the university compus should be open to the tourists.One can always find visitors taking pictures and enjoying the scenery in university compus. During the May Day Holiday, National Day Holiday, summer and winter vacations, many University campuses become popular tourist sites. In my opinion, university campus should be open to tourists.In fact, there are many royal gardens and parks, all of them obviously better than the scenery in the Universities. Why do you think people prefer visiting here with their children? That is because it is a dream goal for many Chinese parents and young ambitious students. Besides this, as more tourists come to visit universities, these universities can widen their influence as well and they can also make some profit from the tourism.The door is closed, thought is closed?Colleges and universities should take teaching, and open to tourists, is the college by education establishments to commercial, entertainment places, this is reasonable?一个人总是可以找到游客拍照,并欣赏美景在大学校园。五一假期期间,国庆假期,夏季和冬季度假,许多大学校园成为最受欢迎的旅游景点。在我看来,大学校园应向游人开放。事实上,有很多皇家花园和公园,他们所有人都明显优于大学上的景物。你认为人们为什么喜欢访问这里的带着他们的孩子吗?那是因为它是一个梦想的目标为许多中国父母和年轻有抱负的学生。除此之外,随着更多的游客来此参观大学,这些大学能扩大他们的影响,而且还能让某种利益,而违背初衷,旅游业的发展。门是关着的,思想就是关着的吗?高校应该以教书育人为主,而向游客开放,是将高校由教育性场所改为商业性、娱乐性的场所,这也是合理的吗?其实,大学是否应该对民众开放是见仁见智、尚无定论的事。开放的好处自不待言:一方面,既缓解了旅游景点的紧张,又满足了人们对于科学、文化、人文精神的景仰之情。这是无须投资就有良好社会效益、利国利民的好事;另一方面,校方拒绝游人进校也言之有理,学校确实不是公园,安全、管理方面的考虑在情理之中。In fact, whether the university should be open to the public, is inconclusive. Different people, different views.It goes without saying that the benefits of open: on the one hand, they can ease the tension of tourist attractions, and meet the people for science, culture, the humanistic spirit of admiration.It is not required investment has good social benefit, benefit of the country and the people; on the other hand, the school refused to visitors but also it stands to reason. Do not park, schools, security, management considerations in reason.实际上,国外大学实行的办法也是不一样的,这个问题并不存在“国际通行惯例”。牛津大学的各个学院是不让进的,而且管得很严,而哈佛大学每道门都没有人把守,莫斯科大学也让外人参观。美国的康乃尔大学不但校园风景如画,让人游览,而且图书馆也对外开放,任何人都可以充分利用,查阅、复印资料极其方便。In fact, the foreign university's approach is not the same, this problem does not exist "international convention".University of Oxford each college is not to, but very strict control, and the Harvard University, each door no one guard, also let outsiders to visit Moscow State University.The United States Cornell University not only picturesque campus, let people visit, and the library is open to the outside world, anyone can make full use of, access, copying data is extremely convenient.但是我们认为,大学还是对民众开放为好。相对而言,国家对大学的投入是相当高的,尤其是最近若干年以来更是如此。当然,“十年树木,百年树人”,我们期待的是大学培养人才的长远效益,但在国家资金重点倾斜的地方,能顺带产生一点短期效益,让普通纳税人心理更为平衡,何乐而不为?一般民众对大学是十分景仰的,但却往往无缘进入。这样,让民众有机会进大学去看一看,缩短一些优秀人才和普通民众的心理差距,就是值得一为的好事。But we think that the university is open to the public, as well.Relatively speaking, National University input is quite high, especially in recent years is even more so.Of course, "it takes ten years to grow a tree and a hundred years to bring up a generation of good men", we look forward to the university personnel training long-term benefits, but in state funds to tilt the focus place, can conveniently produce a short-term benefit, let ordinary taxpayers mind more balanced, what is there against it?The general public university is very respected, but often not enter.So, let people have the opportunity to enter the university to see, shortening some outstanding talent and common people's psychological gap, is worth a good.有位学者讲的一个故事很能说明这个道理:他的一个亲戚在工厂工作,儿子快毕业时对上大学念书毫无兴趣。A scholar tell a story to explain this: one of his relatives working in the factory, son soon graduated to university without interest.那时,“文革”刚结束,“读书无用论”很流行。有一天,他带儿子进城办事,无意间走到一所大学,就进去了。他在那里给儿子指指点点,随便讲述一阵。他儿子对此的反应是:“哦,我以前不知道世界上还有大学这么好的地方!”结果,他儿子后来考上重点大学,又读了研究生。进大学一游,就这样开了一个青年的眼界,影响了他的一生。At that time, the "Cultural Revolution" had just ended, "study useless" is very popular.One day, he took his son to go downtown, accidentally go to a university, went in.He was there to gesticulate casually tells a son.His son's response was: "Oh, I didn't know there is such a good place university!"The results, his son was admitted to a key university, read a graduate student.In the university a swim, then opened a youth outlook, affected his life.我们主张大学开放,同时主张不要简单地把这当成让不让人进来玩一玩的事,而应当在深层次上考虑,要有周全的筹划。不然,如果教学、科研工作受影响,再出点治安方面的问题,良好的愿望也维持不长久。美国的西点军校不但不是“军事重地”,反而有一整套旅游的服务和设施。当然,让人了解、喜欢这个学校,吸引年轻人投考这个学校的宣传工作也十分到家。毕竟,在美国这个商业气息较浓的社会,要吸引青年从军,要加强国防意识,不太容易。西点军校的开放和旅游服务意识,很可能有深谋远虑的大局观。We advocate the university open, at the same time that do not simply regard it as let people play thing, but should be deeply considered, there must be comprehensive planning.Otherwise, if the teaching, scientific research work of the affected, a point of order problems, good wishes to maintain not for long.The United States West Point not only "military areas", but there is a set of tourism services and facilities.Of course, let people understand, love the school, to attract young people for the school is also home to publicize the job.After all, in the United States the commercial atmosphere thick society, in order to attract young join the army, to strengthen the awareness of national defense, not too easy.The West Point open and tourism service consciousness, are likely to know what one is about the general situation view.如果在我们的大学是否开放的问题上,能够把平民意识、服务意识与国家长远利益意识结合起来,那该有多好。If in our university is open to question, to the civilian consciousness, service consciousness and consciousness of national long-term interests together, how good that the.立论环节,正方一辩表示大学要承担社会服务的责任,开放校园,“与民同乐”是对社会的一种回馈,也是对科学文化的很好的传播方式,还能对学校的宣传起到很大作用,因此提出自己的观点“高等学府应该对游客开放”。而反方一辩则利用一些发生在大学校园中的外来犯罪分子冒充游客盗窃,行凶等案例,说明高等学府对游客开放会导致高校形象受损,校园环境被破坏,以及增加学校管理难度和财政负担等问题出现,从而提出相反的观点。接着进入短兵相接的攻辩环节,以及最为精彩的自由辩论阶段,双方队员唇枪舌剑,妙语连珠。正方提出开放是有限制的开放,针对反方提出的高校因为外来游客的进入而校园环境受到破坏的问题,正方队员认为可以依靠学校优化制度来解决。高校对外开放可以充分利用资源回馈社会,满足社会大众对高校的深厚情结,让人们能进入高校感受其人文气息,好处远大于坏处。而反方认为外来游客的进入给学校学生带来了很多困扰,是对学生应该享有的资源的侵犯,高等学府为社会服务的义务应该是靠培养更多学生来为社会服务,而不是作为旅游景点供人参观。Theoretical link, affirmative argument that university should assume responsibility for social services, open campus, "have fun with the citizens" is a form of social feedback, but also on the scientific culture very good mode of transmission, but also on the school publicity plays a large role, therefore put forward their views "institutions of higher learning should be open to tourists".And the leader of the opposition by some in the university campus in alien criminals posing as tourists such as theft, assault case, that of higher learning open to visitors will cause the university image, campus environment, and increase the difficulty of school management and financial burden and other problems, and brings forward the contrary viewpoint.Then enter the fight hand to hand with attack debate link, as well as the most wonderful free debate, the two players debate, sparkling discourse.Affirmative proposed opening is restricted to the open, the college for foreign tourists into the campus environment is damaged, affirmative team that can rely on schools to solve the optimization system.The opening to the outside world can make full use of resource to contribute to the community, meet the community of the University of the deep complex, so that people can enter the universities the feelings of humanity, the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages.While the opposition that visitors access to the school students brings a lot of problems, the students should have the resources violations, institutions of higher learning for social service obligation should be made more students to serve for the society, rather than as a tourist attraction for visitors.众所周知我们今天的高等学府对社会要承担三大责任:教学、科研、服务社会。我们不应该把高等学府的功能狭隘的理解为仅仅对在校大学生的培养,这无疑把高等学府等同位于社会大众隔绝了的“象牙塔”,而今我们的大学从古发展至今已经不仅仅局限于教学而更多的是服务全民。马上面临就业的我们也应该让社会认识我们、理解我们,为我们未来的发展做更多准备。如果想让别人了解我们,那我们就应该积极走近他人,更应该吸引他人走近你来关注你。而让高等学府对游客开放无异于是最好的办法之一。As everyone knows our institutions of higher learning community to bear three responsibilities: teaching, scientific research, social service.We should not regard the institution of higher learning features narrow understanding is only on the cultivation of college students, it is the institution of higher learning located in public as isolated "ivory tower", and our university from development up to now have not only confined to the teaching which is more universal service.Immediately facing the employment we should also make the social understanding of us, understand us, for our future development more preparation.If you want others to understand us, that we should actively approached others, should attract attention to you close to you.And let the colleges open to tourists is the one of the best ways to.来高等学府参观参观的游客来自社会的不同阶层,不同的年龄段。有年长的老者,感叹时光飞逝;有稳重的中年人,后悔少壮不努力,现在徒伤悲。这都是活生生的教材啊,让作为学生的我们学到更多书本以外的知识。还有一些对高等学府心驰神往的学生,他们来到自己心中梦寐的高等学府,激励他们向着梦想的方向前进。不管是谁来高等学府都绝不仅仅因为其自然环境好,更是对其人文环境的一种向往,这种人文气息博物馆不会有,公园、游乐场、剧院更没有。诚然让游客来参观一定会有一些问题出现,但我们不能因噎废食,而是应该积极的面对,寻找解决的对策。让游客进入高等学府感受学子的风华正茂,感受校园的自由、多元、包容的气息难道不可么?这不正是对蔡元培先生“兼容并包”精神的一种践行么?(我们实在不可以这么自私的将如此优秀的资源独自占有啊!)To universities around the visitors from different social strata, different ages.With older carers, how time flies; a prudent middle-aged people, it will not work, now beggar.This is a living textbook ah, let we as students learn more knowledge outside the books.Some of the students of higher learning feel excited, they came to my dream of institutions of higher learning, encourage them toward the dream in the direction of.No matter who to institutions of higher learning are not only because of its good natural environment, the humanities environment is a yearning for the humanities, the museum has no park, amusement park, theater, no more.It allows tourists to visit must have some problems, but we cannot give up eating for fear of choking, but should actively face, looking for the countermeasures.Let visitors access to higher learning experience students summer, feel free, pluralistic, tolerant campus atmosphere does not?This is Mr. Cai Yuanpei on "absorb anything and everything" a spiritual practice?(we really can be so selfish to be so outstanding resource alone!)随着经济的日益发展,物质水平不断提高,更不能导致精神上的匮乏。我们都知道中国特色社会主义文化建设的根本任务是:满足人民群众日益增长的精神文化丰富人们的精神世界,增强人们的精神力量,促进人的全面发展,切实提高全民族的思想道德素质。高等学府作为一种资源向游客开放可以满足人们日益增长的物质文化需求,促进社会和谐进步,紧随国家的大政方针,切实提高全民族的整体素质水平,难道不是一件好事么?With the growing economic development, and constantly improve the level of material, can lead to mental deficiency.We all know that the construction of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics is the fundamental task: to meet the people's growing spiritual and cultural enrich people's spiritual world, to enhance people's spiritual strength, promote the comprehensive development of people, and effectively improve the ideological and moral quality of the whole nation.Institutions of higher learning as a kind of resource open to tourists can satisfy the people's growing material and cultural needs, promoting social harmony and progress, followed by the national fundamental policy, improve the overall quality of the whole nation level, is not a good thing?我觉得应该啊,北大是多少学生的梦想啊。假期里来到北京,怎么能不到自己梦寐以求的大学里看看呢,感受一下著名学府的气氛也很好啊。一定有很多学生看了北大、清华以后,回去为了能进入这种好学校,而发奋学习吧。所以,我觉得让学生们参观北大很有意义。而且,在一个开放的时代,大学应该是自由的,应该是面向全社会的。人家外国的著名大学不都是完全开放的吗?I think I should ah, north is many students dream.The holidays came to Beijing, how can you not to his dream of the University have a look, feel the famous institution of higher learning atmosphere is also very good ah.There must be many students watch Beijing University, Tsinghua, back to enter the good school, and to study hard.So, I think the students around the north is very meaningful.And, in an open era, university should be free, must be oriented to the whole society.Foreign famous university are not fully open?想个办法两全其美Think of a way to satisfy both sides对于游人造成的这些负面影响,比如环境被破坏等等,其实学校可以采取一些措施。比如设定专门的校园开放日,每周选择一两天开放,或者限制每天的开放时段。这样,让游人们能提前知道学校的开放时间,就可以合理安排参观时间啦,也不至于到了北京却不能进入自己向往的学府参观,而留下遗憾啦For the cause of these negative effects, such as environmental destruction and so on, in fact, the school can take some measures.For example set up specialized school open day, week one or two days open, or limit the daily opening hours.So, let people can know in advance the school open time, can arrange time to visit friends, also not in Beijing but not enter my yearning, visit, and regret.正方理论:首先,对于所有影响正常教学生活等等问题,可以去打它的必然性。有游客来就必然影响教学吗?有游客来就必然影响师生正常生活吗?如果是这样,那么上级考察团、平级交流团、下级访问团是不是也一改要予以拒绝呢?其次,把游客的概念泛化,泛化到全民。高等院校的建设,虽然是依赖于教育经费,但那也是来源于国家财政、来源于国家税收的呀。等于说是全民的钱在养高校,那么凭什么不允许老百姓进来看看呢?Affirmative Theory: first, for all affect the normal teaching life and so on, can play its inevitability.Visitors will inevitably influence the teaching?Visitors will inevitably affect the teacher-student normal life?If so, then the superior tours, flat level exchange delegation, lower the mission is it right? Also changed to be rejected?Secondly, the visitor's generalization, generalization to all people.Higher colleges, although is dependent on funding for education, but it is also the source from the state treasury, derived from the national tax.That is to say of the national money in a university, so why not allow people came to have a look?在现实层面,对于想报考这所高校的学生及学生父母而言,进来看看也是有所裨益的。他们可以了解这所高校好在哪里、不足在哪里、是不是适合自己等等。如果一概不让参观,那么大家填报志愿不就是两眼一摸黑吗?光凭几个差异很大、很不靠谱的大学排名能填饱好志愿吗?事实上,很多高校在每年春季都有校园开放日,允许大家进来参观、了解高校的;甚至还有相应院系或职能部门的工作人员为大家答疑解惑呢。这难道也是不合理、应该取缔的吗?In reality, to want to register for examination of the college students and their parents, came to have a look is also helpful.They can understand the universities where insufficient, where, is it right? For ourselves and so on.If not and will not let visit, then we fill volunteer's eyes in the dark?The light of a few difference is very big, very reliable university ranking can fill the good to volunteer?In fact, many colleges and universities in every spring there are campus open day, allows people to come and see, understand the universities; even the corresponding faculties or departments staff for your FAQ.It is also unreasonable, should be banned?第一,学生跟高等学府、高等学府跟社会之间没有契约。也就是说,学生学成之后如果不回报社会,例如出国,例如自己开办一个公司并且尽可能地在法律许可的范围内搜刮民脂民膏,这些我们也拿他们没办法。对吧?第二,关于游客人数过多的问题嘛,我们可以限制客流量呀。很多景点也是这么做的。对吧?First, students and universities, institutions of higher learning with no contract between society.That is to say, the students then if you do not return to society, such as abroad, such as running a company and as far as possible within the scope of the law to search the fat of the people, these we can't do anything.On?In second, the number of tourists had many problems, we can restrict the flow of passengers.Many attractions are doing.On?高等学府应该对游客开放高等学府应该对游客开放一辩稿Institutions of higher learning should be open to visitors of institutions of higher learning should be open to visitors a arg