国际海上货物运输中承运人的举证责任研究 国际海上货物运输中承运人的举证责任研究 Study on the Burden of Proof of the Carrier under the International Contract of Carriage of Goods by Sea【中文摘要】 海事诉讼是民事诉讼的分支,两者有着共同的本质和基本一致的制度和原则,而在海事案件当中,海运货损索赔纠纷案件占有相当的比例。由于海事案件具有历时长、国际性等特点,造成举证困难、事实中的真伪不明状态更易出现,举证责任分配规则便具有特别重要的意义。举证责任无论在实体法还是在程序法理论研究及立法方面都已成为各国学者和立法者关注的焦点,2008年12月11日刚刚在联合国大会上通过的全程或者部分海上国际货物运输合同公约(简称鹿特丹规则)的第17条更是直接以“承运人需证明(carrier roves)”的措辞对承运人的责任进行规定,举证责任在国内外海运货损索赔诉讼案件中的重要性不言而喻。本文针对承运人的举证责任作了专门的探讨,以期对我国的立法和实践有所裨益。本文共包括四章。第一章介绍了举证责任的基本内容,包括举证责任的概念、举证责任的性质;以及在理论上举证责任分配的各种学说。第二章主要说明了海上货物运输承运人的举证责任的基本理论问题。首先用一个案例引出海上货物运输承运人举证责任的由来,并在此基础上分析海上货物运输承运人举证责任的特殊性,其次介绍了海牙规则、海牙维斯比规则、汉堡规则、鹿特丹规则和英美国家分别对运输承运人的举证责任的规定。第三章是本文的重要章节,本章第一部分从海上货物运输货物索赔的一般缘由上分析了海上货物运输承运人的举证责任,比如在适航、适货、管货等方面的举证责任;第二部分从承运人的免责上分析了承运人的举证责任,比如火灾免责、航海过失免责、不可抗力免责等方面承运人所负的举证责任。第四章首先分析了国际上海上货物运输承运人举证责任理论发展的现状及趋势,之后在该趋势的基础上提出了对我国立法的一些完善建议。【英文摘要】 Maritime litigation is a part of the civil litigation,which share the same characteristics and almost the same provisions and principles.But in maritime cases,claims for cargo damage in carriage of goods by sea have taken a major part.Due to the long limitation and transnational characteristics in maritime cases,it is hard for the parties to prove and identify the troth of the cases.So dealing with maritime cases,the allocation of the burden of proof is very mportant.All the scholars and legislators throughout the world are focusing on the topic both in statute law and in rocedural law.In December 11,2008,the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law just passed the United Nations Convention on the Contracts for International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea.Its article 17 directlyuse the wording as “carrier proves” to provide the liabilities of the carrier,therefore,it is obviously that the urden of prove is very important in the claims about damages caused during the international carriage of goods.This paper pecially probes on the burden of proof of the carrier,in order to do some benefits to our legislations and practices.This paper includes four chapters.The first chapter introduces the basic intents of the burden of proof,including the oncept,character of it,and then it also introduces the different theories about dividing of the burden of proof.In chapter two,it mainly explains the basic theory on the burden of proof of the carrier in the carriage of goods by sea.Firstly,it ites the case to illustrate the cause of the burden of proof,and then shows some special characters of it.Secondly,it nstructs the provisions about carriers burden of proof from Hague Rules,Hague -Visby Rules,Hamburg Rules,the USA and England rules.The third chapter is the important part in this paper,At the beginning,this chapter analyses the carriers concrete liability on the burden of proof from general reasons,such as seaworthiness.The following analyses the liability of the carriers burden from exclusions, such as act of god,fire. The last chapter indicates the current situation and tendency of the theory on the carriers burden of proof in the carriage of goods by sea,then it illustrates some uggestions on how to review Chinese maritime legislation.【中文关键词】 海事诉讼; 举证责任; 承运人 【英文关键词】 Maritime litigation; The burden of proof; Carrier 【论文目录】摘要 5-6 Abstract 6-7 引言 10 一、举证责任概述 10-14 (一) 举证责任的概念 10-13 (二) 举证责任的性质 13-14 1.权利说 13 2.义务说 13 3.混合说 13 4.负担说 13-14 二、国际海上货物运输中承运人举证责任概述 14-20 (一) 海上货物运输承运人举证责任的涵义 14-16 1.海上货物运输承运人承担举证责任的由来 14-15 2.海上货物运输承运人承担举证责任的特殊性 15-16 (二) 海上货物运输承运人举证责任的相关规定 16-20 1.海牙规则、海牙-维斯比规则、汉堡规则 16-17 2.鹿特丹规则 17-18 3.美国1999年COGSA草案 18-19 4.英国法律 19-20 三、国际海上货物运输承运人举证责任的具体适用 20-28 (一) 承运人对货损索赔的举证责任 20-24 1.承运人对船舶适航的举证责任 20-22 2.承运人对管货义务的举证责任 22-23 3.承运人对合理绕航的举证责任 23-24 (二) 承运人对免责事由的举证责任 24-28 1.承运人对航海过失免责的举证责任 24-25 2.承运人对火灾免责的举证责任 25-27 3.承运人对海难、不可抗力、政府行为、罢工等因素免责的举证责任 27 4.承运人对货物的自然特性或者固有缺陷免责的举证责任 27-28 四、对海上运输承运人举证责任的评价及对我国法律的完善建议 28-33 (一) 对海上货物运输承运人举证责任制度的评价 28-29 (二) 对我国相关法律的完善建议 29-33 1.我国海商法的规定 29-30 2.鹿特丹规则对我国海商法的影响 30-31 3.我国海上货物运输承运人举证责任制度的完善 31-33 结论 33-34 参考文献 34-37 致谢 37-38 研究生履历 38