On Name Composition, Cultural Connotation and Social Appellation System of Briton and American.doc
论英美人的姓名构成,文化内涵和社会称谓系统On Name Composition, Cultural Connotation and Social Appellation System of Briton and AmericanContentsAbstract.1Key Words.1Introduction.1.Name Composition.2.Cultural Connotation.42.1 Given Naming Address Forms.42.2 Cultural Connotation.52.2.1 Coming From Bible.52.2.2 Coming From Greek Myth and Roman Myth.62.2.3 Coming From Greek and Latin.62.3 Origin of Surname.62.3.1 Coming From Place Name.62.3.2 Coming From Living Place Landform.72.3.3 Coming From Place Name or Landforms.72.3.4 Coming from Fathers Name.72.3.5 Coming From Professions72.3.6 Coming From The Physical Feature.72.3.7 Coming From Some Plant.82.3.8 Coming From Nature.82.3.9 Coming From Noun,Adjective,Verb,Compound-word.8. Social Appellation System.8. Meaning.8. Conclusion.12References.12摘要:姓名是人类重要的交际工具,同时也是语言组成的一个特殊部分。姓名作为人类文化的重要组成部分和人类文化的精髓,有着悠久的历史。本文列举了丰富的事例,较详细地介绍了英美人姓名构成的基本特点和结构,探讨了英美人姓名构成的文化内涵和历史渊源,简单的叙述了英美人的社会称谓系统,并且探讨了英美人的姓名在跨文化交际中的意义。本文能够帮助我们学习西方文化和西方国家的传统风俗,从而我们能更好的了解英美人的姓名。人类历史经历了许多年,人类的文化继承了我们先辈留下的经验。随着社会的发展,人类文化也在发展。研究英美人的姓名有着重要的意义。关键词:姓名特点;文化内涵;历史渊源;社会称谓系统;意义Abstract: Name is an important communication tool in the human social, and the name always is the special part of language. Name as the important part of human culture and the marrow of human culture have longstanding history. This thesis enumerates plenty of examples, it details the feature and structure of name of Briton and American. It explores the cultural connotation and history origin of name of Briton and American. And this thesis expounds the social appellation system of Briton and American simply, and details the significance of the name of Briton and American in cross-cultural communication. This thesis can help us to learn western culture, to learn the traditional custom of western countries. Thus, we can understand the name of Briton and American better. The history of human being undergoes some years, the culture of human inherits the experiences of our ancestors. Following social develops, the culture of human is developing. Study the name of Briton and American has important significance. Key words: name composition; cultural connotation; historical origin; social appellation system; significance IntroductionResearch the name of Briton and American has important meaning on anthropology and cross-cultural communication. Name has important linguistic meaning for us as a symbol and an important part of language. When I was a little girl, I had studied Chinese, China has 5000 years history, and the development of character follows human history. Confucian school idea has deep-rooted position in China. We have characters first, and then we have culture, so name as one part of culture has its special significance. It is necessary to research the cultural connotation and appellation system of name of Briton and American in cross-cultural communication. Name can help define an individuals identity, both within the family unit and within the community. Sometimes, a persons name has religious significance. Every day, people must communicate with each other, and at any time, we call other peoples name. So, name is a button. Name as a symbol has important position in cultural communication. The history of western country is short. English as an independent language, its history just has more 1400 years. The country of Briton and American believes Christianity, Bible has deep-rooted influence for the cultural of Briton and American. We inquire different significance of name at cross-cultural communication background and compare it to other culture and then we research its worth. It details the feature and structure of name of Briton and American. This discussion inquires cultural connotation and appellation system of name of Briton and American, so we can realize the cultural connotation and historical origin of name of Briton and American from it. Thus, we can understand the cultural of Briton and American better.Appellation system is special system of language. In human being, people use language to communicate, they communicate their idea, understand each other. Without language, human being cant exist and develop. If without name, people cant communicate with each other. Generally speaking, human being has language at first, and then human has kinds of appellation, human being has characters at first, and then human has name. The relation between name and human is very close. Human being formed name in hundred years. Established name undergoes long period .So, in a long history period, it has huge stability. Name and appellation system concern many subjects and it becomes important research target in the field of linguistics and anthropology. Name is such a huge problem that anthropology, linguistics, culture, folklore had given more and more attention to it. As one part of human language system, name and appellation system has important significance in semiotics, linguistic, sociology and branch subject. It has high science value to research the cultural connotation and appellation system of name of Briton and American. Name CompositionWe say that name is a symbol, and whats symbol? Symbol is a sign of things. And semiotics is divided into language symbol and non-language symbol.(Tian 1999).The relation between appellation system and semiotics is close. And today, western countries study symbol, and they study symbol ardently. Some scholar argue that: language is a symbolic system of expressing idea and language is a type of social habit. So, in kinds of symbolic system, language is the most complex system, a stable system and important symbolic system. However, in language symbolic system, characters are the biggest symbolic system, and the name shows persons identity. So, in appellation system, name is a symbol, it is no doubt, it represents every person. In history activity and social activity or in social relation, we formed kinds of culture idea, and sediment peoples consciousness. However, in social culture, kinds of symbol, sign and rite are going into peoples heart in objectivity world. So, study cultural connotation and historical origin of name, for semiotics, for culture of west world, it has bigger influence.In the field of linguistics, real language activity still exists complex relation in kinds of essential factors. Generally speaking, one speaker has one or more listener. Speaker and listener possess different appellation system. Communication appellation system is a part of real language activity at any time.This discussion inquires the origin, development, disseminate, essence, structure, function, culture and special regular pattern. So this discussion has important value in western countries. Anthropology still studies name. Name, as a button links every person. Western scholar study anthropology from old period to now. So we study the cultural connotation and historical origin, for these research fields has huge contribution.Tian Huigang, Sun Jing point that: Generally speaking, the form of name is divided into three models.N F = S+(X)+GN F= G+(X)+SN F=G+(X)+YN F= the form of full name S = SurnameG = Given Name X = First change compositionY = Second change composition ( )= Non-compellable composition is contained The name of Briton and American belongs to NF. For example, Nancy Sherman, Claire Campbell Smith. “Sherman”, “Smith” is the surname (S). “Nancy”, “Claire” is the Given Name (G). (Tian 1999) The principal assumption underlying these theories is that name appellation is the formal symbol of every member in human being. It includes two parts: family name and given name. The given name can be called another name: first name or forename; family name can be called another name: surname or last name. The name occupies special position in Englishmans native country. And the order of English name is: given name, middle name, family name. Generally speaking, Englishmans name is composed of two parts (given name, family name), for example, William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens. Americans name is composed of three parts (given name, middle name and family name), for example, Thomas Alva Edison, George Catlett Marshall, but Americans name always is composed of two parts. For example, Joseph Heller, William Faulkner. (Niu 2004). From these theories, we can know the structure of name of Briton and American. On some occasions, middle name is usually omitted, for example, Dwight David Eisenhower, David is usually omitted out, we called him Dwight Eisenhower.Name defines an individuals identity, both within the family unit and within the community. Sometimes a persons name has religious significance. The name may also have an ethnic origin or connotation. Every name has their own mean and origin. . Cultural Connotation 2.1 Given Naming Address FormsGiven naming address forms in Chinese and American English are quite different because they are derived from dissimilar linguistic system. Each has a number of distinctive variant forms of its own. Yet the fact that they all possess more than one variant form is a significant similarity which is thought provoking and worth exploring. The following is a representation of the given naming address forms in American English.The American given naming address forms1. one-word given name:Mary, Jane, John, Bill, etc.;2. compound given name:Mary-Jean, Ervin-Tripp, etc.;3. endearment given name:“Liz” for Elizabeth, “Jan” for Jane, “Jim” for James, “Dick” for Richa-rd, etc.;4. generic given name:Jack, Mack, Buddy, etc.;5. nickname:“Shorty for a tall man, “Happy” for a person who never smiles, “ Carrot” for a red-haired person, “Fatty” for a fat person, etc.;Though I have listed five variant address forms of given name in American English, the frequencies with which they are used in daily life are obviously not the same. It is clear that Number 1 and 3 are the most frequently employed ones. It might seem odd for me to include nickname in the American given naming address forms here. This is not so because that a nickname even when based on ones last name, unquestionably act as the equivalent of a given name, certainly not as a substitute for the title plus last name. The generic first name in 4 is a special form invented for people to address a person whose given name is unknown or who is a stranger.2.2 Cultural Connotation The principal assumption underling these theories is that the history of using English is short in western countries. English as an independent language, its history just has more 1400 years. The country of Briton and American believes Christianity, Bible has deep-rooted influence for country of Briton and American. (Niu 2004). People in most western countries believe Christianity and Catholicism, and the culture of Christianity is the main body on west traditional culture, at the same time, it permeates the system of name in English native. When parent seeks name for their baby, parent will entrust some hope on their baby. When a baby was born, parent must cherish their baby go to church to seek name, we called “baptismal name”, always called “Christian name”. The baptismal name comes from the religion, and some name come from Christianity, Rome Catholic, old Rome myth, other religion and history story, some name come from Bible. After 11th century, name that from Bible is very popular.The theories come from Tian Huigang, Niu Daosheng, the origin of word comes from two sides: the name comes from Bible, most of these name comes from Hebrew; the name comes from Greek myth and Roman myth, these name usually comes from Greek and Latin.2.2.1 Coming From BibleAdam: come from red soil, he is the first ancestor of human in Bible; Daniel means God is a president; David means lovely; Peter: come from Greek “stone”; Jone: come from Hebrew Jochanaan, means “God is glory”. This name is so popular, because in Bible, we mention two important people called Jone: one is Jone the Baptist; other is Jone the Evangelist. After this, Jone and Christianity spread to whole west Europe, and it has some other forms and abbreviations, for example, Evan, Gian, Giovani, Hans, Lan, Ivan, Jon, Jack, Jock, Jinnie, Jonny. Eva: it comes from Bible early. In Europe, people has one superstition, all of called Evas people will live long time. So, this name is popular in west Europe. In this period, Queen Victoria dominated England, because one-woman master called Eva was popular in Harriet Beecher Stowes fiction, that woman has miserable destiny, then Eva has been spread to Briton and American. Now, Eva and Eve are same. (Tian 1999)2.2.2 Coming From Greek Myth and Roman MythAlexander: means the guarantor of human, it comes from Greek, and it is adopted from Greek myth. Diana: originating from Latin, it is adopted Roman Myth, Moon and Hunt Goddess. Helen: originating from Greek “Helios”, it means magnificent, it is adopted from Greek myth, she is famous of pretty. Irene: originating from Greek “eirene”, means peace, the old Greek believes “Peace Goddess”, her name is Eirene. Ulysses: originating from Latin, means “angry”, it is adopted from hero of Roman myth. (Tian 1999) Mary: this name is one of the most popular names for woman in western countries, this name was used by Jew at first, but this name is borrowed by Jew from old Egypt. It is said that, the original name called “Amri Amen”, means the lover of Amen Goddess. Martin: originating from Latin “Mars”, he is the War God of Old Rome. (Niu 2004)2.2.3 Coming From Greek and LatinAlice: originating from Greek, means pure person. Margaret: originating from Greek “Margarites”, means pearl. Phyllis: originating from Greek, means green leaf. Charles: originating from Latin “Carolus”, means “a real man”. Jewel: originating from Latin, means jewel. Susan: originating from Latin, means hundred stone flower. Except this, Briton and American use name of nature as peoples name, it reflects the court of people for happy life, for peace. For example, genuine, kind, pretty, peace, happy, friendship, intelligent, wisdom, brave and so on. People love to choose lucky name as peoples name in the world.2.3 Origin of Surname The principal assumption underlying these theories is that the name comes from place na