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    Module 5,外研版2020五年级英语上册优质课件,Unit1 Unit2,Unit1,目 录,使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。,Unit 2,外研版英语六年级上册,第一课时,第二课时,Module 5Unit 1 Can you be my Chinese pen friend?,第一课时,Look and say.You can use“I can”or“I cant”,Guess:he she says“I can”or“I cant”,dance,I cant dance.,play the violin,I can play the violin.,Guess:he she says“I can”or“I cant”,play football,I can play football.,Guess:he she says“I can”or“I cant”,I cant play table tennis.,play table tennis,Guess:he she says“I can”or“I cant”,play computer games,I can play computer games.,Guess:he she says“I can”or“I cant”,Whats this?,Its a panda.,What can he do?,He can climb the tree.,Can he speak English?,Look,listen and say.,1.Can the panda speak English?,No,he cant.,2.Who can speak English?,The bird can speak English.,Look,theres a panda!,Daming:Can he speak English?Simon:No,he cant,but his teacher speaks Englilsh.,Hello!,This is my pen friend.,net friend 网友,This is my pen friend.,Her name is Laura.,Hi,boys and girls,Im Laura.Pleased to meet you!,I can speak some Chinese,but I cant write in Chinese.I can write in English.Can you be my pen friend?I can give you my address.,dress,dress-address/dres/,Summary,Pleased to meet you!为省略句,其完整句型为:Im very pleased to meet you!,高兴的,满足的,同义词:,glad/happy/nice,Pleased to meet/see you!=Glad to meet you!=Nice to meet you!,高兴去干某事:pleased to do something,pleased:,词汇串烧,Pen friend,pen friend.Who can be my pen friend?Can you be my pen friend?Yes,yes.This is my address.,笔友,笔友。谁能成为我的笔友?你能成为我的笔友吗?是的,是的。这是我的地址。,根据图片内容造句。,I cant _.,Can you _?,I can _.,draw pictures,play the violin,ride a bike,1.朗读并背诵第五模块第一单元的单词。2.朗读第五模块第一单元活动一的句型。3.预习第五模块第一单元活动二的课文。4.试着用can和cant分别写两个句子。,Homework,第二课时,Sing a song.,1.Who is she?,She is Laura.,2.Can you tell me more about Laura?,She can speak some Chinese.She cant write in Chinese.She can write in English.,Listen,read and act out.,from China,can speak some English,can write in English,cant write in Chinese,from England,1.Where is Laura from?Laura is from the UK.2.How many English friends has Daming got?He has got two English friends.3.Can Daming speak English?Yes,he can.4.Can Laura write in Chinese?No,she cant.5.Can Daming be Lauras Chinese pen friend?Yes,he can.,Laura:Hi,Simon.Simon:Hi,Laura.This is my cousin Daming.Hes from China.Laura:Hello,Daming.Im from the UK.Pleased to meet you!Can you speak English?Daming:Yes,I can speak some English.Simon:You speak very good English,Daming!,Daming:Ive got two friends from the UK.Their names are Sam and Amy.Laura:Can I write to your friends?Daming:Of course.They want a pen friend from the US.This is their address.,Laura:And can you be my Chinese pen friend?Daming:Yes,of course.This is my address in China.Laura:Thank you!But I cant write in Chinese.Daming:Oh,I can write in English!,Daming cant speak any English.Sam and Amy want a pen friend from the US.Daming can be Lauras pen friend.Daming can write in English.Laura can write in Chinese.,F,T,T,T,F,Daming is Simons,he is from.He can speak.Daming has got friends from,their names are and.Daming can be Lauras,they can write to each other in.,cousin,China,English,two,The UK,Sam,Amy,Chinese pen friend,English,A:_ you speak English?B:Yes,I can speak some English.,A:Can you be my Chinese _?B:Yes,of course.This is my _ in China.,Listen and say.,Can,pen friend,address,A:Can you speak English?B:Yes,I can speak some English.,A:Can you be my Chinese pen friend?B:Yes,of course.This is my address in China.,A:Can you speak English?B:Yes,I can speak some English.,A:Can you be my Chinese pen friend?B:Yes,of course.This is my address in China.,活动指导1.看图并了解游戏规则:记忆接龙,先转述前面所有同学说过的句子,再用can来表达自己的能力。2.注意can没有人称和数的变化,复习学过的动词(短语)。3.创编对话,然后五人一组,分组表演。,I can dance.,He can dance and I can play chess.,He can dance,she can play chess and I can play football.,Practise.,Summary,can:,例句:I can make a model plane.我会制作飞机模型。,为情态动词,意为“能、会”,后面接动词原形。,变一般疑问句时,直接将can提至主语之前。,Can you make a model plane?,变为否定句时,直接在can后加not,即can not,缩写为cant。,I can not(cant)make a model plane.,()1.Where are you?.Im the UK.A.to;from B.from;from C.from;to()2.Lingling can English songs.A.sings B.singing C.sing()3.Please me soon.A.writing to B.write to C.writes to()4.Can you my Chinese pen friend?Yes,!A.do;OK B.be;thank you C.be;of course()5.Hello,Duoduo.Pleased to meet you.A.Yes.B.Thank you.C.Pleased to meet you,too.,单项选择,B,C,B,C,C,1.朗读并背诵第五模块第一单元学习的单词。2.朗读并背诵活动二的课文。3.用can和cant写一段话,描写自己会做什么,不会做什么。,Homework,外研版英语六年级上册,第一课时,第二课时,Module 5Unit 2 I can speak French.,I _,but I _.,cant draw,can ride,The boy _,but he _.,can play football,cant play basketball,第一课时,_ she _?_,_.,Can dance,No she cant,_ she _?_,_.,Can sing,Yes she can,can your grandma do?She can.,What they?They can.,What,make zongzi,can do,play chess,speak English,play basketball,sing songs,speak Chinese,write emails,?,What can she do?,Ask and answer(问答对话练习):,活动要求:小组内两两对话练习。,A:Whats your hobby?,B:I like./My hobby is.,I like reading./My hobby is reading books.,Do you want to know what my hobby is?,a picture book,a story book,I like eating,too.,I love candy.,c,Summary,1,2,3,4,故事,法语,糖果,学习要求:认真观看活动一视频,听听Amy和Sam说了什么?它们会做什么?,Look,listen and say.,What can Sam do?,What can Amy do?,He can write in English and Chinese.,She can write in French.,Sam:I a pen friend.We write in and.Amy:I want a.We can write.,want,can,Amy:Tom,you a pen friend?Sam:No,he a phone friend.,English Chinese,pen friend,in French,do want,wants,Sam:I want a pen friend.We can write in English and Chinese.Amy:I want a pen friend.We can write in French.,Amy:Tom,do you want a pen friend?Sam:No,he wants a phone friend.,Sam:I want a pen friend.We can write in English and Chinese.Amy:I want a pen friend.We can write in French.,Amy:Tom,do you want a pen friend?Sam:No,he wants a phone friend.,Summary,听说指导:为什么Tom不想要一个pen friend,而想要一个phone friend?请思考、讨论。,Tom太小,还不会写信,所以只能通过电话和朋友交谈。短语phone friend 是由pen friend变化而来的。,1.Can you my Chinese pen friend?2.She can write emails and in English.3.My little brother a pen friend.4.names are Sam and Amy.5.I can speak and French.,读句子选词语,并用单词的正确形式填空。,story are want they China,be,stories,wants,Their,Chinese,1.朗读并背诵第五模块第二单元的单词。2.朗读第五模块第二单元活动一的句型。3.预习第五模块第二单元活动二的课文。,Homework,第二课时,学习要求:初步认识四位新朋友。,Mike,Sydney,Australia,学习要求:初步认识四位新朋友。,Tingting,Hong Kong,China,学习要求:初步认识四位新朋友。,Jim,London,UK,学习要求:初步认识四位新朋友。,Linda,San Francisco,US,学习要求:观看活动二课文视频,进一步了解我们刚才认识的四个好朋友。,Listen and read.,学习要求:跟读课文,注意模仿语音语调。,Name:MikeAge:11City:Sydney,Australia I can speak English.I like football,reading,swimming and singing songs.,判断下列内容是否正确。,()1.Mike is twelve years old.()2.Mikes address is Sydney,Australia.()3.Mike cant sing songs.()4.Mike likes reading and swimming.,Name:TingingAge:13City:Hong Kong,ChinaI can write emails and stories in English.I like drawing and playing games.,听第二段录音,选择正确的答案。,1.Tingting is _ years old.A.eleven B.twelve C.thirteen2.Tingtings is from_.A.Guangdong,China B.Hong Kong,China C.London,England3.Tingting can write emails and stroies in_.A.French B.English C.Chinese,Name:JimAge:12City:London,UKI can speak French.I like music,riding my bicycle and collecting stamps.,This is _.He is_.He is from_,_.,He can _.,He likes _,_and _.,Jim,12,LondonUK,speakFrench,music,riding his bicycle,collectingstamps,Name:LindaAge:12City:San Francisco,USI can speak English and Chinese.I like dancing and painting,and I love my pet dog,Alex.I love candy too!,She can speak _ and_.,She likes _,_and she likes her _dog.,This is _.,She is _.,She is from _.,Linda,12,San Francisco,US,English Chinese,dancing painting,pet,g,语音指导:1.听音,整体感知单词的重音和句子的重读。2.听音并逐句跟读,体会句子中黑体部分与非黑体部分、画线部分和未画线部分的语音差异。,Can you speak English?Yes,I can speak some English.But I cant write in Chinese.Oh,I can write in English!,Listen and learn to say.,Listen and say.Then sing.,活动指导:1.看图并听音频或观看动画,理解活动要求:四人一组,学生A展示自己的能力,学生B、C、D也展示相同的能力。2.四人轮流扮演学生A的角色。每个人应充分展示自己,以增强游戏的趣味性,比如可以做一个鬼脸动作或武术动作,可以说一个绕口令或唱首英文歌曲,也可以学动物叫等。,Listen and do.,Can you do what I can do?Can you do what I can do?Yes,we can!,Can you say what I can say?Can you say what I can say?Yes,we can!,Can you singwhat I can sing?Can you sing what I can sing?Yes,we can!,Summary,like:,意思是“喜欢”。喜欢做某事有两种表达方式,但两者在意思上有区别,,like doing sth.表示一贯的行为;“like to do sth.表示某一次具体的行为。,I like singing songs.我喜欢唱歌。(表示我一直喜欢唱歌,是一 贯的行为。)I like to sing songs today.我今天喜欢唱歌。(只表示我今天喜欢唱歌,是今天这一次的行为。),单项选择,()1.Can you _ my English pen friend?A.be B.are C.is()2.-_ you want a new friend?-Yes,of course.A.Do B.Can C.Are()3._ to meet you!A.Please B.Pleased C.Pleasure()4.Laura is from _.A.the UK B.US C.UK,A,A,B,A,任务要求:请在学习任务单上根据以下提示完成自我介绍,并拍照上传。,Please be my pen friend!,Name:,Age:,City:,My favourite festival:,Abilities:,Hobbies:,从活动二中挑选出一个笔友,并给他写一封信。要求在信中着重做自我介绍,讲述自己的兴趣爱好和能力。作业完成之后,大声地读给你的爸爸妈妈听。提交作业要求:拍照和录音/视频。,Homework,


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