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    The analysis of pecuniary benefit in capitalist society高老头金钱至上的利益社会.doc

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    The analysis of pecuniary benefit in capitalist society高老头金钱至上的利益社会.doc

    The analysis of pecuniary benefit in capitalist societyThese days, I have read a book named Father Goriot. I was moved by the love of the father Goriot and shocked by the ugly appearance of people at that time. This book critically exposes the pecuniary benefits among the people in capitalist society in the 18th century. At that time, money is the capitalist new signs of the times and father is just something that when the patriarchal clan system residual feelings. Father Goriot is a wheat flour businessman, after his wife dead, he put all of his love to his daughters. He gave his all property to them in order to help them can get a great marriage. Yes, his daughters did! But they decided to choose money instead of love. Extreme egoism flooded all moral principles. Father Goriots property was bled white and abandoned. Father Goriot still adhere to love them, as in the past, there is no reason, nor whether it is worthwhile, maybe, in his heart, his daughters are his all. Here is the evidence of showing his love:“My daughters are very fond of me; I am a happy father; but my sons-in-law have behaved badly to me, and rather than make trouble between my darlings and their husbands, I choose to see my daughters secretly.” Father Goriot said.When he was seriously ill, he wanted to look his daughters, but no one came and took him to see the doctor. Father Goriot finally realized the cruel truth of the capitalist society “money brings everything to you; even your daughters” before dead. Here are some words before his death:The tears gathered and stood without overflowing the read sockets.“Ah! If I were rich still, if I had kept my money, if I had not given all to them, they would be with me now; they would fawn on me and cover my checks with their kisses.money brings everything to you; even your daughters. My money. Oh!The whole Paris was under the magic influence of money. The people in Paris regarded the money as the most important thing. And money made them loose the humanity. No matter the upper-class or lower levels, the farces about “money” are emerged endlessly. Eugene de Rastignac is a poor college student when he came to Paris, he hoped he can get a promising future through his study and be a fair-minded judge. The feasting and revelry of Paris stimulated his desire to enter the upper-class. He found his cousin vicomtesse; he wished she can lead him to the upper society. The vicomtesse told him:The more cold-blooded your calculations, the further you will go. Strike ruthlessly; you will be feared. Men and women for you must be nothing more than post-horses; take a fresh relay, and leave the last to drop by the roadside; in this way you will reach the goal of your ambition.She let the Rastignac to pursuit a wealth wife, from her own experience (her lover because of 200,000 francs interest abandoned her and married another girl); she knew that the true controller of the society is money. She gave the first lesson to Rastignac.Rastignacs another enlightening “teacher” was M. Vautrin. He used bare words to expose the ethics of capitalist society. He told Rastignac:You must either cut your way through these masses of man like a cannon ball, or steal among them like a plague. It is no use playing here except for high stakes; once take to low play, it isall up to yousuch in life. It is no cleaner than a kitchen; it reeks like a kitchen; and if you mean to cook your dinner, you must expect to soil your hands; the real art is in getting them clean again, and therein lies the whole morality of our epoch.M. Vautrin design a plan for Rastignac, he let Rastignac to pursuit Mlle Victorine whose father is a banker. His work is to kill Mlle Victorines brother. In this way, if Rastignac can marry her, Rastignac could get 1000,000 francs dowry. And M.Vautrin can get 200,000 francs in reward. Although Rastignac refused this plan, what shocked him is that M. Vautrin and vicomtesse had many same ideas. The death of Father Goriot attacked his heart thoroughly. The relationship among people in upper-class is so callous, selfish and ungrateful. The death of Father Goriot also proved what the M. Vautrin and vicomtesse said was right. At last, he threw down the glove to society. Here is a small part about Rastignac burying Father Goriot: It was growing dusk, the damp twilight fretted his nerves; he gazed down into the grave and the tears he shed were drawn from him by the sacred emotion, a single-hearted sorrow. When such tears fall on earth, their radiance reaches heaven. And with that tear that fell on Father Goriots grave, Eugene Rastignacs youth ended.All in all, in this book, in the 18th century of Paris, money made people lose themselves. These stories of this book told us the same “truth”: wealthy is a matter of virtue. Money is the true controller of the society. Money is omnipotent in the peoples eyes; they gained money at all costs. They love money.


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