数码摄影物镜设计 外文翻译.doc
华中科技大学文华学院毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译(本科学生用)题 目: 数码摄影物镜设计 学 生 姓 名:_ 裴 慧_ _学 号:_060105011122_ _学 部 (系): 信 息 专 业 年 级: _ 06光信1班_ _ 指 导 教 师:_包佳祺_职称或学位:讲师2010 年 5 月 1 日 外文文献翻译(译成中文1000字左右):【主要阅读文献不少于5篇,译文后附注文献信息,包括:作者、书名(或论文题目)、出 版 社(或刊物名称)、出版时间(或刊号)、页码。提供所译外文资料附件(印刷类含封面、封底、目录、翻译部分的复印件等,网站类的请附网址及原文】译文:在制造过程中,摄像探测器被暴露在统一的照明下,这样那些具有异常灵敏度和偏流的像素就会很突出,因而也很容易被辨别出来。然而,有些像素是后来才产生缺陷的,而消费者又很难创造统一的环境来检测他们。在3.1节中,通过对许多照片取平均值,我们对一些特别的场景和噪声平均处理,这样就可以的到一个平滑变化的图片。因此,检测劣质像元的一个简单前提就是被平均处理过的像必须平滑。这个设计的理念是以这样一个事实为基础的,任意一个相机里面的像都是三维的,是对外在世界一个扭曲的副本。很明显,我们安置在相机里面的结构在外在世界中有与之相一致的结构。这是基于相机主要透镜一对一的映射。用棱镜代替胶片前面的针孔这个想法最早是在1908年由李普曼提出来的。正如一个简单的针孔摄像机,比起小孔,棱镜能收集更多的光线,并产生更好的图像质量。李普曼称他的做法为积分摄影。这些年,提出了很多关于他的方法的不同版本,最新的是全光相机。我们将分两步在频域分析积分透镜。(1)我们考虑一列针孔,就像在Ive的相机中那样,所有的针孔进行一个常向量的位移变换。每个针孔都被带有一定偏差角的棱镜遮盖,这个角度偏移取决于前面的位移,定义为a/f。(2)我们考虑多个阵列转移等针孔棱镜,并叠加表明,它们都以同样的方式对最终图像做出贡献。李普曼的积分摄影是在此基础上对不同的数组采取一致的行动。它可视为在有限情况下,平面完全是由针孔棱镜和所有的光线穿过。每个透镜是由相应的棱镜组成的,作为一个菲涅尔镜头。广角镜头拥有比普通摄像机的视线范围更大的视场,并能从环境中获取更多信息。因此,它在各种希望用较少的相机更多的信息的应用中起着重要的作用,如监控系统,移动机器人设想,制造系统等在我们的三维焊缝提取系统中,广角镜头被用来捕捉焊缝的信息。然而,由广角镜头断裂带来的图像失真应该解决以满足重建的精度0.2毫米。该系统的焊缝实时能力需要另一要求。因此,应该提出一个简单而有效的校准照相机镜头畸变的方法。 在本文中,我们介绍了我们的焊缝提取制度,旨在提取两个CCD带有广角镜头相机的焊缝。为了满足精度要求,图像的失真必须处理。基于这一背景,我们提出了一个措施,可以利用它来校准广角镜头的径向和离心的畸变参数。今后,我们会考虑噪声的影响,并分析了运算的耐用性。 变焦系统的技术参数如第二节中所提到的。由系统指标及上面的光学系统像差特点对初始结构进行一下优化:(1)改变变倍比,使新的系统满足变倍比要求。因为原始的变焦镜头的变倍比比我们设计的近红外变焦系统所需的变倍比大,故以原始光学系统最小的焦距为新设计光学系统的最小焦距,缩小变倍比,然后以此为标准。因为,变焦系统中对整体成像质量影响最大的是短焦时的成像质量和变倍比,以这种方式改变变倍比,在一定程度上能够提高在短焦时的成像质量,同时使变倍比也满足了要求。During manufacturing,camera detectors are exposed to uniform illuminations so that bad pixels-pixels with abnormal sensitivities and biases -stand out and can be easily identified.However,some pixels develop defects later and it is difficult for consumers to create uniform environments to detect them.In Section 3.1 we saw that by averaging a large number of photographs,we average out particular scenes and noise to get a smoothly varying image.Thus,a simple prior for bad poxel detection is that the average image should be smooth;bad pixels should be identifiable as causing discontinuities in the average image。Another family of light-filled cameras can be described an putting any of the arrays used on previous camera designs in front of a regular camera,and focusing it slightly behind the array.The idea for this design is based on the fact that the image inside any camera is 3-dimensional,and is a distorted copy of the outside world.It is clear that the structures we place inside the camera have their corresponding structures in the outside world .This is based on the 1-to-1 mapping defined by the main camera lens.The idea of replacing the array of pinholes in front of the lm with lenses was rst proposed by Lippmann back in 1908 3. Just as with a single pinhole camera, lenses gather much more light and produce better image quality than small holes. Lipmann called his approach Integral photography. Dierent versions of it have been proposed throughout the years, the most recent one being the plenoptic camera 6,14.Our analysis of the integral camera in frequency space will be done in two steps. (1) We consider an array of pinholes as in the Ives camera, only shifted by a constant (for all pinholes) vector a. Each pinhole is covered by a prism with angle of deviation depending on the shift, dened as prism = a/f .(2) We consider the superposition of multiple shifted arrays of such pinhole-prisms, and show that they all contribute to the nal image in a /f similar way. Lippmanns integral photography is based on this coherent action of dierent arrays. It can be viewed as the limiting case where the plane is made completely of pinhole-prisms and all the light goes through. Each microlens is formed by the corresponding prisms, as a Fresnel lens.Wide-angle lens has a much larger field of view than common cameras, and is able to capture more information from the environment. Thus, it plays an important role in kinds of applications which desire more information with fewer cameras, such as supervisory systems, visions of mobile robots, visions in manufacturing systems, etc. In our 3D welding seam extraction system, a wide-angle lens is adopted to capture the welding seam information. However, the sever image distortion brought in by the wide-angle lens should be tackled in order to meet the reconstruction precision ashigh as 0.2mm. The real-time ability of the welding seam system puts forward another requirement. Therefore, a simple and efficient method for calibrating camera lens distortion should be proposed. In this paper, we introduced our welding seam extraction system which aimed to extract the welding seam from two CCD cameras with wide-angle lenses. In order to satisfy the precision requirement, the distortion of the image must be dealt with. Based on this background, we have proposed a distortion measure that can be utilized to calibrate the radial and decentering distortion parameters of the wide-angle lens. In future, we will consider the effect of the noise and analyze the robustness of the algorithm. Zoom system technology parameters such as mentioned in section II. By the system indicators and the above optical system aberration about the characteristics of the initial structure of the optimization: (1) change the zoom ratio, so that the new system meets the requirements zoom ratio. Because the original zoom Bibi We design the system required near-infrared zoom ratio, so the original minimum focal length optical system for new account the minimum focal length optical system, and then used as criteria for narrowing the magnification changer. Because the zoom system as a whole .The greatest impact is the image quality when imaging short focal quality and zoom ratio, in this way to change the zoom ratio, in a Certain extent by the focus in the short time to improve the image quality, while enabling zoom ratio also satisfy the requirements.指导教师审阅意见:指导教师:年 月 日