On Rhetoric and Translation Skills of Advertising英语专业毕业论文.doc
On Rhetoric and Translation Skills of AdvertisingChapter One Introduction In the economic globalization and the commodity market internationalization, advertisements are everywhere, has become the sources of information that businessmen, enterprises and consumers obtain contractor product information, decide the important strategy of investment and consumption. The word “advertisement” comes from the Latin word “advertere”, meaning of “to arouse public attention to certain things, and lure in a certain direction as a means used.” In the background of internationalization, advertising has developed a kind of propaganda way that have close relationship with marketing, communication, linguistics, sociology, psychology, aesthetics. The ultimate goal of advertising is to sell goods. To achieve this goal, we must stress the use of auditory, visual effects, adapt various means of communication to expand the outreach to enhance the image of the goods. Writing advertising generally consists of five parts, which is the title, text, slogans, trademarks and illustrations. The first three belong to verbal part and the latter two belong to non-verbal part. The article mainly discuss the use of rhetoric characteristic and translation skills in English advertisements.Chapter Two Rhetorical Functions and Methods of TranslationRhetoric origin from 2000 years ago in ancient Greece, is a kind of science study the language of art. Rhetoric is the art of using language, it should be based on communication content, language environment to choose language and expression pattern appropriately. Rhetorical device is part of the rhetoric studies, including negative rhetoric and active rhetoric. The former term refers to sentences comply with the general rules of grammar and logic, “Take the clearness, smoothness, flat uniform, steady as the standard” to avoid adverse effects. The latter refers to “use a variety of performance techniques according to the situation. The possibility of his best all languages, so that the image of said written shows, the specific nature and experience,” meaning that use appropriate rhetorical methods to enhance language effect. English figures of speech and Chinese figures of speech are both “the formats of positive rhetoric, such as metaphor, metonymy, etc.”Language is the tool that spread information, exchange ideas and coordinated action between human. English speaking and Chinese nation are both continuously research and improve the national language art, gradually formed a set of rhetoric has their own features. English and Chinese figures of speech have similarities at the same time they have differences too. In most English speech can be found in Chinese corresponding or similar rhetoric. Such as “as light as a feather (轻如鸿毛)” “as hard as a rock (坚如磐石)”etc. However, due to the difference of the two countries history, geography, traditional customs, living environment, aesthetic temperament and interest, thought and culture consciousness, in describing or express the same concept usually according to the national language habits to choose the figure of speech. And because of the difference of English and Chinese in word form, morphological change, syntax structure and the sequence of words and language, tie-in range of different phonetic rhythm, even the properties of similar figures in structure and using range are different, the difference make the English-Chinese translation more difficult. From the perspective of the translation can divide the figure of speech into three categories: can be translated, hard to translate and can not be translated. Point out the method that the most appropriate and close to the original text for these three categories. Make the original tenor, form and meaning of rhetoric effect can convey to the translation perfectly. Rhetoric is literal translation, free translation, Offset method the three methods of translation.2.1 Methods for Translation of Figures of Speech2.1.1 Literal TranslationThe speech that can be translated should use literal translation as far as possible. Namely keep the original sentence structure and rhetoric. Efforts to reproduce its form, content and style. The speech that usually frequent use, pay much attention on semantics, have corresponding figure of speech in English and Chinese all belong to this type. Such as simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, metonymy, irony, rhetorical question and parallelism.2.1.2 Free TranslationA free translation is a maximum processing for the untranslatable figures of speech which generally uses some respective language features, such as dual, onomatopoeia, rhyme, pun, repetition and so on. Because there are the differences between English and Chinese in the respect of grammar, voice, linguistic form and cultural background, some untranslatable figures of speech will become elusive if they are met phrased. In order to convey the meaning of the translations naturally, relevantly and readably, the translators have to abandon the forms of the figure of speech in original texts and use free translation to express the precise meaning. Although they found some similar rhetoric, they still need to process seriously in order to increase the expressive impression.2.1.3 Offset MethodThe speech that can not be translated as far as possible remedy. These are often the speeches that used in words, pronunciation, vocabulary, word structure, word cut, meaning change and the arrangement of words. For example, alliteration, biome, palindrome, inserts the word and the word formation. The figure of speech that can not transmit from the original text to the translation could use different strategies; we can just do some simple description for the figure of speech that has no significant relationship with original ideas and plot development. Let the reader that do not understand the original text can realize the beauty of the original rhetoric.2.2 Translation Skills for Advertising English2.2.1 Phonetic Beauty(1) Big bills, every thrills. (出租车广告)A).大刺激,小花费。B).莫大的激动,微小的费用。Phonology refers to the AD words are rhythmic sounds like music and give person the enjoyment in hearing. Advertising English often use various performance means to achieve the perfect sound effect of advertising. In the above examples, the original and the translated B are Oshio rhyme, making translation of the original sentence and the original sentence are equally attractive, catchy, easy handed down.(2) Red hot fashion at Ravel. Sizzling styles. All these and many, many more. In a riot of colors, plain or what you fancy. You want it. Weve got it. Revel. Who else? (童鞋广告)A).拉维尔火爆时尚,款式新颖,所有这些以及更多,花哨的,朴素的,或您所喜欢的,您想得到它,我们拥有它,除了拉维尔,还会有谁?B).拉维尔火爆时尚,咝咝发烫的新潮款式,所有这些以及许许多多,色彩缤纷的,简简单单的,应有尽有,包您满意。您想得到它,我们拥有它,除了拉维尔,还会有谁?If alliteration is the pride of English, the pillars of Rhyme, then the Chinese duplication phrases is another colorful phonological scenery. The above example, translation A compared to translation B we can easily find that because the B use the Chinese duplication phrases it sounds catchy, its phonology beauty also contribute to the artistic creation, actively describe the shoes style, color and style to reproduce the vivid image of the goods in front of the audience. The translation A is not a mistranslation, but reading less.(3) Pepsi - Cola hits the spot, Twelve full ounces, thats a lot, Twice as much for a nickel, too, Pepsi - Cola is the drink for you. (百事可乐广告)A).百事可乐满足需要,12 盎司, 就是全部,五元钱买24 盎百事可乐是您的饮料。B).百事可乐味道好,足足12 盎司不少,五元钞票买24 盎,百事可乐供您享。Compared the two translations, differences highlighted. The A translation only express the basic meaning of original sentence. The original ad is poet ad. The B translation is fabulous as the original sentence, the same form, the same rhyme, they are both a, a, b, b, form. It reads harmonious symmetry, rhythm and beautiful.2.2.2 Image Beauty(1) Easier dusting by stre - e - etch. (除尘布广告)A).拉长牌除尘布除尘力强。B).拉拉拉长,除尘力强。Image thinking is one of the characteristics of human thinking, people like concrete, vivid, visual language, reflected in advertising language, the words in Western and Chinese advertising are very vivid. The above example, the word stretch besides as the brand name of a dust cloth “stretch”, the spelling of stretch is also express in ingenuity way, convey the intention of the term “extension” that make it easy to find dust cloth can prolong people arm function. Translation B in the “pull” the word in the stretch to repeat the word reproduction of the original results were elongated to form a perceived extension of the real and vividly rendering the effectiveness of the product, make people want to buy the good. But the A translation easily wiped the beauty image of original sentence.(2) Apple Thinks Different . (苹果电脑广告)A).苹果电脑,与众不同。B).苹果电脑,不同凡“想”。This advertising slogan “Thinks Different”, succinctly describes the content of propaganda. Translation B makes a minor change in the “extraordinary”, homophonic substitution into “不同凡想”, comply with the context. The image is more humorous than translation A, give people a fresh feeling.(3) Memories bright as a tropical bloom, fresh as a cool sea breeze, deep as the unhurried sea. This is the Sheraton Bal Harbour Resort. Time steps to a different measure here, just for the two of you. Palm bordered beaches gently kiss the waters edge. Sunset dance, nightlife sings under a star - filled sky; moonlight drips soft silver to tuck you in. This is the Sheraton Bal Harbour Resort. Where the days hesitate to end, and the memories linger forever. (旅店广告)A).记忆明丽有如热带的花卉,清新有如凉爽的海风,深刻有如起伏的大海。为了你俩,时间在这里放慢了脚步。棕榈树环绕的海滩亲吻着海水,夕阳在跳舞,夜之生灵在繁星下歌唱.银色的月光照耀着你俩。这便是喜来登旅馆,在这里时光恋恋不舍,记忆永存。B).记忆明丽有如热带的花卉,清新有如凉爽的海风,深刻有如起伏的大海。为了你俩,时间在这里放慢了脚步。棕榈树环绕的海滩轻吻浪尖,夕阳在波涛间翩翩起舞, 夜之生灵在繁星密缀的天宇下歌唱;月华轻柔,流银泻玉,把你俩笼罩其中。这便是喜来登旅馆,在这里幸福时光恋恋不舍,美好记忆长萦心中。Use a large number of original advertising metaphor, personification and other rhetorical devices to create a distinctive mood and vivid images, gives rise to a wealth of associations, so that people link advertising product quality characteristics and similar or related situations arising between the instant enlightenment, arouse peoples desire and pursuit of good things. Compared the two translation the former meaning it is only expressed.2.2.3 Contracted Beauty(1) Fresh up with Seven - up. (饮料广告)A).“七喜”饮料会使您提神醒脑。B).君饮“七喜”,醒脑提神。The concision word give people a kind of “beauty” feeling, especially in advertising English. People living in the fast-paced modern society often keep alert for the advertisements, lengthy advertising more easily make them feel wary. Therefore, the English advertising language is very brief. Compared with the translation A translation B, little beauty because of its lack of advertising words short and strong features; and asked B the configuration of short, text, eye-catching, good performance in the style of advertising language.2.2.4 Create Beauty(1) What its like to be small but good. (旅店广告)A).它虽小,却很好。B).麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。Aesthetic Psychology is different from the general psychology of human, but a creative psychology. When it is in the perception of aesthetic objects, get the aesthetic emotions, at the same time it will be according to some aesthetic ideal, by association, imagination, fantasy and other forms, creating or re-create, to create a distinctive, aesthetic objects, emotions. Essence of Beauty is to create.(2) All is well that ends well . (香烟广告)A).结局好,全都好。B).烟蒂好,烟就好。This advertisement is actually an English idiom, translation A is the idioms meaning. Placed advertisements in, readers are hard to understand the original sentence at good place. But the translation B is thinking of the wonderful product of inspiration, in cigarette advertising, invites the double meaning: has the verb “end” and the noun “cigarette”, to find such a word of wit, two translators can enjoy the pleasure of creation.(3) Fresh food and fresh air. The perfect recipe for a healthy life. Ive chosen. Its candy. (Candy 冰箱广告标题)A).新鲜食物和新鲜空气。健康生活的最佳处方。我已作出了选择,它就是Candy 冰箱。B).新鲜食物+ 新鲜空气。健康生活的绝妙处方。我选定了Candy 冰箱。A translation has been impeccable, however, when we look to move translation B, the translator of the original text in the first sentence fragment “and” translated into high-profile plus “+”, the “perfect recipe” translated as “perfect prescription” will “Ive chosen. Its candy” integrated method. Translation of the translation was concise, expressive, both live and “trust”, compared with translation A, translation B is more exciting.(4) There are several ways to explore the crystal clear waters of Greece. Whether from the deck of a luxury cruise ship which can carry you to many of Greeces 2 ,500 beautiful islands, from the high pro wed bow of a traditional fishing vessel, or on your own private charted yacht. Whatever your choice, you will never forget Greece. (希腊旅游广告) A) 有好几种办法去探究希腊清澈透明的海水:或在豪华游船的甲板上,任游船带你去游览希腊那星云密布的美丽小岛;或在传统垂钓小舟那高昂的船头上,或是您自己租的小艇上。但无论您选择了哪种方式,希腊都令您难忘。 B) 要探究希腊清澈透明的海水,有好几种办法:您可以站在豪华游船的甲板上眺望海水, 任游船带你去游览希腊那些星云密布的美丽小岛;或登上传统垂钓小舟那高昂的船头欣赏海水,或者坐在您自己租的小艇上徜徉于海水中。但无论您选择了哪种方式,希腊都令您刻骨铭心。2.3 English Advertisement Language CharacteristicAdvertising is a competitive business practices. Advertising in addition to the role of helping consumers familiar with the goods, there are induced feelings of consumers, causing the desire to buy, consumer action to promote mental function, and to consumers to enjoy the beauty of the aesthetic function. This is also the sole purpose of advertising. To achieve this purpose, often with the following characteristics of English advertisements.2.3.1 Glossary Aspect(i) Extensive use of color with commendatory adjective and comparative and superlative.Products to beautify and attract customers, advertising a large number of color use commendatory adjectives and evaluative adjectives comparative and superlative charm to enhance the ads. For example, excellent daily special sand mouth watering desserts. This is a restaurant ad, adjectives account for half of the ad words, very tempting. (ii) Create new words, increase the attractiveness and interest.Advertising language itself is full of imagination and great creativity. English ads often use some invented a new word, strange words to highlight the singular product of the new levy, and then meet consumers fashion psychology. For example, The Orange mostest Drink in the world. This is a beverage advertising, orange mostest actual is equal to orange+most+est, most and est use after orange, indicated that this kind of drink is in the orange juice best quality goods.2.3.2 Syntax Aspect(i) Widespread use of simple sentences and elliptical sentences.The advertisement length has the strict limit, must make consumers hobby as far as possible by the few wr