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    外 国 语 学 院学年论文 题 目:THE CULTURE DISTINCTIONS OF NUMBERS BETWEEN ENGLISH AND CHINESE AND THEIR TRANSLATION中文并列题目:英汉数字文化的比较和翻译 ( 专业: 英语(师范) 班级: 英语08·2 学生: 指导教师(职称) 完成时间: 2010 年 3 月 29 日至 2010 年 4 月 5 日AbstractEvery language in the world takes root in a special cultural background, and the language reflects the contents of the culture. Numbers are the count and quantity which reflect the scope and size of the objective world. The social meanings of numbers are different because there are some differences in cultural tradition, the concept of thinking and the understanding and using of the numbers among all kinds of languages. And both Chinese and English people show different taboos and connotations towards the different or identical numbers so as to generate their own numeral cultures. Therefore it is necessary for us to know more about the taboo and distinction between Chinese and English. And we also need to learn how to translate the number well through knowing the translate method of number. After this we are accepted to make an advantage in cross-cultural communication. And to know the distinction and translate method of numbers between Chinese and English and make an advantage in cross-culture communication is the aim of this passage.Keyword: numbers; Chinese; English; meaning; translation; advantage in cross-cultural communication 【摘要】世界上每一种语言都植根于特定的文化背景之中,反映着特定的文化内容。语言中数字是反映客观物质,世界的规模大小的数和量。而由于各语言中所包含的文化传统、思维观念以及对数字的感知取向不同,故而赋予数字社会含义也不同。英汉人民在相同或不同数字所展现的禁忌和内涵形成各自的数字文化。因此了解英汉数字的禁忌和差异是有必要的。同时我们也需要掌握数字的翻译方法把数字翻译好。通过这个学习帮助我们在跨国文化交流中取得优势。而了解英汉数字的差异和翻译在跨国文化交流中取得优势也正是这篇文章的论点。关键词:数字;汉语;英语;含义;翻译;跨国文化交流优势ContentsIntroduction-51. Same number with different or similar meanings-61.1One-61.2 Three -61.3 Six -61.4 Seven -7 1.5Nine -72. Numbers with mythology-72.1 English number with its mythology-72.2 Chinese number with its mythology-83. Number associate with homophonic-84. Method of translate number-94.1 Quantifiers in number translation-104.2 The real meaning and virtual meaning of the number-104.2.1 The real meaning of number-104.2.2 The virtual meaning of number-104.3 Use synonyms-114.4 The method of replacement and adjustment-114.4.1 The method of replacement-114.4.2 The method of adjustment-11Conclusion-12References-13Introduction: As the development of the economic and political, exchanges between countries are getting closer and closer. And all of these are closely related to culture. Numbers, as a part of culture and a single of language, can embody the cultural psychology of nations and traditional customs characteristic brightly. It has played a more and more important role in cultural exchange and development. As a Chinese speaker, I think it is very important for us to learn more about the number distinction between Chinese and English when we talking with the foreign country. In this paper, I divided for four parts. First, I start from the representative numbers in Chinese an English numbers, study the same numbers which have different meaning like the number one、three、six、seven and nine. In the second part I tell the mythology within numbers in Chinese and English. Because every language in the world exits taboos, every culture has their fetishes, English and Chinese also have its own root and their interesting mythology. As to make for better communication between nations, to know more about the culture distinction of number is not enough, even we need to know the translation method of number. So in this study I have list several translation method, such as: the quantifiers in number translation, the virtual and real meaning in number translation , the synonyms use in number, and the method of replacement and adjustment use in translate number. During this study, we can know more about the importance of the numbers between nations, and help us respect each other, reduce misunderstanding and fiction when communicate with foreign country, and achieve the purpose of communicate. At last we can have more advantage in cross-culture communication.THE CULTURE DISTINCTIONS OF NUMBERS BETWEEN ENGLISH AND CHINESE AND THEIR TRANSLATION1. Same number with different or similar meanings.Every country has its own culture, no matter in English or in Chinese. Number is the symbol of culture. So in different country, the same number may have different meanings, like one, three, six, seven and nine.1.1one:In Chinese and English, the number“one”has the same meaning, no many. For example, “one false move may lose the whole game”; “Ive invited one or two friends round this evening.”In these two sentences, “one”has the same meaning of no many. But in Chinese, “one” has another of the beginning of something. And in English, “one (sometimes can use as an article a)”can be expressed figuratively. For example, a word spoken is an arrow fly.1.2 ThreeIn Chinese, because of the progress of history, people gradually know that: time has been divided into past、now、and future; space has been divided into up、middle、and down; the position has been divided into left、middle、and right. So the number three have the meaning of perfect. In peoples daily life, they often use the number three to summarize things or guiding actions. While in western country, people think that the world is consisted with land, sea, and sky. The nature is including animal, plants, and mineral in three parts. So western people like the number three very much, for they think the number three is a perfect number. They often say“ The third time the charm”、“All good things go by three”.1.3sixIn China, “six” is a space consonance number. People like to use six as phone number or vehicle number. They especially these group of number “66”、“666”、“6666”,for they symbolize that they can do all the things with a hitch. But in English, people do not like six much; they look “6”as a disaster number or wild animal number. Such as some saying :“at sixes and sevens”、“hit somebody for six/knock somebody six”、“six the best”、“six penny(valueless)”、“six of one and half a dozen of the other”.1.4SevenIn Chinese culture there are "seven days to return", "Celebrate the seventh day man," and "the Chinese side on the 7th Mountain, the world has been past thousand years” said. However, the number “seven” in Chinese are often looked as a taboo number. When people giving gift, they cant give seven samples. The dishes on the table must not be seven.In some areas of Chain, the Chinese was force on the July seventh day, people is avoided married that day. This custom is related to the story of Niulang and Zhinv. It is said that Niulang and Zhinv can only meet once a year in the July seventh. Meet once a year, even than the pain of separation between the two places. So marriage is avoided on July seventh.While in English, seven is a scared number. Westerners pay attention to seven virtues; seven of Art and Learning, seven sacrament, life have seven times. This is because they are all related to god. For example, god created the world in six days, the seventh days the god had a rest. Jusus advised people of number others as much as 7 by 74th; Virgin Mary had seven happy things and seven sad things. Thus, the English nation virtue, the god, evil must gather “seven” pieces. Such us, seven virtues、 seven deadly sins、 the seven gifts of spirit、the seven corporal works of mercy、 the seven sacraments. In addition, people see the number seven as a lucky number, in life there are “lucky seven” be said. There are also have many idioms about the number seven, such as: keep a thing seven years and you will find a use for it, seven sleep will make a clown forget his design, a man may lose more in an hour than he can get it seven, to be in the seventh heaven and so on.1.5nineIn China, the number nine is considered as a limited number. So every word which has the number nine has a meaning like much, high, deep and so on. In English, the number nine can also means much or deep. For example, “a cat has nine lives”. The number nine in this sentence means much, it compares that cat has strong vitality. But in English, the number nine can also means less or short. Such as, “a wonder lasts but nine days”、“a stitch in time saves nine”、“be dressed up the nines”.2. numbers with mythology 2.1 English numbers with its mythology: English culture have been more strongly affected by the Greek and Roman mythology, whose god resemble the character of human with feelings and desires, happiness and sadness. In Roman myth, god “Jupiter”, whose power stems from his trident or three-pronged thunder-stick in his hand, governs the others. Neptune, the god of the sea, relies on his three-pronged spear, and Pluto is a dog with three heads. Thus number “three” is lodged with extension of power. And the number “thirteen”, in accordance with the western myth, is an evil one, which has similar connotation and symbolization to Christian. It is said that twelve in gods were present at a banquet held in heaven in honor of the soldiers sacrificed in the battle. During the dinner, the demoniac Rocky, an unexpected person, arrived and killed the son of the head god Austin to death. Hence, the westerners avoid number “thirteen” just like the plague.2.2 Chinese number with its mythology: in china, the cultural connotations of numbers have connection with the ancient myth. For instance, four character words “three heads and six arms” originated from Chinese myth, narrating a supernatural being. Nezha, who takes charge of the justice, has three heads and six arms. He has vastly magic power to transform himself into three at Radom. According, the number “three”is endowed with cultural connotations of magic and power.3. Numbers associate with homophonicLook back at the origin of Chinese culture, people like even number, they like use homophonic of the number, because often they may mean good luck when read in homophonic. In Chinese there has so many digital euphony, harmony and cultural meaning. Such as the number eight, for it sounds like the meaning that you can make much money. So “8”has become the most popular number in Chinese. People often use “8”in their phone number, house number or car number. If there has two “8” in the phone or car number, in may be the most auspicious number. And the number five harmonic “I” sound, so the number “58”pronunciation “I earn so much many. The number “9”pronunciation “a long time”, so it is also a popular number. Because of the homophonic, some numbers have become peoples favourate numbers, while some numbers are not popular for them. Such as the number “4”. In China, the number four is considered an auspicious number, but people in ancient times did not look the number four as a taboo number. This is because with the development of the technology, people use number very often. Such as the phone number, the house number, the car number. Because the number four sounds like the word death euphony, so the number for is not popular in the ending of peoples phone number or car number. People in particular need to avoid “14(means you must die)”、“514(means I die)”、“44,444,444”. Although in the music, the number four sounds like the meaning that you will earn much money, people are unwilling to use the number in their car or phone number. While in the English-speaking country, people basically not look the number four as a taboo number. However, there is a small exception, when people choose the wedding day; they do not choose Thursday, because they thought that Thursday means bad luck.All in all, the function of numbers id not limited in the calculation or mathematics. It is obvious that number have gradually evolved throughout the long history of humanity, in response to requirements for calculation, forming a special culture of number. Thus ,studying the culture distinction of numbers between Chinese and English not only help us understand their culture better, but also help us respect each other when talking with English-speaking country.4. Method of translate number To study the culture distinction of numbers between Chinese and English is so important. But we also need to learn the method of translate number. In professor Fan Gunzhongs book “Translation Theory and Techniques”, he pointed out that: in general, the two languages in a phrase or sentence, equivalent is not no but less. The more is quiet a correspondent. Not only to translate a text into another language, but also pay special attention to the original implied in the history, culture, religion, customs, social background, value concepts such as information, translation of those numbers with national and local color especially idioms. When we look through English idioms and the root of the culture and the exploration of the number and their cultural information cultural, we may clear find that: the number of English and Chinese culture have a clear imprint of culture, and have different customs and religion belief. The tradition of culture will affect the number idioms between Chinese and English. To interpretation the cultural differences between Chinese and English correctly can help and guide us who have learning English, teaching English, translating English and searching the cross-cultural information. Only by fully understanding the deep cultural idioms of numbers, can we make translation m


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