results Discussion.208.  Conclusion.21Bibliography.23Appendix I: Question List for Focus Group Discussing24Appendix II: The Project Framework.26Appendix III: The Project Progressive Checklist.28Appendix IV: Readers Comments about the Contents Of Improved Website (Internet Voting).29A VIP-member Preference Plan Designed to Increase the Sales Volume of “HIGH” Magazine1. Introduction“HIGH” is a monthly magazine about fashion in Shanghai. HIGH Magazine Agency is a privately owned magazine agency which belongs to an advertising company named “Dreamachine”. It is located in 3F/789 South HuangPi Rd Shanghai, which is one of the most fashionable areas in Shanghai. Now, there are 15 members of staff in the “HIGH” agency who collect and translate information, interview people and write articles, public and promote the magazines, etc. It is not easy for a small scale agency to promote and propagate greatly for the magazine and attract readers. The magazine was very welcomed by white-collars before. However, as the accountant of “HIGH” Magazine Agency, I found the sales volume of “HIGH” started to decrease since the beginning of 2007 mainly because the agency lacks a power of promotion and propagation to attract more readers, which makes the sales volume not very satisfactory, especially in the past three months (Feb. /Mar. /Apr.). Therefore, a two-month project (May 15th, 2007-July 15th, 2007) was launched to design and perform the plan, including recruiting members, improving the website platform and providing more preference activities.The goal of my project is to attract more readers in order to increase sales volume of “HIGH” magazine. The objectives are to set up a VIP-member preference plan, to provide more considerate service and more preferential activities so as to increase the average sales volume by at least 10% in two months.It is hypothesized that if we can set up an eye-catching VIP-member preference plan, then we will be able to attract more readers and increase the sales volume of “HIGH” magazine.The outputs of the project are: through the VIP-member preference plan, our readers can enjoy 20% discounts when they buy our magazine by VIP member cards, every VIP member will have a unique password to share information in our website and join online VIP-member Club without charge. By the end of two-month propagating stage, 15 VIP members will be selected to enjoy free tickets of movies which recommend by our magazine.The total costs are estimated about 55,440 RMB including costs of promotion materials and equipment, time and labor, finance and contingency allowance.In the whole process of this project, I adopted those helpful techniques and methods which John Hilton introduced in his book “Practical Business Project and Proposal (2001)”. Scientific research methods of customer survey, such as focus group, SWOT analysis were used in the identification and analysis of the problems. Project Framework, Activity Flow Chart with Time Scale and Project Progressive Checklist were also adopted in the design, implementation and evaluation of the project. It was expected that if the project could be carried out successfully, it will no doubt benefit both readers and our agent. Our readers can enjoy discounts when they buy our magazine by VIP member cards; they can share the updated information of special restaurants, bars, shops, exhibitions through our website without charge; they will have the chance to enjoy a free movie which we recommended in our magazine. As to our company, through the VIP-member preference plan, we will have stronger power to compete with other fashion magazines, to attract more readers and achieve to increase the average sales volume by at least 10% in two months.2. Summary of the preliminary research2.1Description of project problem“HIGH” is a monthly magazine about fashion in Shanghai. As the accountant of “HIGH” Magazine Agency, I found the agency lacks a power of promotion and propagation to attract more readers, which makes the sales volume not very satisfactory, especially in the past three months. The scale of magazine agency is small and without enough human resources; the contents of the magazine are common, they are similar to some other famous magazines of fashion in Shanghai and lacking in innovation; moreover, the traditional way of promotion-personal promotion, which “HIGH” is using now, can not increase the sales volume largely. Now, many famous magazines about fashion in Shanghai have occupied most of the readers, it is very hard for “HIGH” to survive in the highly competitive environment. And, if there are not any new ideas, which are unique to support and improve the promotion of the magazine to attract more readers, “HIGH” will soon lose its market and be subordinated to other authorized magazines about fashion in Shanghai. 2.2Problem analysis2.2.1 Companys current situationl The current state of the “HIGH” Magazine Agency“HIGH” is a monthly fashion magazine in Shanghai. HIGH Magazine Agency is a privately owned magazine agency which belongs to an advertising company named “Dreamachine”. It is located in 3F/789 South HuangPi Rd Shanghai, which is one of the most fashionable areas in Shanghai. Now, there are 15 members of staff in the “HIGH” agency who collect and translate information, interview people and write articles, public and promote the magazines, etc. It is not easy for a small scale agency to promote and propagate greatly for the magazine and attract readers. l The contents of “HIGH”The main contents of the magazine include: files of famous people (such as super stars, models, photographers, etc.), hot topics, introduction of famous restaurants or of special features, bars, shops, shows, movies, exhibitions and so on. Compared with other well-known magazines about fashion in Shanghai, “HIGH” has not got unique contents to attract readers. l Financial performanceThe finance performance is a little bit worse since last three months: The total sales income of the last sales stage (from March 2007 to May 2007) is 580,800 Yuan, decreased by 9% compared with the total sales income of the first sales stages (from December 2007 to February 2007 638,240 Yuan). The costs of two sales stages are kept at same level with each other. Fortunately, the profit of the last sales stage is only 1% lower than the first sales stage because of the revenue of advertisements. l Customer profilesThe majority of the readers of “HIGH” magazine are:1) Shanghainese and people who work in Shanghai2) White-collars of marketing, administration, technique or service related3) A small part of undergraduates4) Age from 20 to 30l The market situation of fashion magazinesNow, there are more and more white-collars work in Shanghai, they like to read fashion magazines for entertainment and search for new clothes, new restaurants or interesting places through these magazines. Meantime, there are many fashion in Shanghai such as “Life Express”, “Trends”, “Whenever Shanghai”, “HOW”, “IFLAIR”, etc. have occupied most of the readers, it is very difficult for “HIGH” to survive in the highly competitive environment.2.2.2 Needs and wants analysisTo get a clearer idea of the views and opinions of readers, three focus groups were organized. The focus groups were as follows:1) 5 women (white-collars)2) 3 men (white-collars)3) 2 undergraduate studentsIt was felt that each if these categories of customer might have different expectations, views and needs, so separate focus groups would be desirable.A basic list of questions was prepared; the discussions with each focus group were allowed to be free and open.Questions1) What is the name of fashion magazine do you often buy and how did you know it?2) How did you know “HIGH”?3) Do people around you know “HIGH”?4) How often do you buy “HIGH”?5) Where did you buy “HIGH”?6) What do you think of the price of “HIGH”?7) Why did you buy “HIGH”?8) Do you like it?9) What most often disappoints you when you buy and read “HIGH” compared with other fashion magazines?10) What additional aspects that you expect HIGH to improve? Above questions were mainly open questions, they are designed to know how readers think of HIGH magazine. The responses to the questions reflected readers disappoints and suggestions to HIGH magazine. These responses were positive and constructive for the VIP-member preference plan.According to the records of readers responses, we summarized readers complaints and suggestions as below: Complaints1) The magazine is not available to buy from all bookstores or private owned booths, it is inconvenient for readers to find the right sales point to buy it.2) The package of the magazine is not so unique to attract readers eyes and meantime the magazine is not convenient to bring.3) The preferential activities of “HIGH” are not so much compared with other magazines.Based on above complaints, we collected readers suggestions as follows:Suggestions1) “HIGH” could give public free (with certain amount of copies) to attract readers.2) “HIGH” should provide more preferential activities.3) “HIGH” could sale overdue magazines with discount prices.4) “HIGH” could provide on-line magazine in case of some readers havent bought the magazine or they are out of Shanghai.2.2.3SWOT analysisIn order to solve the problem described above and make the VIP-member preference plan successful, I carried out a SWOT analysis, including our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Conclusions are drawn as follows: Strengthsl As “HIGH” Magazine Agency belongs to Dreamachine Advertising Company, it has the superiority to get new ideas and promotion support from Dreamachine.l The unit price of “HIGH” magazine is lower than other fashion magazines in the market. The low price could make HIGH magazine to attract more readers.Weaknessesl The scale of magazine agency i


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