外企英文简历PPT模版,20,Man,Miller Chen,EDUCATION,POSITIVE,SPECULATIVE,ASPIRANT,ADAPTABLE,2010-2013,Bachelor of Psychology,University of Oxford,Monkee graduated from the University of California,Riverside with a Bachelors Degree of Arts in Psychology.,2013-2015,Master of Arts in Economics,Tsinghua University,I completed my MastersinEconomicsfromBeijing,2013-2015,Doctor of Management,Peking University,MyPh.D.inManagementfromPekingUniversity,Psychology Scholarship,I like basketball.I decided that if I were good enough,I would get a scholarship.,Chinese Culture Scholarship,He won a scholarship to the University of Ibadan where he read English,history and theology.,Presidents Scholarship,I like basketball.I decided that if I were good enough,I would get a scholarship.,Personal Achievement,Work Experience,You may fill in any work experience,such as internship,invited lectures or international conference.,2011-2012,Work Experience,The ability to work and experience important,but equally important character and accomplishments,or even:character than capacity.,Beijing,Work Experience#1,2014,2015,Your Text,Your Text,Text,Work Experience#2,2016,Work Experience#3,Text Title,Theincreaseofeconomyhas nowslowed down.,Text Title,Realincomeper headrosebyabout16 per centinthe pastthreeyears.,WRITING,And so when the writing took off,I let the writing kind of lead me.,Hisspeechgreatlykeyedup theteamforthefootball match.,SPEECH,ANALYSIS,It might also surprise you that the analysis found 0%blocking on Christian websites.,80%,60%,70%,PERSONAL ABILITY,Power Point,Word,Excel,Photoshop,There being no one to help me,I had to do it all alone.,MY HOBBIES,Traveling,Film,Music,Photography,Ive seen just tons of people doing different things.,All the characters in the film are drawn from life.,I play the violin.I love music.,Photography is a language,Monkey_,100%,90%,80%,70%,60%,50%,40%,30%,20%,10%,100%,90%,80%,70%,60%,50%,40%,30%,20%,10%,0%,10%,20%,30%,40%,50%,60%,70%,80%,100%,OFFER,CONGREGATION!,