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    A Comparative Study of Romeo and Juliet and Liu YinJi《罗密欧与朱丽叶》与《柳荫记》中的人物形象比较研究.doc

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    A Comparative Study of Romeo and Juliet and Liu YinJi《罗密欧与朱丽叶》与《柳荫记》中的人物形象比较研究.doc

    A Comparative Study of Romeo and Juliet and Liu- Yin-Ji罗密欧与朱丽叶与柳荫记中的人物形象比较研究Abstract: The two ancient tragedies in Chinese literature and English literature respectively, Romeo and Juliet and Liu-Yin-Ji are relatively similar in many parts, such as the theme, the heroines character. However, though they concern themselves with almost the same topic, Romeo and Juliet and Liu-Yin-Ji apparently differ in the character of hero and heroin, the spirit of the tragedy and the denouement. Theres on doubt that their distinguishing features are closely related to the cultural backgrounds. This essay made a trial analysis of their differences and similarities. From the analysis of the two plays, we can see more clearly the nature and characteristics of Chinese culture and English cultureKey words: comparative literature; Romeo and Juliet; Liu-Yin-Ji; tragedy; Chinese culture and English Culture摘要:罗密欧与朱丽叶与柳荫记这两部中英古代悲剧有很多相同点,比如说故事的主题,女主角的性格特点。尽管罗密欧与朱丽叶与柳荫记有相同的主题,但是在人物性格以及悲剧精神和结局这几个方面都有不同点。显然,这两部悲剧的不同特色与它们发生的文化背景有密切的关系。从这两部悲剧的不同点和相同点中,我们更能看出中英文化的本质特点。关键词:比较文学;罗密欧与朱丽叶;柳荫记;悲剧;中英文化Contents1 Introduction12 The outline of the two plays.12.1The outline of Liu-Yin-Ji. 12.2 The outline of Romeo and Juliet.23 Differences between Romeo and Juliet and Liu-YinJi23.1 Love at first sight and love based on deep friendship.23.2 Different notions of love and different ways to express love. 33.3 The difference of the denouement of the two plays.73.4 Different social backgrounds of the two plays93.4.1 The different features of eastern and western cultures.93.4.2 Different Writing Styles. .94 Similarities of Romeo and Juliet and Liu-YinJi .104.1 Similar theme of love and plot arrangements.104.2 Similarities in Characters Creation.114.3 Similarities in Plot Development125. Conclusion: Reflections on the tragic denouement and cultural aspects of the two plays.12Notes14References14Acknowledgements.151. IntroductionThe play of Romeo and Juliet talks about two brave young lovers who struggled with their family in order to get love, but the ancient grudge made them apart. The piteous lovers didnt give; they struggled with destiny, though the denouement of their struggle for love was tragic, they won the peace between their parents and the city. The hero and heroin in play Liu-Yin-Ji were not as courageous as in the play Romeo and Juliet, the moral of the society restricted their courage of seeking love, and the two intellectuals were influenced so deeply by the Chinese social ethics that they couldnt discard everything to fulfill their love. This paper attempts to discuss the difference and similarities between these two plays. There are many differences between them, such as the way they defended their love; the way their parents treated this affair; the environment they lived in. The cultural background is the most influential factor of the two plays. The two plays reflected two different kinds of phenomenon. This paper aims to let us realize the differences between eastern culture and western culture, and also tries to depict the strength of the two tragedies.2. The outline of the two playsThe plays depicted in Liu-Yin-Ji and Romeo and Juliet both appeared in the middle of the feudal society. They all reflects the theme of love, criticized fiercely the Patriarchal system and the marriage determined by the elder parents. These two plays expressed the eagerness and determination of seeking true love, and created many impressive images who kept struggling boldly and persistently against various feudal forces. 2.1 The outline of Liu-Yin-JiThe play of Li- Yin-ji is a folk legend set in the period of the Jin Dynasty. Liu-Yin-Ji is a love play which talks about two young lovers, and is regarded as the Chinese Romeo and Juliet. The hero named Liang Shanbo, and the heroin named Zhu Yingtai. Zhu Yingtai impersonated and took a male identity, so she could study in Nishan School. In the course of their studies, they became extremely close friends. Zhu Yingtai fell in love with Liang Shanbo, but Liang Shanbo didnt recognize she is a girl. After he found it, he soon realized he loved Yingtai, too. However, happiness turned into sorrow as the two soon discovered that Yingtai had been betrothed to another gentleman. In great sadness, the two lovers met at the tower and lamented their great misfortune. Upon his return to Hang Zhou, Shanbo fell ill in his great misery and died. Yingtai heard of this on her marriage day and fled to his grave. Miraculously, the pair is transformed into butterflies in the end.2.2 The outline of Romeo and JulietRomeo (Montague) met Juliet at a party, and immediately fell in love with her. He later found out that she was a Capulet, the rival family of the Montagues. He decided that he would love her despite their familys opposition, and they confessed their love for each other during the very famous "balcony scene" in which they agreed to secretly marry the next day. Unfortunately, the fighting between their families got worse and Romeo killed Tybalt in an angry rage. For this, Romeo was banished from Verona.At the same time, the Capulets were planning Juliet's marriage to Paris. Juliet played some tricks in order to marry with Romeo. Unfortunately, Romeo did not receive this message on time and upon hearing of her "death" he goes to Juliet's tomb where he drank poison and died. When her potion worn off, Juliet awaked to find her lover's corpse. She then proceeded to stab herself with Romeo's dagger. The two families found the bodies and they shared the heart-broken sorrow, finally the two rival families made peace with each other.3. Differences between Romeo and Juliet and Liu-Yin-Ji3.1 Love at first sight and love based on deep friendshipRomeo is hasty to fall in and out of love. The two are too hasty to get married; they never thought about what could go wrong. Romeo is a passionate youth which is full of affection. At the ball, he quickly fell in love with Juliet at first sight. He described her as a snowy dove, who doth teach the torches to burn bright. “Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I neer saw true beauty till this night.” (Romeo and Juliet: 69). Obviously, Romeo fell in love with Juliet instantly. Meanwhile, Juliet said:” Go ask his name; if he be married, my grave is like to be my wedding bed.” (Romeo and Juliet: 79) From this, Juliet also fell in love with Romeo at first sight. Juliet was only 14 years old at that time, but she confirmed Romeo as her love, and was audacious to show her love. Though love between Romeo and Juliet flashed in such a short time, it didnt affect the solidity of their love. On the contrary, the characters in Liu-Yin-Ji were not as impetuous as Romeo and Juliet. Love between them accumulated in the long time of studying and living together. Their feeling transformed from deep friendship to love. Their love is a typical Chinese style, which is reserved, conservative and restrictive.3.2 Different notions of love and different ways to express love. The difference of the hero and heroins character also appear in the ways of treating love. Romeo said:” is she a Capulet? O dear account! My life is my foes debt.” Meanwhile, Juliet also said to her nurse:” go ask his name: if he be married, my grave is like to be my wedding bed.” Nurse said:” his name is Romeo, and a Montague. The only son of your great enemy.” (Romeo and Juliet: 91) Juliet said:” my only love sprung from my only hate! Too early seen unknown, and know too late! Prodigious birth of love it is to me, that I must love a loathed enemy.” This passage shows Romeo and Juliet appreciates each other and love each other. After they recognized each others identity, they didnt evade and give up, but still stick to love each other. From the beginning to end, Romeo and Juliet expressed their love directly and stability. They regarded love as the indispensable object, the pillar of their life. Like Juliet said:”tis but thy name that is my enemy; thou art thyself, though not a Montague.” (Romeo and Juliet: 91) Though Juliet was an only 14 years old girl, she was not naïve. She had her own judgments and ideas. She was brave to express and defend her love. The hero Romeo was also an ardor youth who quickly showed love and planed for the further. Though both of them had already known the fact that their love would be difficult and be full of setbacks, they still wanted to face the reserves and defend their love. Opposite to Romeo and Juliet, in Liu-Yin-Ji, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtais love appeared late in the drama, because Liang Shanbo hadnt found Zhu Yingtai is a girl since she didnt tell him. On the way to Nishan School, she said:” Im young, so I hope you could take care of me.”(“念弟年纪小, 望兄为关照, 还仗书友把心操。”) And Liang Shanbo said:” I would like to be Jinlan brother with you, whats your opinion? ”(“ 小弟有心与书友结为金兰之好,不知尊意如何?”) (Liu-Yin-) After hearing this, Zhu Yingtai said:” I agree with you. We both go out from home for the first time, and now in a complete strange world. If we could become Jinlan brother, then we could take care of each other. But at first, we should distinguish who is the elder brother, who is the younger brother.”(“书友之言,正合我意。彼此初次出门,人地生疏,若得结为金兰好友,也好互相照应,但要叙一长幼。” ) (Liu-Yin-Ji: 18) From this, we can find Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai were well-behaved persons. Love hadnt appeared at the beginning of the play. They just wanted to be friends at first. Zhu Yingtai is a rebellious girl. In the feudal period, female had no right to study, their responsibility is to assist their husband and teach their children. The three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues is the ethical code in feudal period. Zhu Yingtai said to her father: “Though Im a girl, I have ambitious aspirations. Ban Zhao whose brother was an author of Qian Han Book, died wronged, so she took the position of her brother, continued to write the book, therefore why girls could not study in school?”(“女儿虽然是红妆,胸中志气非寻常,班昭为兄把书上,女儿读书有何妨?”) “Please allow me to say that Dads words lack of considerations, Patriarchal is wrong, though girls are born to be wives of other families, it can not be denied that some girls are doing better than boys.”(“容儿讲,爹爹说话欠思量,重男累女不应当,休说女生是外向,也有女比男儿强。” ) (Liu-Yin-Ji: 6) From these two sentences, we can realize Zhu Yingtai is brave to struggle with her father, trying to persuade her father. To some degree, Zhu Yingtai is not only struggling with her father, but also struggling with the feudal principles and feudal autocracy. Her father is the symbol of feudalism. Liang Shanbo is a typical scholar, who is full of bookishness. He only knew the rules and regulations, the stereotypes and the moral principles. He lost the ability of judgment. He had no much his ideas. Therefore, Zhu Yingtai loved Liang Shanbo first; she gave him many hints to show her identity, however, Liang Shanbo is such a golden mean person that he couldnt realize Zhu Yingtais intentions. Though Zhu Yingtai is a wise and rebellious female, she has the commons weakness as other Chinese traditional female images. She is reserved and shy to show her love to Liang Shanbo. On the contrary, Juliet is much braver to show her love to Romeo than Zhu Yingtai.To Romeo and Juliet, rules of etiquette are nothing important, though Juliet was willing to obey the rules. When rules came across love, she chose love definitely. At the very beginning, she had already known:” that I must love a loathed enemy.” (Romeo and Juliet: 91) But she continued to do it. Enthusiastic love made this noble girl throw away the blush and reserved. She said directly to Romeo:” by one that Ill procure to come to thee, where and what time than wilt perform the rite; and all my fortunes at thy foot Ill lay; and follow thee my lord throughout the world.” (Romeo and Juliet: 91) Meanwhile, Romeo took a risk, jumping into Juliets garden for expressing his love to her. In order to get together, Juliet asked him:” Romeo, doff thy name, and for that name which is no part of thee, take al myself.” He accepted quickly:” I take thee at they word: call me but love. And Ill be new baptized; henceforth I never will be Romeo.” He is much braver than Liang Shanbo. He could throw away anything just because of his love. He considered love as the most important thing in his life, but not rules, moral principles and ethics. But for Zhu Yingtai, though she is dependent and wise, she dared not to show her love to Liang Shanbo directly. When they finished studying and needed to be parted, she just reminded Liang Shanbo: “I have an unmarried sister, if you dont mind, I would like to introduce her to you to be your wife, and would you accept this?” (“我有一九妹待字闺中,倘蒙梁兄不弃,愿结丝带之好,不如梁兄可能应允否?”) “You can take it easy, my sister and I are twins, we are extremely the same, not only in the appearance, but also in the temper. My promise is just like the agreement of my sister.” (“梁兄但放宽心,弟与九妹,乃是双生兄妹,不但面貌相同,而且性情也是一样,小弟应允,犹如九妹当面允婚一样。”) “To avoid me waiting too long, I hope you could come to my home and marry my sister as soon as possible.” (“但愿梁兄早来我家,邀媒下聘,免得小弟愿望。”) (Liu-Yin-Ji: 42). This shows her shyness, she is not as open as Juliet. She is also deeply affected by the feudal rules, moral and ethics. Her love grows up in such an unfavorable condition that she should constrain her love, in order to obey the feudal rules. Feudal rules educated her to be a virtuous maiden; she couldnt express love to Liang Shanbo first. This is the fatal weakness of the two characters. For love, Romeo and Juliet struggled against their family, not only appeared in their minds, but also used actions to make it practical. When Romeo misunderstood Juliet was dead, he drank the poison and said:” come bitter conduct, come, unsavory guide! Thou desperate pilot, now at once run on. The dashing rocks thy sea-sick weary bark! Heres to my love.” He bravely chose death as this only choice. When Juliet found Romeos death, she also chose death, and said:” this is thy sheath, there rust, and let me die.” Love between them is extremely precious. They didnt give up by the arrangement of destiny; they are courageous and resolute, fearless and dauntless. They used their wisdom and courage to fight with the patriarchal system and feudal rules. They didnt take any pity to the opposing part but fought dauntlessly defending their love. In Liu-Yin-Ji, Liang Shanbo showed his timid and obedience. After Zhu Yingtai told him: “Im backing home from Nishan School, I should tell the truth to mother. My dad didnt un


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