Fuji Xerox设计双向培训系统提高客户满意度A bilateral training systems designed to improve customers’ satisfactions with Fuji Xerox.doc
Fuji Xerox设计双向培训系统提高客户满意度A bilateral training systems designed to improve customers satisfactions with Fuji Xerox论文摘要 富士施乐商业服务部是富士施乐公司长期以来业务发展迅速的部门之一,是全球文件外包服务行业的领先者, 专门从事提供文件外包的咨询和管理服务,与我们的客户一起分享有关文件的知识,传播先进的文件管理理念,帮助我们的客户改善他们的文件工作流程、增强市场的竞争能力。富士施乐商业服务部最近和一所知名的国际学校签订了外包文件服务.作为在客户现场服务的员工主管,我带领一个3人的团队为客户提供现场文件制作及客户楼层机器的管理的服务.在合同执行的前期,由于我们对客户的不了解,以及缺少宣传.导致客户不适应我们的服务.而且我们自身对员工的培训不够.显的我们不够专业.最终客户对我们的服务不满意.开始投诉我们.我的项目目标就是通过设计一个双向的培训既给客户也给我们的员工.通过培训使客户了解我们的服务,通过给我没的员工培训提高我们的服务水平,最终目的就是提高客户满意度.如果在我们进驻国际学校现场之前就做好调查,提前了解客户需求并介绍我们的服务,如果我们在进驻客户现场之前就对员工进行针对改项目的培训,我们就不会被客户投诉.而且还可以给客户一个好的第一印象.我的项目对象就是我们的客户和我们的员工.通过沟通了解目前形式.通过会议找出解决问题的方法.项目内容主要是开展一个双向培训.从开始准备培训到实施历时2个多月.项目初期通过用客户需求及需要, SWOT分析等调研方法确定培训计划.项目中期实施项目并跟踪项目实施进程.项目末期通过做客户满意度调查检查项目成果.通过这次培训的实施.我们意识到一个新站点的建立的成功与否,关键在于与客户的充分沟通,提前做好准备,用培训的方式介绍我们的服务的使用方法.使客户适应新的事物.还有我们自己员工的服务水平直接影响着客户满意度,因为是我们的员工在现场面对面的给客户提供服务,他们代表着我们公司!AbstractThis paper presents a detailed report of a project implemented to solve the problem of our customers dissatisfaction with our new copy center servicesBased on the hypothesis that implement a bilateral training system to customers and our staffs previously, then the customer could be satisfied with us. A two-month bilateral training system was carried out. There is a SWOT analysis in my project based on the business situation analysis and needs analysis of the customers. Both Internal and external meetings was hold to make us fully understood customer needs and wants. After fully understood our current situation and feedback from customers we will design a proposal for ISB and get their approval. There will be a bilateral training systems designed to improve customers satisfactions with Fuji Xerox. The activity in this project was carried out in five stages. I use flow chart to describe every activity in each stage and time-scale of activities. Cost Consideration make this project workable with finance support. There are plans for the monitor my project implementation. There are evaluations to exam my project. After the bilateral training implementation, we found the result is achieved our goal. Our customers get alone with our service. Our staff free happy because the customer are satisfied with us.Table of ContentsPages1. Introduction 12 Summary of the Preliminary research2 2.1. Problem 2 2.2. Problem analysis2 2.2.1 Companys current situation2 2.2.2 Needs and wants analysis3 2.2.3 SWOT analysis 53. Project Objective and Hypothesis63.1. Project Objective63.2. Project Hypothesis74. Project Outputs75. Project Design75.1. Detailed activities plan and approach.85.2. A Critical Path Analysis of the Activivities95.3. People involved and responsibilities.95.4. Total Estimated Cost105.5. Benefits105.6. Time Scales.105.7. Cost Consideration125.8. Risk Analysis.136. Project Implementation146.1. Monitoring.146.2. Evaluation.167. Project Findings and Discussion207.1. Results207.2. Results218. Conclusion22Bibliography22Appendix 1: The project framework23Appendix 2: CSMS survey result.25 A bilateral training system designed to improve customers satisfactions with Fuji Xerox.1. IntroductionOur company Fuji Xerox is a well-know technology and services enterprises that helps businesses deploy Smarter Document Management strategies and find better ways to work. Fuji Xerox provides the document industrys broadest portfolio of offerings. Digital systems include color and black-and-white printing and publishing systems, digital presses and “book factories”, multifunction devices, laser and solid ink network printers, copiers and fax machines. Fuji Xeroxs service expertise is unmatched and includes helping businesses develop online document archives, analyzing how employees can most efficiently share documents and knowledge in the office, operating in-house print shops or mailrooms, and building web-based processes for personalizing direct mail, invoice, brochures and more. Fuji Xerox also offers associated software, support and supplies such as toner, paper and ink. I work in Xerox Business Service department that is one of the main divisions of Fuji Xerox, specializes in advising and managing document outsourcing, sharing with our customer expertise on document management, promoting the concept of advanced document management, helping our customers improve their working environment and enhance their market competitiveness.The problem that I researched is that our customer, a famous international school ISB, complained our onsite document services and not satisfied with us. We have just started services to ISB. As try-run period we do not know ISB very well, so do ISB. And ISB used to be get alone with their pervious document provider, their staff and small copy room services. The new document solution provide by us is a new thing for them, and they are not accommodated to the new service. Therefore, there are some complains and ISB are not satisfied with our services. The aim and goal of my project is to design a bilateral training system to improve customers satisfactions with Fuji Xerox. The objective is to find out the reason of the dissatisfaction and solution for problem solving. By the time I have implemented my project; ISB end-users would satisfy with our services. In order to implement my project, I have read and study some relative books such as World Class English for Business Book 1; Skills of Customer Services; Successful Project Management; The Discipline of Getting Things Done and Practical Business Project and Proposal Design.It is hypothesized that if we can provide a bilateral training system to customers and our staffs previously, then the customer could be satisfied with us. We will spend eight weeks to complete this project. The total estimated costs of the project are RMB 25,960 that include four parts: material and equipment; time and labor; cross charge; Contingency allowance. Although we can not get back the cost in short term, but according to long term strategy, we will get more income from this project. The amount of cost is approved by top management of our department.I did find out many specific methods for analysis including internal meeting, external meeting, face-to-face discussion, focus groups, and SWOT analysis whose theoretical bases could be found in Practical Business Project and Proposal Design (Hilton, 2003). My project design was based on the needs and wants analysis and the current situation of our companythe financial resource, human resource.2. Summary of the preliminary research2.1ProblemThe problem I am facing is that ISB end-users are not satisfied with our services.2.2Problem analysis2.2.1 Companys current situationl Financial status:Our companys financial performance had an excellent improvement in 2005. Revenue had increased by 3.6% to $15682 million, Income before income taxes was up 6.1% to $546 million and net income had risen 21% to 546 million. That maens our project team can be supported by our company in financial aspect.l Human resource:As a well-know company, we attract many elitists to work in our company around the world every day. We have flawless welfare and encourage system. Our internal employees have the top priority when there are job vacancies. For improve employees loyalty to our company, we have a special human resource policy that is if an employee work in Fuji Xerox over 10 years then he or she will become a life employee. l Physical resource: There is a department called operation excellence in our company. They are responsible for helping operation team in some areas, such as safety, processes, sourcing, etc. So if our operation team had some difficulties, we can ask for their help.l Customer profile: Our major customers include Telecommunication & Postage, Finance & Banking, Insurance, Government, Manufacturing, Education, big size companies and so on.l In Telecommunication & Postage, Finance & Banking and Insurance markets, we provide bills and insurance policy printing and making.l In Government and Education and big size companies markets, we manage their copy room to make their daily document and bulletins.l In manufacturing market, we make manuals for their products.2.2.2 Customer needs and wants analysis: In order to get a clearer idea of the views and opinions of customers about the problem, a meeting was carried out by our team member and my manager. They are site manager Lisa, site leader Yu Jiang, site operator Roman, assistant operator Wang Song and Xiao Yang. Five peoples are in this focus group. After this meeting we also had a meeting with customer representative. They are head of science department Wicks, head of math department Thomas, head of Chinese department Wendy, publication manager Craig, facility manage Chuck, 2 teachers, 2 teachers assistant, 1 office assistant, primary school secretary Stella, middle school secretary Haining, high school secretary Leanne.In our internal meeting we focus on our service level. And put us in the customers shoes to think about our services.In the meeting with customers we prepared some questions and the discussions with each group must be free and open.Questions our own:1. Do you satisfied with your performance?2. How can you improve your services?3. Do you feel difficult to communicate with foreigner?Questions for customers:1. How do you think about our services?2. How do you think about our products?3. Does copy room can meet your bulk job?4. Do decentralized copiers can meet your small print job?5. Whether the staffs skills accord with the request?Complaints:1. Customers complain copy room does not have laminate services.2. Customers complain copy room does not provide delivery services.3. Customers complain that some times there is a paper jam in decentralized copiers.4. Customer complains copy room work efficiency is low.5. Customer complains the paper stock in copy room is not rich and colorful.6. Customer complains sometime copy room staff is misunderstood their printing job requirement. Suggestions:1. Add a laminating machine in copy room once ISB agreed to pay Xerox extra fee caused by the additional service which is not mentioned in the contract.2. Ask teacher assistants to help do the delivery job for the reason that the man power in copy room is limited.3. Call Xerox engineer maintain decentralized copies bi-weekly.4. Make copier user guide for customer and show customer how to reduce the rate of paper jam which is caused by wrongly operate.5. Arrange operating training for on site staff6. Purchase more different color and type paper.7. Arrange language of English training for our staff.2.2.3 SWOT analysisIn order to understand the current situation so as to make a reasonable plan to solve the problems, we carried out a SWOT analysis of the situation, including our strength, weakness, opportunity and threats. We considered our company profile, our staff and project teams, the quality of our production and service, our competitors situation and so on. Our conclusion is drawn as follows.Strengths:1. Our company is the leader in OA and document outsource service industries. We have plenty of experiences in document solution.2. We have the most comprehensive production lines from desktop printers, multifunction systems to high speed production systems. Our technology and production quality are excellence.3. The color printer DC12 in copy room can meet customer professional printing requirements.4. The DP6100 in copy room can print 100 pages per minute. This machine can finish bulk print job in short period and it also has online automatically binding function. 5. We provide 3 type binding services including spiral, staple and saddle stitch.6. Our manager is very powerful.Weakness:1. Most customers in ISB can only speak English but not Chinese. Our staff found it is difficult to fully understand their requirements.2. Culture differences.3. Limited man power in copy room.4. No working experience with foreigner.5. Lack of training for customers6. Lack of training for our staff.Opportunities:1. There are lots of international schools like ISB in China, if Xerox copy room service in ISB is successful, our sales team can make this as a successful case to show other schools.2. We can make customer more confiding in our products and services by this case.3. ISB has a plan to expand her size, that means ISB will give us more jobs and pay our company more money.4. In the future Fuji Xerox will launch a whole office document services to ISB including scanning and image store.5. School year books is a profitable job, Fuji Xerox will help ISB do it if customer trust our services Threats:1. During the try-run period, if we failed in the 90 days after installation survey, customer can terminate the contract without penalty. Our company has to loss a lot of revenue and profit.2. More and more competitors are into this industry which include some international document outsource companies.3. Fuji Xerox signed a five year contact with ISB and already booked the equipment revenue and profit. If customer terminated the contract because of the service quality, Fuji Xerox would afford the lost.4. Most of XBS site customers are satisfied with our services, if ISB not, it is a shame of our team. 3. Project objective & hypothesis3.1. Project ObjectiveThe aim and goal of my project is to design a bilateral training system to improve customers satisfactions with Fuji Xerox. The objective is to find out the reason of the dissatisfaction and solution for problem solving. By the time I have implemented my project; our services to ISB should be achieved 100% customer satisfaction.3.2. Project HypothesisIt is hypothesized that if we can provide a bilateral training system to customers and our staffs, then the customer could be satisfied with us.4. Project OutputsAccording to our research and analysis, there are 2 outputs after completing this project successfully.(1) Customer will know how to use copy center services and can not work well with