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    NN20500204(中英)阿尔卡特朗讯 9326 数字型 2U NodeB V2维护指南.doc

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    NN20500204(中英)阿尔卡特朗讯 9326 数字型 2U NodeB V2维护指南.doc

    Wireless Service Provider Solutions无线服务供应商解决方案W-CDMAW-CDMAAlcatel-Lucent 9326 digital 2U Node B V2阿尔卡特朗讯 9326 数字 2U 节点 B V2Maintenance Guide维护指南NN-20500-204 02.01/EN Preliminary September 2008NN-20500-204 02.01/英文初稿 2008 年 9 月Wireless Service Provider Solutions无线服务供应商解决方案W-CDMAW-CDMAAlcatel-Lucent 9326 digital 2U Node B V2阿尔卡特朗讯 9326 数字 2U 节点 B V2Maintenance Guide维护指南Document number: NN-20500-204文件编号:NN-20500-204Document issue: 02.01/EN文件发行:02.01/ENDocument status: Preliminary文件状态:初稿Product release: UA06.0产品发行:UA06.0Date: September 2008日期:2008 年 9 月Copyright (C) 2008 Alcatel-Lucent, All Rights Reserved版权 (C) 2008 阿尔卡特朗讯,版权所有ALCATEL-LUCENT CONFIDENTIAL阿尔卡特朗讯机密UNCONTROLLED COPY: The master of this document is stored on an electronic database and is "write protected" it may be altered only by authorized persons. While copies may be printed, it is not recommended. Viewing of the master electronically ensures access to the current issue. 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If you have received this document in error, please notify the sender and destroy it immediately.阿尔卡特朗讯机密:本文件中包含的信息归阿尔卡特朗讯所有。 除了由阿尔卡特朗讯明确地书面授权外,持有者应对其中的全部信息保密,只在需要了解的条件下,透露给其员工,并应保护该信息不会泄露或散布给第三方。 除了由阿尔卡特朗讯明确地书面授权外,持有者无权使用其中包含的信息。 如果您误收到本文件,请通知发信者并立即将文件破坏。Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel, Lucent Technologies and their respective logos are trademarks and service marks of Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel and Lucent Technologies.“阿尔卡特朗讯”、“阿尔卡特”、“朗讯科技”和它们的相应标识均为阿尔卡特朗讯、阿尔卡特和朗讯科技的商标和服务商标。All other trademarks are the property of their owners.所有其它商标均归其所有者所有。PUBLICATION HISTORY出版历史SYSTEM RELEASE: UA06.0系统发行版:UA06.0September 20082008 年 9 月Issue 02.01/EN Preliminary02.01 期/英文初稿Update for UA06.0UA06.0 更新版SYSTEM RELEASE: UA05.1.3系统发行版:UA05.1.3September 20082008 年 9 月Issue 01.04/EN Standard01.04 期/英文标准Update for d2U V2 Phase 1 DR5d2U V2 第一阶段 DR5 更新August 20082008 年 8 月Issue 01.03/EN Preliminary01.03 期/英文初稿Update for UA05.1.3UA05.1.3 更新版SYSTEM RELEASE: UA05.1.2系统发行版:UA05.1.2May 20082008 年 5 月Issue 01.02/EN Preliminary01.02 期/英文初稿Update after internal review内部审阅后更新April 20082008 年 8 月Issue 01.01/EN Draft01.01 期/英文初稿Creation for UA05.1.2为 UA05.1.2 而创建1 About this publication11 关于本出版物12 Access Network Roadmap32 访问网络路标33 New in this release43 本发行版中的新内容44 Corrective maintenance activity54 校正维护活动55 9326 d2U V2 introduction85 9326 d2U V2 简介86 9326 d2U V2 hardware presentation106 9326 d2U V2 硬件演示107 9326 d2U power up and power down procedures117 9326 d2U 加电和掉电步骤117.1 Powering up a 9326 d2U V2127.1 为一个9326 d2U V2加电127.2 Powering down a 9326 d2U V2147.2 为一个9326 d2U V2掉电148 9326 d2U V2 corrective maintenance procedures168 9326 d2U V2 校正维护步骤168.1 Replacing the digital shelf equipment178.1 更换数字货架设备178.1.1 Replacing an iCEM-U188.1.1 更换iCEM-U188.1.2 Replacing an xCEM-U228.1.2 更换xCEM-U228.1.3 Replacing the iCCM-U268.1.3 更换iCCM-U268.1.4 Replacing the xCCM-U328.1.4 更换xCCM-U328.1.5 Replacing an optical transceiver378.1.5 更换光收发器378.1.6 Replacing the fans rack (48V)408.1.6 更换风扇架(48V)408.1.7 Replacing the pre-cabled 9326 d2U V2 rack458.1.7 更换预接电缆9326 d2U V2机架458.2 Replacing the optional equipment558.2 更换选用设备558.2.1 Replacing the External Alarm module568.2.1 更换外部报警模块568.2.2 Replacing the LPPCM module588.2.2 更换LPPCM模块58Figure 1 Outside view of the 9326 d2U V29图 1 9326 d2U V2的外观图9Figure 2 9326 d2U V2 front view (with iCCM-U)10图 2 9326 d2U V2 正视图(含iCCM-U)10Figure 3 9326 d2U V2 front view (with xCCM-U)10图 3 9326 d2U V2 正视图(含xCCM-U)10Figure 4 Power switch on the RUC front panel12图 4 RUC 前面板上的电源开关12Figure 5 Power switch on the RUC front panel14图 5 RUC 前面板上的电源开关14Figure 6 iCEM-U front panel19图 6 iCEM-U 前面板19Figure 7 xCEM-U front panel23图 7 xCEM-U 前面板23Figure 8 iCCM-U front panel27图 8 iCCM-U 前面板27Figure 9 xCCM-U front panel33图 9 xCCM-U 前面板33Figure 10 Location of optical connectors in the 9326 d2U V238图 10 9326 d2U V2中光连接器的位置38Figure 11 Inserting an SFP transceiver in the iCCM-U39图 11 在iCCM-U中插入SFP收发器39Figure 12 9326 d2U V2 front view (with iCCM-U)40图 12 9326 d2U V2 正视图(含iCCM-U)40Figure 13 9326 d2U V2 front view (with xCCM-U)41图 13 9326 d2U V2 正视图(含xCCM-U)41Figure 14 Extracting the fans rack42图 14 抽出风扇架42Figure 15 Fans rack42图 15 风扇架42Figure 16 9326 d2U V2 front view (with iCCM-U)46图 16 9326 d2U V2 正视图(含iCCM-U)46Figure 17 9326 d2U V2 front view (with xCCM-U)46图 17 9326 d2U V2 正视图(含xCCM-U)46Figure 18 Location of the management sticker47图 18 管理标签的位置47Figure 19 Front panel of the External Alarm module56图 19 外部报警模块的前面板56Figure 20 LPPCM module front panel59图 20 LPPCM 模块前面板591 About this publication1 关于本出版物This publication describes the corrective maintenance procedures applicable to the 9326 d2U V2 rack.本出版物描述了适用于9326 d2U V2机架的校正维护步骤。Applicability适用性This publication applies to UA06.0.此出版物适用于UA06.0。Audience读者The publication is intended for operation and maintenance personnel and for those who want to know the principles of 9326 d2U V2 maintenance.本出版物面向操作人员及维护人员,以及那些想了解9326 d2U V2维护原理的人群。Prerequisites资格条件It is recommended that readers become familiar with the following publications:推荐给熟悉下列出版物的读者:* Alcatel-Lucent 9326 digital 2U Node B V2 Technical Description (NN-20500-203)* 阿尔卡特朗讯9326数字2U节点B V2技术说明(NN-20500-203)* Alcatel-Lucent 9300 W-CDMA Product Family documentation:* 阿尔卡特朗讯9300 W-CDMA产品系列文件: Node B Alarms Reference Guide (NN-20500-018) 节点B警报参考指南(NN-20500-018) Terminology (NN-20500-002) 术语(NN-20500-002)* Alcatel-Lucent Node B Commissioning & Fault Management User Manual: TIL (NN-20500-019)* 阿尔卡特朗讯节点 B - 调试与故障管理用户手册:TIL (NN-20500-019)How this publication is organized本出版物是如何编制的This publication consists of eight parts:本出版物包括8个部分:* The first chapter lists what is new in this publication.* 第一章列出了本出版物的新内容。* The second part describes the corrective maintenance activity.* 第二部分描述了校正维护活动。* The third part introduces the 9326 d2U V2 rack.* 第三部分介绍了9326 d2U V2机架。* The fourth part presents the 9326 d2U V2 hardware.* 第四部分提供了9326 d2U V2硬件。* The fifth part describes the power up and power down procedures.* 第五部分描述了加电和掉电步骤。* The last part describes the corrective maintenance procedures.* 最后一部分描述了校正维护步骤。Vocabulary conventions词汇惯例For a list of terms used in this publication, see Alcatel-Lucent 9300 W-CDMA Product Family Terminology (NN-20500-002).对于本刊物中所用的术语列表,参见阿尔卡特朗讯9300 W-CDMA产品系列 - 术语(NN-20500-002)。Safety regulation安全规程In order to guarantee the safety of personnel and equipment the following aspects must be taken into account:为了保证人员和设备的安全,必须考虑下列几方面:* general personnel safety instructions* 一般人员安全说明* equipment safety instructions* 设备安全说明Caution, warning, and danger messages indicate the following possible risks.注意、警告和危险消息表示可能存在下列危险。注意静电放电敏感(ESDS)处理注意事项危险环境和人员保护危险电击注意对服务和设备的影响2 Access Network Roadmap2 访问网络路标For collection roadmap, see Alcatel-Lucent 9300 W-CDMA Product Family Document Collection Overview and Update Summary (NN-20500-050).关于收集路标,参见阿尔卡特朗讯9300 W-CDMA产品系列 - 文件收集概要和更新摘要(NN-20500-050)。3 New in this release3 本发行版中的新内容The following sections detail what is new in Alcatel-Lucent 9326 digital 2U Node B Maintenance Guide for UA06.0.下列小节详细介绍了阿尔卡特朗讯9326数字2U节点B - UA06.0维护指南中的新内容。Features特点None无Other changes其它更改Update of TIL main window banner.TIL主窗口标识更新4 Corrective maintenance activity4 校正维护活动This part describes the corrective maintenance activity applicable to the 9326 d2U V2 rack.本部分描述了适用于9326 d2U V2机架的校正维护步骤。Corrective maintenance校正维护The network maintenance is based on the supervision of the network, by using the OAM graphical interface. For more information, refer to Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Management System User Guide (NN-20500-032).通过使用OAM图形接口,基于网络监控的网络维护。 更多信息,参见阿尔卡特朗讯9353管理系统用户指南(NN-20500-032)。It is also based on the identification and replacement of faulty items of equipment, using the alarms.同样基于设备故障零件的识别和更换,使用警报The process is divided into the following two steps:此过程分为以下两步:* locating and identifying the faulty items of equipment, by using the information provided in Alcatel-Lucent 9300 W-CDMA Product Family Node B Alarms Reference Guide (NN-20500-018).* 通过使用阿尔卡特朗讯9300 W-CDMA产品系列 - 节点B报警参考指南(NN-20500-018)中提供的信息来查找和识别设备的故障零件。* replacing the faulty items of equipment, by using the replacement procedures given in this document.* 通过使用本文件给出的更换步骤来更换设备的故障零件。Note:备注:The iModules replacement procedures described in this guide are based on the following assumptions:本指南中描述的iModules更换步骤是基于下列假设:* your 9326 d2U V2 is equipped with the following digital modules:* 您的9326 d2U V2配备了下列数字模块: one iCCM-U upgraded with the specific adapter board and front panel (iCCM-U V2) 一个iCCM-U随着指定的适配器板和前面板升级 one xCEM-U (mandatory) and possibly up to two additional xCEMs-U 一个xCEM-U(强制的),最多可附加2个xCEMs-U possibly up to two iCEMs-U upgraded with the specific adapter boards and front panels (iCEMs-U V2) 随着指定的适配器板和前面板(iCEMs-U V2)升级,最多可附加2个iCEMs-U* as spare parts, you ordered iCEMs-U V2 and iCCMs-U V2 modules (order codes: 3JR08057AA and 3JR08056AA).* 作为备件,您订购了iCEMs-U V2和iCCMs-U V2模块(订购代码:3JR08057AA和3JR08056AA)。Replacing the digital shelf equipment更换数字货架设备Procedure步骤Order Code订购代码Impact on service对业务的影响Replacing an iCEM-U更换iCEM-U 3JR08057AA3JR08057AA Loss of capacity or loss of service (depending on the number of CEMs in the digital shelf)容量损耗或业务损耗(取决于数字货架中CEM的数量)Replacing an xCEM-U更换xCEM-U 300986049300986049 Loss of capacity or loss of service (depending on the number of CEMs in the digital shelf)容量损耗或业务损耗(取决于数字货架中CEM的数量)Replacing the iCCM-U更换iCCM-U 3JR08056AA3JR08056AA Loss of service on the Remote Radio device(s) associated with the iCCM-U being replaced与所更换的iCCM-U相关的远程射频装置上的业务损耗Replacing the xCCM-U更换xCCM-U 3JR20038AA3JR20038AA Loss of service on the Remote Radio device(s)associated with the xCCM-U being replaced与所更换的xCCM-U相关的远程射频装置上的业务损耗Procedure步骤Order Code订购代码Impact on service对业务的影响Replacing an optical transceiver更换光收发器Single-Mode (SM): NTU850HA单模式(SM):NTU850HA Loss of service on the Remote Radio device as-sociated with the optical transceiver being re-placed与所更换的光收发器相关的远程射频装置上的业务损耗Multi-Mode (MM):NTU850HM多模式(MM):NTU850HMReplacing the fans rack (48V)更换风扇架(48V)3JR08021AA3JR08021AAService interruption业务中断Replacing the pre- cabled 9326 d2U V2 rack更换预接电缆9326 d2U V2机架3JR08067AA3JR08067AAService interruption业务中断Replacing the optional equipment更换选用设备Procedure步骤Order Code订购代码Impact on service对业务的影响Replacing the LPPCM module更换LPPCM模块 NTU870GMNTU870GM Service interruption业务中断Replacing the External Alarm module更换外部报警模块 NTU870GANTU870GANone无Description of a replacement procedure更换步骤说明A replacement procedure is divided into the following parts:更换步骤可分为以下几部分:* the title* 标题* the main body with the following information:* 含以下信息的正文: the intervention time 干预时间 the tools required 所需的工具 the impact of the procedure, if necessary 需要时,步骤的影响 the step-by-step actions of the procedure 步骤的逐步动作One or more figures are provided to help you execute the actions. They show the FRU schematically and its location in the cabinet.将提供一个或多个图,以帮助执行动作。 它们用图解法显示了FRU及其在机柜中的位置。Intervention restrictions干预限制There may be a lapse of time between the identification of the alarm at the Access OAM Graphic User Interface (GUI) and the time you arrive at the site.访问OAM图片时,报警识别之间存在时滞。用户接口(GUI)以及到达站点的时间。You must be synchronized with the access network controller or system administrator (by telephone) before an on-site intervention, in the following cases:您必须在下列情况中,现场干预之前,与访问网络控制器或系统管理器(通过电话)同步:* isolating procedures* 隔离程序* completion of an on-site intervention* 现场干预完成* return to service procedure* 返回到业务程序General personnel safety instructions一般人员安全说明The personnel must obey the safety instructions specific to the installation site:人员必须遵守安装站点所指定的安全说明:* rules concerning the premises (see instructions posted on site or in the building)* 与场地有关的规则(参见现场或建筑物上张贴的说明)* rules linked to general personnel safety instructions* 与一般人员安全说明的相关规则The personnel working on the cabinet must be authorized to work according to security standards.在机柜上工作的人员必须依照安全标准,经授权后工作。Equipment safety instructions设备安全说明The 9326 d2U V2 normally operates when the external temperature is between 5°C and +65°C.9326 d2U V2通常在外界温度在5°C和+65°C之间时操作。5 9326 d2U V2 introduction5 9326 d2U V2简介The 9326 d2U V2 is an enhanced 9326 d2U rack supporting xModules (xCEM-U, xCCM-U). It is designed to be connected to one of the following products via optical fiber links:9326 d2U V2是一个加强型9326 d2U机架,支持x模块 (xCEM-U, xCCM-U)。 其设计用于通过光纤链路连接到下列其中一个产品:* 9341 RRH40-AWS* 9341 RRH40-AWS* 9341 RRH40-21* 9341 RRH40-21* 9341 RRH40-08* 9341 RRH40-08* 9341 RRH40-19* 9341 RRH40-19* 9341 RRH20-21* 9341 RRH20-21* 9332 rCompact* 9332 rCompactThe iModules (iCEM-U, iCCM-U) can be plugged in this 9326 d2U V2 rack, using specific adapter boards and front panels.使用指定的适配器板和前面板,可将i模块(iCEM-U, iCCM-U) 插入此9326 d2U V2机架。xCEM-U and iCEM-U modules can be mixed inside the 9326 d2U V2 rack. The 9326 d2U V2 rack is factory-equipped with one xCCM-U or one iCCM-U (in slot 1), one xCEM-U (in slot 2) and two fillers.Depending on the capacity requirements, the 9326 d2U V2 rack can host two xCEMs-U, two iCEMs-U, or one xCEM-U and one iCEM-U in place of the two fillers (slot 3 and slot 4).xCEM-U和iCEM-U模块可以在9326 d2U V2机架内部混合。 9326 d2U V2机架是工厂装配的一个xCCM-U或一个iCCM-U(插槽1中)、一个xCEM-U(插槽2中)和两个空位。根据电容的要求,9326 d2U V2机架可以容纳两个xCEMs-U、两个iCEMs-U或一个xCEM-U和一个iCEM-U来代替这两个空位(插槽3和插槽4)。The Alcatel-Lucent Remote Radio solution improves flexibility for deploying mobile broadband Node Bs in space-constrained locations. It is particularly suited to macro-cellular application in dense areas, where s


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