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    外研版七年级英语上册Module 5 ppt课件.ppt

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    外研版七年级英语上册Module 5 ppt课件.ppt

    ,Module 5My school day,Unit 1I love history.,Do you know my friend?,He has got a round(圆的)face,and three hands,but he hasnt got feet.,He works from day to night.,He tells me the time every day.,a clock,Lead-in,Its 3 oclock.,Whats the time?(What time is it?)(When is it?),Its 4 oclock.,Lead-in,顺读法:小时在前,分钟在后。逆读法:分钟在前,小时在后。,整点钟读法:6:00 six oclock,时间表达方式,Lead-in,表达方法是:依次用基数词说出所给小时和分钟。,顺读法,6:05 6:15 6:30 6:45 6:55,six five six fifteen six thirty six forty-five six fifty-five,Lead-in,顺读法:,9:23 nine twenty-three 8:31eight thirty-one2:47two forty-seven,Lead-in,逆读法,分两种情况:,当所给分钟30,表达方式:分钟past小时。这里past是“过”的意思。,7:25,twenty-five past seven,9:07,seven past nine,Lead-in,逆读法,2.当所给分钟30,表达方式:(60-分钟)to(小时1)。这里to是“差”的意思。,7:45,fifteen to eight,9:57,three to ten,5:49,eleven to six,Lead-in,How to tell the time in English?,9:1010:1511:2012:30,nine tenten past nineten fifteenfifteen past ten eleven twentytwenty past eleventwelve thirtythirty past twelve,Lead-in,three forty twenty to four four forty-fivefifteen to five five fifty-six four to six,3:404:455:56,Lead-in,1.使用逆读法时,如果所表述的时间恰好为半小时,可以用“half+past+所给小时”,11:30 thirty past eleven=half past eleven2:30 thirty past two=half past two,Lead-in,2.使用逆读法时,如果所表述的分钟和15有关,可以用 a quarter来表达,9:15 fifteen past nine=a quarter past nine,3:45 fifteen to four=a quarter to four,Lead-in,Its your turn:8:15 8:45 10:30,eight fifteen;fifteen past eight;a quarter past eight,eight forty-five;fifteen to nine;a quarter to nine,ten thirty;thirty past ten;half past ten,Lead-in,Look at the pictures.Listen and repeat the time.,half past oclock past to,1.Its twelve oclock.,2.Its twenty past one.,3.Its half past six.,4.Its twenty to eleven.,Whats the time?,Presentation,Whats the time?,Its five to nine.,You have an English lesson at five to nine today.,Presentation,English,history,/hstri/,Presentation,Chinese,maths,ms,Presentation,IT,art,t,Presentation,PE,geography,dirfi,Presentation,2.Match the pictures with the words from the box.,art,Chinese,art,Chinese,English,geography,history,IT,maths,PE,1._,2._,3._,4._,English,history,Presentation,5._,6._,7._,8._,maths,IT,geography,PE,Presentation,Chinese,art,English,history,maths,IT,PE,geography,I like because its interesting.,I dont like because its difficult.,My favourite subject is,Presentation,3.Listen and read,点击观看课文视频,Presentation,Check()the true sentences.,Presentation,4.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.,History is Bettys(1)_subject.She likes it(2)_its very(3)_.Tonys favourite(4)_ is Chinese.There are Chinese,science,IT and maths(5)_on Monday morning,but for Tony,maths is(6)_.,favourite,because,interesting,subject,lessons,difficult,Presentation,5.Listen and repeat.afternoon good talkbecause oclock what,Pronunciation and speaking,Presentation,1.When is your geography lesson?2.When is your English lesson?3.When is your Chinese lesson?,6.Answer the questions about yourself.,Presentation,7.Work in pairs.Talk about your lessons.,Presentation,A:What time is your art lessons?B:I have art atA:Do you like art?B:Yes,I do,but what about you?,Work in pairs,Presentation,Module 5My school day,Unit 2We start work ai nine oclock.,Look at the time and talk about the pictures.,6:30,get up,7:00,have breakfast,For example:,I get up at half past six.,I.at.,Lead-in,have lunch,go to school,start lessons,have a break,7:30,8:00,11:00,12:00,Lead-in,go home,4:00,have dinner,5:30,7:30,do homework,go to bed,9:00,Lead-in,Listen and read,My school day,Presentation,Pre-reading:Match the pictures.,have lunch,sleep,go home,play football,have lessons,have breakfast,Presentation,Activity 1-Read the passage and put the pictures in order.,a,b,c,d,e,f,1,2,3,5,6,4,While-reading:,Presentation,Activity 2-Match the times with the pictures.,7:30 am _ 10:00 pm _11:00 am _ 12:30 pm _ 3:30 pm _ 9:00 am _,c,d,b,a,e,f,f,e,d,c,b,a,Presentation,1 I get up/start work at half past seven.2 We have a break/have lunch at half past twelve.3 I go home/watch TV in the evening.4 I do my homework/see my friends in the evening.5 I go home/go to sleep at ten oclock.,Activity 3-Underline the correct expressions.,Presentation,Read paragraph 1-3 and finish the task.判断正误(T,F)1、I go to school on Saturday and Sunday.()2、We start lessons at half past eight.()3、We have a break at eleven oclock.(),F,F,T,Activity 4,weekdays,nine oclock,Presentation,Read paragraph 4-6 and answer the questions.1、Where do we have lunch?2、When do we start lessons in the afternoon?,We have lunch in the dining hall.,We start lessons in the afternoon at half past one.,Presentation,Read the passage loudly.,Post-reading:,Presentation,Find out these sentences from the passage.,1.I get up at half past seven in the morning,and then have breakfast.,get up:“起床”。如:What time do you_?你几点起床?,have breakfast.吃早餐,e.g.have lessons have dinner have a look,get up,上课 吃饭 看一看,Presentation,2.Then we go home at half past three.,go home是一个固定搭配,意为“回家”。因为home在这里作副词,故home的前面不能加介词to。关于 go的短语:,go to school“去上学”go to work“去上班”go to bed表示“去睡觉”,Presentation,3.We start lessons in the afternoon at half past one.,start,意为开始;着手,start+sth.start+to do sth.start+doing sth.,start也可用作名词,意为“开始;开端”。如:,The start of the film is very interesting.,电影的开头非常有趣。,Presentation,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.The first class _(start)at eight oclock.2.My brother started _(play)football when he was ten years old.,starts,playing/to play,Practice,Presentation,get up,go to school,9:00,11:00,have lunch,go home,watch TV,do my homework and go to bed,Im Alex.I go to school on weekdays.I get up at half past seven.,1:30,Post-reading:Speaking activity-Retelling,Presentation,1.Write some sentences about yourself.I get up at2.Work in pairs.Use the sentences to talk about your school day.I get up at half past seven.We start work at nine oclock.We have lunch at half past twelve.,Writing,Presentation,1.I get up at seven oclock.I go to school at eight oclock.I get up at seven oclock,and then go to school at eight oclock.,Look at the sentences:,Presentation,Now join these sentences with and then.1.In the morning,we get up.We go to school.2.In the afternoon,we have lessons.We play football in the playground.,In the morning,we get up,and then go to school.In the afternoon,we have lessons,and then we play football in the playground.,Presentation,3.In the evening,I have dinner.I do my homework.4.In the evening,I do my homework.I go to bed.,I the evening,I have dinner,and then do my homework.In the evening,I do my homework,and then go to bed.,Presentation,Summary:短语,have breakfast,go to school,have lessons,have a break,Presentation,have lunch,go home,do homework,have dinner,go to bed,Presentation,For example:I get up at half past seven in the morning,and then have breakfast.吃早餐,Get to know about have,Presentation,have lessons have dinner have a rest have a good time have a look,上课,吃饭,休息,玩的愉快,看一看,Presentation,Homework,Write a passage about Chinese school days,write sentences like:I/We get up at I/We go home at I/We homework at,Homework,Module 5My school day,Unit 3Language in use,We have Chinese at eight oclock.We dont have maths.Do you like maths?Yes,I do.In the evening,I watch TV and have dinner with my family.,Language practice,Simple present tense(一般现在时),My hair is long.,目前存在的事实,状态,Paul often plays football after school.,经常做的事,习惯性动作,Cats eat fish.,客观事实,普遍真理,一、什么叫实义动词?实义动词是指表示某种动作行为,有具体意思的动词,也叫行为动词。如:like,eat,live,have,run 等等,它们的意思分别是:“喜欢”、“吃”、“居住”、“有”、“跑”等等,这些都是实义动词。实义动词占英语中动词的绝大多数。,实义动词的一般现在时,二、人称的划分,1.第一人称:I,we 第二人称:you 第三人称:he,she,it,they,Millie,2.第三人称单数:第三人称中指一个人或事物的代词或名词,如:he,she,it,Millie,his friend,the dog等。,?,你能再举出一些第三人称单数的例子吗?,三、一般现在时实义动词作谓语时 的动词形式:,一般现在时实义动词作谓语时的动词形式有两种:动词原形或第三人称单数动词形式(如:enjoy叫原形,enjoys叫第三人称单数形式)。,Match the words in Column A with the words and expressions in Column B.,A B 1 have a)dinner b)your homework c)to school2 do d)a break e)an English lesson f)to bed3 go g)home,Make phrases with do,have or go.1._ dinner 2._ your homework 3._to school 4._ a break 5._ an English lesson 6._ housework7._ to bed 8._ home,have,have,have,do,do,go,go,go,learning to learn,We often use have,do and go in English.Make notes of all expressions you hear or see:have breakfast,do exercise,go swimming.,I go to school at half past seven in the morning.,Now talk about your school day.,On Friday I have a busy day.I(1)_at half past six in the morning.Then I wash my hands and face,and(2)_at seven.,get up,have breakfast,Complete the passage with the expressions from the box.,At half past seven,I(3)_,and(4)_at eight.There are four lessons in the morning.At twenty to ten,we(5)_for twenty minutes.We go to the playground and I talk with my friends.,start work,have a break,go to school,We(6)_ in the school dining hall.In the afternoon,we have two lessons and go home at half past three.I dont(7)_ on Friday evening.I do it on Saturday.,have lunch,do homework,1.时间的表达方式。1)直接表示时间法:就是按照几点几分的顺序来表示时间。(这个最简单)例如:8:00eight oclock5:20five twenty 2)添加介词表示法:如果分数小于或等于30,就用past来表示,结构是“分钟+past+该点钟”;如果分钟大于30,就用to来表示,结构是“分钟+to+下一点钟”,例如:12:05 five past twelve 9:50ten to ten 8:40twenty to nine 如果分钟是15,一般用a quarter 来代替fifteen;如果分钟是30,一般用half来代替thirty。例如:9:15a quarter past nine 11:30half past eleven 2:45a quarter to three,用英语写出下列时间6:00 _ 5:30_8:10 _ 7:20 _9:50 _ 10:40 _4:15 _ 3:45 _,six oclock five thirty half past five eight ten ten past eight seven twenty twenty past sevennine fifty ten to ten ten forty twenty to elevenfour fifteen a quarter past four three forty-five a quarter to four,2.用在时间前的介词(at,in,on)的用法。at常用来表示在某点时间,即“在几点几分;在某一时刻”。如:Sheusuallygetsupat6:00inthemorning.她通常早上点起床。Themanoftengetstohisofficeat8:30.这个男人经常8:30到他的办公室。,另外,at还可以用在atnight(在晚上),atlast(最后),atweekends(在周末)atnoon(在中午)等固定短语中。on常用来表示“在某天或星期几”。另外,表示“在某天的上、下午或晚上”时,介词也用on。,如:onSunday(在星期天),onweekends(在周末),onFebruary8th(在二月八日),onMondaymorning(在星期一上午),ontheafternoonofNovember21st(在十一月二十一日下午)onacoldwinterevening(在一个寒冷冬天的夜晚),in表示“在某一段时间”,如某年、某月、某个季节,如:in1998(在1998年)inMarch(在三月),insummer(在夏天)。另外,在某一些固定短语中要用in,如:inthemorning,intheevening,intheday,inthemiddleoftheday。,Complete the sentences with at,in or on.1.We go to school _ the morning.2.We dont go to school _ Sunday.3.We dont have a science lesson _Wednesday.4.I get up _ seven oclock.5.We go home _ the afternoon.6.We have dinner _ half past six.,in,in,on,on,at,at,Complete the sentences with the words from the box.,1 We have maths after_ today.2 I like maths.Its my favourite _.3 Our maths teacher is very good and she makes it_.4 I like it_ its interesting.5 I do my maths _ first after school every day.,homework,break,subject,because,interesting,Around the world,The school day in the UK,In the UK,children have five lessons in the day and finish school at half past three in the afternoon.After school they go swimming,play football,have music lessons and play with their friends.They also do homework like you.,The school day in the UK,Work in pairs.,Talk about your ideal school day.,汉译英:1.在七点钟_ 2.在上午_3.在星期天_ 4.在星期一的上午 _5.吃晚饭_ 6.课间休息_,at seven oclock in the morning on Sunday on Monday morning have supper have a break,Exercises,7.上床睡觉_ 8.做家庭作业_9.上英语课_ 10.回家_11.上学_ 12.干家务活_,go to bed do ones homework have an English lesson go home go to school do housework,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空格处填入正确的词,使短文意思完整。In America,we go to s_from Monday to Friday.On school days,I g_ up at seven and have my breakfast at half p_ seven.Our lessons s_ at eight.And we d_ have many lessons in a day.,chool,et,ast,tart,ont,At half past eleven,we have a b_ and then we have our l_ in the dining hall.In the afternoon,we f_ school at about three.Then we can go home.But many boys in my school l_ to play football on the playground after school.What a_ your school day?,reak,unch,inish,ike,bout,1.我每天坐公共汽车去上学。I _ by bus every day.2.我和妹妹在一中上学。My sister and I _ No.1 Middle School.3.他们家早餐吃米粉。His family _ rice noodles for breakfast.4.地球绕着太阳转。The earth _ the sun.,go to school,study in,have,goes around,Homework,Write a passage about your school day.,


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