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    Analysis of 'dialogue paradigm', as the domain of the Confucian ethics and its contemporary value.doc

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    Analysis of 'dialogue paradigm', as the domain of the Confucian ethics and its contemporary value.doc

    Analysis of 'dialogue paradigm', as the domain of the Confucian ethics and its contemporary valueKeywords: dialogue paradigm; Confucian ethics; Ren; Cheng; Contemporary Value         Abstract: In order to highlight the implication of Confucian ethics of dialogue and contemporary values, through the interpretation of literature and comparative ease the method of combining, AK 'dialogue paradigm' perspectives on Confucian ethics were issued Probe into micro-interpreted and explained. That Confucian ethics does not in idle, silent soliloquy's 'monologue paradigm' of its main demands, but on an equal footing between subjects, sincere communication, overhang Center, tolerance, mutual accommodation of the 'dialogue paradigm' as its basic convert. We Buwei core concept in the Confucian ethics 'ren' where the implication of their dialogue, discernment and common-in the demand also in the important areas of their 'loyalty', 'sorry', 'sincerity' where the body odor of their spirit of dialogue and interaction dimension of reason. Earlier criticism of Confucian ethics is not only the ethical doctrine of the monologue paradigm, but also out of the contemporary ethical dilemmas for the reconstruction of contemporary ethical spirit of dialogue, to build a bright road to ecological harmony with sincerity, friendliness, stability, and orderly and harmonious society and harmonious coexistence of Eastern and Western cultures to provide a very important ideological resources.                      For China's traditional Confucian ethics, there is a representative of the academic view that Confucian ethics is a kind of respect for that alone, to exclude the ethical form of dialogue. However, when we turn down are placed in the philosophy of language context of Western philosophy, they will share their feelings to find: the Confucian ethics does not in idle, silent soliloquy monologue paradigm of its main demands, but in 'inter-subjectivity sex ',' communicative rationality ',' equal footing ',' genuine communication ',' tolerance, mutual accommodation 'convert its basic paradigm of dialogue.                      A, dialogue paradigm - looking at how the new horizon of Confucian ethics                      Dialogue paradigm (paradigm of dialogue) has become a new philosophical paradigm, which not only highlights and permeate all aspects of human social life. It has been embodied and applied sciences, education, economics, political science, ethics, religion, science, literature and art and many other fields. It is not only a lot of subjects out of their predicament a new path, but also increasingly becoming a variety of civilizations, cultural traditions and learn from each other, a clash of civilizations between the various new ideas for digestion.         Dialogue paradigm in the history of Western thought, particularly in the history of philosophy has a long history, clearly visible. It is in the Socratic style of 'cross-examination of law' (e-lenehus) with the 'dialectic' (dialectics) in the opening of its clues, and contemporary Western philosophy since the Linguistic Turn down are, places to lobby to every person the way a stride before the OK, single super-public classes.         Wittgenstein (Ludwig Wittgenstein) digestion private language of 'language games, said,' Hannah Arendt (Hannah Arendt) the 'public domain', Rawls (John Rawls) of 'overlapping consensus', Gadamer (Hans -Georg Gadamer) of the 'Q & A logical', Merleau - Ponty (Maurice Merleau-Ponty) of the 'existence of the dialectic', Levinas (Emmanuel Levinas) of the 'absolute otherness', Husserl (Edmund Husserl ) and inter-subjectivity of thought, Martin Buber (Martin Buber) of 'dialogism' and Habermas (Jtirgen Habermas) of the 'Theory of Communicative Action', 'discourse ethics' and all are related to the dialogue paradigm footnotes and declaration.         Dialogue paradigm is not only the sense of the universality of the subject, but also has not confined to the universal nature of geographical restrictions. We are also available at many traditional Chinese philosophy, thought to see the shadows of the dialogue paradigm Graceful, such as the Zhou in the 'reciprocity' in thinking, as well as the Book of Changes in the 'yin and yang complement each other' ideas, and both are the 'monologue paradigm' critique of the dialogue with the carry forward the paradigm, the former expression is a kind of human relations between people in the social sphere of 'the principle of dialogue', which embodies an implementation of the natural universe in the midst of the 'Concorde principle'. Bu Wei so, the Confucian 'benevolence' way of ideas and loyalty and forgiveness and tolerance and compromise, 'ceremony purposes, and for your' and 'Gentlemen and diversity, with the villain rather than and' respect for differences as reflected in the consensus of the aspirations of Buddhist Studies the 'origin of that', 'edge set there, had no margin of scattered', 'all the cross-Toru', 'Shishiwuai' doctrine embodied in the relationship, and I 'whether Aioi' dialectic, Zhuangzi 'traffic Sing while the things grow wherever there 'ideas can be regarded as a lively dialogue paradigm interpreted.         Dialogue, monologue paradigm paradigm is undoubtedly corrective and anti-allocated. The so-called monologue paradigm, that is to ignore the dialogue between the main body, or only the main, passenger and two body-centered, and obstinately sticking to the subject-object binary, either-or way of a philosophical inquiry. On the contrary, dialogue is the paradigm of human thought in a similar to Immanuel Kant in order to replace the object center of the main center of reforming the past of the Copernican revolution: it shifted from the object of thinking the relationship between thinking and sense of philosophical shift from the philosophy of language, from the main body of shift inter-subjectivity, from the silent language of instrumental rationality alone turned extremely rich communicative rationality, from the nature of doctrine, basic doctrine of a special liking for turn right 'to the center', 'to the a priori', 'anti-essentialist', ' Anti-based 'in praise. Dialogue paradigm, where the Dragon in all things there is no a priori reason, only the spirit of dialogue and equal consultation, there is no absolute essence of eternity itself, only you say that I said that I was also the consensus of your total in the appeal.         Along this road, the dialogue can be a paradigm to examine the Confucian ethics to a new horizon. To invoke a dialogue paradigm to examine the Confucian ethics, Confucian ethics is not only out of the monologue form of arbitrariness, but also that the comparison of Chinese and Western ethical thought to provide a new draw and ideas. For a long time, because academics are limited cognitive rationality and practical rationality two points in this Western-style exploration mode, and therefore on the Confucian ethics in the treatment of, or depending on Confucian ethics as a science of Mind and emotion of the theory of human relations in order to highlight the Confucian ethics Experience with non-rationality of the dimension, either by Immanuel Kant (ImmanuelKant)'s 'categorical imperative' to play the Confucian ethics, be regarded as the precepts of ethics and Kantian ethics of formalism in order to demonstrate Confucian ethics and rationality of the transcendental dimension. Passing above the reasonable opinion of the Department, we noted that neither the former or the latter, in fact tend to be a kind of monologue-type, the center of the paradigms: the former persists in pursuing the ethical empiricism, non-cognitivism, which is love in the ethical a priori, Cognitivism; the former sheltered Dimension of Confucian ethics of rational and therefore will be difficult to fully grasp, and is enshrined in the Confucian ethical validity, although the latter underscores the rational dimension of Confucian ethics is obscured and missed Implications of Confucian ethics dialogue and exchanges the rational dimension, Jie Ming Confucian ethics have failed to gain a foothold by level of social interaction.         In view of this, only not lost focus only on the Ethics of empiricism, non-cognitivism, nor love for the ethical a priori, Cognitivism, but rather rely on dialogue and face paradigm Confucian ethics itself, and the Confucian ethic of 'sensible 'and' reasonable ',' to have sex 'and' communicative 'combine to make it complement each other, before being out of the study of Confucian ethics or the other of the two is difficult predicament, can the Confucian culture in the modern context of re - Bo issued charming vitality.                      Second, Confucian ethics of dialogue and exchanges Implication dimension of Reason                      As mentioned earlier, Confucian ethics is not the exclusive dialogue and respect for monologue, but as 'a dialogue paradigm' cases according to their theory. We Bu Wei, in its core concept of 'ren' where the implication conveyed and that dialogue and common-in the appeal, but also in important areas of their 'loyalty', 'sorry', 'sincerity' where the body odor out of the spirit of dialogue and exchanges dimension of reason.         If you say, 'Road', 'Germany', 'good', 'justice' and so has the word ethical means for a few schools of thought shared by the case, then, 'Ren' This word is undoubtedly the most unique Confucian ethics, and is also the lies with the central core. Therefore, 'ren' understanding and elucidation of Confucian ethics became the key to explore.         However, relates to 'ren' exposition and research perspectives as much as the breadth of ideas, arguments large almost beyond our imagination. 'Jen appears extremely complex, discouraging'. It is true that the views of scholars about jen has its own domain, as some kind of reasonable, but if to highlight the 'ren' dialogue implication, a total of appeal, it is necessary to conduct a phenomenological reduction of its type Tracing the source. From a structural point of view, 'Yan' is 'two' and 'people' the word co-wrote. The Chinese character point of view, 'Ren', said two things to the relative person sideways, forward arms, bending knees. Ancients with 'Jen' to 'phase Puppet' primitive rituals, said the two people to each table greeting, exchange of courtesies. Therefore, 'Jen' a peace between the start of the main connotation of equality, humility and intimacy and love and the value of demand. Guer Xu Shen 'Department of Shuo Wen Jie Zi who' goes: 'Jen, pro also. From the people from the two. Doctrine of the Mean''The Book of Rites 'goes:' benevolent, people. 'Zheng Note goes:' people to read, such as dual-phase, such as person, people kept asking similar meaning words. 'Duan Yucai Note goes:''person-coupling (even)' Er, I still made an intimate words, alone had no even, even while deeply attached to each, so the word from the person 2. '         In this context, 'Ren' is deeply attached to each owe respect and affection between the two, that is, my dear and cooperation among each other. One person living alone, alone in the absence of Jen at all, only in the exchanges and dialogue between people can be seen in 'Jen' and silhouette, feeling 'ren' and tenderness, that is, Confucian ethics 'Jen' a beginning, and the two people of the world associated with, and subordinate to the 'phase dual' nature of international boundaries between the main body. 'Benevolent, made a deep emotional love, so two of the words Li-jen. From top to bottom''to each other that the Yan ',' love Nengren ',' benevolent King who will object that the''love-li-jen ',' benevolent, which claims centers are also pleased to love ',' kiss, jen ',' benevolent love '. These related to 'ren' discussion of the bounty of free - not in the clear to 'ren' in the dimension of intersubjectivity, a letter you my one-dimensional relations.         Since the ancients in order to 'release a 99 people, in order to' people 'release' ren ', then it shows that' ren 'only hair growth in non-object-oriented, non-centralized in me - between you, which I - Your relations will require neither self-centered, nor to you, as the center, I can not regard you as an object, you can not regard me as the object, I can not regard you as a tool, you can not regard me as a means, I and you are not a cognitive and practical relationship, but a relationship between the encounter and to join, that is, 'I do not put all things are considered as external to the object of my presence, but as a kind of the same with me the existence of another subject or partners. 'In other words, I can not keep away from you while alone, I have to set their own in the relevant field with your domain in order to confirm their own existence. The so-called 'Yuli had written for the people, has been reached and want to reach people', the so-called 'lovers who were constant love; respect people as people hang Jingzhi', the so-called 'love is not pro-and anti-Qi-ren; rule of people died, and anti - Qi-zhi; ceremony, people do not answer, reflect on your own respect '.         With this in mind, we are it's not hard to understand why the Confucian will 'Wu I', 'self-denial', 'looking within oneself' and other ways to mount itself, subject to this center, will 'love' to interpreted ' Jen 'of the essence, which is required by the overhang concept of a dialogue center, from the main trend of inter-subjectivity, equal consultation, in good faith lies the essence of communication. Confucianism aware of: only non-self, subject-centered, not excepted, can we truly 'way others have behaved, do not impose on others', 'affinity with the people' and 'chief economic world', really beyond human beings impose a universe of love. Only be able to 'love' that we can to others close to him, love for others, caring for others, into the United States and others; but that, in order to truly realize Jun-Hui Chen Zhong, Fucizixiao, Xiongyoudigong, husband and wife soft Regardless of Ci women to listen to the order of human relations. Only by doing so, we can make people respectful, tolerant and tolerance to frank and sincere communication, and thus move toward 'big I' and an unlimited community of communication.         With this in mind, we are it's not hard to understand why the very beginning of Confucianism 'ren' and 'Ceremony' struggle intertwined. Poor source went so far as Venezuela is due to the Confucian from the outset, the original ancient Chinese Zhou's' reciprocity 'spirit of the highly respected,' ceremony 'of the mind and is not intended to promote' under the above-Ling ',' the long responsible for child ',' with respect Yu humble ',' conceited ',' intolerance 'of the power of words, but rather seeks to promote in order to' pass' (dialogue, communication) as the way to 'and' (and diversity) as the target of rational interaction. At the same time, the


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