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    Rhetoric and cultural differences in Tourism English translation英语毕业论文.doc

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    Rhetoric and cultural differences in Tourism English translation英语毕业论文.doc

    Rhetoric and cultural differences in Tourism English translationContentsIntroduction-3Chapter 1 Cultural differences-4Chapter 2 Rhetoric differences-52.1 Thinking differences-52.2 Repetition Structure-52.3Four-word Structure-6Conclusion-6AbstractIt goes without saying that there are many differences between Chinese and English. Among which, the cultural differences in Tourism English translation reflect in history, aesthetic standard, religion, custom, etc. Therefore Tourism English translation methods include explaination, analogy, amplification, etc. Only so can show the man idea during traveling to the foreign tourists exactly.Key words: Cultural differences English for Tourism Tourism English translation IntroductionChina is a civilized ancient country with a long history. The cultural achievements during 5000-year-long history and the vast land which covers an area of about 9.6 million square kilometers leave us rich tourist resources. Every year large quantities of foreign tourists are attracted to China to go sightseeing. Although there are some similarities and universality factors in different cultures, the great differences between Chinese and foreign culture will become impediments to tourism development. The differences in cultural thinking and cultural view will creat cultural collisions, even may be cultural countermeasures. So we should treat these differences seriously and study the culture docking methods and skills in Tourism English translation. Chapter 1 Cultural differences Cultural differences, especially the differences between eastern and western culture are showed obviously in tourism information translation. In the long-term social practice, Chinese people formed different cultural psychology, way of thinking and aesthetic concepts, which reflected in languages is the differences in the entire layout, the rhetoric methods and some other writing habits. For example:大观园内有个稻花村,literally, it is called a 村,in fact it is not a village but a simple farmhouse. So we can not translate literally “Paddy Sweet Villiage”. Foreign tourists are very interested in our traditional festivals, but they know little about our folk customs. For example, the most important traditional festival in China “春节” is literally translated as “Spring Festival”(a three-day celebration of the traditional Chinese New Year which falls in January or February according to cycles in the Chinese lunar calendar). Another example:“作为炎黄子孙,还可以去拜谒离西安不远的黄帝陵”。It is translated as : “ If you are of Chinese descent, you may pay tribute to the tomb of Huang Di(Yellow Emperor), the first Chinese emperor.” Although this translation is simple and clear, you can notice that it has a little problem. Because in Chinese stories, Huang Di and Yan Di are the chiefs of two tribes in the ancient times. They are not the real emperor. Emperor is called for the head of monarchy countries. In 221 BC, Qin Wang Yingzheng united the six kingdoms and professed himself “the emperor”. Afterwards the word “emperor” is used for the name of the rulers of feudal dynasties. So the translation that “Huang Di” is translated as “Yellow Emperor” or “Chinese Emperor” is not proper. Only understand it and translate it in terms of cross-culture can close to original text and make foreign tourists understand clearly.Chapter 2 Rhetoric differences 2.1 Thinking differencesChinese people have a comprehensive way of thinking. They focus on whole harmonious and often use the sentence structures of crosswise dilatation and lay advance as the rhetoric methods. But the western people focus on pithiness in their aesthetic spices. That is so-called “Brevity is the soul of wit”. “Brevity is the soul of wit”. The sentence structure focus on primary and secondary features and well arranged. It can not irrespective with their ways of thinking, which is paying attention to logic analysis. We can see that the differences of aesthetic spices formed by different ways of thinking will lead to rhetoric differences between Chinese and English languages. 2.2Repetition Structure重复结构的一个典型例子是排比句现象,汉语、英语里都有。排比句通常采用三个或三个以上结构相同、语义相联、语气连贯的词组或句子排列成串,达到“壮势”、“达意”的目的。但汉语和英语的排比结构有很大区别,汉语的排比结构不仅强调齐整美,而且强调反复关,共同词语反复出现,这种排比辞式齐整是汉语重复结构的重要标志。反观英语的排比辞式,“英语的排比一般只强调结构上的整齐匀称”而不刻意于共同词语的反复出现。两种语言不同的审美情趣由此可见一斑。 2.3Four-word Structure“四字成语”和“四字格”是四字结构在汉语中常见的修辞方式,比如成语“星移斗转”、“南辕北辙”等。“四字格”是一种音调铿锵、排比连用、势如行云流水的修辞方式, 如 “中华大地, 江河纵横, 华夏文化, 源远流长” ,“烟火怒放,火树银花,灯舞回旋”等等。汉语的“四字格”行文的风格为形式整齐悦目,音调抑扬顿挫,语气连贯自然,这与汉语言行文讲究酣畅淋漓的审美情趣有关。但这样的修辞方式却有可能被西方读者误认为堆砌辞藻,华而不实,故弄玄虚,因为他们审美的情趣在于简洁、严谨。因此,在面对这样的旅游解说内容时, 必须让学生对语义进行提炼概括、删减调整,以使译文语义简洁明了,比如峨眉山导游词中的一段 : 峨眉山月清凉皎洁,光华如洗,熠熠生辉,丝丝扣人。ConclusionApart from the methods that showed above, there are some other ways, such as revision. Both of them are aim to reduce the countermeasures and differences between Chinese and English待添加的隐藏文字内容2culture. So we should understand these differences deeply and notice these differences in Chinese and English ways of thinking. Using proper methods to deal with these differences is the precondition of the smooth running of tourism activities. Using proper methods can not only make foreign tourists enjoy good tourism services in China, but also is better for our Chinese culure to extend our influence in the world. It will lay a solid foundation for building our coutry into a “ World powerful tourism country”.References: 1 邓炎昌等: 语言与文化 , 外语教学与研究出版社,1989 年。2 姚宝荣、 韩琪: 旅游资料英译浅谈 , 中国翻译 ,1998,(5):27-30。


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