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    ,器官移植病人的护理,南宫生传阅读答案及翻译南宫生传阅读答案及翻译PAGE/NUMPAGES南宫生传阅读答案及翻译南宫生传南宫生,吴人。伟躯干,博涉书传。少任侠,喜击剑走马,尤善弹,指飞鸟下之。家素厚藏,生用周养宾客,及与少年饮博游戏,尽丧其资。逮壮,见天下大乱,思自树功业,乃谢酒徒去,学兵,得风后握奇陈法。将北走中原,从豪杰计事,会道梗,周流无所合。遂溯大江,游金陵,入金华、会稽诸山,渡浙江,泛具区而归。家居以气节闻,衣冠慕之,争往迎候,门止车日数十两。生亦善交,无贵贱,皆倾身与相接。有二军将恃武横甚,数殴辱士类,号虎冠。其一尝召生饮,或曰:彼酗,不可近也。生笑曰:使酒人恶能勇?吾将柔之矣。即命驾往,坐上座,为语古贤将事。其人竦听,居樽下拜起为寿,至罢会,无失仪。其一尝遇生客次,顾生不下己,目慑生而起。他日见生独骑出,从健儿,带刀策马踵生后,若将肆暴者。生故缓辔当中道路,不少避。知生非懦懦,遂引去,不敢突冒呵避。明旦介客诣生谢,请结欢。性抗直多辩,好箴切友过。有忤己,则面数之,无留怨。时藩府数用师,生私策其隽蹶多中。有言生于府,欲致生幕下,不能得,将中生法,生以智免。家虽以贫,然喜事故在,或馈酒肉,立召客与饮啖相乐。四方游士至吴者,生察其贤,必与周旋款曲,延誉上下。所知有丧疾不能葬疗者,以告生,辄令削牍疏所乏,为请诸公间营具之,终饮其德不言。故人皆多生,谓似楼君卿、原巨先而贤过之。久之,稍厌事,阖门寡将迎。辟一室,庋历代法书周彝汉砚唐雷氏琴,日游其间以自娱。素工草隶,逼钟、王,患求者众,遂自秘,希复执笔。歆慕静退,时赋诗见志,怡然处约,若将终身。赞曰:生之行凡三变,每变而益善。尚侠末矣!(选自明代高启高太史凫藻集)【注释】风后:传说是黄帝时的一个大官。具区:太湖的古称。藩府:指元朝末年张士诚占据苏州,称吴王。隽蹶:胜败。楼君卿、原巨先:都是任侠好客的人。钟、王:钟繇、王羲之。17写出下列加点词在句中的意思。(4分)(1)生用周养宾客()(2)乃谢酒徒去()(3)有忤己,则面数之()(4)故人皆多生()18下列各组中加点词的用法和意义相同的一项是()(2分)A久之,稍厌事 非曰能之,愿学焉B生察其贤,必与周旋款曲 与善仁,言善信C家虽以贫,然喜事故在 犹不能不以之兴怀D泛具区而归 垂拱而治19把下列句子译成现代汉语。(6分)(1)生亦善交,无贵贱,皆倾身与相接。(2)使酒人恶能勇?吾将柔之矣。20.概括第段南宫生制服二军将的方法是。(2分)21文末说生之行凡三变,联系全文,加以简述。(3分)参考答案:语文网17.(4分)(1)接济,救济(2)辞别(3)责备(4)称赞18(2分)C19.(6分)(1)南宫生也喜爱跟人结交,无论尊贵、低贱的人,(他)都弯着身子恭敬地跟(他们)交往。(2)依仗酒醉撒酒风的人怎么会勇悍?我将要制服他。20.(2分)以理服人,讲古代贤将故事;示强不惧,不放眼里、故意抗衡21.(3分)早年的尚侠;壮年思自树功业,学兵习武,但无所遇;晚年静退,怡然处约。参考译文:(五)南宫生,是苏州人。身材高大,读书很多。年轻时喜爱侠义的行为,爱好击剑和骑马,尤其长于用弹弓,对准飞的鸟就能击落它。家中向来财物多,南宫生就因此供养宾客,并且和青少年一起喝酒赌钱,花尽了家中的资产。到了壮年,见天下大乱,就想着要建功立业,于是离开酒肉朋友们,去学习兵法,学得了风后布阵打仗的方法。准备往北到中原去,追随豪杰们图谋大的事业,正赶上道路不通,各处走走未遇中意之人,就沿着长江往上走,到了南京,又到了金华县和会稽山,渡过钱塘江,在太湖上游行过一通后归来。南宫生在家乡一向以有气节而出名,士大夫们都仰慕他,争着到他家请他或问候他,他家门前停放(来宾)的车一天有几十辆。南宫生也喜爱跟人结交,无论尊贵、低贱的人,(他)都弯着身子恭敬地跟(他们)交往。有两个武官靠着有武力,很蛮横,多次殴打侮辱读书人,(人们)称说(他们)是戴着帽子的老虎。其中一个人曾经请南宫生喝酒,有人说:那个人酒醉后会行凶伤人,不能跟他接近。南宫生笑着说:依仗酒醉撒酒风的人怎么会勇悍?我将要制服他。即命令仆人套车前往,酒席上南宫生坐在上座,给(那个军将)讲说古代好将帅的故事。那个人非常恭敬地听着,又停住酒杯屈身下拜起身敬酒,一直到宴会结束,也没有失礼的地方。另外一个人曾经在别人家作客时遇到南宫生,看到南宫生不把自己放在眼里,就怒目而视南宫生并离开了。某一天看见南宫生一个人骑着马出去,就带了一些打手,拿着刀策马跟在南宫生的后面,好像就要动手打人。南宫生故意放慢缰绳在路中央走,一点也不躲避。那个人知道南宫生不是软弱的人,就带着人走了,不敢冲撞冒犯叫他避开道。第二天早上那个人还由朋友引见到南宫生那里赔礼,请求交好。南宫生性格刚直,善于谈论,喜爱规劝朋友的过错。朋友中有抵触自己的,就当面指出他的过错,一点也不记仇。当时藩府多次用兵打仗,南宫生私下推断藩府的胜败大多能猜中。有人到藩府说南宫生(如何推断军事胜败),(张士诚)想招致南宫生到藩府作幕客,没有办成,就设计让南宫生受到法律制裁,南宫生靠巧妙的主意没有受到危害。家里虽然因为受人陷害的事穷了,但喜爱跟人结交仍然那样,有时友人送来酒肉,他即刻召朋友一起吃喝共乐。四方到苏州游玩的士人,南宫生了解到他们是有贤德的,一定要殷勤恳切地和他们交往,在各种场合介绍他们宣扬他们的美德。相识的人家中死了人或生了病没有钱财以供安葬或治病的,告诉南宫生,他就让人用纸写清缺少什么,替他们向宾朋友人筹办,最后做了好事也不说。所以人们大多称赞他,说他像任侠好客的楼君卿、原巨先甚至超过了他们两人。很长时间以后,渐渐地不愿意到外面活动了,就关闭家门少接待宾客。清扫出一间屋子,收藏名书法家写的可以效法的字、周朝的铜器、汉代的笔砚和唐代的雷氏琴,天天在那里自娱自乐。他一向工于草书和隶书,近于钟繇、王羲之的造诣,但苦于索求的人太多,就隐藏不露,很少再拿笔写字。他羡慕安静退隐(的生活),常常作诗来表示自己的心意,安乐地过着朴素谦退的生活,像是要这样度过一生。赞曰:南宫生一生的品行共变化了三次,每次都变得更加完善。相比之下,他起初推崇侠义是最微不足道的。跳跳蛙字母工厂的英文字幕Leap frog_letter factory跳跳蛙字母工厂的英文字幕Leap frog_letter factoryPAGE/NUMPAGES跳跳蛙字母工厂的英文字幕Leap frog_letter factoryLeap frog _Letter factoryOK lets get into the car.Whos ready to go?We are ready.Here we are,at the letter factory.Everyones ready to help up with your fathers big letter presentation.Oktokey You ko chou key!Fortunately we have the most talented letters in the whole world.What makes them so special Dad?Well Tad our letters are the only letters in the world that can speak(L-er-tt-er)And they know exactly what to say.Thats important Tad,because when letters make sounds they work together to make words(Letter).Now I know you may be asking yourself what do we do with all these letters.Just push this button and youll see.AA,the Websleys Alphabet Book which contains every single letter of the alphabet and this is the books publisher Mr.Websley.The Websleys Alphabet Book is build with all the letters of the alphabet.But Now we need to convince Mr.Websley to make a talking alphabet book.Do you know what you need for that book?Letters that make sounds.(Sing:)Mr.Websley is coming around to see our letters and hear their sounds.Yes heres getting a special tour and then a big presentation.Kids Mr.Websley is one of the most important letter users in the world.Now Id like to introduce the big man who will be leading this factory tour-Dad.Yes were proud of the fact that we make the best letters in the world.O,O,O I want help.What can I do?(oo,)Oopps Sorry Ill clean it up.Well where is everybody?Ill get very grump if I have to wait for anything.Welcome to our letter factory Mr.Websley.Were Letters make exactly the right sound.Please hop aboard for your special tour.This bet be good,letters that make sounds.Ill believe it until I hear it.Leap,Lilly if you two could keep an eye on Tad.That will be great.Oktokey You ko chou key.O,I mean a Oktokey You ko chou key.Here are the letter factory.We make better letters than anywhere else in the world.Why?because we train our letters to make their sound absolutely perfect very time.Hey I find some old letters E-F-G and H that we can use to decorate the stage.I was thinking I could play this song.May be I could do a dance with this big letter O.E F G H,how many letters are there?Only 26 Tad,but maybe youre too little to remember all of them.Why dont you just sit and watch?Too little,just watch,get lost.No.,Tad.I didnt mean it like that.Leap we need to practice so the presentation will be perfect.Right Lilly Ill talk to Tad later.If I knew my letters I could help.Now entering the letter training area.All letters please report to the training area immediately.Caution intense and serious letter training now is progress.Im just too small to get my letters right.Hn,well wait a minute.Lets just see about that.As I suspected just perfect for learning letters.Allow me to introduce myself.My card.My name is Quigley.Professor Quigley.Nice to meet you.And Ill be happy to teach you your letters with a full-proved system developed right here by a very ingenious scientist.Who?Me.In these classrooms we teach every letter to make its correct sound why dont you join the As.(Wu ga wu ga Wu ga)?.Perfect!that was exactly the right sound for the letter A.?as in ant.Which reminds me I need to get this monster suit clean.What does the A say?(?)You see my boy learning letters is easy,Now you know:(Sing:)The A says?the A says?every letter makes sound the A says?.Wo,what letter is next?The letter B.Hey,this b forgot one of its bumps.That a lowercase b Tad.And this large one is called a capital B.Each letter can be either a capital or a low-case.But they both make the same sound.No matter what their shape and size.(Sing:3331 2227 3331 2227 iii6)bb b b,bb b b,bb b b Hold it,hold it.I heard a bong bong bong.Your are not cannons,you are the letter B-and(Sing:)The B says b?the B says b?every letter makes sound the B says b?.(o,a.blow to a igloo by a gust)(a,a KKK)Its cold in here.This is the C room.C makes the k sound as in cold.You are the letter C and your sound is k.(Little letter C:)kkk(Sing:)The C says k?the C says k?every letter makes sound the C says k?.Look out(aaaaa)Good thing I wear my long underwear.Oh,welcome to the D room Dadio.?I dig you wabs my main D.And We are here so they?spoking soaking your message.Crazy!Listen up cool kids,the D goes d as in dog.(Little letter d:)d d d I dig the D!Lets two into the crazy poetry.(Sing:)The D says d?the D says d?every letter makes sounds the D says d?.Well done done Tadios.Letters letters listen up.We really need to impress Mr Websley,so Im thinking of creating a incredible beginning for the presentation.OK First I need to build a big set with a slide.Leap we really dont have time for any changes.O,OK well then lets take then from the top with A B C and D.And Action(Sing:)The A says?The B says b?The C says k?The D says d?And here is where we use my remote control spot light.(A.)OK show maybe we dont use this spot light.What room is next professor?My boy just asks if is this the E room?Excuse my is this the E room.(e)Is this the E room(e),This guy dont help.He just keeps saying e.Thats right Tad.This is our E trainer.He is teaching the sound of letter E.e as in egg.(e-e)(Sing:)The E says e?the E says e?every letter makes sound the E says e?.Bravo!Perhaps we had best be going.O,no this E is missing a line.Actually thats the letter F.Can we go inside so I can learn what it sounds like?Certainly but I hope you dont get air sick!(Aa,wondering)All right F letters prepare for take off.Are we gone to get on a plane?Youll see.F letters make your sound:f f f f.CoolYes The sound of the Letter F is f.As in the word fly.Lets try it.f-hey Im flying.This is fun-.Yes that was works too.(Sing:)The F says f?the F says f?every letter makes sound the F says f?.Professor,learning letters is great.Yes and every room is a wonderful challenge.Hey,what letter is that?g g g-?lift those weight on the way what sound is the letter G say?g g g(Sing:)The G says g?the G says g?every letter makes sound the G says g?.This thing weighs a ton.(H H H)Wa,Its hot in here.Thats the sound of the letter H.And water make the Hs-Happy(Sing:)The H says h?the H says h?every letter makes sound the H says h?.Here is where we double check each letter to make sure it looks and sounds absolutely perfect.(Sing:)The E says e,The F says f?,The G says g,and The berst says bumpstAnd This is why we double check each and every letter and.I need a new letter H and check point three,a new letter H and check point three.(h h h h.)That the letter H we know and love.There are something missing here.Good thing I have my pen.There should be,above this lowercase i,a dot.Either or pealings of pen is empty.Hey,professor,great shot!Shall we enter.Yeh,yuck!If your are the letter I then the sound you make is i.This is where we train the I letter to make their sound.(i)correct(Sing:)The I says i?the I says i?every letter makes sound the I says i?.Professor I bet the letter J is next door buddies with the letter I.Why did you say that?Because they both have a dot.Excellent observation.The letter J makes the sound of d?.(d?d?d?d?)(Sing:)The J says d?the J says d?every letter makes sound the J says d?.Im going to have get that fixed.Ha,the K letters are hard at work.(k k k)Ha,?gret shopper Its a kick to learn the sound of the most humble letter K.(Sing:)The K says k the K says k every letter makes sound the K says k?.k,like a kick.It is the young but wise frog who becomes one of the alphabet.Hey thats the letter L.Ri-ghtI know because my brother Leap and my sister Lilly have one of those in the beginning of their names(Sing:113555555 113555555 224666666 224666655)llllThe L letters learn their sound well,lll licking lll lollipopsI wish I were a letter L.(Sing:)The L says l the L says l every letter makes sound the L says l?.The L says lick(Lick a lollipop)OK letters well do two spins to the right,then letter I you do an whirl pair web?,letter J a jumps?sqaure/kick,letter K a kick turn and letter L a launch,here we go.Haa,They are the world best letters not the world best dancers.Lets hear it.(Sing:)The I says i?The J says d?The K says k and The L says l-They sound great but Leap we better hurry with the rest of the letters.Dads tours is almost over.Welcome to the tastiest room the whole factory.Letters you are know as the M.And M makes the most marvelous sound.mmmmMarvelous!(Sing:)The M says m the M says m every letter makes sound the m says m?.(Hiccup)Excuse me(Knock,knock,knock)Hello,anybody home?The N letters can be little bit crabby.Hello Im teaching Tadio all about the letter N,and I was wondering if you would be kind as to let us hear your sound.(No!)How about afternoon?(Nop!)Near nine a clock?(Not up)Next November No,No,No.Not afternoon,not near nine a clock,no next November,not now not ever never.Tad perhaps well have to come back to this roomHey professor,the N says nWa,thats correct.(Sing:)The N says n the N says n every letter makes sound the N says n?.Where are we professor Quigley.Tad this is the O room.And I would advise that you duck.Duck why?-?,(?-?)the O says?as in ox and octopus,?-?(?-?).Odd?You mean the O says?as in the word-odd.Yes,and its odd the O letters didnt follow their trainer.but(Sing:)The O says?the O says?every letter makes sound the O says?.pppp.Hey professor whats that noise and that smell?It smells like,like ppp popcorn.Just make sure you wait until they finished pp popping.We are the letter P and the sound we make is p(Sing:)The P says p the P says p every letter makes sound the P says p?.Liking popping popcorn.En,need salt.Listen everybody.(Sing:)The M says m,The N says n,The O says?,and The P says p,mmm,mmm,?Class,in addition to Tad join us today,we have two guest speakers Dick duck and Marly Mulerd.Ho,cool.They will be discussing the sound of the letter Q.Please Marly beginq quar quar quar quar quar-q quar quar quar quar quar Any questions?Good now Lets review(Sing:)The Q says q the Q says q every letter makes sound the Q says q?.rrr Welcome to the r room.We are rrraving up for the big day of learning.R letters lets ride-rrr-rrr(Sing:)The R says r the R says r every letter makes sound the R says r?.Greetings to all the S letters.Our speaker all the way from the jungles of Africa its the worlds far most authority and astrologer,So listen carefully.s-(Sing:)The S says s the S says s every letter makes sound the S says s?.ttt-(Sing:)Without the T we will be,We love just doing our thing.So thanks and please for told taping Ts,Yes t is the sound we sing.Jolly good show!(Sing:)The T says t the T says t every letter makes sound the T says t?.Tad do you realize that your name is like an English afternoon.How show a茶?Alimentary my idea boy.Both begin with T.Needs salt.(Cough)OK were agree that the big special affect smoke machine is properly not the best ideaWe better do a role call to make sure all the letters are here.Ill start with Q R S and T,Letters please make your appropriate sound.(Sing:)The Q says q The R says r The S says s and The T says tI also want to hear from EFGH and II,Not I the letter,But I,like Dad telling us to keep an eye on Tad.I-ya-ya.Tad this room is for U.MeNot me,UWho?Never mind just follow me.(You)Tad can you guess what sound the letter U makes?Thats rightIt is?The letter U makes the sound of?,(?).Class,open your umbrellas,a word that begins with the letter U is UP.Make your sound as we go up.Up Up Up!(Sing:)The U says?the U says?every letter makes sound the U says?.O,o,o,o whats shaking,v v v I mean,why are we shaking?Welcome to the vibrating V room.Here we vibrating the Vs to help to learn the V sound.(Sing:)The V says v the V says v every letter makes sound the V says v.Very well done but Tad you dont look so good.I think Im going to v v get sick.wwwwhats happening do?www whats going on with you?This is Tad and he is here to learn about the W.ww when you play over here the room is starts to shake.In my ear what I sound is the sound that you make.www,wwww,wwwwwww This learning letter W is fun,thanks!You are W welcome dont you know.Its time for us to go.This lesson it is through w is the sound of W.Tad next we have the X room.Observe!ks Hey I can see inside myself.Here we use X-rays to teach the X sound.No bones about it.The X makes the sound of ks as In box or fox ks.Give it a try ks extremely well done.ks ks ks Excellent ks ks(Sing:)The X says x the X says x every let


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