The Humor Feature and Pragmatic Function of Verbal Irony 英语专业毕业论文.doc
The Humor Feature and Pragmatic Function of Verbal Irony ContentsAcknowledgementsiAbstract(English)iiAbstract(Chinese)iii1. Introduction1 1.1 Introduction to irony1 1.1.1 Definition of irony1 1.1.2 Classification of irony2 1.2 Introduction to verbal humor3 1.3 Introduction to this thesis32. Irony and the cooperative principle32.1 The cooperative principle32.2 Irony as violation of CP43. Irony and verbal humor53.1 Verbal humor53.2 The humor feature of irony6 4. Pragmatic functions of irony74.1 Discontent function7 4.2 Satire function84.3 Polite function 84.4 Affection function94.5 Emphasis function94.6 Humor function105. Conculsion11Works Cited12AbstractVerbal irony, as a widely used figure of speech, has received considerable attention from cognitive psychologists and linguists. The traditional study of verbal irony from rhetorical and aesthetical approaches has been shifted to current cognitive and pragmatic investigation. In this paper, focus will be laid upon the humor feature of verbal irony from the perspective of pragmatics. First, through the comparison of different kinds of definitions of irony, a general idea about what is irony is established. Then, this paper examines the Cooperative Principle (CP for short) of American linguist Grice which put forwards that irony acts as a violation of CP. Finally, with the analysis of the pragmatic functions of irony, the humor feature of verbal irony can be well displayed. Irony can be classified into six types from the perspective of pragmatic functions as follows: irony for discontent, irony for satire, irony for polite, irony for affection, irony for emphasis and irony for humor. This paper makes a summary that the humor feature of irony is its basic feature, also well reflected in the pragmatic functions.Key words: verbal irony; pragmatic function; humor 内容摘要反语作为一种普遍使用的修辞格,引起了认知心理学家和语言学家的关注。反语研究的角度从传统的修辞学和美学转向了认知心理学和语用学的探究。本文首先从不同的定义和分类上,对反语进行认知层面上的归纳总结,我们可以初步了解什么是反语。其次,基于对美国语言学家格赖斯合作原则的分析,了解反语与合作原则的联系,反语违反合作原则主要体现在对质量准则的违反上。此外,反语是言语幽默的一种表现形式。从语用学的角度可以把反语的功能分成六种类型,表达不满的功能、讽刺的功能、礼貌的功能、亲热的功能、强调功能、幽默功能,文中对其进行归纳总结,从而得知,反语的幽默属性是其基本属性,在其语用功能中也得到了很好的体现。关键词:反语;语用功能;幽默1. Introduction1.1 Introduction to ironyIrony is a universal phenomenon of natural languages used in our daily communication. The study of irony first originates in the field of rhetoric. Later,many analyses have been made on irony in the fields of philosophy, psychology, and especially conitive pragmatics. Traditionally, irony is treated as a figure of speech whose meaning is the opposite of that expressed by the words . The study of irony in this way belongs to that of rhetoric. American linguist Grice takes “irony as one of those figures of speech that flouts the Cooperative Principle (CP for short), especially the Maxim of Quality.”(58) Irony interpreted under this pragmatic model conveys the contradiction of what is literally said. While linguist Sperber and Wilson treat irony as an echoic mention and think that verbal irony involves saying what one doesnt mean.”(126)1.1.1 Definition of iron(1) “The use of words that say the opposite of what you really mean, in order to be emphatic, amusing, sarcastic, etc.”(Wehmeier et al 935)(2) “Irony is a figure of speech that achieves emphasis by saying the opposite of what is meant, the intended meaning of the words being the opposite of their usual sense. This form of irony is called verbal irony, and differs from the stylistic device of dramatic irony.”(Feng Cuihua 329) (3) “Use of words which are clearly opposite to ones meaning, usually either in order to be amusing or to show annoyance.”(Summers 919)The above definitions explained by different experts from different angles, roughly display the nature of irony from both the form and function. Among these definitions, the basic meaning of irony could be found as “saying one thing but meaning another.” However, all of these definitions have some shortcomings. First, none of them provides an effective way to identify irony from non-irony. Second, they basically regard irony as a figure of speech whose literal and connotative meanings are mutually opposed to each other. This traditional understanding has been under challenges by modern experts.1.1.2 Classification of ironyThe classification of irony is presented in different ways.In general, irony involves a contradiction between appearance and reality. Irony results between a character and a narrator or reader from difference views Traditionally, there are four major types of irony: verbal, dramatic, situational and comic.(1) Verbal ironyVerbal irony is classically defined as the use of words to convey a meaning that is something other,and especially the opposite of the literal meaning of the words.The contrast is between what the speaker says and what he actually means. In this paper, the discussion is laid upon this type of irony:verbal irony.(2) Dramatic ironyDramatic irony occurs when the meaning intended by a characters words or actions is opposite of the true situation. The contrast is between what the character says, thinks, or does and the true situation. Further, the character cannot see or understand the contrast, but the audiences or readers can. (3) Situational irony Situational irony occurs in literature and in drama when persons and events come together in improbable situations, creating a tension between expected and real results. (4) Comic irony Some irony goes beyond being unfair and is morally tragic. Such irony is often so severe that it causes people to question God and see the universe as hostile. Such irony typically suggests that people are pawns to malicious forces.1.2 Introduction to verbal humor Humor is a phenomenon popular in human communication in all societies. It brings laughter to people and enriches their language and culture. Humor can be categorized into two major groups:situational humor and language humor.In the former, humorous effects are realized thyough a funny situation, such as cartoons, comic pantomimes, humorous sculptures, ect. While the latter relies on language to achieve the intended effects.In truth, much humor finds expression in language. Verbal humor is a category of humor which is used to express humorist ideas through language. 1.3 Introduction to this thesis This paper focuses on the humor feature of verbal irony from the perspective of pragmatics and the pragmatic functions of irony. Firstly, through the comparison of different kinds of definitions of irony, a general idea about what is irony is established. Secondly, this paper examines the Cooperative Principle and irony acts as violation of CP, the condition of producing irony is displayed.Thirdly,with the analysis of the humor feature of irony ,we can learn verbal irony as an approach to verbal humor.Finally, the pragmatic functions of irony will be presented. In a word, irony is one way to produce humor in verbal communication. 2 Irony and the Cooperative Principle 2.1 The Cooperative PrincipleAmerican philosopher Grice noticed that “in daily conversation people do not usually say things directly but tend to imply them.”(28).He made an attempt to explain the course of natural conversation. His idea is that there is some regularity in conversation.Our talk exchange do not normally consist of a succession of disconnected remarks,and would not be rational if they did. They are characteristically,to some degree at least,cooperative efforts;the participants must first of all be willing to cooperate, otherwise, it would not possible for them to carry on the talk. In other words,we seem to follow some principe like the following:Make your conversational contribution such as required, at the stage at which it occurs by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged. This general principle is called the Cooperative Principle, or CP for short.To specify the CP further,Grice introduced four categories of maxims as follow:The maxims of quantity(1). Make your contribution as informative as is required (for the current purposes of the exchange)(2). Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.The maxims of qualityTry to make your contribution one that is true:(1). Do not say what you believe to be false.(2). Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.The maxim of relationBe relevant.The maxims of mannerBe perspicuous:(1). Avoid obscurity of expression.(2). Avoid ambiguity.(3). Be brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity).(4). Be orderly.2.2 Irony as violation of CPGrice classifies irony as an example of implicature and shows how one can account for irony as a case of flouting the Cooperative Principle by violating the maxim of quality.Examples: (1) A: Sorry, Mary. I can not give you a lift after work. I have to meet a friend at the airport. B: Thank you very much. Its very kind of you. In this conversation, B does not really praise A. He uses “Its very kind of you.” to show his dissatisfaction in fact.(2) 甲和乙是同事,乙擅于拍领导的马屁.领导:乙的工作能力很强, 总能站到较高的角度看问题。甲:对, 您说得没错, 他很有领导才能, 总能为领得很周到, 您每天只需坐着就什么事都可以解很好了。乙:尴尬不已 (Li Hua 31) When 甲 said: 乙 has the strong laedership skills, he violate the quality maxim to tell a lie.In fact,he show his truly dislike.(3) Rose and David met an elegant woman on the street. They appreciated her fine action until she suddenly spitted phlegm to the floor. Under this situation comes the discourse as follows:Rose: She is really lovely, isnt she?David: She sure is. Rose tended to use “lovely” to laugh at the elegant womans poor action hereThese instances are violations of the maxim of fact by saying something he or she does not really believe. In these irony acts, indirectness seems like a shield which masks a genuine intent considered risky by the speakers. The ironical words not only convey messages but also conceal what the speakers really bear in mind. The speakers violate the Cooperative Principle consciously to express their real meaning in indirect way. Irony helps to make the words much more humor.3. Irony and verbal humor3.1 Verbal humorAs a nature of humanity, humor is a way of communication peculiar to humanbeings. Verbal humor is a category of humor which is used to express humorist ideas through language, and regard as a unique comedy performance to be an important carrier of humor. Verbal humor is the humor that is organized through verbal form. It is created or expressed through language with the assistance of situational context occasionally. And it can be produced by kinds of figure of speech, pun,farce, exaggeration, irony and so on. 3.2 The humor feature of ironyVerbal irony refers to spoken words only. It occurs when a character says one thing, but suggests or intends the opposite. As an expression of wisdom, irony is frequently used by the great minds, writers or philosophers.Next,the humor feature of irony will be displayed through some examplesExample 1:譬如你住在二楼或三楼上,窗户下面是人来人往的街道或汽车如流的马路,那么早、中、晚你就会被迫“享受”众声汇合而成的噪音流了。Undoubtedly a noisy environment is no comfortable thing for one to enjogy.But the word “享受”enables readers to imagine the speakers wry smile as well as easiness in face of the annoying situation.Example 2: A Great Man Einstein once wrote a letter to Charlie Chaplin. He said: “Your film The Modern Time, everybody in the world can understand. You will certainly become a great man. Einstein.”(Lemma 57) In his answer to the letter Charlie Chaplin wrote: “ I admire you even more. Your Theory of Relativity nobody in the world understands, but you have already become a great man. Chaplin.” In this story, Charlie Chaplin was clever to lend irony to amuse and escape from being outdone.Example 3:He was such a marvelous teacher that whenever we recognized a spark of genius you could be sure hed water it.Readers can judge the teacher as contemptible rather than marvelous from the description. And the word “marvelous” helps to make the comment more sarcastic. From the above examples, conclusion can be easily reached as irony is frequently used to produce humor. In other words, the humor feature of irony could be easily found in humor stories.4. Pragmatic functions of ironyIn the former parts of this paper, we have already discussed about the relation between irony and CP, and the connection between irony and verbal humor. Though irony seems to violate CP, As a type of verbal humor, irony devotes itself to produce humor in daily communications. However, what are the pragmatic functions of irony? In this section, the key to this question will be presented mainly from six major aspects:. Pragmatic functions of irony can be stated in various ways.In the following passage, the attention will be payed to the major functions of irony.4.1 Discontent function In English, irony is often used to state ones negative attitude to something. For example: (1) I just adore mosquitoes.Here,“adore” actually tells us the displeasure of the speaker. It can be learned from the meaning between the lines that the speaker hates mosquitoes in fact. (2) It must be delightful to find oneself in a foreign country without a penny in ones pocket. Here, the author just shows us the discontent feeling of having no money in foreign country by using the opposite word “delightful”. In everyday life, people tend to use irony in their speech though sometimes they may not be conscious of it. The following is another instance: (3) This morning, I was late for work; at noon, I had my bike stolen; on the way home this afternoon, I slipped down in the street. So today, I am certainly enjoying myself. Obviously, the narrator did not enjoy himself indeed this day. With the strong discontent of the terrible experience, he expressed his discontent by using the opposite word “enjoy”.4.2 Satire functionIn everyday life, people tend to use irony in their speech though sometimes to express satire. Satire plays a role of frequent feature of irony. It seems like a spoiled child to some literature writers. For example:(1) a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee or a ragout. Here, the author proposed the measure to solve the problem of starvation and overpopulation by eating or selling children from poor families. However, the real purpose was to rip off the hypocritical mask of hypocrites. Used as a means to satirize, irony helped to disclose the serious problem of society . (2) “几个“慈祥”的老板到菜场去收集一些菜叶,用盐一浸,这就是他们难得的佳肴。”(Xia Yan 579) (Some kind-hearted bosses go to the market and pi