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    Reflective report.doc

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    Reflective report.doc

    Reflective reportA dissertation submittedto theUniversity of Central Lancashirein partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree ofBachelaor of Arts with HonoursManagement in MarketingByChan Siu LungTo be submitted on 21/4/2011SummaryAccording to the assessment two, I had written a study plan about in my last learning year. So I am now going to write a reflective report on the study plan that I had done. I will provide some example of what effective study plan is and how it can help on my personal development. Then I will according to what I have researched to give out some suggestion and recommendation.IntroductionOn the date 18th April, 2011 I had submitted a study plan. In the study plan I had mentioned the reasons that I choose marketing, the method I would use in my studies and also the job that I want to find in the future can practice the knowledge that I have learnt. In this report, I will talk aboutl effective study planningl personal developmentl my reflection on practicing of study planl suggestion and recommendationI will analyze specifically on the benefit of an effective study plan and on my personal development. Also how I feel with those planning and provide evidence and efficient improvement. Also, I will talking about my personal development, my reflection on practicing of study plan. In the end, I will give some suggestion and recommendation.Effective study skillsFirstly, I think if you want to have a effective study, it must have a effective study methods. So, I will provide some methods to do a success and effective study. The first methods are trying using behavior modification techniques on you. Try studying in the same places in the same times each day.eventually you will automatically get into the right frame of mind for studying whenever you get to that time or place, and you should also remember and retain more information. The second one is try to not spend more than one hour at a time on any one subject. Try not to spend more than 20 to 30 minutes on memorization. Short blocks of time are the best method for studying and retaining information. The thirdly one is Try to study similar subjects at separate times. It is important to separate study periods for similar subjects. This adds variety to specific study times and keeps the brain alert and active and the last one is when doing memorization, try to memorize actively rather than passively. Use as many of the senses as possible to aid in the memorization rather than just simply reading something over and over. Create a mental image or picture of the idea. Say the item out loud so literally hear it. Associate the idea with something that is significant to you personally.personal developmentIn this course, I have learn present skills, how to write references, how to write the short or long report and the format of a report. I think they are very Important. Such as write references, referencing is telling you reader where you learned or found the information that you are writing. Referencing shows respect for the intellectual efforts of others. It show that you understand that although it is all right to borrow other people s idea, providing you acknowledge that you have done, so it is now all right to steal them. And after learning how to write the short and long report, it is helpful to my future work because this is a very ppractical skills. It is same to writing a short and long report skills,presention skills is practical too because when I interview or want to have a speech, the presentation skills can help me.


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