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    LESSON PRESENTING 论“说课” .doc

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    LESSON PRESENTING 论“说课” .doc

    LESSON PRESENTINGAbstractThis is a brief instruction to a newly created form of teaching activity, namely, lesson presenting, which is believed to be beneficial and effective for improving the teaching level of teachers in both practice and theory.Key Wordslesson presenting, teaching, research 论“说课”摘要:本文简要分析介绍了近年来新创的一种教学研究形式-“说课”。这种形式能有效地提高教师的教学理论水平和教学实践能力,值得大力推广。关键词:说课,教学,研究 1.IntroductionIn recent years, “lesson presenting”, a newly created form of teaching and researching, has been spread out rapidly in all subjects. With the reform and development of education, this new and fresh form has bought up a new demand of teachers in both teaching practice and theory. And based on the analysis in practice and theory, it is undoubted that lesson presenting has been producing an outstanding effect on teaching. Aimed at making a further study of “lesson presenting”, the reasons for its rise and the specific connotation of it will be brought under discussion in a way. 2. The Reasons for the Rise of “Lesson Presenting” Schools are the institutions in which people are educated. It is known that the decisive factor for running a school well is to improve teaching quality. And to improve teaching quality relies on various elements, which have positive effects on the educated, and among which the most crucial one is the teacher. With the requirements growing higher and higher of the quality of the laborers, the society is sure to call for higher quality of teachers. Educators must be educated first, that is, only when the quality of teachers is improved can the solid foundation be built up for the laborers with high quality. Judging by the macro environment, nowadays, teachers must have comparatively high teaching level. They cant be only so-called “teaching- smith” in traditional sense but experts in teaching and education to carry out the task of cultivating students to develop all-round. By teachers joining in teaching and researching activities, it will promote teachers to transfer from experience-orientation into theory-orientation. Lesson presenting is the very thing, which may help promote teachers teaching to realize this transformation, improve teachers teaching quality and develop teaching standard.3. The Connotation of “Lesson Presenting”“Lesson presenting”, that is, based on the theory of education science and the teaching materials, aimed at every lessons or units particular feature, a teacher, who presents lessons, makes a clear instruction to the conception of teaching setup and its related basis of teaching theory orally to other teachers and researchers. The object of it is the teacher, and it is a teaching and researching activity performed between lesson planning and lesson teaching. The purpose of it is to guide teachers, especially the novice, to study the norms of lesson planning and to better methods of preparing lessons, and to overcome or avoid teachers not preparing enough or carelessly, to impel teachers to make a deep study of the syllabus and the teaching materials, to recognize the difficult points and important points, and to study teaching theory. It also promotes teachers not only to prepare teaching materials but also students; in other words, teachers should not only know what to teach but also be clear about how to teach based on teaching theory so as to decrease the teaching in a blind way or in a slipshod manner, and also to improve the classroom teaching efficiency. Generally speaking, lesson presenting mainly includes four aspects:3.1 Presenting teaching materialsTeaching materials are the most fundamental basis of knowledge transferring and classroom teaching. Both of the understanding of teaching materials generally and the good grasp of part of the materials are very crucial for teaching well. Presenting teaching materials is to make concrete and specific analysis of the position of the materials, and the difficult and important points of the teaching materials, so as to make the teacher himself/herself and other teachers and researchers clear about the teaching aims. So both of the notions of objectives and the guidance of direction should be strong enough. 3.2 Presenting teaching methodsThe presenter should make clear about the teaching methods and measures in teaching, and the basis of the teaching theory. It also requires the teachers choose suitable and correct teaching methods. By making clear about “how to teach”, teachers should be able to break through important points, work out difficult points, and make students understand clearly and learn effectively. Presenting teaching methods is aimed to make teachers know not only the teaching result but also the reasons for it. Based on modern scientific teaching theories, presenters ought to clarify why they would adopt the teaching methods that they decide on. Therefore, “presenting teaching methods” may reflect on teachers teaching abilities and teaching levels. Presenting teaching methods may advance teachers to be active in studying teaching theories, and speedup the process of teachers transformation from experience-oriented model to theory-oriented in teaching practice.3.3 Presenting learning strategiesPresenting learning strategies requires teachers should master some teaching methods and theory to analyze and know about students real learning level and physiological learning conditions, to guide and instruct students to form and foster their learning strategies, and to make students study the contents of the related unit or chapter in right ways. The presenter must make clear about which ways to be chosen and used can be effective to activate students enthusiasm for learning, to stimulate students to be active in thinking while learning, and to cultivate students learning abilities. Learning strategies are the important means and approaches for students to fulfill their learning tasks. Learning strategies are quite abundant, so they should be designed on the basis of specific subject and course. The basic features of right learning strategies should be scientific, objective, procedural, effective and practical, and the five features mentioned above cant be divided, but supplement and complement each other.3.4 Presenting teaching processPresenting teaching process is to make clear about the presenters teaching ideas on the basis of theory, such as how to design the structure of the classroom teaching and how to design the writing on the blackboard. Here, presenting teaching process is, as it is not necessary to be so clear and detailed to present all the teaching process, not like retelling teaching plan before real teaching, but to make clear the theory basis of the whole teaching process and setup and the teachers own understanding of the design. So lesson planning may build on the basis of well-conceived theory, that is, to make teaching plan to be more scientific and rational.4. The Ways of Performing “Lesson Presenting” Lesson presenting can be carried out in various ways. Here are some of them, which may be useful and practical for performing lesson presenting. 4.1 The study of lesson presenting In the study of lesson presenting, there must be clear researching theme, but there is no difference between presenters and listeners; it can be carried out in the form of discussion, enquiry, defense, interview and so on, thus the atmosphere can be light and democratic. In both teaching and research, it can be often adopted.4.2 The demonstration of lesson presenting Lesson presenting can be also used in the demonstrative lessons in schools. To be exact, it can be discussed about in teaching and researching groups, combined with the demonstrative lessons.4.3 The competition of lesson presenting The competitors may draw lots in advance to decide the topic or decide the topics by themselves beforehand, and then make a further study of the teaching materials, and write out the script of lesson presenting. After that, they may go to the stage to make the lesson presenting to the arbitrators, who will make an evaluation on it.4.4 The inspection of lesson presentingBy the inspection of lesson presenting, the institution and teaching and researching department may get to know teachers level of teaching theory and the standard of their professional quality. 5. Conclusion Lesson presenting, combined with lesson planning, lesson teaching and lesson assessing, embodies a whole teaching system, which will be a useful and effective means and approach to develop teachers teaching standard.By the foregoing analysis, we may be clear about the answer to the question by some people, that is, “Is lesson presenting a good teaching activity?” They hold such a point that its no matter whether a lesson presenting is good or not, above all, to teach well is the most important. Lesson presenting is a new form of teaching and researching activity, which focuses on how to teach, and moreover, on the theory of teaching methods. It emphasizes the combination of practice and theory, which may enable both the presenter and the listeners to gain a lot by performing it. And this is also its difference from lesson planning. Only when the teacher who presents lessons focuses on the study of teaching theory adequately, can he/she be in a favorable position to make good use of teaching materials, make good choice of teaching methods, make a good recognition of the important points, concentrate on the main points soundly and reasonably, and present lessons with high level and quality. The teacher who presents lessons may well transfer his/her understanding of teaching materials, teaching methods and learning strategies from the individual to groups, and by the groups discussion and understanding, it will be helpful to improve the individuals own teaching abilities, too, to promote the level of teaching theory of both the individual and the groups. After the lesson presenting, by the particular teaching activity, it is of great value to realize the combination of practice and theory, the practice guided by theory and the specific teaching practice moving upward to theory. In the end, the teaching staff, as well as researchers and experts, make an assessment on lesson teaching, which will be very beneficial for teachers to reflect on teaching process or make an adjusting. For sure, combined with lesson planning, lesson teaching and lesson assessing mutually, to spread lesson presenting in teaching and researching activities will promote teaching and research to a new level. It is certain that it can be an important means and measure to reinforce classroom teaching and it will play an important role in developing teachers professional quality. Meanwhile, it is also very worthwhile popularizing in the field of EFL teaching. ReferencesLiu Zhengshan, 2003. “Handbook on Teaching and Research”. Huaxia Press.Li Bing, 2000. “Outline of Further Education for Middle School English Teachers (inside reference material)”. Education Committee of Xinjiang.


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