我国信访立法探究 【论文标题】我国信访立法探究 【英文标题】【中文摘要】 信访制度是一项具有中国特色的政治法律制度,它在发挥积极作用的同时也产生了许多现实问题。当前,有效解决信访问题的路径就是将信访纳入法治的轨道,实现信访法治化。制定信访法完善信访法律制度,对于实现信访法治化有重要意义。可以说,制定信访法完善信访法律制度是实现信访法治化的逻辑起点。论文分为引论、本论和结论。本论包括四部分:第一部分从信访立法的必要性维度出发,论述了信访立法的动力。该部分内容分别从信访制度的社会作用、信访制度的立法价值、法律文化传统和信访法律体系四个方面论证了信访立法的必要性。第二部分从信访功能的准确定位和信访立法要解决的问题维度出发,论述了信访立法的前提。在该部分内容中:首先,对信访的功能进行了总结归纳并在严密分析的基础上将信访功能定位为对行政权的民主监督;其次,论述了信访立法应具有针对性,并提出了信访立法要针对解决的五大问题。第三部分从国外相似立法的比较研究维度出发,论述了域外立法经验对我国信访立法的借鉴意义。第四部分从信访立法重点内容分析的维度出发,论述了信访立法的设想。该部分内容主要是针对信访立法的前提中提出的五大问题提供立法解决方案。【英文摘要】 Petition system with Chinese characteristics is a political and legal system, which play an active role .In the same time a number of practical problems is occured. At present, an effective solution to the problem of petition is the rule of law. The development of the legal system of petition and the goal of the rule of law great is of great significance. It can be said that the development of petition system to improve the legal system is the logical starting point for the rule of law. Thesis is divided into introduction, the theory and conclusion. The theory section includes four parts: the first part discusses the power of legislation from the necessity of Petition. This part contains the social value of the petition system, the legal value of the petition system, the cultural traditions of law, and legal system of petition. The second part discusses the premise of the petition legislation, from exact position of the petition and the issue which the petition legislation should resolve. This part contains two aspects. First of all, the function of the petition is summarized and the basis on rigorous analysis of the functions of petition, and the function is to oversight of the executive power. Second, it points out that the legislation should be discussed with the relevant, and five major issues petition legislation addresses to. The third part discusses the reference siginificance of extra-territorial legislative petition experience to us, from a comparative study on similar abroad petition legislation. The Forth part analyzes the content of Legislative Council, and discusses the idea of the petition. This part provides the solution to the five major issues metioned before. 【中文关键词】 信访; 信访立法; 信访功能; 申诉专员制度 【英文关键词】 Petition; the function of petition; the Legislative of Petition; The system of Ombudsman 【论文目录】内容提要 4-5 Abstract 5 引言 8-10 一、信访立法的动力:信访立法的必要性 10-20 (一) 信访制度的社会作用 11-14 (二) 信访制度的立法价值 14-16 (三) 符合法律文化传统是法律资源的本土化 16-17 (四) 完善信访法律体系的需要 17-20 二、信访立法的前提:功能定位及明确立法要解决的问题 20-29 (一) 信访功能的准确定位 20-26 (二) 信访立法要解决的问题 26-29 三、信访立法的借鉴:国外相关立法的启示 29-38 (一) 国外相关法律制的现状 30-36 (二) 国外相关立法的启示 36-38 四、信访立法的设想:立法重点内容分析 38-58 (一) 信访法的法律原则 39-42 (二) 针对“效率权威问题”的立法回应 42-45 (三) 针对“信访秩序问题”的立法回应 45-49 (四) 针对“无理访问题”的立法回应 49-51 (五) 针对“信访博弈问题”的立法回应 51-55 (六) 针对“信访减压问题”的立法回应 55-58 结语 58-59 参考文献 59-63 后记 63