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    Analysis of spatial integration planning under the creative industry parks 13437.doc

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    Analysis of spatial integration planning under the creative industry parks 13437.doc

    Analysis of spatial integration planning under the creative industry parks         Abstract: Based on the current status of China's creative industries, the analysis of development of the park to explore the creative industry park space for the required features to make the city's creative industries to better blend with the urban life.                    Key words: creative industries; creative industry parks; planning and design; spatial integration                    Abstract: Through analysising the status quo of the creative industry center in our country, we can explore the space for the required characteristics of the creative industries center, in order to make the city of creative industries better integrate with the city life.                    Keywords: creative industry; creative industry center; planning and design; urban pace                    Key words: TU984.13         Document: A         Article ID :1008-0422 (2009) 07-093-02                    A creative industry development                    The concept of creative industries, as early as 1998 in the 'British creative industries, the path the file' proposed, defined as 'from the individual creativity, skill and talent, through the development and application of intellectual property rights, with the creation of wealth and employment potential of the industry'. Creative industries is an emerging industry that has a strong vitality and great room for development, can effectively promote economic development, so many developed countries are seeking to develop creative industries. Relevant domestic creative industries research has just started, at this stage to introduce the advanced experience of foreign-based. The development of land for urban construction is in full swing in our country, the creative industries for the transformation of urban landscape, and optimize the urban layout, boost the urban economy and the promotion of sustainable urban development have a positive effect, it is China's major cities are to advocate the development of and creative industries, creative industries are being established garden. While the domestic creative industries, major cities in the level of development and the pace of development vary, but our rich cultural heritage of China's development of creative industries provides the inexhaustible source, has now become the world's third largest exporter of creative industries.         Beijing, as the country's political and cultural center, the development of creative industries have a history and culture, the unique advantages of Beijing as the capital city is also the hub of our contacts in the world, which for its understanding of the international creative industry developments, learn the advanced experience of providing excellent conditions. Beijing is now focusing on the development of theatrical performances, publishing and copyright trade, and radio and television program production and trading, animation Tour R & D production, advertising and exhibition, antique and art trade, design creativity, cultural tourism and creative industries, highlighting advantages. Shanghai is located in the hinterland of the Yangtze River Delta, has a better development environment, the domestic unique creative industry cluster area is Shanghai creative industry direction towards the integration of a clear indication. By working with industrial development, industrial layout adjustment and protection of historic buildings, the regional functional characteristics, combined with its own characteristics Shanghai out of the creative industries, the development of the road and explore the historical transformation of modern industrial development and the development of a combination of ways to focus on the development of advanced manufacturing industry and modern service industry services, creative design, such as industrial design, software design, etc.; and construction-related creative design, such as architectural design, urban planning. In recent years, a number of both Jiangsu and Zhejiang area for creative industries form a linkage with the development of Shanghai. In addition, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Changsha, Chengdu and other places will also enhance the development of creative industries as the common choice of city competitiveness.                    Two of China's creative industry park planning model and problems of                    As a carrier of the creative industries, creative industry park development model from the point of view, the current pattern of relatively mature mainly in the following four categories:         2.1 The retention and transformation of valuable industry building, nurturing of creative industry parks: The transformation of architectural space, build and renovation, to transform the building forms of creative ways to build industrial park.         2.2 to colleges and universities rely on the development of creative industry parks: the University of production, learning and research capabilities into an engine for development into an excellent university education in the intangible assets transferred to the creative industries to go.                    2.3 With the traditional layout, building a creative industry base: to rely on the traditional layout of the existing industrial structure based on the corresponding base in the creative industries to enhance their own influence and radiation.         2.4 to open another new area, build creative industry parks: for example, Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Changning multimedia industrial park, will be creative industries, creative culture and creative people coming together to promote urban development.         Creative planning and construction of industrial parks has its own unique, but the creative process of building industrial parks are also exposed many problems. Mainly for our creative industries, the main park of the park-and high-tech elite big brands, making the original construction of the city and open the garden to be a closed, separates the creative industry parks contact with the surrounding urban space. Will be limited to cultural and creative industries and creative industries as well as city management, for the purpose of making a specific creative class creative industries in particular, can participate in the elite field. What is more to the garden in the name of real estate development and eventually become a creative city urban elite exclusive commercial games, rather than the public can participate in sharing the stage. While of vigor and vitality of sustainable development should be a creative industry park plan to achieve the ultimate goal.                    3 creative industry park and the integration of urban space                    To address the above problems, China's development of creative industries should be integrated with previous studies of lessons learned abroad, creative city, creative city to re-interpret the meaning, so that creative industry park and a good blend of urban space, so that the creative industries to better integrated into urban lives.         3.1 The nature of creative city         The development of creative industries is to improve the city's competitiveness and maintain long-lasting competitive edge need to continue to bring dynamic ideas for the urban characteristics and the Environment: First of all cities in all sectors, including ordinary citizens can participate in creative activities in the past; followed by more and more people can share the Creative brought the fruits of labor can the city maintain its vitality, so that idea more attractive.                    The positioning of the creative industries should not blindly follow the trend, but according to their own characteristics and advantages of urban conditions, displaying a unique city image, and only by so doing can we truly enter into the creative lives of ordinary citizens, for their acceptance and support in order to promote the creative industries flourish.         3.2 Spatial Integration Method         3.2.1 Creative Industrial Park within the space of integration         Feature set and layout: the creative industries function of the park district to the industrial park based on the characteristics of constituent elements, reasonable layout, function-related as far as possible in the geographical layout of the cross, flexible portfolio in order to enhance the efficiency of land use, but also makes the a variety of functions more reasonable and efficient.         (1) The physical integration of the space environment: the creative industries and creative class park in the closest relationship to physical space is mainly creativity, communication space and open space. Park, the design of physical space environment is mainly devoted to these three kinds of space, from the behavior of the Creative Class and psychological needs of departure, focusing on will inspire people to create infinite creative ambience.         (2) the integration of human environment: creative industry parks during physical design of the space environment, we must also focus on building the park's cultural environment, and activities designed to create a cultural atmosphere in a powerful way. Activity is engrossing other factors, people are attracted to others, they will gather around them, find the nearest location, new activities will occur in the vicinity.         3.2.2 creative industry park and the integration of urban space         (1) integration with the surrounding architecture: First, the integration of functional organization; second is the integration of visual images. Park and surrounding buildings from the park features organizational integration and diversity of organic life. This requires that the surrounding buildings to bear part of the park's functions is mainly reflected in the integration of visual form on the integrity and coordination.         (2) The creative industry park and the integration of urban traffic: Traffic in the city has been occupied an important position. Creative Industry Park and the purpose of integration of urban traffic, a park to improve accessibility, two to prevent the developmental damage, protect the integrity of the landscape.         (3) The creative industry parks and urban integration of the natural human environment: urban ecology, human and natural environment is an important integral part of the system, with its soft character and vitality to the characteristics of vitality and energy given to the Town, is shaping urban spatial structure One of the basic sources. The city's natural human environment is not only important ecological city infrastructure, but also a city of creative industries, the construction site the ideal place to park. Therefore, the city's creative industrial parks and urban         The integration of the natural environment should be based on respect and protect the natural environment as a precondition.                    4 Conclusion                    The city's creative industry is a set of culture, science and technology, information and other highly integrated industries, it is inseparable from space and city. The design space for creative industries is also the overall environment of urban design. Urban space that contains many elements of the content of the material but also the spiritual life of urban culture. Therefore, the city's creative industrial park space design elements is a very rich and complex, constantly changing and is a perfect process. We should combine the characteristics of modern cities, explore the city's creative industries to shape the space, people-oriented, create a pleasant and comfortable working environment.                    References:         1 MA Wai-tai. Western cities Recreational Space Planning and Design Analysis. Qilu Journal, 2005 (6).         2 Wang Hongtao. German cities, open space planning means the planning thinking and planning. Town Planning, 2003,27 (1).         3 Zou Deci. Humanization of urban public space. Urban Planning Journal, 2006 (5).         4 SUN Shiwen, city center and urban public space


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