broadcom交换芯片linux命令行操作执行手册1. 交换芯片的说明.内部连接图:详细介绍:目前我们716和732板上面用的是56309芯片,该芯片引出了24个GE口和4个10G口。端口号从0开始,023为GE口,2427为10G口。XLR732CPU与交换芯片的24号直连,后插板的10G口对应交换芯片的27口,上背板fabric的10G口是交换芯片的25,26两个10G口。后插板上的GE口标注的端口号和交换芯片内部不一致。 后插板上的GE口和交换芯片上端口的对应关系如下:后插板端口:12345678910111213141516芯片端口:1816141210820222321191715131192. 驱动程序的组成和加载组成:目前linux下的broadcom驱动和相关文件由4部分组成:linux-kernel-bde.ko linux-bcm-core.ko bcm-netlink.ko bcm。Linux-kernel-bde.ko负责设备的枚举和DMA等,linux-bcm-core.ko负责设备的配置,Bcm-netlink.ko负责应用空间到内核空间的通讯,bcm为应用程序,提供shell下配置broadcom交换芯片的命令。加载:进入linux的shell下之后,找到3个ko模块所在的目录,然后输入如下命令:1.insmod linux-kernel-bde.ko2.insmod linux-bcm-core.ko init=bcm3.insmod bcm-netlink.ko注意:必须按上面所示的顺序进行模块的加载。目前版本已经将模块设置为自动加载。3. shell下的配置命令说明(1)常用命令1.bcm show port作用:查看端口的基本状态。eg:2.bcm show stat作用:查看端口的包统计信息字段含义:PORT:端口号RPKT:收包数RMCA:收组播包数RBCA:收广播包数R64收064字节包数RBYT:收包的总字节数eg:3.bcm show stat err作用:查看端口的错包统计信息字段含义:PORT:端口号RFCS:FCS出错的包RUND:长度太短的包数ROVR:过长的包数RXCF收控制包数RXPF:收停止包数4. bcm show reg作用:查看交换芯片的某个寄存器的值用法:bcm show reg 'unit' 'regtype' 'regaddr'参数含义:unit-设备号(对于732或716,该值目前为0)regtype-寄存器类型,有合法值如下typedef enum soc_regtype_t soc_schan_reg, /* Generic register read thru SCHAN */ soc_genreg, /* General soc registers */ soc_portreg, /* Port soc registers */ soc_cosreg, /* COS soc registers */ soc_cpureg, /* AKA PCI memory */ soc_pci_cfg_reg, /* PCI configuration space register */ soc_phy_reg, /* PHY register, access thru mii */ soc_hostmem_w, /* word */ soc_hostmem_h, /* half word */ soc_hostmem_b, /* byte */ soc_invalidreg soc_regtype_t;不用寄存器类型为该枚举量所对应的值。如读取端口相关寄存器,该值为2,读取phy寄存器,该值为6。regaddr-寄存器地址,见芯片手册上的描述eg1:读取24口MAC_CTRL寄存器的值:eg2:读取0号口的MII CONTROL寄存器的值:在读取phy寄存器时,regaddr的前2位表示的是端口号,后2位表示的是寄存器地址。5. bcm set reg作用:改变交换芯片某个寄存器的值用法:bcm set reg 'unit' 'regtype' 'regaddr' 'value'参数含义:与bcm show reg相同,最后一个为要写入的值。eg1:设置MAC_CTRL寄存器的值,给端口配置remote loopback。bcm set reg 0 2 200000 0xbeg2:设置所有g1口的phy寄存器,让后插板可以使用电口模块。for i in seq 1 16 ; do bcm set reg 0 6 printf "%x" $i10 1180 ; done(设置光口模式时把1180改为 1181)6. bcm show mem作用:查看交换芯片内部内存的值,一次可以读取4个字节的值用法:bcm show mem 'unit' 'mem' 'entry' 'index'参数含义:unit-设备idmem-内存的类型,对应源代码中include/soc/mcm/allenum.h文件的描述.EGR_VLAN对应的mem为160entry-要读取的entry号index-读取entry的第n个4字节eg:读取EGR_VLAN table,查看vlan1的配置信息。以上分三次读取,一次读取4个字节。7. bcm set mem作用:查看交换芯片内部内存的值,一次可以读取4个字节的值用法:bcm show mem 'unit' 'mem' 'entry' 'index' 'value'参数含义:同bcm show mem,最后的value表示要设置的值。(2) 端口命令1. bcm set port enable作用:使能某个端口用法:bcm set port enable 'unit' 'port'参数含义:unit-设备idport-端口号2. bcm set port disable作用:禁用某个端口用法:bcm set port enable 'unit' 'port'参数含义:同上3. bcm set port linkforce用法:bcm set port linkforce 'unit' 'port' 'force' 'link'作用:手动设置某个端口的link状态参数含义:unit-设备idport-端口号force-是否强制link状态link-要设置的link状态eg:强制25口为link状态这样不管25口有没有link上,都将保持link状态。4. bcm set port loopback用法:bcm set port loopback 'unit' 'port' 'loopback' 作用:设置某个端口的lobal loopback。(只能设置local loopback,想设置remote loopback用bcm set reg)参数含义:loopback-端口的loopback值0为none1为mac的loopback2为phy的loopback5. bcm set port dtagmode用法:bcm set port dtagmode 'unit' 'port' 'dtagmode'作用:设置端口的dtag 模式(用于Q-in-Q)。参数含义:dtagmode-double tag 的模式,有以下几种组合。#define BCM_PORT_DTAG_MODE_NONE 0 /* No double tagging. */#define BCM_PORT_DTAG_MODE_INTERNAL 1 /* Service Provider port. */#define BCM_PORT_DTAG_MODE_EXTERNAL 2 /* Customer port. */#define BCM_PORT_DTAG_REMOVE_EXTERNAL_TAG 4 /* Remove customer tag. */#define BCM_PORT_DTAG_ADD_EXTERNAL_TAG 8 /* Add customer tag. */#define BCM_PORT_DTAG_MODE_TRANSPARENT 16 /* Transparent port, alldtagmode的值为1时,当收到的包不含有tpid的时候,才补上vlan的tag,当dtagmode的值为2的时候,不管包有没有打vlan tag,都加上vlan tag。在56309芯片上,当配置任何一个端口的时候,该设置对所有端口有效。6. bcm set port defaultvlan用法:bcm set port defaultvlan 'unit' 'port' 'vlanid'作用:测试端口的默认vlan,当端口收到的包没有打vlan标签的时候,自动打上vlan标签并在该vlan内广播报文。所设置的端口可以不在该vlan内。参数含义:unit-设备idport-端口号vlanid-vlan ID7. bcm set port neg用法:bcm set port neg 'unit' 'port' 'autoneg'作用:设置端口的自协商参数含义:unit-设备idport-端口号autoneg-0:DISABLE模式;1:AUTO模式例如:要设置0号端口不自协商,如下图所示,可以看见此时0号端口的SPEED变为1000M,与电脑的千兆网卡速度一样,AUTONEG变为DISABLE。若要设置回去,autoneg参数设为1即可(3)vlan命令1.bcm show vlan用法:bcm show vlan 'unit' 'vlanid'作用:显示某个vlan的端口信息。参数含义:vlanid-要显示的vlan的id(04095)2.bcm show vlan default用法:bcm show vlan default 'unit'作用:显示默认vlan的端口信息。3.bcm set vlan create用法:bcm set vlan create 'unit' 'vlanid'作用:创建一个vlan参数含义:同上4. bcm set vlan default用法:bcm set vlan default 'unit' 'vlanid'作用:设置默认vlan的vlan id.参数含义:同上5. bcm set vlan del用法:bcm set vlan del 'unit' 'vlanid'作用:删除一个vlan.参数含义:同上6. bcm set vlan delall用法:bcm set vlan delall 'unit'作用:删除默认vlan外的所有vlan。7.bcmset vlan tagport用法:bcm set vlan tagport 'unit' 'vlanid' 'port'作用:为某个vlan添加一个打标签的端口参数含义:port-要添加的port8.bcmset vlan untagport用法:bcm set vlan untagport 'unit' 'vlanid' 'port'作用:为某个vlan添加一个不打标签的端口参数含义:同上9.bcmset vlan delport用法:bcm set vlan delport 'unit' 'vlanid' 'port'作用:删除某个vlan的某个port参数含义:同上eg:显示默认vlan的信息,然后创建一个vlan 2,然后设置vlan 2为默认vlan,再删除vlan 1,然后往vlan 2加入tagport 1和2,untagport 24和25,然后显示默认vlan的信息。eg:创建全部的4096个vlan。(如果某个vlan存在,会打印出错误信息。)命令:for i in seq 1 4094 ; do bcm set vlan create 0 $i ; donefor i in seq 0 4095 ; do bcm set vlan tagport 0 $i 1;done因为至少有一个默认vlan存在,所以打印出了一条错误信息,错误信息的条数就是创建失败的个数,rv=-8表示要创建的vlan已经存在。bcm set vlans create用法:bcm set vlans create 'unit' 'vlanid-vlanid' 作用:创建多个vlan例如:创建连续的多个vlan ,vlan id为10-30 bcm set vlans create 0 10-30(4)mirror(端口镜像)命令1.bcm set mirror port用法:bcm set mirror port 'unit' 'port' 'dest_mod' 'dest_port' 'mode' 作用:设置某个端口镜像到一个目的端口。参数含义:unit-源端口的unitport-源端口号dest_mod-目的端口的mod_id,为-1表示目的端口在本芯片上dest_port-目的端口号mode-镜像模式(1:使能镜像,2:ingress镜像,4:egress镜像,mode为7的时候就对收发包同时镜像)2.bcm set mirror to用法:bcm set mirror port 'unit' 'port' 作用:设置某个端口为镜像的目的端口。参数含义:port-目的端口。eg:使用25号口做为0号口和1号口的镜像目的端口。(25口可以监听0口和1口的收发包)命令:bcm set mirror to 0 25bcm set mirror port 0 0 0 25 7bcm set mirror port 0 1 0 25 7当把一个端口镜像到另一个端口的时候,先用bcm set mirror to 设置目的端口,再用bcm set mirror port命令设置源端口。3.bcm show mirror port用法:bcm show mirror port 'unit' 'port' 作用:查看某个端口的镜像端口参数含义:port-目的端口。4. bcm show mirror to用法:bcm show mirror to 'unit' 作用:查看交换芯片的镜像目的端口参数含义:unit-设备id。5. bcm set mirror egress用法:bcm set mirror egress 'unit' 'port' 'value'作用:使能/禁止某个端口的发包镜像参数含义:value-0,禁止,1使能6. bcm set mirror ingress用法:bcm set mirror ingress 'unit' 'port' 'value'作用:使能/禁止某个端口的收包镜像参数含义:value-0,禁止,1使能7. bcm set mirror vlan用法:bcm set mirror vlan 'unit' 'port' 'tpid' 'vlanid'作用:将端口收发的包镜像到某个vlan。参数含义:unit - (IN) Bcm device number. port - (IN) Mirror-to port to set (-1 for all ports). tpid - (IN) Tag protocol id (0 to disable). vlan - (IN) Virtual lan number (0 to disable).8. bcm show mirror vlan用法:bcm set mirror vlan 'unit' 'port' 'tpid' 'vlanid'作用:查看某个端口的镜像vlan。参数含义:unit - (IN) Bcm device number. port - (IN) Mirror-to port to set (-1 for all ports).(5)trunk(端口汇聚)命令1. bcm set trunk init用法:bcm set trunk init 'unit'作用:初始化一个trunk组。参数含义:unit - (IN) Bcm device number.2. bcm set trunk deinit用法:bcm set trunk deinit 'unit'作用:取消一个trunk组的初始化参数含义:unit - (IN) Bcm device number.3. bcm set trunk create用法:bcm set trunk create 'unit' 'tid'作用:创建一个trunk组。参数含义:unit - (IN) Bcm device number. tid- (IN) trunk组的id号.4. bcm set trunk destroy用法:bcm set trunk destroy 'unit' 'tid'作用:销毁一个trunk组。参数含义:unit - (IN) Bcm device number. tid- (IN) trunk组的id号.5. bcm show trunk用法:bcm show trunk 'unit' 'tid'作用:打印一个trunk组的信息。参数含义:unit - (IN) Bcm device number. tid- (IN) trunk组的id号.6. bcm set trunk psc用法:bcm set trunk psc 'unit' 'tid' 'psc_value'作用:设置一个trunk组的psc(port selection criteri: 负载均衡时候的端口选择依据)。参数含义:unit - (IN) Bcm device number. tid- (IN) trunk组的id号.psc_value - port selection criteri: 负载均衡时候的端口选择依据psc有以下几种取值,看宏定义的介绍就可以知道含义,默认值为3,根据源MAC和目的MAC来负载均衡。#define BCM_TRUNK_PSC_SRCMAC 1 /* Source MAC address. */#define BCM_TRUNK_PSC_DSTMAC 2 /* Destination MAC address. */#define BCM_TRUNK_PSC_SRCDSTMAC 3 /* Source+dest MAC address. */#define BCM_TRUNK_PSC_SRCIP 4 /* Source IP address. */#define BCM_TRUNK_PSC_DSTIP 5 /* Destination IP address. */#define BCM_TRUNK_PSC_SRCDSTIP 6 /* Source+dest IP address. */#define BCM_TRUNK_PSC_REDUNDANT 7 /* Redundant (xgs_fabric). */#define BCM_TRUNK_PSC_PORTINDEX 8 /* Port index. */#define BCM_TRUNK_PSC_PORTFLOW 9 /* Enhanced hashing. */#define BCM_TRUNK_PSC_VLANINDEX 10 /* Static port selection based on7. bcm show trunk psc用法:bcm show trunk psc 'unit' 'tid'作用:显示一个trunk组的psc(port selection criteri: 负载均衡时候的端口选择依据)。参数含义:unit - (IN) Bcm device number. tid- (IN) trunk组的id号.8. bcm set trunk info用法:bcm set trunk info 'unit' 'tid' 'psc' 'pbmp'作用:配置一个trunk组的基本信息参数含义:unit - (IN) Bcm device number. tid- (IN) trunk组的id号. psc - port selection criteri: 负载均衡时候的端口选择依据pbmp- (IN) 允许trunk组内端口发包的port bitmap,端口数最大为8,即允许聚合的端口数不可以超过8个。例如:聚合四个端口可设置如下:将pbmp设为f,表示将交换芯片内部前四个端口聚合,若为ff则表示前八个端口聚合,根据16进制依此类推。(6)l2(二层转发表)命令1. bcm set l2 addr add 用法:bcm set l2 addr add 'unit' 'modid' 'port' 'mac' 'vid'作用:增加二层转发表的地址参数含义:unit - (IN) Bcm device number. modid- (IN)交换芯片的modid port - (IN)端口号 mac - (IN) mac地址vid - (IN) vlan id号 例如:在0号端口增加mac地址和vlanid2. bcm show l2 table 用法:bcm show l2 table add 'unit' 'mac' 'vid'作用:显示某单元二层转发表信息参数含义:unit - (IN) Bcm device number. mac - (IN)需要显示单元信息的 mac地址vid - (IN) 需要显示单元信息的vlan id号3. bcm set l2 del byvlan 用法:bcm set l2 del byvlan 'unit' 'vid'作用:通过vlan删除二层转发表的地址参数含义:unit - (IN) Bcm device number.vid - (IN) 需要删除的二层转发表地址的vlan id号4. bcm set l2 del 用法:bcm set l2 del 'unit' 'mac' 'vid'作用:通过mac地址和vlanid删除二层转发表的地址参数含义:unit - (IN) Bcm device number. mac - (IN) 需要删除的二层转发表地址的mac地址vid - (IN) 需要删除的二层转发表地址的vlan id号 例如:5. bcm set l2 del byport 用法:bcm set l2 del byport 'unit' 'port'作用:通过端口删除二层转发表的地址参数含义:unit - (IN) Bcm device number. port - (IN)需要删除二层转发表端口的端口号6. bcm set l2 usertab-clear 用法:bcm set l2 usertab-clear 'unit'作用:清除二层用户表参数含义:unit - (IN) Bcm device number. 恋爱运UP一绪Lets月亭方正!気持今Flying Get!dou都斗豆逗陡抖痘兜读蚪窦篼蔸乧侸兠凟剅吺唗投斣枓梪橷毭氀浢渎渎瞗窬窦脰艔豆读逾郖酘酡钭鋀钭閗闘阧餖饾斗鬦鬪鬬鬭 du读度毒渡堵独肚镀赌睹杜督都犊妒顿蠹笃嘟渎椟牍黩髑芏儥凟剢剫匵厾噣土涂妬嬻剬塅媏彖断毈瑖碫篅簖缎专腶葮褍踹躖锻鍴 Mr Najib met search crews at Pearce RAAF base near Perth on Thursday morning, before their planes left for the day, and then later held talks with Mr Abbott."The disappearance of MH370 has tested our collective resolve," he told a news conference."Faced with so little evidence, and such a Herculean task, investigators from Malaysia, the US, the UK, China, Australia and France have worked without pause to reveal the aircraft's movements."He thanked both search teams and the Australian government for their efforts in recent weeks, and said the search would go on.Continue reading the main storyMH370 - Facts at a glance· 8 March: Malaysia Airlines Kuala Lumpur-Beijing flight carrying 239 people disappears· Plane's transponder, which communicates with ground radar, was switched off as it left Malaysian airspace· Satellite 'pings' indicate plane was still flying seven hours after satellite contact was lost· 24 March: Based on new calculations, Malaysian PM says "beyond reasonable doubt" that plane crashed in southern Indian Ocean with no survivors· What we know· The search for flight MH370"I know that until we find the plane, many families cannot start to grieve. I cannot imagine what they must be going through. But I can promise them that we will not give up," he said.Malaysian authorities have come in for heavy criticism over their management of the search, especially from relatives of the plane's 153 Chinese passengers.On Thursday, eight military planes and nine ships were due to take part in the search.Weather conditions were fair, with visibility of approximately 10km (6 miles), the Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JACC) - which is overseeing the search - said.The British submarine HMS Tireless is also in the southern Indian Ocean and is due to be joined by Royal Navy ship HMS Echo.The Australian Navy ship Ocean Shield is heading to the region and has equipment for detecting the plane's "black-box" flight recorder.Experts say timing is critical as the flight recorder may only have enough battery power to send out a signal until 7 April.Air Chief Marshall Angus Houston, head of the JACC, warned that the search operation faced multiple difficulties."This is one of the most demanding and challenging search and rescue operations, or search and recovery operations, that I have ever seen and I think probably one of the most complex operations of this nature that the world has ever seen,'' he told Mr Najib and Mr Abbott.On Wednesday Malaysian police chief Khalid Abu Bakar said investigators had "cleared" all passengers of possible involvement in hijacking, sabotage or having personal or psychological problems that could have been connected to the disappearance.But he said that the criminal investigation could "go on and on and on. We have to clear every little thing"."At the end of the investigations, we may not even know the real cause. We may not even know the reason for this incident," he added.The police chief said that more than 170 interviews had been conducted with family members of the pilots and crew members, and that even cargo and food served on the plane were being investigated in case of dui对队堆兑敦镦碓怼憝兊兑垖埻塠夺夺対对嵟憞怼捶杸濧濻瀢瀩痽磓祋綐膭薱謉譈譵追鈗锐锐錞鎚镦鐜锐陮队頧鴭 dul乧 dun吨顿蹲墩敦钝盾囤遁不趸沌盹镦礅炖砘伅俊吨墪壿庉忳敦憞撉撴楯橔潡炖犜獤碷腞腯蜳豚踲蹾趸逇遯钝镦鐜顿驐 duo多朵夺舵剁垛跺惰堕掇哆驮度躲踱沲咄铎裰哚缍亸仛兊兑兑凙刴剟剫吋喥嚉嚲垜埵堕墯夛夺奲媠嫷尮崜嶞憜挅挆捶揣敓敚敠敪朶杂杕枤柁柂柮桗棰椯椭毲沰沱泽痥硾缍茤袳詑誃貀趓跢跥跿躱軃郸郸鈬錞锗铎锗陀陊隋隋隓飿饳驮駄鬌鮵鵽点