我国环保NGO参与环境公益诉讼之法律探究 【论文标题】 我国环保NGO参与环境公益诉讼之法律探究【英文标题】 Study on the Legal Issues of NGOs Participation of Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China【中文摘要】 环境资源具有公共财产属性,是由不特定多数社会公众所享有并委托政府来管理及维护的。正是基于此社会公共性,使得环境公益有别于国家利益、集体利益和个人利益。目前,我国对于环境公共利益的保护仍是按照传统的法律模式进行的,将国家作为环境公益保护的主体。但是现实中,国家本身的行为有时也会导致环境公共利益的损害,将国家作为环境公益保护的唯一主体对于保护环境而言是很不充分的。因此,建立一个能使多方参与的环境公益诉讼制度是十分有意义的。宪法赋予公民的结社权是NGO产生和存在的基础,也是其能够从一定程度上表达社会公众的意愿,监督政府权力,捍卫社会公共利益的正当性源泉。而且相对于个人提起公益诉讼的情形,NGO在公益性、独立性和专业性等方面具有更加显著的优势。赋予环保NGO在环境公益诉讼中的原告资格不仅有利于解决我国日益严峻的环境问题,促进环境公共利益的保护,而且还将促进政府转变其职能,推动中国最终走上社会主义法治化道路。当今世界上已经有不少国家和地区通过立法或判例赋予环保NGO在环境公益诉讼中的原告资格。笔者正是以此为视角,研究我国环保NGO参与环境公益诉讼的相关法律问题。全文分为四大部分,第一部分是环境公益诉讼及其现状分析,其中介绍了环境公益诉讼的定义、特征及其在我国的现状;第二部分介绍了环保NGO的定义、特征以及环保NGO参与环境公益诉讼的理论基础和现实需要;第三部分是在两大法系国家中环保NGO参与环境公益诉讼的实践以及对我国的借鉴意义,并分析了我国环保NGO参与环境公益诉讼所面临现实障碍;第四部分在总结前文的基础上,尝试性地提出我国环保NGO参与环境公益诉讼的具体应对策略。希望通过对这些问题的研究,对构建我国的环境公益诉讼制度提出些许有益的建议。【英文摘要】 The environment,as the public property,has remarkable exteriority in the market economy,so the regulatory role of the government is necessary.Nowadays,protection for environmental public interest is still in traditional model in China,which takes nation as the body to protect environment.The model that nation is the only body to protect environment is not perfect,because some times nation also does some thing harmful to environment public interest.Hence,it is very significant to establish an environmental public interest litigation system in which multi-parties can take part.The most efficient and feasible method to supervise and urge the government to protect the environment is to endow NGOs with plaintiff status in the environment public interest litigation.The Environmental Protection NGO has the Characteristic of public interest.It should have plaintiff qualifications in the environment public interest litigation,which is proved by foreign countries.It signifies a great necessity,for it can impel the government to fulfill its responsibility on protecting the social environment benefit,and to build a democracy country.Under this background,how to endow NGOs with standing in the environment public interest litigation and how to guarantee and control their legal right are vital theoretical questions which need resolve.This dissertation is intended to make a primary research which arise more deep study on “NGOs Participation of Environmental Public Interest Litigation”.This article studies that how the environmental protection NGO takes part in the environment public interest litigation in our country.The article is divided into four parts.The first part is about the environmental public interest litigation system and its current situation in China.In this part,it introduces the definition,the characteristics and the current situation of the environmental public interest litigation.The second part introduces the definition and the characteristics of the environmental protection NGO. In addition,this part introduces the theoretical foundations and the significance of the environmental protection NGOs participation of environmental public interest litigation.The third part introduces the NGOs foreign and domestic legal practice in the environment public interest litigation,especially in the system of Anglo-American law and the system of civil law,and finding the same spots and the differences which we can learn from.The fourth part analyzes the problems which occurred in the practice in China,and puts forward with some practical advices.The writer wants to make some helpful advices for establishing environmental public interest litigation system in China.【中文关键词】 环保NGO; 环境公益诉讼; 原告资格 【英文关键词】 Environmental Protection NGO; Environmental Public Interest Litigation; Qualifications of the Plaintiff 【英文关键词】 OEM/ODM/OBM; transformation; influencing factors; tactics 【论文目录】 摘要 5-6 ABSTRACT 6-7 引言 10-12 第1章 环境公益诉讼及其现状分析 12-21 1.1 环境公益诉讼的定义 12-14 1.1.1 公益诉讼的起源 12-13 1.1.2 环境公益诉讼定义 13-14 1.2 环境公益诉讼的分类及特征 14-17 1.2.1 环境公益诉讼的分类 14-15 1.2.2 环境公益诉讼的特征 15-17 1.3 我国环境公益诉讼的现状分析 17-21 1.3.1 我国的环境问题 17-18 1.3.2 我国环境公益诉讼的现状 18-21 第2章 环保NGO与环境公益诉讼 21-29 2.1 环保NGO概述 21-24 2.1.1 环保NGO定义 21-22 2.1.2 环保NGO特征 22-24 2.2 环保NGO获得环境公益诉讼原告资格的理论基础 24-26 2.2.1 公共信托与诉讼信托理论 24-25 2.2.2 诉讼权理论的发展 25-26 2.3 环保NGO作为环境公益诉讼适格原告的现实要求 26-29 第3章 国内外环保NGO参与环境公益诉讼的实践与探索 29-44 3.1 国外环保NGO参与环境公益诉讼的实践 29-35 3.1.1 英美法系代表国家美国 29-31 3.1.2 大陆法系代表国家德国 31-33 3.1.3 美、德两国实践对我国的借鉴意义 33-35 3.2 我国环保NGO参与环境公益诉讼的困境 35-44 3.2.1 我国环保NGO的发展现状 35-37 3.2.2 难以获得原告资格的外因分析 37-41 3.2.3 我国环保NGO自身发展中存在的缺陷 41-44 第4章 我国环保NGO参与环境公益诉讼的基本构思 44-50 4.1 立法确认环保NGO的原告资格 44-45 4.2 诉权行使的保障与限制 45-47 4.2.1 举证责任 45-46 4.2.2 诉讼费用 46 4.2.3 诉权的限制 46-47 4.3 修改现行法规的登记管理制度 47-48 4.4 保障环保NGO参与环境公益诉讼的资金来源 48-49 4.5 加强环保NGO的自身建设 49-50 结论 50-51 参考文献 51-55 致谢 55