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    English Humor Translation.doc

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    English Humor Translation.doc

    English Humor Translation1、 文摘2、 Abstract3、 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION4、 CHAPTER TWODEFINITION OF HUMOR5、 CHAPTER THREE TYPES OF HUMOR(英语幽默产生的根源多种多样,主要有语音因素,语言歧义和修辞运用三大类)3、1(phonetic factors)语音因素 3、1 、1(homonym)同音同形异义 3、1、2(homophone)同音异形异义 3、1、3(assonance)谐音词 3、2(linguistic ambiguity)语言歧义 3、2、1 (ambiguity of words)词的多义 3、2、2(ambiguity of phrases)短语的多义 3、2、3(ambiguity of sentences)句法的多义3、3 figure of speech 3、3、1 PUN 3、3、2 SIMILE 3、3、3 PERSONIFICATION3、3、4 PARODYCHAPTER FOUR METHODS OF HUMOR TRANSLATION 4、1 literal translation 5、2 free translation 5、3 commentariesCHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION REFERENCES 摘要随着国际交流和翻译的发展,幽默翻译得到越来越多翻译理论家和翻译家的关注。幽默话语不仅在人们的日常交际中起着改善人际关系,调节谈话气氛的作用,而且被赋予说话人以智慧,良好教养和心理健康的品质。但是由于涉及到太多的文化和语言障碍,对英语幽默的理解和翻译成了许多中国读者和翻译一个非常头痛的问题。事实上,虽然人们对理解和翻译幽默有很大的困难,但仍然出现了很多先驱。众所周知,英语幽默翻译是英语语言一个重要组成部分,它反应了文化价值、障碍和社会现实。能否理解并欣赏英语幽默是衡量英语水平的一个重要标志。本论文主要讲了英语幽默的主要类型和英语幽默翻译的策略,是为了让人们更好的了解幽默。ABSTRACTWith the development of international communication and the translation, the humor translation gains more and more attention from the translation theorists and translators. In daily communication, verbal humors not only serves to ameliorate interpersonal relation, enliven the communicative atmosphere and avoid conflicts, but it also marks its users out as a man with personal wit, good taste, and sound mind. Actually, although People have difficulties in comprehending and translating humor, there are still some drivers. As we all know, English humor is one important part of English language; it reflects the cultural value, barrier and social reality. It is a symbol to weigh one persons English level whether he can comprehend and appreciate humor translation. This thesis mainly talk about the major types of humor and the tactics of humor translation, it can make people have a good understanding of English translation.Key words: humor, the types of humor, humor translationTHE TRANSLATION OF HUMOR AND THE TACTICS OF HUMOR TRANSLATIONINTRODUCTIONHumor is everywhere, and it has close relationship with our daily life. It may appear in the speech of politician; it may appear in an advertisement or a new paper, even it may appear in our daily conversation. It brings us happiness, joy, love. In a word, humor has significant uses in various disciplines and in our daily lives. Therefore, humor has always been a hot topic among linguistics, philosophers, psychologists and it frequently discussed in the translation fields. Many scholars try to define the essence of humor from sociological and psychological, as well as from linguistic perspective. However, most books just present some of the historical theories or an individual theory. Now, there is still no agreement on how humor should define, nor is there agreement on how to appreciate or understand humor.There are some specific reasons why humor study has been inadequate. On one hand, people fail to define humor, because people hold wrong understanding of humor. On the other hand, people define humor only from one perspective, such as psychological, philosophical, or sociological perspective. Their theories just are limited. Finally, humor varies by culture. Different countries have different culture. Even in one country, there still exist some differences. So many difficulties in comprehending humor, why there is still some scholars study it.First, English humor and its translation has not received enough attention that it deserves in China. Little humor with distinctive linguistic and cultural characteristics has satisfactorily introduced to China; consequently, many Chinese people fail to appreciate the charm beauty of English humor.Second, if we study humor well, we will have a good understanding of English language. English humor is one important part of English language. They have close contact.Thirdly, the time we study English humor, we also appreciate the culture of other country. If we have a better understanding of other language, it will help us to communicate with foreigners.The definition of humor The term “humor” has a long history. The original meaning of humor is“liquid”,“fluid or “moisture”Later on,it got the meaning of a mood quality, either positive or negativeDefining humor is a hard task, and it is an impossible mission for many people. McGhee Goldstein(1983,I:v)says: “ there is still no agreement on how humor should be definedNor is there agreement on how appreciation or comprehension should be determined”Nevertheless, the definitions listed dictionaries can shed some light on the general nature of humorIn Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary(2004:863), it defines humor" is' the quality in something that makes it funny or amusing, the ability to laugh at things that are amusing.In the WorldNet, “humor” is a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter.In Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English(1 995:698),humor is defined as: "the quality in something that makes it fanny", "the way that a particular person or group find certain things amusing", and“ the ability to understand and enjoy musing situations or to laugh at things”1Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary Thesaurus, it defines “humor” as the ability to find things funny, the way in which people see that some things are funny or the quality of being funny.There are so many definitions as time goes. Different time has different definition. Different people have different understanding of humor. However, in generally, humor is defined as “funny, amusing, laughing” “comedy, pleasantry, wit”. In a word, humor can make people laugh and make people feel happy.The Types of Humor


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