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    The Ways of Improving English Listening Ability.doc

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    The Ways of Improving English Listening Ability.doc

    毕 业 论 文The Ways of Improving English Listening Ability英语听力方法论【Abstract】Listening is the foundation of studying language and one of the most important parts of studying English, it is the important tool to absorb the language material. But in the process of English studying, many people often feel that it is difficult to foster and improve ones listening ability. These are closely relative toistening teaching for English teachers and to help the listeners to improve their listening comprehension ability.【Key Words】English listening; difficulties; barriers; solutions.【摘要】听力是学习语言的基础,是英语学习最重要的组成部分之一,是吸收语言素材的重要手段。然而,在外语的学习过程中,人们又普遍感觉听力培养和提力与语音、语法、词汇、背景知识、笔记等几方面探讨,目的是提供一些办法给英语教学者及并帮助提高英语学习者的听力能力。【关键词】英语听力; 困难;障碍;对策。OutlineI. Introduction-1II. Chapter II The difficulties in English listening and the reasons in listening barriers-3 A. Listeners difficulties-31. The speed-32. The main ideas of the material-33. Memory techniques-34. Imagination ability-3B. Reasons 1. Reasons in language pronunciation barriers-42. Reasons in vocabulary barriers-53. Reasons in grammar barriers-64. Reasons in culture barriers-75. Reasons in psychology barriers-8III Chapter III the ways of improving the listening ability-8A.Improvingthepronunciation-9B. Enhancing English learners vocabularies and strengthen their English knowledge-10C. Extending students knowledge of cultural background- -11D. Training the ability of guessing the word in the text-12E. Developing students interests in English listening and overcome studentspsychologybarriers-12F. Creating environments for listening and speaking-13IV Chapter IV Conclusion-14V Notes-14VI Bibliography-15Chapter I IntroductionListening is the foundation of studying Language and one of the most important parts of studying English; it is the important tool to absorb the language material. English listening is not only listening, but also the overall performances from language pronunciation, vocabulary, idioms to the culture, ideas, and other comprehensive ability. Therefore take this as the topic to make to solve these problems, we will propose some listening skills in this paper in pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, background knowledge, note and so on, and the goal is to provide some methods of English listening teaching for English teachers and to help the listeners to improve their listening comprehension ability. .Chapter II The difficulties in English listening and the reasons in listening barriersIn the process of learning English, English learners may encounter many difficulties and barriers; we will analysis the main points in this chapter.A. Listeners difficulties mainly present in following aspects: 1. The speedThe listener cannot follow the speed of the speakers,2. The main ideas of the materialThe listeners cannot get the main ideas of the material, maybe they understand every sentences; 3. Memory techniquesThe listeners are lack of certain memory techniques, 4. Imagination abilitySame words used in different situation have different meaning, it requires the listeners have good ImaginationB. Reasons 1. Reasons in language pronunciation barriers. If the students dont master the linguistics well, it often causes them some understanding barriers. Especially for the pronunciation: if their pronunciation is not accurate, especially for similar words. 【Such as: week-wake-weak; cheer-chair; hand-had; jeep-sheep; beatbit; countcant; he the material is speaking.We also often encounter these different ethnic groups may cause us some obstacles in listening comprehension.In addition, the language speed varies and it causes some problems. When the listening material is quite easy for students, and the reading speed is quite slow, students will have not any difficulty in understanding the materials. Yet, 【1.1 Connecting reading. For example:Not at all.Put it on the table.The dog is in a box.Wake up! 】【1.2 Lost tone. For example:Mother asked me to do some cleaning.Shake your head if you dont want to go. 】【1.3 Stress. For example: Theres a desk and a chair in it, too. Put some of it in the box and some of it in the bag. 】The above phenomena ame mistakes when they meet with the new words or when the speed is quite fast.  2. Reasons in vocabulary barriers. The influence of vocabulary is one of the important factors. Vocabulary is the building matear in the listening process, and there are some connecting reading and weak reading, lost tone, stress shifting and so on in the listening material. And these changes mir special forms and special using methods, so its difficult for them to understand. Such as some unusual words and phrases, idiom, colloquialism, proverb, slang, verbs past forms, ect.【For example, the sentence I got a kick out of watching those kids perform. (That means: I appreciate the childre accordance with the literal meaning, many people may think it means” kickout:” Here the “ kick” has nothing to do with the “ kick using feet” 】Many students listening vocabularies can not reach half of their reading vocabularies. Why? Bdents cant understand the real meaning of them. 【For example, “Will you marry me?” Here the speaker wants to say “Can you host my wedding?” But some students understand in the way “Will you get married with me?” 】 3. Reasons in grammar barriers.The famous English phonetician DA Wilkins once said: “without grammar, people cant express many things; but without vocabulary they can express nothing.” In order to understand the listening materials exactly, students must grasp the pronunciad sentence. It means “You should have finished it yesterday, but you didnt.”  But some students dont understand it correctly.4. Reasons in culture barriers.Language is a kind of spiritual wealth which is created by humans. Its a part of culture. It is like a mirror and reflects a nations culture. With language, people know well Chinese. They cant make the language to form a scene or a picture in their minds, so it affects listening reaction and understanding. Secondly, cultural differences affect students understanding ability. Although there are some similarities in English and Chinese culture, there are also some great differences between them. Because not knowing about the life habits, cultural featurh. Many people often complained that they can understand every word, but still cant make clear the intent of the speaker. Culture covers very wide aspects, this knowledge can be strengthened through learning a lot of the Anglo-American culture and other English speaking countries.【For example, "You chicken!" He cried looking at Tom with contempt. (“You a cowardly persouzzled with the whole sentence. 】【Another example: in Chinese “Where are you going?” is used in the greeting, but there is not “greeting” function in English. On the other hand it is thought to interfere in peoples privacy. 】 5. Reasons in psychology barriers. Listening understanding is a set of complex activities. Producing worried, nervous psycholo mind. In the circumstance, there is not any continuity in the listening understanding and it leads to misunderstanding. English learners m according to these difficulties and barriers. Chapter III the ways of improving the listening abilityThe English colve these problems, and improve students listening ability.  A. Improve the pronunciation. The English listenint they cant differ from some English words clearly, or the differences between their pronunciation and the pronunciation in different sentences. So in the lisot a day's work. Teachers must give students the correct information about it.Teachers should teach students to distinct and mimic the correct voice and tone. In English, isease.) Because of his bad pronunciation, saying that: "I'll kill you." (I want to kill you.) You can imagine what look like his patients will be scared into. 】【Another example, someone said: "I am thirty. My wife is thirty, too." But you heard: "I am dirty. Meginning. On this basis, we can receive good results in improving our listening, speaking ability.There are usually two ways of practicing the pronunciation: The way of repeating reading and the way of reading aloud.The way of re to recite them.The way of reading aloud: reading loudly is a continuation of repeating reading. Readinge English listening, otherwise students will not achieve good effect in the English learning. B. Enhance English learners vocabularies and strengthen their English knowledge.The Engrds is very important for them to understand the listening content. Teachers should pay more attention to training students ability to guess the meaning of the words through the whole passage, grammar structure, word formation and language environment. Keep training, students ability to apply vocabularies will be improved. At the same time, arn the basic language, to practice listening, reading, speaking, and writing. To speak English correctly, students must master the language law; express themselves in the way of English speaking countries. Only in this way  C. Extend students knowledge of cultural background.   Enlarge the students' knowledge about English. Encourage the students to read something ch their knowledge. For example, in the western countries, people are not allowed to ask something about marriage, child, job and salary. If study sentence into Chinese, or it will affect their understanding and imaginations. D. Training the ability of guessing the word in the text.In the listening process, learners often meet many situations that they cant understand or cant hear clearly. There are too many reasons for the problem, maybe it is becausee”. 】【Another is "Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow", the listeners feel difficult in hearing the word “blossom” because of the fast rhythms, they often cant catch the sound l. The listeners need to guess the word from anglicizing the context. This is a song about white flowers, there is the verb bloom, only the term blossom (flower) was more appropriate. 】Therefore, when you meet a similar question, first of all, try to remember the voice that you caith the difficulties in our independent works.E. Develop students interests in English listening and overcome students psychology barriers.Einstein ever said, “Interest is the best teacher”. As soon as teachers make students interested in listening, they can motivate their enthusiasm and initiative. Listening must be the brsation stories, which can make students more interested in English listening. There are different psychology barriers during the listening. Students always feel passive, not sure or afraid of without catching the meaning. So they are over worried. For these reasons, they should have caught the listening, but they didnt. In fact the English listening isnt difficult if you believe in yourself. So teachers should remind them that they should not pay more attention to every pronunciation, word, sentence, or every detail; not catch these details or they will not understand the whole passage. Students should pay more attention to the content, not to the language; concentrate on the main meaning, not on details; concentrate on the present content, not on the past content. Keep relaxed and they will successfully understand the listening content.  F. Creating environments for listening and speakingListening and speaking are language communications. Without good environment or conditions for studying foreign language, it is difficult to study English well. nd speaking will be improved.Chapter IV ConclusionEnglish listening is so important for the English learners, as the saying goes, some one must be deaf firstly before he becomes a mute. Listening comprehension adopt the right ways to solve these problems. We can find many useful and mature methods to improve the learners listening ability. Also off course English teachers should study and explore new and effective teaching methods to improve the learners listening ability. Only in this way can the aim of English teaching be realized.  Notes:胡春洞,王才仁. 英语教学交际论M. 南宁: 广西教育出版社, 1996:132.禹明. 新课程背景下的英语中考改革. 基础教育外语教学研究J, 2005年第5期:44.王立菲. 现代外语教学论M. 上海: 上海教育出版社,上海世纪出版集团 2000,11:188189. 胡春洞. 英语教学法M. 北京: 高等教育出版社出版, 1996:131132.  Bibliography:1. William Littlewood. Communicative Language Teaching M. 外语教学与研究出版社, 2000,10:165175.2. Hamer, J. The Practice of English Language Teaching M. London and New York: Longman, 1983.3. Widdowson, H. G. Aspects of Language Teaching M. 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