马岩松最全作品收集&MAD设计事务所实景高清照片关键词:OFFICE真相 MAD 世界上有趣,创新的设计事务所及工作室在一个怎样的环境中以怎样的模式进行工作?详情往下浏览Appreciation towards MAD for providing the following description: Absolute Towers 梦露大厦 Harbin Opera House 哈尔滨大剧院 Ordos Museum 鄂尔多斯博物馆 Urban Forest 城市森林 China Wood Sculpture Museum 中国木雕博物馆Taichung Convention Center 台中会展中心 Vertu Pavillion Vertu 移动亭MAD Office MAD works in forward-looking environments developing futuristic architectures based on a contemporary interpretation of the eastern spirit of nature. All of MAD's projects - from residential complexes or offices to cultural centres - desire to protect a sense of community and orientation toward nature, offering people the freedom to develop their own experience. Founded in 2004 by Ma Yansong, the office first earned worldwide attention in 2006 by winning an international competition to design a residential tower near Toronto, expected to be completed in the summer of 2012.MAD has been commissioned by clients of all backgrounds, leading to an intriguing combination of diverse project designs. MADs ongoing projects include two major cultural projects in Harbin: the China Wood Sculpture Museum and Harbin Culture Island, an opera house and cultural center that will retain the original wetlands as an urban park between the old and new city. Additionally, MAD is designing the headquarter of a major fashion brand in Xiamen. MADs residential projects strive for a symbiotic relationship between man, shelter and nature. The Huangshan residential villas is design to nestle into its natural landscapes, whilst the Qingdao private residential courtyard draws inspiration from the experience of a traditional Chinese flaneur and the beauty and emotions developed through meandering across the natural landscape. MAD has several projects underway ranging from conceptual design to construction phases around the world. Internationally, MAD is designing a residential development in the heart of Rome, a mix use development in Amsterdam and the aforementioned Absolute Tower in Toronto, now nearing completion.MAD recently completed their first museum in Ordos, Inner Mongolia. It is a futuristic shell that protects the cultural history of the region and refutes the rational new city outside. Previous completed projects include the Hutong Bubble 32, a small scale intervention inside the delicate urban tissue of old Beijing, and Hongluo clubhouse, a fluid space without internal boundaries that rises from Hongluo Lake. MAD 在不断的寻求一条与环境共存的道路,以东方的自然体验为基础诠释着未来主义建筑。mad所有的项目,不论是住宅、办公楼还是文化中心,都在始终秉承着维护和谐的公共环境和趋于自然的理念,让人们充分体验生活在其中的自在。2004年,马岩松创立MAD建筑事务所,2006年事务所首次得到世界的关注,其作品在一个为加拿大多伦多附近设计超高层住宅的国际竞赛里中标,这个项目预期将在2012年夏天圆满落成。MAD委托人的背景情况各不相同,使MAD设计的项目种类也丰富多样。 MAD正在进行的项目包括在哈尔滨的两个主要文化类建筑:中国木雕馆和哈尔滨文化岛,其中文化岛将作为一个城市公园用来连接哈尔滨市的新旧城区,它将保留原有湿地的同时建造一座歌剧院和一个文化中心。除此之外,MAD正在为一个著名时装品牌设计其在厦门的企业总部。 MAD的住宅项目一直一来追求人、自然、栖身之所之间的共生关系。所设计的黄山太平湖项目与自然景观融为一体,同时,青岛现代园林的设计灵感汲取对大自然所流露的诗意融入到现代的生活空间。 MAD现有项目遍及全球,其深度从概念设计到施工阶段不等。在国际上,MAD正在为一幢位于罗马中心地带的住宅做设计深化,在阿姆斯特丹设计一个综合体建筑,还有之前提到的位于多伦多的已接近完工的梦露大厦。MAD设计的第一座博物馆近期在内蒙古的鄂尔多斯落成了。MAD设想了一个带有未来主义色彩的外壳,把当地的文化和历史罩起来或者说是保护起来,来反驳现实中壳子外的被合理化的新城市。早期完成的项目,包括胡同泡泡32号,一个插入北京老城区中衰弱城市组织的小尺度元素;还有红螺会所,沿着红螺湖畔而建的一座别墅,其流畅的空间没有任何内部边界。 Management MAD is led by Ma Yansong, Dang Qun and Yosuke Hayano. They have been awarded the Young Architecture Award from the New York Institute of Architects in 2006 and the 2011 RIBA international fellowship. MAD 现由马岩松、党群和早野洋介领导。他们于2006年获得纽约建筑联盟青年建筑师奖,并于2010年,获得英国皇家建筑师协会(RIBA)授予的RIBA国际名誉会员。 Awards & Recognition 2006 Architectural League Young Architects Award2008 ICON magazine one of 20 most influential young architects2009 Fast Company one of 10 creative people in architecture2011 Fast Company one of 10 most innovative companies in China2011 RIBA International Fellowship 2011 Architecture Record Best Preservation Project (Hutong Bubble 32)2012 International Property Awards (Fake Hills) Lectures 2012.03 Pavilion Arsenal, Paris, France2012.03 MIPIM, Cannes, France2012.03 University of applied art Vienna, Austria2012.02 School of Architecture LaSalle, Barcelona, Spain2012.02 COAM Foundation, Madrid2011.11 Creative Tokyo, Japan2011.10 Prague Architecture Week2011.05 FestArch, Peruggia, Italy2010.01 UCLA Architecture and Urban Design, California, USA2009.05 CIVA(International Center for Urbanism), Brussels, Belgium2009.03 The 11th International Bauhaus Colloquium, Weimar, Germany2008.11 AA School, London, UK2008.09 Columbia University, Architecture School, New York, USA2008.09 The American Institute of Architects (AIA), New York, USA2008.12 6th Architecture and Construction International Forum, San Paulo, Brazil2007.11 University of South California, Architecture School, California, USA2007.11 SCI-ARC, California, USA2007.12 Danish Architecture Center (DAC), Copenhagen, Denmark 2007.09 La Cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine, Paris, France2006.10 Harvard University, Boston, USA2006.04 MIT, Boston, USA2006.04 The Architectural League of New York, New York, USA2006.08 University of Venice, Venice, Italy2006.10 2nd Architecture Biennial Beijing Forum, Beijing China 2012.03 阿森纳馆,法国巴黎2012.03 国际地产投资交易会,法国戛纳2012.03 维也纳实用艺术大学,奥地利2012.02 建拉萨尔筑学院,巴塞罗, 西班牙2012.02 COAM基金会,马德里2011.05 FestArch, Peruggia, 意大利2010.01 加州大学洛杉矶分校建筑和城市设计学院,美国加利福尼亚2009.05 国际建筑与都市中心(CIVA),比利时布鲁塞尔2009.03 第十一届包豪斯年会,德国魏玛2008.12 第六届建筑与结构国际论坛,巴西圣保罗2008.11 AA建筑学院,英国伦敦2008.09 哥伦比亚大学建筑学院,美国纽约2007.12 丹麦建筑中心(DAC),丹麦哥本哈根2007.11 南加州大学建筑学院,美国加利福尼亚2007.11 SCI-AR建筑学院,美国加利福尼亚2007.09 法国建筑学会,法国巴黎2006.10 哈佛大学,美国波士顿2006.10 第二届中国建筑艺术双年展论坛,中国北京2006.08 威尼斯大学,意大利威尼斯2006.04 麻省理工大学,美国波士顿 Projects Absolute Towers 梦露大厦 Harbin Opera House 哈尔滨大剧院 Ordos Museum 鄂尔多斯博物馆 Fake Hills 假山 Hutong Bubble 32 胡同泡泡32号 Urban Forest 城市森林 Taiping Lake Vista 黄山太平湖度假村 Hongluo Clubhouse 红螺会所 Rebuilt WTC 世贸重建 Beijing 2050 北京2050 Fish Tank 鱼缸 OFFICE真相专辑 NO.5 - MAD发布时间:2012-4-9关键词:OFFICE真相 MAD 世界上有趣,创新的事务所及工作室在一个怎样的环境中以怎样的模式进行工作?gooood为您奉上<OFFICE真相>专辑。这是第五辑 MAD 。 非常感谢MAD与gooood分享以下内容。Appreciation towards MAD for providing the following description: MAD Office MAD works in forward-looking environments developing futuristic architectures based on a contemporary interpretation of the eastern spirit of nature. All of MAD's projects - from residential complexes or offices to cultural centres - desire to protect a sense of community and orientation toward nature, offering people the freedom to develop their own experience. Founded in 2004 by Ma Yansong, the office first earned worldwide attention in 2006 by winning an international competition to design a residential tower near Toronto, expected to be completed in the summer of 2012.MAD has been commissioned by clients of all backgrounds, leading to an intriguing combination of diverse project designs. MADs ongoing projects include two major cultural projects in Harbin: the China Wood Sculpture Museum and Harbin Culture Island, an opera house and cultural center that will retain the original wetlands as an urban park between the old and new city. Additionally, MAD is designing the headquarter of a major fashion brand in Xiamen. MADs residential projects strive for a symbiotic relationship between man, shelter and nature. The Huangshan residential villas is design to nestle into its natural landscapes, whilst the Qingdao private residential courtyard draws inspiration from the experience of a traditional Chinese flaneur and the beauty and emotions developed through meandering across the natural landscape. MAD has several projects underway ranging from conceptual design to construction phases around the world. Internationally, MAD is designing a residential development in the heart of Rome, a mix use development in Amsterdam and the aforementioned Absolute Tower in Toronto, now nearing completion.MAD recently completed their first museum in Ordos, Inner Mongolia. It is a futuristic shell that protects the cultural history of the region and refutes the rational new city outside. Previous completed projects include the Hutong Bubble 32, a small scale intervention inside the delicate urban tissue of old Beijing, and Hongluo clubhouse, a fluid space without internal boundaries that rises from Hongluo Lake. MAD 在不断的寻求一条与环境共存的道路,以东方的自然体验为基础诠释着未来主义建筑。mad所有的项目,不论是住宅、办公楼还是文化中心,都在始终秉承着维护和谐的公共环境和趋于自然的理念,让人们充分体验生活在其中的自在。2004年,马岩松创立MAD建筑事务所,2006年事务所首次得到世界的关注,其作品在一个为加拿大多伦多附近设计超高层住宅的国际竞赛里中标,这个项目预期将在2012年夏天圆满落成。MAD委托人的背景情况各不相同,使MAD设计的项目种类也丰富多样。 MAD正在进行的项目包括在哈尔滨的两个主要文化类建筑:中国木雕馆和哈尔滨文化岛,其中文化岛将作为一个城市公园用来连接哈尔滨市的新旧城区,它将保留原有湿地的同时建造一座歌剧院和一个文化中心。除此之外,MAD正在为一个著名时装品牌设计其在厦门的企业总部。 MAD的住宅项目一直一来追求人、自然、栖身之所之间的共生关系。所设计的黄山太平湖项目与自然景观融为一体,同时,青岛现代园林的设计灵感汲取对大自然所流露的诗意融入到现代的生活空间。 MAD现有项目遍及全球,其深度从概念设计到施工阶段不等。在国际上,MAD正在为一幢位于罗马中心地带的住宅做设计深化,在阿姆斯特丹设计一个综合体建筑,还有之前提到的位于多伦多的已接近完工的梦露大厦。MAD设计的第一座博物馆近期在内蒙古的鄂尔多斯落成了。MAD设想了一个带有未来主义色彩的外壳,把当地的文化和历史罩起来或者说是保护起来,来反驳现实中壳子外的被合理化的新城市。早期完成的项目,包括胡同泡泡32号,一个插入北京老城区中衰弱城市组织的小尺度元素;还有红螺会所,沿着红螺湖畔而建的一座别墅,其流畅的空间没有任何内部边界。 Management MAD is led by Ma Yansong, Dang Qun and Yosuke Hayano. They have been awarded the Young Architecture Award from the New York Institute of Architects in 2006 and the 2011 RIBA international fellowship. MAD 现由马岩松、党群和早野洋介领导。他们于2006年获得纽约建筑联盟青年建筑师奖,并于2010年,获得英国皇家建筑师协会(RIBA)授予的RIBA国际名誉会员。 (Mid)Ma Yansong,Principal Partner (left 1)Ma Yansong,Principal Partner(left 2)Dang Qun,Partner Awards & Recognition 2006 Architectural League Young Architects Award2008 ICON magazine one of 20 most influential young architects2009 Fast Company one of 10 creative people in architecture2011 Fast Company one of 10 most innovative companies in China2011 RIBA International Fellowship 2011 Architecture Record Best Preservation Project (Hutong Bubble 32)2012 International Property Awards (Fake Hills) Lectures 2012.03 Pavilion Arsenal, Paris, France2012.03 MIPIM, Cannes, France2012.03 University of applied art Vienna, Austria2012.02 School of Architecture LaSalle, Barcelona, Spain2012.02 COAM Foundation, Madrid2011.11 Creative Tokyo, Japan2011.10 Prague Architecture Week2011.05 FestArch, Peruggia, Italy2010.01 UCLA Architecture and Urban Design, California, USA2009.05 CIVA(International Center for Urbanism), Brussels, Belgium2009.03 The 11th International Bauhaus Colloquium, Weimar, Germany2008.11 AA School, London, UK2008.09 Columbia University, Architecture School, New York, USA2008.09 The American Institute of Architects (AIA), New York, USA2008.12 6th Architecture and Construction International Forum, San Paulo, Brazil2007.11 University of South California, Architecture School, California, USA2007.11 SCI-ARC, California, USA2007.12 Danish Architecture Center (DAC), Copenhagen, Denmark 2007.09 La Cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine, Paris, France2006.10 Harvard University, Boston, USA2006.04 MIT, Boston, USA2006.04 The Architectural League of New York, New York, USA2006.08 University of Venice, Venice, Italy2006.10 2nd Architecture Biennial Beijing Forum, Beijing China 2012.03 阿森纳馆,法国巴黎2012.03 国际地产投资交易会,法国戛纳2012.03 维也纳实用艺术大学,奥地利2012.02 建拉萨尔筑学院,巴塞罗, 西班牙2012.02 COAM基金会,马德里2011.05 FestArch, Peruggia, 意大利2010.01 加州大学洛杉矶分校建筑和城市设计学院,美国加利福尼亚2009.05 国际建筑与都市中心(CIVA),比利时布鲁塞尔2009.03 第十一届包豪斯年会,德国魏玛2008.12 第六届建筑与结构国际论坛,巴西圣保罗2008.11 AA建筑学院,英国伦敦2008.09 哥伦比亚大学建筑学院,美国纽约2007.12 丹麦建筑中心(DAC),丹麦哥本哈根2007.11 南加州大学建筑学院,美国加利福尼亚2007.11 SCI-AR建筑学院,美国加利福尼亚2007.09 法国建筑学会,法国巴黎2006.10 哈佛大学,美国波士顿2006.10 第二届中国建筑艺术双年展论坛,中国北京2006.08 威尼斯大学,意大利威尼斯2006.04 麻省理工大学,美国波士顿 Projects Absolute Towers 梦露大厦 Harbin Opera House 哈尔滨大剧院 Ordos Museum 鄂尔多斯博物馆 China Wood Sculpture Museum 中国木雕博物馆 Fake Hills 假山 Hutong Bubble 32 胡同泡泡32号 Urban Forest 城市森林 Taiping Lake Vista 黄山太平湖度假村 Hongluo Clubhouse 红螺会所 Taichung Convention Center 台中会展中心 Vertu Pavillion Vertu 移动亭 Rebuilt WTC 世贸重建 Beijing 2050 北京2050 Fish Tank 鱼缸