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    Build the efficient class through some emotion strategies通过策略调动学生情绪建立高效课堂.doc

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    Build the efficient class through some emotion strategies通过策略调动学生情绪建立高效课堂.doc

    Build the efficient class through some emotion strategies通过策略调动学生情绪建立高效课堂Submitted by Student number (200908061246)Supervised by Foreign Languages CollegeJiangxi Normal University (2012) Build the efficient class through some strategies that mobilize students emotionAbstract:With the development of society, society needs more and more high quality talents. More and more people have recognized the importance of emotions management, it is always the hot point about how to manage emotion, but this research always is launch on university students or corporation staff. However in the field of high school education concerned researches are still seldom, especially about how teachers use novel strategies to manage students emotions in order to build an efficient class. High school class emotions management is an important factor that is neglected long time. Students can get the highest efficiency in a good emotion. Meanwhile, The New Curriculum Standard put higher demand on teachers and students. How can teacher and students follow the step of efficient society, build healthy and high efficiency class, make our students learn happily and efficiently, this topic is the main subject of the paper to research. The paper mainly has a discussion from three aspects. First is based on the effect on intelligence, second is based on the effect on health, and third is based on the effect on learning efficiency. Meanwhile, this paper conducts a research about how teacher should apply strategies to manage students emotions, activate classroom atmosphere and attract the students attention. Though a large of reading material and relevant literature review, author integrate different view points, systematically summarize the effect aroused by students emotions on learning efficiency and the strategies to stimulate students positive emotions, restrain the negative emotion. This research wish to contribute to enlightening teachers, enrich the teaching skill, this is the paper most important goal. Key words:Emotion management, the effect on learning efficiency, importance of positive emotions, strategies 通过策略调动学生情绪建立高效课堂摘要:随着社会的发展,社会需要越来越多的优秀人才。越来越多的人也意识到了情绪管理的重要性,如何管理情绪也常常是研究的热点,但是这些研究往往是基于大学学生或者是公司员工。然而在高中教育领域,相关研究仍然很少,尤其是关于教师如何运用新颖的策略去管理学生情绪,打造高效课堂。高中课堂情绪管理是一个被长期忽视的重要因素,学生只有在良好的情绪下才能发挥出他的最高效能。同时, 新课标也对老师及学生提出了更高的要求,那么同学和老师如何紧跟社会高效率的步伐,建立健康高效的课堂环境,使我们的同学快乐高效的学习,就成为了本文探讨的话题。本文主要从三个方面情绪对智力的影响,情绪对健康的影响,及情绪对学习效率的影响三个方面展开讨论。同时探索教师如何运用策略掌控学生情绪,活跃课堂气氛,吸引同学注意力已达到创建高效课堂的目的。本文通过阅读大量文章,整合不同观点论据,系统的总结了学生情绪对于学习效率的影响,及通过激励学生积极情绪,抑制消极情绪等不同策略。此项研究希望对于启发教师,丰富教学技能有一定的帮助,这也是本文的意义所在。关键词:情绪管理;情绪对于学习效率的影响;积极心态的重要性;策略Abstract.iv摘要:vIntroduction71 What effect do emotions cause?81.1 The effect on intelligence81.2 The effect on health91.3 The effect on studying efficiency and work efficiency92 How can teachers turn the negative emotion into positive emotion?92.1 help students to eliminate the inferiority complex102.2 Often talk and listen to students102.3 Pay more attention on some introvert students112.4 cooperation and competition122.5 school assignments should be acceptable122.6 Psychological hint132.7 guide students to treat problems from different angles132.8 Humor method14Conclusion15Bibliography17Acknowledgements19Introduction Emotions are the attitude towards objective phenomenon. It is psychological process and a function of the human brain. And Emotional intelligence, a term that was first used by Peter Salovey and John Mayer (1990), is the ability to manage emotions and relationships. We always find a phenomenon, some students ostensibly work very hardly, but the study outcomes cant match up with their endeavor. This problem doesnt only perplex students, but also disturb teachers. Some famous scholars ever conduct deep research on this type issues. from Oatly and Nundys view, students learn and perform more successfully when they feel secure, happy, and excited about the subject matter. On the contrary, emotions such as anger, anxiety, and sadness have the potential to distract students learning efforts by interfering with their ability to attend to the tasks at hand. teachers always want to base on self-experience, using some scientific tools to generate systematic methods that can help students manage their emotion efficiently. This text is also based on the purpose, we hope to find a pathway to help student achieve some qualities as for confidence, happiness and the inspiration of study. Of course, the novel teaching methodologies are the same important. this momentum put higher demand on teachers, just like the educator of the former Soviet Union said: “interesting and attractive things make sure that you remember may be increased by half, and this is the potential of teaching.” teachers need continually improve personal teaching skills, try to use some novel attractive things to attract the attention of students, not just emphasize on students self-management.Teachers want to help students to coordinate their emotion, first they should acknowledge every students characters. Every student has two extremely different emotions. They are respectively positive emotions and negative emotions. (Bradburn, 1969;Lucas, Diener, & Suh, 1996), negative and positive emotions also can be defined as a strong human feeling such as delight, excitement, love, hate, anger, fear, depression, stress, uneasiness, and many other similar mental activities. In The New Curriculum Standard, the emotional attitude means the interest, motivation, self-confidence, will and spirit of cooperation, such as the relevant factors which affect the students learning processes and learning outcomes. Researchers have found that emotional intelligence can be taught and that students can be coached to develop the tools and skills needed to manage their positive and negative emotions (Daniel Goleman 1995) by modeling, direct instruction, and coaching.In the teaching process, the teachers and students shouldn't be isolated. Keeping a good emotional interaction can create good teaching effect. However face the strong pressure of entering university. Teachers ignore the change of students emotion, and students arent good at coordinating their emotion. So some students generate anxiety, sadness, hate and so on negative emotions .these emotions dont only affect the study positivity, but also affect the character shaping. Of course simply telling or encouraging students to engage them in their class work is seldom enough. Therefore, purchasing some methods to guide and coordinate students emotion is very meaningful. 1 What effect do emotions cause?Emotion cause big effect on many aspects .from collecting electronic materials and talking with some students deeply, we found emotion intelligence play very important role in all aspects of human life. For instance, moods and emotions play a central role in the leadership process (Jennifer M.George 2000), emotions and aspects of personality influence physical health (Timothy W.Smith and Kelly Glazer 2004). A third way in which feelings can interfere with learning occurs when students are anxious about their school-work (Cole, 1991; Dobson & Dobson, 1981) and so on, but now we mainly talk about the most important fields. First is on intelligence, second is on health, and third is on studying efficiency and work efficiency. We want to find some methods to deal with the emotion problems; we should have a general notion about the effect of emotion, what effect do emotions cause? 1.1 The effect on intelligence Positive emotion contribute to intelligence improvement, negative emotion constrain intelligence improving. In comparison with negative students, positive students have higher intelligence level. Intelligence level doesnt only refer to intelligence quotient, But also refer to memory, thinking, creation, ability, imagination, and so on. In studying process, if students always keep the positive emotion, their studying efficiency will be apparently developed. On the contrary, negative emotions often constrain the intelligence. because human s energy is limited, if we stay at anger, depression, sadness emotions long time, our logical thought will be messed up, we use up our intellectual resources (Ellis, Ottaway, Varner, Becker, &Moore, 1997a; Ellis, Ottaway, Varner, Becker, & Moore, 1997b; Hertel & Rude, 1991), So we cant concentrate our energy on the studying tasks. From research, high anxiety can reduce students reason reaction; exacerbate the mechanical, chaotic reaction. In another respect, high anxious students are lack of curiousness, agility, so they look like timid, silent and dull.1.2 The effect on healthBad emotion cause serious effect on physical health and psychological health. From large of researches, positive emotion likes happiness, satisfaction. these emotions are not only the guarantee of psychological health, but also are the effective way to facilitate the physical health, positive emotions make people be in high spirits, activate the nervous system, regulate endocrine and increase vital capacity to defend all kinds of diseases. On the contrary, negative emotions like fear, melancholy, over-excitation, if not be coordinated or treated well, the negative emotions will weaken the humans physical immunity. From some investigations, 24 percent Cancer patients have serious depression, and 18 percent cancer patients have mild depression. Some scholars regard that negative emotions are the key obstacle of getting health, so if students stay in depression long time, it will increase the rate of get mental and physical illness.1.3 The effect on studying efficiency and work efficiency In the studying process, excessive anxiety will restrain the students reason activities, affect the school achievement. The specific performance in the following respects. Firstly high anxiety make the students more sensitive about failure, high anxious students pay more attention on the possibility of failure. They are trend to avoid criticism and failure in comparison with low anxious students. We can find these low anxious students dont fear failure; they are more pleasant to accept challenges. Secondly high anxiety makes students to focus on the appraisement too much from adults. Therefore, they prefer to choose some comparatively easy task in order to get success. On the contrary, low anxious students are more confidence to deal with some sophisticated task because they dont focus on the appraisement too much; they more focus the self-feelings of get improvement.2 How can teachers turn the negative emotion into positive emotion? Through above analysis, we find that keeping the positive emotion is so important, so naturally we put forward a question “how can we help student to manage their emotion “. “What tools could teacher use in order to construct a harmonious class circumstance “. From the teachers perspectives, “do there real exist some efficient methods to help students to manage their emotion”? As an undergraduate who may become a teacher in no long future, I am also very interesting on this type questions. Through relevant in formations, combining myself feelings and research, I think some methods as follow that are very meaningful. 2.1 help students to eliminate the inferiority complex Everybody have the wish to display themselves, but sometimes they meet frustration, others laugh, or a negative comment from the teacher or a peer and react in a way that impedes further learning. These reactions may play out in different ways, depending on what the student attributes the problem to (Graham, 1997; Weiner, 1994). These negative experiences always trigger some distrust about their ability and generate the inferiority complex. Inferiority complex emotion always impede the building of students confidence, even long time inferiority complex constrain students intelligence development, some students always escape difficulty, their excuse is “I am born with bluntness”, “it is impossible to achieve this task by myself” . If students often use these sentences to describe themselves, or really they think so, this negative thought will be internalized as values, and these values will reflect on actions. So teacher should always praise students like this “you are so good”, “good job, you are really an honest students” make them more confident especially when students confront failure. In term of different students, we set different goals, more and more success help them overcome the inferiority complex.2.2 Often talk and listen to students As a teacher, we want to manage our class order better, it is very important to know what students think about now and what demands students have. Students feel depression; the most efficient approach is to release their bad emotion. Teacher often talk with them, not only shorten the distance between teacher and students, but also get the precise information about what difficulty students meet. Always keep one ear to the ground to listen for oncoming trains. Behavioral problems rarely spring up unexpectedly and are usually the result of days or weeks of pent-up emotion. Listen to student conversations before and after class. As for instance, students stay at the period of adolescence, their emotion change quickly. Some students hate studying, maybe they just dont like someone teacher, or once time they are criticized by teacher, if teacher dont give a right method and correct their mistaken ideas in time, maybe someday these students regret not to study hardly, but it is too late. Communication can help students revise extreme thoughts, ease incitation emotion, even make friendship between students and teachers, so teacher can build a safe and harmony class circumstance. Listening to the students, paying more attention on them, not just from physique but from psychology, these actions make students have the sense that teacher care about him and mind him. 2.3 Pay more attention on some introvert students “Most students will not do their best in classes when they feel that teachers do not have an interest in them or care about their future. Students can sense whether the teacher cares or is simply “going through the motions.”(Dr. Richard D. Jones 2009) Teachers like these excellent students naturally. we can also understand this feeling, because teacher also need the sense of achievement, these excellent students stand for the fruit of teacher hard working, and these students ostensibly always more intelligence, they comply the classroom discipline consciously, so teacher neednt worry about them as well as stubborn or naughty students. But we can analyze the problems why some introvert students or so-called bad students dont achieve the task in accordance with teacher teaching. Students who are engage


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