The Important Role of Body Language in Intercultural Communication肢体语言在跨文化交流中的作用.doc
The Important Role of Body Language in Intercultural Communication肢体语言在跨文化交流中的作用OutlineAbstract1Introduction.3Some Information about Body Language32.1 Functions of Body Language.42.2 The Important Role of Body Language in Communication.42.3 Necessities of Studying Body Language in Intercultural Communication.53. The Classification of the Body Language.54. The Relationship of Body Language and Cultural.64.1 The Relationship of Body Language and Cultural.64.2 Culture Difference of Body Language .74.2.1 Eye Contact.74.2.2 Gestures.94.2.3 Postures104.2.4 Touch .114.2.5 Facial Expression.125. The Similarities of Body Language and Their Causes.135.1 The Similarities of Body Language.135.2 The Causes Resulting in the Similarities of Body Language.146. The Principles of Reducing Barriers in Communication.147. Conclusion.15Bibliography.17 摘要 身势语是指语言或非语言交际中具有交际意义的身势动作,是非语言交际的重要组成部分,同时也是人们交流思想和感情的重要手段。为了能在跨文化交际中成功地进行交流,我们应该了解不同文化的身势语言,而且必须承认世界各国的身势语与语言和文化一样,也有相似之处。当然,由于地域,种族,文化习俗的差异,不同文化的身势语有许多差异,即使同一身势语在不同的文化背景都有不同的含义,错误地用身势语不仅会使我们在跨文化交际中失败,而且会造成和外国朋友之间的冲突,所以怎样正确地使用身势语,怎样理解身势语的差异都非常重要。本文致力于从目光语,手势语,身体姿态,面部表情,体触语方面对不同文化的身势语进行对比。目的在于通过列举身势语的文化差异与共性,分析各种身势语在不同文化背景下的用法和功能,从而帮助人们传情达意,突破语言障碍,促进交流.关键词 身势语;非语言交际;跨文化交际;文化差异和共性The Important Role of Body Language in Nonverbal CommunicationAbstract Body language is elements of non-verbal language in communicational behavior and it takes a complementary role to help people to transfer idea and express affections. In order to make successful exchange in intercultural communication, we should master the meaning of the body language from different cultures. And we should realize that body language, like verbal communication and culture, also has many similarities all over the world. However, body language from different cultures has many differences because of different regions, races and cultural customs. And even the same body language has great differences in different culture background. Using body languages wrongly not only makes you fail in intercultural communications, but also causes conflict and create persistent negative attitudes toward foreigners. So what are the differences of the same body language in different countries? How to apply body language correctly? This becomes very important in human daily life. This article devotes to do a comparison and contrast of body language in different cultures in terms of eye language, gestures, postures, facial expressions and touch. It aims to illustrate the differences and similarities of body language, analyzes the various usages and functions of body language in different culture background, so as to reduce barriers and help people to transfer information to improve communication; as the matter of fact, to achieve efficient communication and to avoid misunderstanding.Key Words Body Language; Nonverbal Communication; Intercultural Communication; Culture Differences and Similarities1. IntroductionIn Modern society, most countries in the world communicate with each frequently, people communicate with each other through not only verbal communication but also nonverbal communication. Moreover, the latter plays an essential role in human communication. According to some researchers, Nonverbal behavior can cover 70% communication. It is a very important media through which people communicate with each other just as our Verbal Language. Nonverbal communication is also collected with cultures and it is the result of the culture. For instance, some people think of nodding head means yes and shaking means no, Im afraid we can not give a simple answer, because the same behavior in different culture has different meanings ; While many people may pay great attention to the acceptance and correctness of the verbal communication and overlook the influence and cultural difference of nonverbal communication. Then the misunderstanding and cultural crash often occur in the intercultural communication. In order to make successful exchange without barrier, we have to know the body language and understand the specific meaning under each background, so as to help us go out of misunderstanding zone in intercultural communication.2. Some Information about Body LanguageWhen talking about body language, people often think about standing, sitting, and lying. In fact people can make over 1000 kinds gestures. The commonly used body languages include eye contact, gestures, postures, facial expression and so on. Western scholars have made a lot of definitions about it, the most vivid and specific definition is that body language is the non-verbal language which can express information that language cannot express and the actions most people can understand. “Nonverbal communication is a process in which communicators use the natural features of their bodies to deliver information and express the specific meaning instinctively to the other communicator.” (管延祥, 2004: 90).2.1 Functions of Nonverbal CommunicationAlthough verbal communication is a chief tool people used, yet nonverbal communication cant be replaced by verbal communication, especially in intercultural communication. The study of psychology shows when two people do faceto-face communication, more than 50% information are finished by nonverbal communication. “In the daily communication, we can see people cant communicate efficiently by verbal language alone. And nonverbal communication will express clear meanings in a certain context. And a certain nonverbal communication should be connected with verbal communication or the other nonverbal communication to provide correct information.”(李树刚, 2004: 37) So in communicative activities, nonverbal communication also plays a great role. Moreover, nonverbal communication is international, so people coming from different countries can communicate with each other by body language even if they cant speak each others language, Furthermore, “In any case, when verbal communication conflicts with nonverbal communication, people are willing to accept the information nonverbal communication delivers. Because nonverbal communication sounds more natural, more instinctive and it is hard to pretend.”(徐小丹, 2004: 90) Obviously, we should make full use of nonverbal communication to achieve efficient communication. 2.2 The Important Role of Body Language in Communication“Psychologist David Aberconbie ever pointed out: we speak with verbal organs but we talk with our body.”( 张建青, 2004: 34). And Mr. Freud had ever said that “nobody can keep secret completely, if his lip keep silent he will talk by his finger, every gesture of his body will betray him”. (Claire Kramsch, 2003: 102). His words mainly explain the important function of gestures during conversation. A famous psychologist have ever advanced a formula: emotion expression = 7% language + 39%voice +83%expression behavior,(曹合建, 1997: 56)which also illustrated the important role of body language in interpersonal communication. Some scholars think it is not only the indispensable complement of language, but also mutually dependent on each other. Language is the component parts and carrier of culture. Studying and understanding body language is helpful to study language of foreign countries and avoid mistaking in intercultural communication.2.3 Necessities of Studying Body Language in Intercultural CommunicationWith the further opening to the outside world, more and more people go abroad or stay in motherland to go in for the work of intercultural enterprise. In intercultural communication people often feel confused and baffled because they cant immerge into the same background of culture and then result in failure in communication. This “body language” just like verbal language is also a part of culture. The specific meanings of body language originate from specific culture background. People can take advantage in conversation if only they master it well. In most situations, nodding ones head means agreement yes. Waving an outstretched hand with open palm is the gesture for goodbye. Leaning back in ones seat and yawning at a talk or lecture shows lack of interest, boredom. The meanings of these gestures have come to be accepted by most people, at least by Chinese and Americans. But the same gesture or body languages have different meaning in different background of culture. Even nodding the head may have a different meaning. To Nepalese, Sri Lankan, some Indians and some Eskimos it doesnt means “yes” but “no”. So if somebody wants to succeed in international business, if they want to have a good personal relationship with the foreigners, they must learn and master the practical skill of dealing with people coming from different background of culture. Because body language is one of the most useful ways to solve the problems mentioned above.3. The Classification and Culture difference of the Body LanguageWe have addressed the importance of nonverbal communication. And we also know body language reflects a certain cultural background. On the one hand, in a certain tradition, body language is determined by its customs and traditions. Violating them will cause communicative disconnection and misunderstanding. On the other hand, the meanings of body language in a certain culture are developing and changing. With the development of technology, traffic and contact all over the world, the meanings of body language are renewing every day. In this essay, we intend to make a comparison and contrast of the similarities and differences on body language in order to avoid misunderstanding and make efficient communication. Just like verbal language have symbolic features. Some parts of body language are innate, some are acquired and others are conscious. For instance, when we are excited, our pupils will enlarge distinctively. Our eyebrows will move rapidly when we greet. And we will frown when we are unsatisfied. While acquired body language is greatly affected by social environment and accepted through common practice. It often becomes a distinctive culture. Every country, every nation, and even every region has its own historical and cultural background. So the body language people use is quite different. For example, Americans like to shrug when they have no idea about something. But Chinese dont do the same thing. Stretching out ones tongue means contempt in America, but in China it means surprise and respect for guests in Tibet. 4. The Relationship of Body Language and Cultural Differences4.1 The Relationship of Body Language and CulturalBody language and culture are inseparable, the forming of body language is decided by a certain culture background, the relationship between them is close and complicated. People can know and understand the cultural value and exclude the narrow feeling of cultural superiority by studying the action of body language, and at the same time, they can guess peoples gesture or body language by knowing their culture. The most difficult and meaningful things of studying body language is to solve the culture conflicts. People always pay more attention and show more sensibility to the other nations body language than to their own. The misuse of body language can take more serious conflicts than culture can take, and if the speakers speak other nations language frequently but use improper body language, which means they take more serious mistake because body language stand for motion expression. Samovar thinks people must keep some principles in their mind to solve the conflict between body language and culture in intercultural communication. Firstly, people cant forget there are several non-verbal behaviors acting together at the same time and use body language to cooperate with verbal language during communication. Secondly, people cannot remember the meanings of all kinds of body language, but if they can correctly distinguish them and remember the meanings of some often used body language, also can help them understand easily during communication. Thirdly, and the most important thing is to understand correctly the non-verbal behavior of their own culture. However, the culture differences take many obstacles to people during intercultural communication. If people want to use body language properly they should learn and remember a lot about the ways about body language using in different culture. (Samovar, 1981: 45) 4.2 Culture Difference of Body LanguageDifferent believes are the causes of the differences of body language. According to the theories proposed by American anthologists Barnettt Pearce, Verrion Cronent, peoples behavior, the way of thinking and so on are affected by their believes. And every culture has its distinctive belief system. A normal action in this culture will be abnormal in another one. A positive behavior in one culture will be negative in another. People from eastern world advocate modesty, tolerance, mutual-support and responsibility for the group. But western people admire independence, self-respect, free development, and requiring individual space and so on. Next, we will go to the differences of body language from five parts.4.2.1 Eye ContactAs saying goes “The eyes are the window of the soul”. That is to say, we can read ones mind through his/her eyes. Eye language can express complicated feelings and it is an important way to judge the intimacy of communicators. People from English speaking countries have more eye contact when they are in conversation. According to American tradition, communicators must gaze at each other. “But there are many rules about eye language: Whether to look at the other communicator or not; when it is the time to look at them, how long we can look at; who we can look at and who we cant; they all imply different meanings in communication.”(喻硕丰, 2005: 94) In Juliets Fasters book “Body Language”, there is a paragraph which can explain the problem. “Two strangers sit face to face in the dinning room in a train; they can introduce themselves to each other. When they are eating, they can talk anything else. They also can avoid eye contact and do not show interest in each other. A writer described this situation in an article “They look over the menu again and again, play with knives and look at their nails. It seems that they look at them for the first time. I